
标题: Assembly Biosciences(ASMB)在EASL上展示了突出显示下一代HBV核心 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2019-4-12 14:11     标题: Assembly Biosciences(ASMB)在EASL上展示了突出显示下一代HBV核心

Assembly Biosciences (ASMB) Presents Data Highlighting Next-Generation HBV Core Protein Inhibitors at EASL

Assembly Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: ASMB), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing innovative therapeutics targeting hepatitis B virus (HBV) and diseases associated with the microbiome, is presenting clinical and preclinical data from its next generation core protein inhibitors (CIs), ABI-H2158 and ABI-H3733, as well as continued research on the turnover rate of cccDNA at The International Liver Congress™(ILC), the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) in Vienna, Austria. Interim results from the ongoing Phase 2a studies of ABI-H0731 will be presented during the late-breaker oral session on Saturday, April 13, 2019. The presentation was also selected as a “Best of ILC” entry. Assembly will host a conference call and webcast on Monday, April 15, 2019 at 8:00am EDT to discuss the results.

“At Assembly, we are dedicated to increasing cure rates for individuals with chronic HBV. The breadth of data we are presenting at the 2019 ILC highlights our deep pipeline of novel core inhibitor candidates and we are increasingly optimistic about the therapeutic potential of incorporating this new class of antivirals into future treatment regimens,” said Richard Colonno, PhD, Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of Virology Operations at Assembly. “We are pleased that ABI-H2158 was well tolerated in healthy subjects and exhibits pharmacokinetic properties that enable once daily administration. Additionally, the favorable preclinical profile and enhanced potency demonstrated with ABI-H3733 support its continued advancement into the clinic early next year.”

Dr. Colonno continued, “Our ongoing research on the kinetics of HBV cccDNA turnover reinforces our earlier findings that cccDNA turnover can occur in months, and not years, as previously thought. These findings suggest that direct-acting oral antiviral regimens, such as a CI in combination with a nucleos(t)ide polymerase inhibitor, may fully suppress viremia, inhibit the establishment of new cccDNA, and ultimately represent a new treatment approach for HBV patients.”

ABI-H2158 – Late Breaker Poster PresentationPhase 1a Study of the Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of ABI-H2158, a Novel Second-Generation HBV Core Inhibitor, In Healthy VolunteersThe Phase 1a study of ABI-H2158 (2158), Assembly’s novel second generation pan-genotypic core inhibitor, assessed safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics (PK) in 48 healthy volunteers. 2158 was well tolerated following single and multiple ascending doses. No significant food effect was seen when administered with a standardized high-fat meal. There were no dose dependent treatment-emergent adverse events and no pattern of clinical safety nor laboratory abnormalities observed within or across any cohorts. Importantly, trough liver concentrations are projected to achieve exposures in excess of the in vitro EC90 334 nM for cccDNA establishment with once daily administration. A Phase 1b dose-ranging study has been initiated to assess the safety, PK and antiviral efficacy of 2158 in patients with chronic HBV infection.
ABI-H3733 – Oral PresentationPreclinical Profile of HBV Core Protein Inhibitor, ABI-H3733, a Potent Inhibitor of cccDNA Generation in HBV Infected CellsABI-H3733 (3733) is Assembly’s third novel core inhibitor derived from a third, distinct chemical scaffold. Its preclinical profile demonstrates potent inhibitory activity against multiple steps in the HBV infection cycle, particularly those relating to cccDNA generation. 3733 possesses promising physical properties, low drug-drug interaction potential and a favorable PK profile in multiple species. Mechanism of action studies suggest enhanced potency in blocking encapsidation of pgRNA and disruption of pre-formed capsids, leading to premature disassembly during trafficking of rcDNA containing capsids to the nucleus during infection. 3733 inhibited cccDNA formation with an EC90 of 125 nM. The enhanced potency and favorable preclinical profile support advancement into Phase 1a studies, expected to initiate early next year.

cccDNA Turnover Study – Poster Presentation Rapid Turnover of HBV cccDNA in Nucleoside-Treated Chronic Hepatitis B Patients During Drug Resistance Emergence and Breakthrough The current low cure rates for HBV infection on standard of care nucleos(t)ide (Nuc) therapy are believed to be due to an inability to eliminate residual viral replication. As a result, generation of new cccDNA persists despite prolonged therapy. Initial mathematic modeling studies, built on the premise that Nucs effectively blocked new cccDNA formation, estimated that it could take at least 14 years to clear intrahepatic cccDNA from a chronically-infected HBV patient. Using a molecular genetics approach that monitored the emergence and disappearance of Nuc resistance mutations as a genetic marker of cccDNA, Assembly has revisited the question of cccDNA turnover. Evaluations were conducted with patient derived longitudinal liver and serum samples (paired) from two historical clinical studies. In these studies, cccDNA population turnover from sensitive to resistant or from resistant to sensitive occurred in as little as 12-17 weeks, suggesting relatively rapid turnover of cccDNA pools and/or infected cells. This study indicates that existing cccDNA has a limited half-life, suggesting that therapies inhibiting establishment of new cccDNA may lead to higher cure rates for patients with HBV.

ABI-H0731 Phase 2a Interim Results: Oral Late Breaker (Embargoed: “Best of ILC” selection)Interim Safety and Efficacy Results of the ABI-H0731 Phase 2a Program Exploring the Combination of ABI-H0731 with Nuc Therapy in Treatment-Naïve and Treatment-Suppressed Chronic Hepatitis B PatientsThis abstract was selected as an oral late breaker presentation and has been embargoed until Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 7:00am CEST due to its selection as a ‘Best of ILC’ entry and for the ILC press program. Interim data for the ongoing Phase 2a program evaluating ABI-H0731 in combination with Nucs will be presented at 5:15pm CEST.

Posters and presentations from EASL can be found on the Events & Presentations page in the Investors section of the company’s website at assemblybio.com.
作者: StephenW    时间: 2019-4-12 14:12

Assembly Biosciences(ASMB)在EASL上展示了突出显示下一代HBV核心蛋白抑制剂的数据

Assembly Biosciences,Inc。(纳斯达克股票代码:ASMB)是一家临床阶段生物技术公司,开发针对乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)和与微生物组相关的疾病的创新疗法,正在展示其下一代核心蛋白抑制剂(CI)的临床和临床前数据,ABI-H2158和ABI-H3733,以及继续研究国际肝病大会(ILC),奥地利维也纳欧洲肝脏研究协会(EASL)年会上cccDNA的周转率。 ABI-H0731正在进行的2a期研究的中期结果将在2019年4月13日星期六的晚期口头会议期间提交。该演示文稿也被选为“ILC最佳”参赛作品。大会将于2019年4月15日星期一美国东部时间上午8:00举行电话会议和网络直播,讨论结果。

“在大会上,我们致力于提高慢性HBV患者的治愈率。我们在2019年ILC上展示的数据范围突出了我们对新型核心抑制剂候选物的深层管道,我们对将这类新型抗病毒药物纳入未来治疗方案的治疗潜力越来越乐观,“执行副总裁Richard Colonno博士说。大会病毒学运作总裁兼首席科学官。 “我们很高兴ABI-H2158在健康受试者中具有良好的耐受性,并且具有每日一次给药的药代动力学特性。此外,ABI-H3733证明有利的临床前特征和增强的效力支持其在明年初继续进入临床。“

Colonno博士继续说道,“我们正在进行的关于HBV cccDNA转换动力学的研究强化了我们之前的研究结果,即cccDNA转换可能发生在几个月,而不是几年,如先前所认为的那样。这些研究结果表明,直接作用的口服抗病毒方案,如CI与核苷(酸)ide聚合酶抑制剂的组合,可以完全抑制病毒血症,抑制新的cccDNA的建立,并最终代表HBV患者的新治疗方法。 ”

ABI-H2158  - 晚期断路器海报介绍第1a期ABI-H2158(一种新型第二代HBV核心抑制剂)在健康志愿者中的安全性,耐受性和药代动力学研究ABI-H2158(2158)的1a期研究,装配新颖的第二代平底锅 - 基因型核心抑制剂,评估48名健康志愿者的安全性,耐受性和药代动力学(PK)。单次和多次递增剂量后,2158的耐受性良好。当与标准化的高脂肪膳食一起施用时,未观察到显着的食物效应。没有剂量依赖性治疗引起的不良事件,并且在任何组群内或组中没有观察到临床安全性和实验室异常的模式。重要的是,预计通过肝脏浓度达到暴露超过体外EC90 334 nM的cccDNA建立,每日一次给药。已开始进行1b期剂量范围研究,以评估2158例慢性HBV感染患者的安全性,PK和抗病毒疗效。
ABI-H3733  -  HBV核心蛋白抑制剂ABI-H3733的口服介绍临床前概况,ABI-H3733是HBV感染细胞中cccDNA生成的有效抑制剂ABI-H3733(3733)是汇编的第三种新型核心抑制剂,衍生自第三种不同的化学支架。其临床前特征显示出对HBV感染周期中多个步骤的有效抑制活性,特别是与cccDNA生成相关的那些步骤。 3733具有良好的物理性质,低药物相互作用潜力和多种物种的有利PK特征。作用机制研究表明,阻断pgRNA的衣壳化和破坏预先形成的衣壳的效力增强,导致在感染期间将含有rcDNA的衣壳运输到细胞核期间过早解体。 3733抑制cccDNA形成,EC90为125 nM。增强的效力和有利的临床前概况支持进入1a期研究,预计将于明年初开始。

cccDNA转换研究 - 海报展示在抗药性出现和突破期间,核苷治疗的慢性乙型肝炎患者中HBV cccDNA的快速转换目前,标准护理核苷(酸)治疗(HBI)治疗中HBV感染的低治愈率被认为是由于无法消除残留的病毒复制。因此,尽管长期治疗,仍然会产生新的cccDNA。最初的数学建模研究建立在Nucs有效阻断新cccDNA形成的前提下,估计从慢性感染的HBV患者中清除肝内cccDNA至少需要14年。使用分子遗传学方法监测Nuc抗性突变的出现和消失作为cccDNA的遗传标记,汇编重新审视了cccDNA转换的问题。对来自两项历史临床研究的患者衍生的纵向肝脏和血清样品(配对)进行评估。在这些研究中,cccDNA群体从敏感性到抗性或从抗性到敏感的转换发生在短至12-17周,表明cccDNA库和/或感染细胞的相对快速更新。该研究表明,现有的cccDNA具有有限的半衰期,这表明抑制新cccDNA建立的疗法可能导致HBV患者的治愈率更高。

ABI-H0731 2a期中期结果:口服晚期破碎剂(禁用:“ILC最佳”选择)ABI-H0731 2a期计划的临时安全性和有效性结果探索ABI-H0731与Nuc治疗在治疗中的结合 - 治疗和治疗 - 抑郁症慢性乙型肝炎患者本摘要被选为口头晚期断路器,并于2019年4月13日星期六上午7点在CEST禁运,因为它被选为“ILC最佳”入口和ILC新闻节目。正在进行的阶段2a计划与Nucs一起评估ABI-H0731的中期数据将在CEST下午5:15公布。

作者: newchinabok    时间: 2019-4-12 14:20

作者: newchinabok    时间: 2019-4-12 14:21

作者: newchinabok    时间: 2019-4-12 14:27


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