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如果乙型肝炎被性传播,我的合作伙伴怎么没有感染? [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2017-7-13 08:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
If Hepatitis B Is Sexually Transmitted, How Come My Partner Isn’t Infected?                                        February 1, 2017 hepbtalk                                                               
                                        Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.By Christine Kukka
I thought hepatitis B was sexually transmitted? I just tested positive, but my partner tested negative, we’ve been together for years, what gives?
This question is a common one. Hepatitis B is indeed easily transmitted sexually, so why do some people — who were not vaccinated — never get hepatitis B from their sexual partners?
It comes down to variables, such as the type of sexual activity you engage in, the viral load (HBV DNA) of the infected partner, and who is on the receiving end of infectious body fluids, especially blood that contains the most virus and semen.
Having one partner infected, and other not, can add more stress to an already traumatic hepatitis B diagnosis. “It was very confusing and made me question how was it possible I was the only one infected,” said a woman who tested positive while her husband tested negative.  “I thought it was possibly a mistake, maybe I was a biological anomaly, which of course I was not.”
Let’s look at the factors that affect who gets infected and who doesn’t when two people have sex.
Viral load: Semen, vaginal fluids and blood all contain the hepatitis B virus (HBV), and the higher the viral load, the more infectious one’s blood and body fluids are. However, having an undetectable viral load doesn’t mean you won’t infected someone during unsafe sex. Even if a man has an undetectable viral load, studies show his semen still contains some HBV and can spread infection, though the risk is lower.
So the rule here is if a man tests positive for the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), he must consider himself infectious.
The role of gender: In heterosexual relationships, uninfected women are at higher risk of getting infected by a male partner infected with hepatitis B, than the reverse. Women are on the receiving end of semen, which greatly increases their risk of becoming infected unless a condom is used.
Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.When a woman is infected with hepatitis B, an uninfected man is at risk through direct contact with her vaginal secretions, but that contact is lower-risk than a woman’s direct exposure to infectious semen during intercourse.
However, an infected woman who is menstruating is more likely to spread hepatitis B because blood can contain higher levels of HBV than vaginal secretions. That is why gloves and dental dams are recommended to provide a barrier against exposure.
The type of sexual activity: Certain sexual activities are far more efficient at spreading hepatitis B than others. Oral sex appears to have a lower rate of hepatitis B transmission than vaginal sex. Anal sex carries a very high risk of transmission because of tears in the skin that can occur during penetration improves transmission of HBV.
Fingering carries a lesser risk, unless the infected woman is menstruating or a person has bruises or cuts on their hands that allow entry to hepatitis B in semen or vaginal fluids, then gloves are recommended.
The “uninfected” partner could already have been infected and cleared hepatitis B: When a person is first diagnosed with hepatitis B, doctors often test his or her partner for only the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), which indicates a current hepatitis B infection. If they are negative for HBsAg, they are immediately vaccinated.
If the partner isn’t also tested for the hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs or HBsAb), then no one knows if  the individual was infected years ago (or earlier in the relationship) with hepatitis B and cleared the acute infection.
Hepatitis B is not called the “silent” infection for nothing — many people who get hepatitis B never have any symptoms and never realize they were infected. As a result, a wife, husband, partner or lover who tested negative for HBsAg, may actually have been infected in the past and cleared the infection and now has protective hepatitis B surface antibodies to forever safeguard them from infection. If they’re immediately vaccinated and retested after the three-dose vaccination, they will test positive for surface antibodies, without ever knowing that their antibodies resulted from a past infection, not immunization.
Bottom line, if one of you have been diagnosed and the other is not infected, it is unusual but not uncommon. Get tested and immediately vaccinated if the uninfected partner tests negative for the hepatitis B surface antibody.
Take a quiz to find out how much you know about hepatitis B transmission: click here.

                hepatitis Bimmunizationsafe sexsexual transmissionsexually transmitted infectionSTIvaccinewhen one partner has hepatitis B and the other does not

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2017-7-13 08:57 |只看该作者



这个问题是一个常见的问题。乙型肝炎确实容易传播,所以为什么有些人 - 谁没有接种疫苗 - 从他们的性伴侣不会得到乙型肝炎?

它归结为变量,例如您所从事的性活动的类型,受感染的合作伙伴的病毒载量(HBV DNA)以及传染性体液的接收端,特别是含有最多病毒和精液的血液。

有一个受感染的人,另外一个没有,可以增加一个已经创伤性乙型肝炎诊断的压力。一位女性在丈夫测试为阴性时,测试呈阳性的女性说:“这很令人困惑,让我质疑我是唯一感染的人。” “我以为这可能是一个错误,也许我是一个生物异常,当然我不是。”




图片由renjith krishnan在FreeDigitalPhotos.net提供。
图片由renjith krishnan在FreeDigitalPhotos.net提供。







乙型肝炎没有被称为“沉默”感染 - 许多乙肝患者从来没有任何症状,从未意识到他们被感染。结果,对HBsAg阴性的妻子,丈夫,伴侣或情人可能实际上已经感染过,并清除了感染,现在有乙型肝炎表面抗体可以永久保护他们免受感染。如果在三次接种疫苗后立即接种疫苗并重新测试,他们将测试表面抗体阳性,而不知道其抗体是由过去的感染导致的,而不是免疫的。



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