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NVR 3-778单独和联合聚乙二醇干扰素与恩替卡韦在人类肝脏和HB [复制链接]

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62111 元 


发表于 2018-2-14 08:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
Efficacy of NVR 3-778, Alone and In Combination With Pegylated Interferon, vs Entecavir In uPA/SCID Mice With Humanized Livers and HBV Infection
Klaus Klumpp'Correspondence information about the author Klaus Klumpp Email the author Klaus Klumpp
, Takashi Shimada
, Lena Allweiss
, Tassilo Volz
, Marc Lütgehetmann
, George Hartman
, Osvaldo A. Flores
, Angela M. Lam
, Maura Dandri
PlumX Metrics
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2017.10.017 |

Background & Aims

NVR3–778 is a capsid assembly modulator in clinical development. We determined the in vivo antiviral efficacy and effects on innate and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress responses of NVR3–778 alone or in combination with pegylated interferon alpha (peg-IFN) and compared with entecavir.

We performed 2 studies, with a total of 61 uPA/SCID mice with humanized livers. Mice were infected with a hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype C preparation; we waited 8 weeks for persistent infection of the human hepatocytes in livers of mice. Mice were then randomly assigned to groups (5 or 6 per group) given vehicle (control), NVR3–778, entecavir, peg-IFN, NVR3–778 + entecavir, or NVR3–778 + peg-IFN for 6 weeks. We measured levels of HB surface antigen, HB e antigen, HBV RNA, alanine aminotransferase, and human serum albumin at different time points. Livers were collected and analyzed by immunohistochemistry; levels of HBV DNA, covalently closed circular DNA, and HBV RNA, along with markers of ER stress and IFN response, were quantified.

Mice given NVR3–778 or entecavir alone for 6 weeks had reduced serum levels of HBV DNA compared with controls or mice given peg-IFN. The largest reduction was observed in mice given NVR3–778 + peg-IFN; in all mice in this group, the serum level of HBV DNA was below the limit of quantification. NVR3–778 and peg-IFN, but not entecavir, also reduced serum level of HBV RNA. The largest effect was obtained in the NVR3–778 + peg-IFN group, in which serum level of HBV RNA was below the limit of quantification. Levels of HB surface antigen and HB e antigen were reduced significantly in only the groups that received peg-IFN. Levels of covalently closed circular DNA did not differ significantly among groups. NVR3–778 was not associated with any significant changes in level of alanine aminotransferase, the ER stress response, or IFN-stimulated genes.

NVR3–778 has high antiviral activity in mice with humanized livers and stable HBV infection, reducing levels of serum HBV DNA and HBV RNA. Entecavir reduced levels of serum HBV DNA, but had no effect on HBV RNA. The combination of NVR3–778 and peg-IFN prevented viral replication and HBV RNA particle production to a greater extent than each compound alone or entecavir.
CAM, ER Stress Response, Assembly Inhibitor Core Protein, Replication, DAA

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2018-2-14 08:49 |只看该作者
NVR 3-778单独和联合聚乙二醇干扰素与恩替卡韦在人类肝脏和HBV感染的uPA / SCID小鼠中的疗效
Klaus Klumpp'关于作者Klaus Klumpp的回复信息给作者Klaus Klumpp
,Lena Allweiss
,Tassilo Volz
,Angela M. Lam
,Maura Dandri
DOI:https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2017.10.017 |



我们进行了2项研究,共有61只具有人源化肝脏的uPA / SCID小鼠。小鼠感染乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)基因型C制剂;我们等待8周持续感染小鼠肝脏中的人肝细胞。随后将小鼠随机分配给予赋形剂(对照),NVR3-778,恩替卡韦,peg-IFN,NVR3-778 +恩替卡韦或NVR3-778 + peg-IFN6周的组(每组5或6)。我们在不同的时间点测量HB表面抗原,HB e抗原,HBV RNA,丙氨酸转氨酶和人血清白蛋白的水平。收集肝脏并通过免疫组织化学分析;量化HBV DNA水平,共价闭合环状DNA和HBV RNA以及ER应激和IFN应答标记物。

给予NVR3-778或单独使用恩替卡韦6周的小鼠与给予peg-IFN的对照或小鼠相比血清HBV DNA水平降低。在给予NVR3-778 + peg-IFN的小鼠中观察到最大的减少;在该组的所有小鼠中,血清HBV DNA水平低于定量限。 NVR3-778和peg-IFN,但不是恩替卡韦,也降低了血清HBV RNA水平。在NVR3-778 + peg-IFN组中获得最大的效果,其中HBV RNA的血清水平低于定量限。仅在接受peg-IFN的组中,HB表面抗原和HB e抗原的水平显着降低。共价闭合环状DNA的水平在组间没有显着差异。 NVR3-778与丙氨酸转氨酶水平,ER应激反应或IFN刺激基因的任何显着变化无关。

NVR3-778在具有人源化肝脏和稳定的HBV感染的小鼠中具有高的抗病毒活性,降低血清HBV DNA和HBV RNA的水平。恩替卡韦降低血清HBV DNA水平,但对HBV RNA无效。 NVR3-778和peg-IFN的联合使用比单独使用化合物或恩替卡韦更大程度地防止病毒复制和HBV RNA颗粒产生。

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2018-2-14 08:50 |只看该作者

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2018-2-14 08:56 |只看该作者
NVR 3-778 Plus Pegylated Interferon-α Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis B Viral Infections: Could 1 + 1 = 3?
John E. Tavis'Correspondence information about the author John E. TavisEmail the author John E. Tavis
, Elena Lomonosova
Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology and Saint Louis University Liver Center, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri
PlumX Metrics
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2018.01.011 |

See “Efficacy of NVR 3-778, alone and in combination with pegylated interferon, vs entecavir in uPA/SCID mice with humanized livers and HBV infection,” by Klumpp K, Shimada T, Allweiss L, et al, on page 652.

Treatment for chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection primarily uses monotherapy with nucleos(t)ide analogues or (pegylated)interferon-α (peg-IFN).1 These therapies can effectively suppress viral replication and significantly improve liver function. However, loss of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is rare with either type of therapy, and treatment does not completely stop disease progression in all patients.2 Furthermore, interferon can cause substantial side effects, and nucleos(t)ide analogue therapy often needs to be continued indefinitely, leading in some cases to resistance to the nucleos(t)ide analogues and potential long-term side effects.3 The failure of these monotherapies to cure HBV infection implies that improving hepatitis B therapy or curing HBV infection will require combinations of new drugs that work by different mechanisms.4 Unfortunately, combining nucleos(t)ide analogs with each other or with interferon has been disappointing.4

The best animal models for HBV infection use immunodeficient mice with defects in liver metabolism that permit engraftment with human hepatocytes. The most widely used model uses uPA/SCID mice with humanized livers.5 These animals support high-titer chronic HBV infections, but they are very expensive and fragile, and their immunodeficiency precludes evaluating immune modulators.

Core protein assembly modifiers such as NVR 3-778 are experimental HBV replication inhibitors that disrupt capsid formation.6 Compounds in the NVR 3-778 series block encapsidation of viral RNA, preventing production of infectious virus in vitro.7 NVR 3-778 is currently well-tolerated in phase 1 human trials; preliminary data imply that NVR 3-778 suppresses HBV DNA and hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg), and that reductions are larger when NVR 3-778 is combined with peg-IFN.8

Klumpp et al9 used humanized uPA/SCID mice to ask whether NVR 3-778 could suppress HBV viremia, how efficacy of NVR 3-778 alone compared with the efficacy of peg-IFN and entecavir, and whether combining NVR 3-778 with peg-IFN or entecavir improved suppression of viremia compared to the monotherapies. Secondary endpoints included the effects on serum HBeAg and HBsAg levels and on the critical nuclear form of the viral genome, the covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA). NVR 3-778’s antiviral efficacy was similar to that of entecavir and superior to that of peg-IFN. Combining NVR 3-778 with entecavir did not improve suppression of HBV, but the efficacy of NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN was better than either compound alone. Serum levels of HBV DNA in the NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN group declined by >2.2 log by day 14, and all 16 animals had DNA titers below the limit of quantification by day 41 of treatment. The NVR 3-778 plus peg-INF group also demonstrated reduced levels of HBeAg by 0.8 log(S/CO) and HBsAg by 0.5 log(IU/mL), but none of the treatments altered intrahepatic cccDNA levels. The complementarity between NVR 3-778 and peg-IFN is convincing and the results are consistent with the known mechanisms of both drugs.

This study is exciting because, to the best of our knowledge, NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN is the first experimental combination therapy shown to exceed the efficacy of entecavir monotherapy in a relevant animal model of HBV infection. Therefore, it provides proof-of-principle support for the assumption that combination therapy can be superior to monotherapy that is driving anti-HBV drug discovery.

The Klumpp et al study9 has a number of implications for the development of NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN as a potential therapy for hepatitis B. First, the failure of the drug combination to reduce hepatic cccDNA is not surprising, given the drugs’ mechanisms and the short treatment duration. This implies that NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN will be unlikely to completely eradicate HBV, at least not without long-term administration. Unfortunately, the maximum dosing period for the combination is likely to be about 1 year owing to side effects from peg-IFN, and this duration may not be long enough to clear HBV. A more promising implication stems from the possibility that a cure (or functional cure, generally defined as HBsAg loss with undetectable serum HBV DNA, but persistence of cccDNA10) for hepatitis B will be promoted by immune stimulation or reconstitution of anti-HBV immune responses. Reactivation of properly regulated anti-HBV immune responses will probably depend on major reductions in viremia and antigenemia, and NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN reduced viral DNA, HBeAg, and HBsAg. This finding implies that some immune reconstitution might occur, but the immunodeficiency of the mice used in this study precluded assessing anti-HBV immunity.

Off-therapy durability of responses to NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN is likely to be dominated by interferon’s innate immune stimulation because NVR 3-778 is a direct-acting drug whose primary effect is to reduce viral replication. If NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN does improve immune function, the rate of HBeAg seroconversion could be increased compared with peg-IFN monotherapy. This improvement would increase the off-therapy durability of viral control, and would presumably improve attenuation of hepatitis B progression. This would be a major advance.

These results indicate that follow-up study of this drug is warranted in uPA/SCID mice. Dosing of both NVR 3-778 and peg-IFN in the combination should be optimized to determine if responses can be improved and if peg-IFN can be reduced to minimize side effects. Dose optimization is particularly important for NVR 3-778 owing to the high concentration at which it was used in the Klumpp study (405 mg/kg twice per day, or 48 g/d for a 60-kg patient). Extended dosing periods should be explored to determine whether antigenemia can be further suppressed, and particularly whether cccDNA levels begin to decrease. Finally, treatment cessation studies with and without NVR 3-778 and peg-IFN monotherapy after suppression of viremia below the limit of detection by combination treatment should be done to explore response durability. Expanded testing of NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN in people is likely to be warranted once the safety profile of NVR 3-778 is fully defined. Overall, if these animal data hold up in human studies and posttreatment durability can be demonstrated, neither of which is assured, the Klumpp study9 would point the way toward significant improvements in outcomes for patients with chronic hepatitis B.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2018-2-14 08:57 |只看该作者
NVR 3-778 Plus聚乙二醇干扰素-α治疗慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染:可能1 + 1 = 3?
John E. Tavis'关于作者John E. Tavis的回复信息作者John E. Tavis
DOI:https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2018.01.011 |

参见Klumpp K,Shimada T,Allweiss L等人在652页上的“NVR 3-778单独和与聚乙二醇干扰素联合使用vs恩替卡韦在具有人源化肝脏和HBV感染的uPA / SCID小鼠中的功效”。


HBV感染的最佳动物模型使用具有肝代谢缺陷的免疫缺陷小鼠,其允许与人肝细胞植入。最广泛使用的模型使用具有人源化肝脏的uPA / SCID小鼠.5这些动物支持高滴度的慢性HBV感染,但是它们非常昂贵和脆弱,并且它们的免疫缺陷妨碍评估免疫调节剂。

核心蛋白装配修饰物如NVR 3-778是破坏衣壳形成的实验性HBV复制抑制剂.6 NVR 3-778系列中的化合物阻断病毒RNA的壳体化,从而防止体外产生感染性病毒.7目前NVR 3-778在第一阶段人体试验中耐受​​良好;初步数据表明NVR 3-778可抑制HBV DNA和乙型肝炎e抗原(HBeAg),当NVR 3-778与peg-IFN联合使用时,降低幅度更大。

Klumpp等[9]使用人源化uPA / SCID小鼠询问NVR 3-778是否能够抑制HBV病毒血症,单用NVR 3-778与peg-IFN和恩替卡韦的疗效相比的疗效,以及将NVR 3-778与peg-与单药治疗相比,IFN或恩替卡韦可改善病毒血症的抑制效果。次要终点包括对血清HBeAg和HBsAg水平的影响以及病毒基因组的关键核形式 - 共价闭合环状DNA(cccDNA)。 NVR 3-778的抗病毒疗效与恩替卡韦类似,优于peg-IFN。将NVR 3-778与恩替卡韦组合并不能改善HBV的抑制,但NVR 3-778加peg-IFN的效力比单独的任一化合物好。 NVR 3-778加peg-IFN组的血清HBV DNA水平在第14天时下降> 2.2log,所有16只动物的DNA滴度低于治疗第41天的定量限。 NVR 3-778加peg-INF组也显示HBeAg水平下降0.8log(S / CO)和HBsAg下降0.5log(IU / mL),但没有一种治疗改变了肝内cccDNA水平。 NVR 3-778和peg-IFN之间的互补性是令人信服的,并且结果与两种药物的已知机制一致。

这项研究令人兴奋,因为据我们所知,NVR 3-778 plus peg-IFN是第一个显示超过恩替卡韦单药治疗相关HBV感染动物模型疗效的实验性联合治疗。因此,它为组合疗法可能优于推动抗HBV药物发现的单一疗法的假设提供了原则支持。

Klumpp等人的研究9对NVR 3-778加peg-IFN作为乙型肝炎的潜在疗法的发展有许多启示。首先,由于药物的作用,药物联合应用减少肝脏cccDNA的失败并不令人惊讶,机制和短暂的治疗持续时间。这意味着NVR 3-778加peg-IFN将不可能完全根除HBV,至少不是没有长期施用。不幸的是,由于peg-IFN的副作用,该组合的最大给药时间可能约为1年,并且该持续时间可能不足以清除HBV。更有希望的意义源于免疫刺激或抗HBV免疫应答重建可促进治疗(或功能治愈,一般定义为HBsAg消失,血清HBV DNA检测不到,但cccDNA10持续存在)的可能性。适当调节的抗HBV免疫应答的重新激活可能取决于病毒血症和抗原血症的主要减少,并且NVR 3-778加peg-IFN减少病毒DNA,HBeAg和HBsAg。这一发现意味着可能发生一些免疫重建,但本研究中使用的小鼠的免疫缺陷妨碍评估抗HBV免疫性。

由于NVR 3-778是一种直接作用药物,其主要作用是减少病毒复制,所以对NVR 3-778加peg-IFN的反应疗效持久性可能受干扰素天然免疫刺激的支配。如果NVR 3-778加peg-IFN确实可以提高免疫功能,那么与peg-IFN单药治疗相比,HBeAg血清转化率可以提高。这种改善会增加病毒控制的停药治疗耐受性,并且可能会改善乙型肝炎进展的衰减。这将是一大进步。

这些结果表明,该药物的后续研究在uPA / SCID小鼠中是有保证的。在组合中NVR 3-778和peg-IFN的剂量应优化以确定是否可以改善应答,并且可以减少peg-IFN以使副作用最小化。由于Klumpp研究中使用它的浓度很高(每天两次405 mg / kg,或60 kg病人每天48 g),因此剂量优化对于NVR 3-778尤其重要。应探索延长的给药时间以确定是否可以进一步抑制抗原血症,特别是cccDNA水平是否开始下降。最后,在联合治疗检出限低于病毒血症后,应进行NVR 3-778联合NVG 3-778和peg-IFN单药治疗以停止研究,以探索反应耐久性。一旦NVR 3-778的安全特性完全确定,NVR 3-778加上peg-IFN在人身上的扩展测试可能是有保证的。总的来说,如果这些动物数据在人体研究中持续存在,并且治疗后的耐久性可以得到证实,但两者都无法确定,Klumpp研究[9]将为慢性乙型肝炎患者的预后指出重要的改善方向。

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1904 元 
发表于 2018-2-16 22:43 |只看该作者
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