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实验室培养的阴茎已经准备好人体试验 [复制链接]

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发表于 2014-10-8 20:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2014-10-8 20:20 编辑

Lab-grown penises are ready for human trials                                                                                                               
                                        Bec Crew                                          
                Tuesday, 07 October 2014        

Lab-grown penises will be ready for human testing within five years, scientists report, to help people who have lost theirs to congenital abnormalities, cancer or injury.

Image: angellodeco/Shutterstock

They've already created lab-grown kidneys, hearts, and vaginas, and now a team of bioengineering specialists at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine in the US is working on getting their lab-grown penises approved for human testing.
Led by Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute, the researchers started out by crafting penises for rabbit subjects back in 2008. The process begins with the researchers taking cells from the remainder of the recipient's penis and growing them in the lab for four to six weeks. This ensures that the risk of the recipient's body rejecting the new organ will be low. They also take a donor penis, wash it with detergent to kill all the living cells, and use this as a collagen frame - or scaffold - on which to build their new penis.
To make sure the lab-grown penis is actually functional when transplanted onto a recipient, the team built each one by layering endothelial cells - which line the interior surface of blood vessels - on top of smooth muscle cells. Of the 12 male rabbits that received the team's lab-grown penises, each one ended up mating with a female as soon as they were put in contact, and four of these interactions resulted in pregnancies.
"The rabbit studies were very encouraging,” Atala told Dari Mohammadi at The Guardian, "but to get approval for humans we need all the safety and quality assurance data, we need to show that the materials aren't toxic, and we have to spell out the manufacturing process, step by step.”
While hospitals already have an option for human patients in need of a replacement penis, it’s by no means ideal, as Mohammadi explains:
"At present, the only treatment option for these men is to have a penis constructed with skin and muscle from their thigh or forearm. Sexual function can be restored with a penile prosthetic placed inside. The prosthetics can be either malleable rods, with the penis left in a permanently semi-rigid state and thus difficult to conceal, or inflatable rods, which have a saline pump housed in the scrotum. Both technologies have been around since the 1970s. The aesthetics are crude and penetration is awkward.”
Atala’s team has been specialising in lab-grown tissues and organs for over 10 years, and are right now working on 30 different kinds, including the first ever lab-grown human bladder, which they created in 1999, and the first lab-grown vagina, developed in 2005.
They’re now in the process of getting approval from the US Food and Drug Administration to start human testing on their lab-grown penises within the next five years. They've so far built six human penises that are ready for transplantation, as soon as they get approval. If the trials prove a success, the technique will be made available in hospitals around the world, using penises from deceased donors for the scaffolding.
"Our target is to get the organs into patients with injuries or congenital abnormalities,” Atala toldThe Guardian. His work has been funded by the US Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine, so one group he hopes to help with this technology is soldiers who have sustained severe injuries on the battlefield. He also hopes to assist people who have been born with a disorder known as ambiguous genitalia, which is often treated by removing the male genitals altogether, and essentially forces a male to grow up as a female.
"Imagine being genetically male but living as a woman," Atala told Becky Ferreira at Motherboard. "It's a firmly devastating problem that we hope to help with."




由安东尼·阿塔拉,维克森林研究所所长的带领下,研究人员开始通过各具特色的阴茎兔科早在2008年这个过程开始,研究人员以细胞从收件人的阴茎剩余时间和他们成长在实验室中四至六个星期。这确保了收信人的身体的拒绝新的器官的风险将是低的。他们还采取捐赠者的阴茎,用清洁剂清洗,以杀死所有的活细胞,并以此为框架的胶原蛋白 - 或支架 - 在其上建立自己的新的阴茎。

该行血管内表面 -  - 对平滑肌细胞顶部,以确保实验室培养的阴茎实际上是功能性的时候移植到接受者,球队通过分层内皮细胞构建的每一个。收到球队的实验室培养的阴茎在12公兔,每一个结束了与雌鼠交配,只要它们置于接触,这四个相互作用导致怀孕。







“想象一下,转基因的男性,但生活作为一个女人,”阿塔拉告诉贝基·费雷拉在主板上。 “这是一个坚定毁灭性的问题,我们希望帮助”。
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