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评论 HBV感染和HCC:“危险联络人” [复制链接]

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发表于 2018-4-7 16:52 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
HBV infection and HCC: the ‘dangerous liaisons’

    Antonio Bertoletti1, Patrick T F Kennedy2, David Durantel3

Author affiliations

    Emerging Infectious Diseases Program, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, Singapore
    Centre for Immunobiology, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, London, UK
    Cancer Research Center of Lyon (CRCL), INSERM U1052, UMR-5286 CNRS, University of Lyon, Lyon, France

    Correspondence to Professor Antonio Bertoletti, Emerging Infectious Diseases Program, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore 169857, Singapore; [email protected]


Long-term relationships are somehow unpredictable. Periods of harmony are often followed by times of conflict with outcomes which are difficult to predict. This precept can apply to the relationship between HBV and human species. HBV acquired at birth or in early childhood establishes lifelong persistent infection in the majority of subjects, which is evolving, and characterised by fluctuations of virological and clinical parameters. The overall impact of these fluctuations in the development of liver fibrosis and hepatocellularcarcinoma has often puzzled clinicians and researchers studying this complex and somewhat fascinating interaction between HBV and our species. An interesting new piece of information, related to this interaction, has now been added, thanks to the work of the group of GA Kim and YS Lim, published in Gut.1

Let’s try to first summarise the main points of this puzzle. The early phase of the HBV-host relationship is characterised by normal serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and high-titre viraemia. This phase has been historically considered as ‘immune tolerant’ (IT) and ‘disease-free’. Based on this clinical categorisation, excluding both immunological and interindividual virus spreading considerations, patients in this disease phase have been excluded from treatment recommendations. This early phase in natural history is then followed by a period of ALT perturbation and fluctuations of viraemia (ie, defined as immune active or HBeAg+/anti-HBe +hepatitis by new European Association for the Study of the Liver nomenclature),2 in which immunological and pathological events within the liver are considered more active and where treatment is recommended.2

This simplified interpretation has, however, been disputed in recent years initially by work pointing out that the initial phase of HBV disease is not immunologically inert3 and that serum ALT values are a poor surrogate measurement of the strength of anti-HBV immunity.4

More recently, the belief that events potentially leading to cumulative and measurable liver damage can only occur in the phase of active liver inflammation (ie, with high serum ALT levels) has been challenged by evidence of high levels of HBV-DNA integration and clonal hepatocyte expansion in patients considered in the IT phase of disease.5 Since these modifications of the hepatocyte population can predispose to HCC development, the concept that IT patients are completely ‘disease-free’ has been de facto dismissed.

In this work, GA Kim and YS Lim directly measured the risk of hepatocellularcarcinoma (HCC) development in a cohort 413 patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) considered IT and followed for more than 10 years.1 The study shows that IT patients can develop HCC (~12% in 10 years), and provides evidence that the incidence of HCC in this group of IT patients is higher than that detected in treated ‘immune active’ patients (~6% in 10 years).

Several important conclusions can be drawn from these data. The IT phase of HBV infection cannot be considered benign. The clinical significance of the historical division of immune tolerant and immune active phases of HBV infection based mainly on serum ALT values is further challenged by the fact that serum HBV-DNA levels more than ALT values are risk factors for HCC development.6 Overall therapeutic reduction of HBV-DNA by nucleoside analogue (NA) therapy might therefore be indicated in all patients with CHB, including those in the IT phase, to reduce their risk of HCC development. It is worth noting that a recent study performed by another South Korean group shows that treatment of IT patients has clinical benefits.7

Nevertheless, a more detailed analysis of the large data set provided in this work poses additional questions, which emphasise the complexity of HBV-host interactions and the difficulty to predict in whom the pathological consequences of HBV infection will develop.
The first point to observe is that Kim et al 1 defined the IT patients as those with HBV-DNA levels >20 000 IU/ML (~>105 copies × mL) and ALT values lower than 2 × ULN. Purists will argue, with some reason, that classical IT patients have much higher levels of HBV viraemia. However, in our opinion, the most important information is that deconvolution of IT patients into groups with high (>108), intermediate (107–107.9) and low (104–106.9) levels of HBV-DNA shows that the risk of HCC development is higher among the category of patients with lower HBV-DNA levels (figure S3 of the paper1). Another interesting observation is that patients with minimally elevated ALT values (>ULN but<2 × ULN) are at higher risk of developing HCC as compared with subjects with genuinely normal serum ALT. These data would suggest that any reduction in HBV DNA level or minimal perturbation in serum ALT in the highly replicative HBeAg-positive patient cohort are warning signs of disease progression and increased risk for HCC development.

One significant caveat of the study, however, is that we do not have information on HBsAg levels. It would be interesting to know whether the IT patients more likely to develop HCC are also those with higher HBsAg levels, a feature that would be in accordance with other studies showing that HBsAg level is a risk factor for HCC.8 Moreover, high levels of HBsAg associated with intermediate levels of HBV-replication might be indicative of higher frequencies of HBV-DNA integration.9 10

How can we reconcile all these information strands in a rational scenario of HCC development in chronic HBV infection?

One possible interpretation provided by the authors is that this category of patients (minimally altered ALT and HBV-DNA just above 20,000 IU/ml (104–106.9 copies × mL)) represents the patients with higher cumulative immune damage that would predispose them more to HCC development. This is certainly a possibility since patients with this level of HBV-DNA have a residual HBV-specific T cell immunity.11 Persistent activation of partially functional T cells that are unable to control HBV might just be good enough to sustain liver inflammatory events that could predispose to HCC development.

An additional possibility is that the partially controlled, relatively low level of HBV-DNA, detected in the IT patients at higher risk of HCC development, is a reflection of the patient age (ie, advancing age being a risk factor for HCC development), and reflects the quantity of HBV-DNA integration present in this HBV patient category.10

These two different interpretations derive two different scenarios regarding the extremely important question raised by this work of when treatment of IT patients should start.

If HCC development is caused more from inflammatory events triggered by a crippled but still active immunity, we might speculate that NA treatment started at the age of 30 years, which corresponds to the age at which HCC incidence starts to rise, might be sufficient to reduce HCC development since liver inflammatory events are suppressed by NA treatment.2 However, if HCC development is mainly dependent on the quantity of precancerous events (eg, HBV-DNA integration being a major one) that start to occur immediately after infection,5 then we could argue that treatment should be initiated as close as possible to the point of infection or as soon as persistent infection is diagnosed.12

Of course, we accept that not all patients will eventually develop HCC and agree that universal treatment could be excessive. However, we should be capable of better identifying patients who are at risk of developing HCC. In this respect, we would like to comment on the fact that, in addition to the important question related to the therapeutic clinical management of patients with chronic HBV infection, this paper also clearly highlights the deficiency of the present methods to evaluate HBV infection and to better stratify patients based on immunological, pathological and also comprehensive virological criteria. Surely HBV-DNA values and serum ALT levels alone are inadequate for any meaningful interpretation of this dynamic and complex persistent infection. Moreover, while HBsAg levels and HBeAg status are valuable additional parameters, they seem insufficient to differentiate patients at risk of pathological consequences. In this respect, better immunological and virological characterisation is needed. Quantity and function of HBV-specific immunity (T and B cells) are still too complex to be routinely evaluated, thus novel strategies for the quamtification of these parameters should be developed. On the other hand, novel virological entities have recently been described, including RNA-containing and genome-free enveloped capsid, which compose together with infectious particles the so-called HBcr antigen.13 This composite antigen could play a role, as HBsAg and HBeAg, in HBV pathogenesis, and might represent a novel biomarker for patient categorisation and/or for predicting therapeutic response. In addition, circulating viral RNAs,14 which can either be contained in enveloped capsid, exosomes, or any other kind of host-derived serum particles, and changes in proteic composition of HBsAg,15 have also recently been described as related virological entities that could be of interest to further stratify patients

In conclusion, understanding complex relationships requires a considerate approach to comprehend the multiple points of views.

Deconstructing the complex relationship between virus and host will be critical to improving outcomes and reducing the complications of lifelong chronic infection. Kim and Lim’s work clearly shows that the so called IT phase of HBV infection cannot be considered fully benign but it also exposes the inadequacy of current parameters for accurate disease assessment.

The need for new virological and immunological tools to better stratify disease and dictate the optimum timing of therapeutic intervention to prevent the sequelae of CHB infection seems obvious.


    • Kim  GA,
    • Lim  YS,
    • Han  S, et al
    . High risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and death in patients with immune-tolerant-phase chronic hepatitis B. Gut 2018;67:945–52.doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2017-314904
    Abstract/FREE Full Text[url=http://gut.bmj.com/lookup/google-scholar?link_type=googlescholar&gs_type=article&author[0]=GA+Kim&author[1]=YS+Lim&author[2]=S+Han&title=High+risk+of+hepatocellular+carcinoma+and+death+in+patients+with+immune-tolerant-phase+chronic+hepatitis+B&publication_year=2018&journal=Gut&volume=67&pages=945-52]Google Scholar[/url]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2018-4-7 16:56 |只看该作者

    Antonio Bertoletti1,Patrick T F Kennedy2,David Durantel3


    Blizz Institute,Barts和伦敦医学与牙科学院免疫生物学中心,伦敦,英国
    里昂癌症研究中心(CRCL),INSERM U1052,UMR-5286 CNRS,法国里昂里昂大学

    新加坡新加坡国立大学研究生院医学院新兴传染病项目Antonio Bertoletti教授的信函169857; [email protected]


长期关系在某种程度上是不可预测的。和谐的时期往往是与难以预测的结果冲突的时期。这个规则可以应用于HBV与人类物种之间的关系。在出生或儿童早期获得的HBV在大多数受试者中确立了终身持续感染,这种感染正在演变,并且以病毒学和临床参数的波动为特征。这些波动对肝纤维化和肝细胞癌发展的整体影响常常令临床医生和研究人员感到困惑,这些研究人员正在研究HBV与我们的物种之间的这种复杂性和有趣的相互作用。由于GA Kim和YS Lim在Gut.1中发表的一组工作,现在增加了一个与这种交互有关的新信息。

我们先试着总结一下这个难题的要点。 HBV与宿主关系的早期阶段以正常血清丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)和高滴度病毒血症为特征。历史上这一阶段被认为是“免疫耐受性”(IT)和“无病”。基于这种临床分类,排除了免疫学和个体间病毒传播的考虑因素,该疾病阶段的患者已被排除在治疗建议之外。然后在自然史的这个早期阶段,随后是一段ALT干扰和病毒血症波动(即由新的欧洲肝脏命名研究协会定义为免疫活性或HBeAg + /抗HBe +肝炎)2,其中肝脏内的免疫学和病理学事件被认为更加活跃,并且建议进行治疗



在这项工作中,GA Kim和YS Lim直接测量了413例慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者被认为是IT并随访超过10年的队列研究中发生肝细胞癌(HCC)的风险.1该研究表明,IT患者可以发展HCC(10年内〜12%),并提供证据表明,这组IT患者的HCC发病率高于治疗'免疫活跃'患者(10年〜6%)。

这些数据可以得出几个重要的结论。 HBV感染的IT阶段不能被认为是良性的。 HBV血清HBV-DNA水平高于ALT值是HCC发生的危险因素这一事实进一步挑战了主要基于血清ALT值的HBV感染的免疫耐受和免疫活性阶段的历史分区的临床意义.6总体治疗减少因此可能会在所有CHB患者(包括IT阶段的患者)中显示核苷类似物(NA)治疗的HBV-DNA降低其发生HCC的风险。值得注意的是,另一个韩国组织最近进行的一项研究表明,IT患者的治疗具有临床益处


第一点要注意的是,Kim等人将IT患者定义为HBV-DNA水平> 20 000 IU / ML(〜> 105 copies×mL)和ALT值低于2×ULN的患者。纯粹主义者会出于某种原因争辩说,传统的IT患者HBV病毒血症水平更高。然而,在我们看来,最重要的信息是IT患者解卷积成组.
第一点要注意的是,Kim等人将IT患者定义为HBV-DNA水平> 20 000 IU / ML(〜> 105 copies×mL)和ALT值低于2×ULN的患者。纯粹主义者会出于某种原因争辩说,传统的IT患者HBV病毒血症水平更高。然而,在我们看来,最重要的信息是,将IT患者解卷积成高(> 108),中(107-107.9)和低(104-106.9)水平的HBV-DNA组显示出HCC发展的风险在HBV-DNA水平较低的患者中较高(本文的图3)。另一个有趣的观察结果是ALT水平轻度升高(> ULN但<2×ULN)的患者发生HCC的风险高于真正正常血清ALT的患者。这些数据表明,高度复制HBeAg阳性患者队列中HBV DNA水平的任何降低或血清ALT的微扰都是疾病进展的警告信号和HCC发展的风险增加。



作者提供的一种可能的解释是这类患者(最低限度改变的ALT和HBV-DNA刚刚超过20,000IU / ml(104-106.9 copies×mL))代表具有较高累积免疫损伤的患者,这会使他们更易于HCC发展。这是肯定的可能性,因为这种水平的HBV-DNA患者具有残留的HBV特异性T细胞免疫[11]。持续激活不能控制HBV的部分功能性T细胞可能足以维持肝脏炎症事件,易患HCC发展。




当然,我们接受并非所有的患者最终都会发展HCC,并同意普遍治疗可能会过度。但是,我们应该能够更好地确定有发生HCC风险的患者。在这方面,我们想评论一下这样一个事实,除了与慢性HBV感染患者的临床治疗相关的重要问题之外,本文还明确指出了目前评估HBV感染的方法的不足以及根据免疫学,病理学和综合病毒学标准更好地分层患者。对于这种动态和复杂持续感染的任何有意义的解释,HBV-DNA值和血清ALT水平本身是不够的。此外,尽管HBsAg水平和HBeAg状态是有价值的附加参数,但它们似乎不足以区分患有病理性后果风险的患者。在这方面,需要更好的免疫学和病毒学特征。 HBV特异性免疫(T细胞和B细胞)的数量和功能仍然过于复杂,无法进行常规评估,因此应制定这些参数定量化的新策略。另一方面,最近描述了新的病毒学实体,包括含有RNA和无基因组的包膜衣壳,它与感染性颗粒一起构成所谓的HBcr抗原[13]。这种复合抗原可以发挥作用,如HBsAg和HBeAg ,在HBV发病机制中,可能代表一种新的生物标志物.该复合抗原可作为HBsAg和HBeAg在HBV发病机制中起作用,并且可能代表了用于患者分类和/或预测治疗反应的新型生物标志物。此外,循环病毒RNAs 14可以包含在包膜衣壳,外泌体或任何其他种类的宿主衍生血清颗粒中,以及HBsAg蛋白质组成的变化[15],近来也被描述为相关的病毒学实体有兴趣进一步分层病人


解构病毒与宿主之间的复杂关系对于改善预后和减少终身慢性感染的并发症至关重要。 Kim和Lim的工作清楚地表明,所谓的HBV感染的IT阶段不能被认为是完全良性的,但它也暴露了用于准确疾病评估的当前参数的不足。


        Kim GA,Lim YS,Han S,et al。高风险的肝细胞癌和死亡患者的免疫耐受相慢性乙型肝炎肠道2018; 67:945-52.doi:10.1136 / gutjnl-2017-314904

Rank: 4

46 元 
发表于 2018-4-7 19:56 |只看该作者

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62111 元 


发表于 2018-4-8 10:07 |只看该作者
回复 xch780504 的帖子


新加坡科学家安东尼奥·贝托莱蒂(Antonio Bertoletti)相信真正无活性的免疫耐受患者必须有非常正常的ALT,并且病毒载量也非常高.

"这些数据表明,在高度复制HBeAg阳性患者队列中, HBV DNA水平的任何降低或血清ALT的扰动都是疾病进展的警告信号和HCC发展的风险增加."
These data would suggest that any reduction in HBV DNA level or minimal perturbation in serum ALT in the highly replicative HBeAg-positive patient cohort are warning signs of disease progression and increased risk for HCC development.

Rank: 4

46 元 
发表于 2018-4-8 13:05 |只看该作者
回复 StephenW 的帖子

"这些数据表明,在高度复制HBeAg阳性患者队列中, HBV DNA水平的任何降低或血清ALT的扰动都是疾病进展的警告信号和HCC发展的风险增加." 这句话就更不能理解了,HBV DNA水平降低,或者ALT有波动,疾病就进展?就增加HCC的发展?

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2018-4-8 14:30 |只看该作者
回复 xch780504 的帖子


免疫耐受期 - ALT正常,病毒载量非常高.
HBV病毒本身对肝细胞没有危害, 是免疫系统对抗感染细胞造成损害. 因此很长久就相信在免疫耐受期, 肝脏很少或没有损害.
如果你接受这个, 你可以理解"HBV DNA水平降低,或者ALT有波动" 显示不是真正的免疫耐受,有免疫系统对抗感染细胞造成损害, 疾病就进展.

"只要体内乙肝病毒的存在,就比健康人患癌的几率大上百倍" - 现在我们知道集成hbvdna, 但没有疾病活动/肝硬化, 患癌的几率是多少?
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