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Antengene Corporation宣布与Baruch S. Blumberg Institute建立美国子公司 [复制链接]

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发表于 2019-4-9 16:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印

Antengene Corporation Announces Establishment of U.S. Subsidiary and Collaboration with the Baruch S. Blumberg Institute

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Apr 08, 2019, 08:00 ET

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SHANGHAI, April 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Antengene Corporation, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company specializing in the development of oncology and anti-viral therapeutics, today announced the establishment of its U.S. subsidiary and plans for collaborations with the Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, which resides in the Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center where the Antengene U.S. subsidiary is located. Antengene also announced that Dr. Timothy M. Block, Co-Founder and President of The Hepatitis B Foundation; and its research arm, the Baruch S. Blumberg Institute and Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center, will join the company's Scientific Advisory Board as an unpaid advisor.

The Baruch S. Blumberg Institute was co-founded by Dr. Baruch Samuel Blumberg and Dr. Timothy M. Block. Dr. Blumberg was the recipient of the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the hepatitis B virus while an investigator at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Blumberg identified the hepatitis B virus, and later developed its diagnostic test and vaccine.

Dr. Jay Mei, Founder and CEO of Antengene Corporation, commented: "Creation of a U.S. subsidiary is an important strategic initiative of Antengene. It will further connect us with prestigious research institutions such as the Blumberg Institute. Aiming at introducing novel treatments to Chinese and Asian patients, Antengene has been conducting a multi-regional clinical trial (TORCH) in Asia specifically for the treatment of hepatitis B virus positive (HBV+) hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We are excited to collaborate with the Blumberg Institute and together advance research discoveries in liver diseases."

The Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, established by the Hepatitis B Foundation, is dedicated to finding new therapies and biomarkers for hepatitis B and liver cancer. The Hepatitis B Foundation also created the Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center, to be home for its research organization as well as other research organizations and life science companies with an interest in liver diseases.  The Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center is now one of the most successful life sciences incubators in the United States. One of Antengene's research focuses has been diseases with higher incidence among the Asian population such as hepatocellular carcinoma. "We are thrilled that Antengene will locate its US operations at The Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center". Block added that "Antengene has very exciting ideas about treating liver cancer, and being at the same place as us will certainly facilitate cooperation and collaboration between our two organizations". The two organizations are actively exploring the possibilities of early stage drug discovery, with Antengene taking the lead in clinical development.

About Antengene Corporation

Antengene Corporation is a clinical and commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing innovative therapeutics to meet unmet medical needs in Asia. Antengene aims to provide the most advanced and first-in-class anti-cancer drug treatments for patients in China and rest of Asia. On April 13, 2017, Celgene Corporation (Nasdaq: CELG), a global leading innovative biopharmaceutical company became a long-term strategic partner and obtained an equity position in Antengene. Antengene's pipeline includes five clinical stage products, from Phase 2/3 and NDA stage ATG-010 for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma, lymphomas and solid tumors, to ATG-008 that is in multi-regional clinical trial currently enrolling late stage HCC patients in mainland China, Taiwan and South Korea (NCT03591965). Two other Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical stage drugs, ATG-016 and ATG-019, are being studied in multiple cancer types, including MDS, colorectal and prostate cancers. ATG-527, studied in a completed Phase 1 trial, is being explored for multiple anti-viral indications, including respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and epstein-barr virus (EBV) related diseases.

About Baruch S. Blumberg Institute

The Baruch S. Blumberg Institute is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit research institute that was established in 2003 by the Hepatitis B Foundation (established in 1991) to advance its research mission of drug discovery, biomarker discovery and translational biotechnology around common research themes such as chronic hepatitis, liver disease, and liver cancer in an environment conducive to interaction, collaboration and focus. The institute was re-named in honor of Baruch S. Blumberg, the Noble Laureate who discovered hepatitis B, and helped found the Hepatitis B Foundation, in 2011, the year of Dr. Blumberg's passing.  

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2019-4-9 16:20 |只看该作者
Antengene Corporation宣布与Baruch S. Blumberg Institute建立美国子公司并开展合作




上海,2019年4月8日/美通社-PR Newswire /  -  Antengene Corporation是一家专注于肿瘤学和抗病毒疗法开发的临床阶段生物制药公司,今天宣布成立其美国子公司,并计划与Baruch S. Blumberg Institute合作,位于美国Antengene子公司所在的宾夕法尼亚生物技术中心。 Antengene还宣布了乙肝基金会联合创始人兼总裁Timothy M. Block博士;其研究机构Baruch S. Blumberg研究所和宾夕法尼亚生物技术中心将作为无偿顾问加入公司的科学顾问委员会。

Baruch S. Blumberg研究所由Baruch Samuel Blumberg博士和Timothy M. Block博士共同创立。 Blumberg博士因其在乙型肝炎病毒方面的研究而获得1976年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,同时也是美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的研究员。 Blumberg博士确定了乙型肝炎病毒,后来开发了其诊断试验和疫苗。

Antengene公司创始人兼首席执行官Jay Mei博士评论说:“创建一家美国子公司是Antengene的重要战略计划。它将进一步将我们与着名的研究机构如Blumberg Institute联系起来。旨在为中国人引入新的治疗方法亚洲患者,Antengene一直在亚洲进行多区域临床试验(TORCH),专门用于治疗乙型肝炎病毒阳性(HBV +)肝细胞癌(HCC)。我们很高兴与Blumberg研究所合作,共同推进研究肝病的发现。“

由乙肝基金会建立的Baruch S. Blumberg研究所致力于寻找乙型肝炎和肝癌的新疗法和生物标志物。乙型肝炎基金会还创建了宾夕法尼亚州生物技术中心,该中心是其研究机构以及对肝病感兴趣的其他研究组织和生命科学公司的所在地。宾夕法尼亚生物技术中心现在是美国最成功的生命科学孵化器之一。 Antengene的研究重点之一是肝细胞癌等亚洲人群中发病率较高的疾病。 “我们很高兴Antengene将其美国业务定位于宾夕法尼亚生物技术中心”。 Block补充说,“Antengene对治疗肝癌有非常令人兴奋的想法,与我们在同一个地方肯定会促进我们两个组织之间的合作与协作”。这两个组织正在积极探索早期药物发现的可能性,Antengene在临床开发方面处于领先地位。


Antengene Corporation是一家临床和商业阶段的生物制药公司,致力于开发和商业化创新疗法,以满足亚洲未满足的医疗需求。 Antengene旨在为中国和亚洲其他地区的患者提供最先进和一流的抗癌药物治疗。 2017年4月13日,Celgene公司(纳斯达克股票代码:CELG)成为全球领先的创新生物制药公司,成为长期战略合作伙伴,并在Antengene获得股权。 Antengene的管道包括五个临床阶段产品,从第2/3期和NDA阶段ATG-010治疗复发/难治性多发性骨髓瘤,淋巴瘤和实体肿瘤,到ATG-008,这是一项多区域临床试验,目前正在招募晚期HCC患者中国大陆,台湾和韩国(NCT03591965)。另外两种1期和2期临床阶段药物ATG-016和ATG-019正在多种癌症类型中进行研究,包括MDS,结肠直肠癌和前列腺癌。 ATG-527在完成的1期试验中进行了研究,正在探索多种抗病毒适应症,包括呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)和EB病毒(EBV)相关疾病。

关于Baruch S. Blumberg研究所

Baruch S. Blumberg研究所是一家独立的501(c)(3)非营利研究机构,由乙肝基金会(成立于1991年)于2003年成立,旨在推进其药物发现,生物标志物发现和转化生物技术的研究使命。研究主题,如慢性肝炎,肝脏疾病和肝癌,在一个有利于互动,合作和关注的环境中。该研究所的重新命名是为了纪念发现乙型肝炎的贵族桂冠Baruch S. Blumberg,并于2011年帮助创立了乙肝基金会,这是Blumberg博士逝世的一年。
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