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乙型肝炎病毒基因表达的抑制:功能性治愈的一个步骤 [复制链接]

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发表于 2018-1-9 14:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
Inhibition of hepatitis B virus gene expression: A step towards functional cure[url=]Fabien Zoulim[/url][url=]Correspondence information about the author Fabien Zoulim[/url]Email the author Fabien Zoulim
Hepatology Department, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon University, INSERM U1052 –Cancer Research Center of Lyon (CRCL), 151 Cours Albert Thomas, 69003 Lyon, France

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2017.11.036

Article InfoDespite the availability of a preventive vaccine and anti-viral treatments that arrest disease progression and reduce liver cancer risk, hepatitis B remains a major public health problem worldwide, on a similar scale of magnitude as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), malaria and tuberculosis.1 According to the last Global Hepatitis Report 2017, 257 million persons live with chronic HBV infection, making it the most common chronic viral infection.2 HBV mortality (887,000 deaths/year) is mostly due to HBV-related cirrhosis and HBV-related liver cancer.

Despite the availability of a preventive vaccine and anti-viral treatments that arrest disease progression and reduce liver cancer risk, hepatitis B remains a major public health problem worldwide, on a similar scale of magnitude as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), malaria and tuberculosis.[url=]1[/url] According to the last Global Hepatitis Report 2017, 257 million persons live with chronic HBV infection, making it the most common chronic viral infection.[url=]2[/url] HBV mortality (887,000 deaths/year) is mostly due to HBV-related cirrhosis and HBV-related liver cancer. Currently, only 10% of chronically infected people have been diagnosed worldwide and only 1% are adequately treated. Available treatment options for chronic hepatitis B include pegylated interferon alpha2a (PegIFN) and nucleos(t)ide analogues (NUCs).[url=]3[/url] Loss of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is considered a major treatment endpoint. However, only a limited number of patients achieve HBsAg loss and anti-HBs sero-conversion with PegIFN or NUC therapies.[url=]3[/url] Although HBsAg loss is a relevant clinical end-point and is considered to reflect a functional cure of HBV infection, it does not mean complete viral eradication.[url=][4][/url], [url=][5][/url] Indeed, HBV infection is a model of viral persistence as most infected patients never clear covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) and bear viral sequences integrated into the host DNA. Clinical resolution of infection requires the control of persisting viral genomes and residual infected cells by the immune system.

The key challenge for HBV drug development and HBV cure is to target the pool of (cccDNA), the persistent form of the virus in the nucleus of infected hepatocytes and to overcome the exhaustion of the effectors of adaptive immunity.[url=]6[/url] cccDNA is the template for the transcription of all viral mRNAs and the 3.5 Kb pregenomic RNA that serves as a template for viral genome replication within the intracytoplasmic nucleocapsids. Recent developments in our knowledge of HBV biology and in tools for molecular studies of HBV have created new possibilities to define novel therapeutic targets. Several new antiviral and immuno-modulatory compounds have reached preclinical and/or early clinical evaluation with the aim of silencing cccDNA and/or reducing the size of the cccDNA pool to achieve functional cure with finite treatment duration.[url=][4][/url], [url=][5][/url], [url=][6][/url]

Several definitions of cure have been agreed upon by the community which pertains to the degree of viral depletion that can be achieved.[url=]3[/url] These include: (i) Partial cure with detectable HBsAg but persistently undetectable HBV DNA in serum after completion of a finite course of treatment; (ii) Functional cure with sustained, undetectable HBsAg and HBV DNA in serum with or without seroconversion to anti-HBs antibody after completion of a finite course of treatment. In this situation, cccDNA may persist at low levels with a transcriptionally inactive status; (iii) Complete cure with undetectable HBsAg in serum and eradication of intrahepatic cccDNA associated with the disappearance of the risk of viral reactivation; (iv) Sterilizing cure with undetectable serum HBsAg and eradication of intrahepatic cccDNA and integrated viral sequences with a possible return to a status of a never infected liver. Functional cure is thought to be the most promising and attainable goal for future therapies in the near future.

Among the novel strategies that are being investigated to directly target the different steps of the viral life cycle and/or to enhance antiviral immunity, one promising approach is to decrease viral antigen expression and especially HBsAg to low or undetectable levels. To decrease HBsAg levels, several paths can be followed: i) elimination of cccDNA; ii) silencing the transcriptional activity of cccDNA; iii) targeting viral transcripts; iv) interfering with envelope protein translation, stability, or release (Fig. 1). Novel approaches to target the pool of established cccDNA include the stimulation of innate immunity pathways of infected hepatocytes that may lead to cccDNA degradation,[url=]7[/url] or by creating molecular damage of cccDNA through gene editing approaches.[url=]8[/url] Silencing cccDNA can be achieved with IFN alpha and other cytokines, but virus specific mechanisms are being explored to shut down its expression.[url=][4][/url], [url=][6][/url] In any case, these approaches still require a thorough pre-clinical evaluation to address hurdles regarding delivery, off-target effects, and specificity for infected cells.

Fig. 1

Key obstacles to be overcome to attain HBV cure (adapted from Testoni et al.[url=]6[/url]). cccDNA viral minichromosome persistence and transcriptional activity are at the basis of HBV replication and antigen production. HBV DNA integration in the host genome is not supposed to contribute to virion production, but there are several lines of evidence that HBsAg may also originate from integrated sequences. During chronic infection, there is a progressive impairment in HBV specific T cell function, due to multiple mechanisms, including prolonged exposure to secreted HBV antigens, a deficient activation of innate immune cells and defective antigen presentation by infected cells, and the restoration of a tolerogenic environment in the infected liver, due to immune-modulatory cells and secretion of tolerogenic molecules. To decrease HBsAg levels and potentially restore innate and adaptive immunity, several paths can be followed: i) targeting cccDNA through elimination or silencing its transcriptional activity; ii) targeting viral transcripts via antisense oligonucleotides or small interfering RNAs; iii) interfering with envelope protein processing and half-life in the blood. cccDNA, covalently closed circular DNA; DC, dendritic cell; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; IL-10, interleukin-10; NK, natural killer; PD-1, programmed cell death 1; PD-L1, programmed cell death ligand-1; pgRNA, pregenomic RNA; rcDNA, relaxed circular DNA; TGFβ, transforming growth factor-β.

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Targeting HBsAg, the protein itself, has been evaluated with therapeutic monoclonal antibodies to neutralize or titrate HBsAg from the bloodstream or to inhibit HBsAg secretion from infected hepatocytes, for instance with nucleic acid polymers.[url=]9[/url] Both approaches are under pre-clinical and clinical evaluation.

A lot of interest has also emerged regarding post-transcriptional silencing of viral gene expression, using antisense oligonucleotides, small interfering RNA (siRNA). Their ability to inhibit viral gene expression and replication has been extensively evaluated in vitro and in animal models, and clinical trials are underway to assess their clinical relevance.[url=][10][/url], [url=][11][/url] Different methodologies to deliver in vivo HBV-specific siRNA to infected hepatocytes are now used in clinical studies.[url=]10[/url] A recent study demonstrated that HBsAg was expressed not only from the episomal cccDNA minichromosome, but also from transcripts arising from HBV DNA integrated into the host genome, which had an impact on siRNA effect since target sequences were affected by integration. These results will be important to consider for the design of novel siRNA and for endpoint expectations of new therapies.[url=]12[/url]

In this issue of Journal of Hepatology, the investigators from Roche report the discovery of a novel orally bioavailable small molecule inhibitor of HBV gene expression (RG7834).[url=]13[/url] RG7834 antiviral characteristics and selectivity against HBV were evaluated in HBV infection assays in HepaRG cells and primary human hepatocytes, and in HBV-infected urokinase-type plasminogen activator/severe combined immunodeficiency humanized mouse model, either alone or in combination with entecavir. The results showed that unlike NUC therapies, which reduce viremia but do not lead to a reduction in HBV antigen expression, RG7834 significantly reduced the levels of viral proteins (including HBsAg), as well as lowering viremia. Time course RNA-seq analysis revealed a selective reduction in HBV mRNAs in response to RG7834 treatment. Furthermore, oral treatment of HBV infected humanized mice with RG7834 led to a significant HBsAg reduction whereas entecavir had no significant effect on HBsAg levels. Combination of RG7834, entecavir and PegIFNα led to significant reductions of both HBV DNA and HBsAg levels in mice with humanized liver. This is a very interesting observation of an HBV inhibitor with a novel mode of action. Based on the results, it was suggested that this compound does not interfere with transcription factors gene expression. Results of RNAseq and northern blot analysis studies suggested that RG7834 may directly or indirectly modify viral RNAs and promote their degradation. The preference for degradation of subgenomic instead of pregenomic is intriguing and deserves further study to elucidate the exact mechanism of action of RG7834. It will be interesting to see how this compound interferes with viral RNA processing within infected cells.[url=]14[/url] A recent study showed that a dihydroquinolizinone compound induced an accelerated viral RNA degradation which was dependent on the HBV post-transcriptional regulatory element[url=]15[/url]and may have a similar activity as RG7834. Another point of interest will be to see if this compound can target subgenomic transcripts expressed from both cccDNA and integrated viral genomes, to overcome one of the issues related to siRNA, as discussed earlier. Considering its oral delivery and its high selectivity, i.e. its enantiomer was shown to be inactive, its potential for clinical application appears promising.

However, consistent with the presumed mode of action, this compound did not affect the pool of intrahepatic cccDNA when administered in mono- or combination therapy in immunodeficient mice, and treatment cessation was associated with viral rebound. The main issue with this compound and the majority of direct acting antivirals that are currently developed for HBV is that they would be mainly suppressive, unless they are associated with the reconstitution of anti-HBV immunity.[url=][4][/url], [url=][6][/url]

Several clinical studies have shown that the intrahepatic expression of innate immunity pathways and the ability to induce expression of interferon stimulated genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells are altered more in patients with higher levels of HBsAg expression.[url=][16][/url], [url=][17][/url] Although, the situation seems less clear with respect to the effect of antigen reduction on T cell recovery,[url=]18[/url] it is tempting to hypothesize that the combination of viral gene expression inhibitor, with strategies to restore innate and/or adaptive immunity might turn out to be a cornerstone for successful therapies aiming at curing HBV infection. As several direct acting antivirals aiming at decreasing HBsAg levels and immunomodulatory agents are entering clinical evaluation, trials of combination therapy accompanied by virological and immunological studies will be instrumental to address this question.[url=]19[/url]

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

2185 元 
发表于 2018-1-9 15:00 |只看该作者
尽管预防性疫苗和抗病毒治疗能够阻止疾病进展并降低肝癌风险,但是乙型肝炎仍然是世界范围内的主要公共卫生问题,与人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),疟疾和肺结核的规模相似。 1根据上一期“2017全球肝炎报告”,2.57亿人患有慢性HBV感染,是最常见的慢性病毒感染。2 HBV死亡率(88.7万死亡/年)主要是由于HBV相关性肝硬化和HBV相关肝脏 癌症。

尽管预防性疫苗和抗病毒治疗能够阻止疾病进展并降低肝癌风险,但是乙型肝炎仍然是世界范围内的主要公共卫生问题,与人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),疟疾和肺结核的规模相似。 1根据上一期“2017全球肝炎报告”,2.57亿人患有慢性HBV感染,是最常见的慢性病毒感染。2 HBV死亡率(88.7万死亡/年)主要是由于HBV相关性肝硬化和HBV相关肝脏癌症。目前全球仅有10%的慢性感染者被诊断出,而只有1%的患者得到了充分的治疗。慢性乙型肝炎的可用治疗选择包括聚乙二醇干扰素α2a(PegIFN)和核苷酸(T)代谢类似物(NUCs).3乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)的缺失被认为是主要的治疗终点。然而,只有少数患者使用PegIFN或NUC治疗获得HBsAg消失和抗-HBs血清转换[3]。尽管HBsAg消失是相关的临床终点,被认为反映了HBV感染的功能性治愈,意味着完全病毒根除[4],[5]事实上,HBV感染是病毒持续性的模型,因为大多数感染的患者从未清除共价闭合的环状DNA(cccDNA)并携带整合到宿主DNA中的病毒序列。感染的临床解决需要通过免疫系统来控制持续存在的病毒基因组和残留的感染细胞。

HBV药物开发和HBV治疗的关键挑战是针对(cccDNA)库,病毒在感染肝细胞核中的持续形式,并克服适应性免疫效应因子的耗竭.6 cccDNA是所有病毒mRNA和3.5Kb前基因组RNA的转录,其作为胞质内核衣壳内病毒基因组复制的模板。我们对HBV生物学知识和HBV分子研究工具的最新进展为定义新的治疗靶标创造了新的可能性。一些新的抗病毒和免疫调节化合物已经达到临床前和/或早期临床评估,目的是使cccDNA沉默和/或减小cccDNA库的大小以实现有限治疗持续时间的功能性治愈[4],[5]。 [6]

社区已经就治愈的几个定义达成一致,这些定义涉及可以达到的病毒耗竭的程度.3这些定义包括:(1)在有限的病程完成后,用可检测的HBsAg部分治愈,但血清中持续检测不到HBV DNA治疗; (ii)在完成有限治疗过程后,血清中持续的,不可检测的HBsAg和HBV DNA的功能治愈,伴或不伴血清转化为抗-HBs抗体。在这种情况下,cccDNA可能会持续低水平的转录失活状态; (iii)血清中检测不到HBsAg完全治愈,根除与病毒再激活风险消失相关的肝内cccDNA; (iv)用不可检测的血清HBsAg消除治愈,根除肝内cccDNA和整合的病毒序列,可能恢复到从未感染肝脏的状态。功能性治愈被认为是近期未来治疗中最有希望和可实现的目标。

在正在研究直接针对病毒生命周期的不同步骤和/或增强抗病毒免疫性的新策略中,一种有希望的方法是将病毒抗原表达特别是HBsAg降低至低或不可检测水平。为了降低HBsAg水平,可以遵循以下几种途径:i)消除cccDNA; ii)沉默cccDNA的转录活性; iii)靶向病毒转录物; iv)干扰包膜蛋白翻译,稳定性或释放(图1)。针对已建立的cccDNA库的新方法包括刺激可能导致cccDNA降解的受感染肝细胞的先天免疫途径[7],或通过基因编辑方法产生cccDNA的分子损伤[8]。静止cccDNA可以通过IFNα和其他细胞因子,但病毒特异性机制正在探索关闭其表达[4],[6]在任何情况下,这些方法仍然需要一个彻底的临床前评估,以解决有关传递障碍,脱靶效应和特异性感染的细胞。

在正在研究直接针对病毒生命周期的不同步骤和/或增强抗病毒免疫性的新策略中,一种有希望的方法是将病毒抗原表达特别是HBsAg降低至低或不可检测水平。为了降低HBsAg水平,可以遵循以下几种途径:i)消除cccDNA; ii)沉默cccDNA的转录活性; iii)靶向病毒转录物; iv)干扰包膜蛋白翻译,稳定性或释放(图1)。针对已建立的cccDNA池的新方法包括刺激可能导致cccDNA降解的感染的肝细胞的先天免疫途径,或通过基因编辑方法产生cccDNA的分子损伤[url = IFNα和其他细胞因子可以使cccDNA沉默,但是病毒特异性机制正在被研究,以关闭其表达。[6] [6] [6]无论如何,这些方法仍然需要进行彻底的临床前评估,以解决关于递送,脱靶效应和针对感染细胞的特异性的障碍。

需要克服的关键障碍,以达到乙肝治疗(改编自Testoni等人[url =] 6 [/ url])。 cccDNA病毒微染色体的持久性和转录活性是HBV复制和抗原产生的基础。宿主基因组中的HBV DNA整合不应该有助于病毒粒子的生产,但有几条证据表明HBsAg也可能来源于整合序列。在慢性感染期间,由于多种机制,包括长期暴露于分泌的HBV抗原,先天性免疫细胞的缺陷激活和受感染的细胞的抗原呈递缺陷以及耐受原性的恢复,HBV特异性T细胞功能存在进行性损害感染肝脏中的环境,由于免疫调节细胞和致耐受分子的分泌。为了降低HBsAg水平并潜在地恢复先天性和适应性免疫,可以遵循以下几种途径:i)通过消除或沉默其转录活性靶向cccDNA; ii)通过反义寡核苷酸或小干扰RNA靶向病毒转录物; iii)干扰包膜蛋白质加工和血液中的半衰期。 cccDNA,共价闭合环状DNA; DC,树突状细胞; HBsAg,乙肝表面抗原;乙肝病毒,乙肝病毒; IL-10,白细胞介素-10; NK,自然杀手; PD-1,程序性细胞死亡1; PD-L1,程序性细胞死亡配体-1; pgRNA,前基因组RNA; rcDNA,放松的环状DNA; TGFβ,转化生长因子-β。


使用反义寡核苷酸,小干扰RNA(siRNA),关于病毒基因表达的转录后沉默也出现了许多兴趣。它们抑制病毒基因表达和复制的能力已经在体外和动物模型中进行了广泛的评估,临床试验正在进行中以评估它们的临床相关性。[11] [10] [/ url] [11]不同的方法将HBV特异性的siRNA传递给受感染的肝细胞,现在用于临床研究。最近的一项研究表明HBsAg不仅来源于游离cccDNA微染色体,也来自HBV DNA整合到宿主基因组中的转录产物,由于靶向序列受到整合的影响,其对siRNA效应具有影响。这些结果对于新型siRNA的设计和新疗法终点预期的考虑将是重要的。[url =] [/ url]
在本期“肝脏病学杂志”上,来自罗氏的研究人员报告发现了一种新的口服生物可利用的小分子HBV基因表达抑制剂(RG7834),其中RG7834的抗病毒特性和选择性HepaRG细胞和原代人肝细胞中的HBV感染测定,以及HBV感染的尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂/严重联合免疫缺陷人源化小鼠模型(单独或与恩替卡韦组合)。结果显示,不同于降低病毒血症但不导致HBV抗原表达减少的NUC疗法,RG7834显着降低病毒蛋白质(包括HBsAg)的水平,以及降低病毒血症。时程RNA-seq分析揭示了响应于RG7834处理的HBV mRNA的选择性减少。此外,用RG7834口服治疗HBV感染的人源化小鼠导致显着的HBsAg减少,而恩替卡韦对HBsAg水平没有显着影响

在本期“肝脏病学杂志”上,来自罗氏的研究人员报告发现了一种新的口服生物可利用的小分子HBV基因表达抑制剂(RG7834),其中RG7834的抗病毒特性和选择性HepaRG细胞和原代人肝细胞中的HBV感染测定,以及HBV感染的尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂/严重联合免疫缺陷人源化小鼠模型(单独或与恩替卡韦组合)。结果显示,不同于降低病毒血症但不导致HBV抗原表达减少的NUC疗法,RG7834显着降低病毒蛋白质(包括HBsAg)的水平,以及降低病毒血症。时程RNA-seq分析揭示了响应于RG7834处理的HBV mRNA的选择性减少。此外,用RG7834口服治疗HBV感染的人源化小鼠导致显着的HBsAg减少,而恩替卡韦对HBsAg水平没有显着影响。恩替卡韦和PegIFNα联合应用可显着降低人源化肝脏中HBV DNA和HBsAg水平。这是一种非常有趣的HBV抑制剂观察,具有新颖的作用模式。根据结果​​,提示该化合物不干扰转录因子的基因表达。 RNAseq和Northern印迹分析研究的结果表明RG7834可以直接或间接修饰病毒RNA并促进其降解。对亚基因组而非前基因组降解的偏好是有趣的,值得进一步研究以阐明RG7834的确切作用机制。最近的一项研究表明,二氢喹喔啉酮化合物能够加速病毒RNA的降解,这种降解依赖于HBV的转录后水平并且可能与RG7834具有类似的活性。另一个值得关注的问题是要看这个化合物是否可以靶向从cccDNA和整合病毒基因组表达的亚基因组转录本,以克服与siRNA有关的问题之一,如前所述。考虑到其口服给药和高选择性,即其对映异构体被证明是无活性的,其临床应用的潜力看起来很有希望。
然而,与推定的作用模式一致,当在免疫缺陷小鼠的单一或联合疗法中施用时,该化合物不影响肝内cccDNA库,并且治疗停止与病毒反弹有关。这种化合物的主要问题以及目前为HBV开发的大多数直接作用抗病毒药物,主要是它们将主要是抑制性的,除非它们与抗HBV免疫力的重建相关联。[url =] [4] [/ url ],[url] [6] [/ url]
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