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乙肝杂志回顾 2014年2月1日,第11卷,第2期 Christine M. Kukka [复制链接]

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发表于 2014-2-4 17:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
Tests for Antigens and Drug-Resistant Virus Emerge as Valuable Diagnostic Tools
Measuring the amount of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in your bloodstream or conducting quick tests for drug-resistant hepatitis B virus (HBV) may soon be part of your office visit in the brave new molecular world of hepatitis B treatment.

Doctors increasingly are measuring HBsAg levels to determine if treatment is needed or if current medications are working. HBsAg tests—along with measuring alanine aminotransferase (ALT) for signs of liver damage and HBV DNA for viral load—may become essential tools to assess hepatitis B progression or remission.

HBsAg is the protein that makes up the outer covering of HBV. When a patient has a high viral load (and is positive for the hepatitis B "e" antigen—HBeAg), there are often large quantities of HBsAg circulating in the blood stream. When viral replication slows and HBeAg disappears, there can be lower quantities of HBsAg.

But experts are learning that high HBsAg levels can increase cancer risk, even in HBeAg-negative patients, according to a study published in the journal Annales de Biologie Clinique. (1) As a result, there is heightened attention on HBsAg as a key indicator of a patient's health. For example:

    In HBeAg-negative patients, HBsAg levels less than 1,000 international units per milliliter (IU/mL) along with low viral load (HBV DNA) under 2,000 IU/mL indicate the patient is an "inactive" patient.

    When patients are treated with pegylated interferon, doctors can tell if the treatment is working if there is a decline in HBsAg levels within 12 weeks. This early indicator can save money if the drug isn't working and help to avoid uncomfortable side effects. Doctors recommend patients with genotypes B and C should stop interferon at week 12 if their HBsAg levels remain at 20,000 UI/mL or higher.

Another team of French researchers, also exploring the implications of HBsAg in an article published in the February 2014 issue of the journal Liver International, suggest that as HBsAg levels decline, so does the risk of liver cancer.

They also suggest that during antiviral treatment, a rapid decline in HBsAg may indicate which patients will eventually clear HBsAg. A 100-fold decline or more of HBsAg over six months of treatment, "... could be a marker of a sustained response after treatment cessation," they wrote.(2)

In another diagnostic breakthrough, researchers writing in the December journal of Clinical Molecular Hepatology promoted the value of a HepB Typer-Entecavir kit that can precisely detect HBV that have viral mutations that can “resist” the antiviral drug entecavir (Baraclude). This diagnostic tool allows doctors to select the most effective antiviral for each individual patient based on the molecular makeup of their HBV.(3)

1. Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24235324
2. Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24373085
3. Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24459645

测定乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg )的量在你的血液或进行快速测试为耐药乙型肝炎病毒(HBV )可能将很快成为你的办公室访问在乙肝治疗的勇敢的新的分子世界的一部分。

越来越多的医生正在测量HBsAg水平,以确定是否需要治疗,或者如果目前的药物都在工作。乙肝表面抗原测试,以及测量丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT )的肝损害和HBV DNA的病毒载量,可能会成为必不可少的工具来评估B型肝炎恶化或缓解的迹象。

HBsAg的是,构成了乙肝病毒的外壳蛋白。当病人具有高病毒载量(并且是阳性B型肝炎的“e”抗原HBeAg)阳性,经常有大量的乙肝表面抗原在血液中循环流。当病毒复制减缓和HBeAg消失,可以有更低量的HBsAg 。

但专家们正在学习,高HBsAg水平可以增加患癌症的风险,甚至在HBeAg阴性患者,根据发表在杂志年鉴德Biologie倩碧的研究。 ( 1 )因此,有被高度关注的乙肝表面抗原为病人的健康的一个关键指标。例如:

    在HBeAg阴性患者, HBsAg水平每毫升( IU / mL)的不到1000国际单位以及低病毒载量( HBV-DNA )根据2000国际单位/毫升表示病人是一个“无效”患者。

    当患者与聚乙二醇干扰素治疗,医生可以告诉如果治疗工作,如果有12个星期内的HBsAg水平下降。这种早期的指标可以省钱,如果药物不能正常工作,并有助于避免不舒服的副作用。医生建议患者基因型B和C应停止干扰素12周,如果他们的HBsAg水平维持在20,000 UI / mL或更高。


他们还建议,在抗病毒治疗,乙肝表面抗原的快速下降可能表明该患者最终明确乙肝表面抗原。 100倍下降或以上乙肝表面抗原在治疗6个月内, “......可能是停止治疗后持续应答的标志, ”他们写道。 ( 2 )


1 。资料来源: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24235324
2 。资料来源: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24373085
3 。资料来源: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24459645

Rank: 8Rank: 8

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发表于 2014-2-4 17:50 |只看该作者
Experts Issue a Report Card on Side Effects from Antivirals
Hong Kong researchers evaluated the side effects of commonly-used antivirals in the December 2013 issue of the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Antivirals disrupt the genetic make-up of HBV, making it difficult for the virus to replicate. While generally safe, patients must take antiviral pills daily over several years and side effects include damage to the mitochondria of the body's cells (called mitochondria toxicity.)

According to the article, mitochondria toxicity can lead to muscle weakness (myopathy), numbness and tingling in fingers and toes (peripheral neuropathy), kidney damage and lactic acidosis—when unhealthy levels of lactate build up because it is not cleared by the weakened mitochondria.

    The antivirals clevudine and telbivudine (Tyzeka) have been found to cause myopathy and kidney problems.

    Both adefovir (Hepsera) and tenofovir (Viread) cause kidney damage (depending on the dose).

    Neuropathy is most commonly found in patients taking a combination of telbivudine and interferon.

    Increased risk of lactic acidosis has been found in patients with impaired liver and kidney function who take entecavir (Baraclude).

However, not all antiviral side effects are bad, the authors noted. Recent research has found that the antiviral telbivudine appears to somehow enhance kidney health.

To date, researchers have not found any harmful side effects from antivirals when they are administered to pregnant women to reduce their high viral loads and lessen the risk of infecting their newborns.

Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24372662

香港研究人员评估了2013年12月发行胃肠病学和肝病学杂志常用抗病毒药物的副作用。抗病毒药物扰乱基因组成的HBV ,因此很难为病毒复制。虽然通常是安全,患者必须每天服用抗病毒药丸几年和副作用包括损害人体细胞的线粒体(线粒体称为毒性。 )

根据这篇文章,线粒体毒性可导致肌肉无力(肌病) ,麻木和刺痛的手指和脚趾(周围神经病变) ,肾功能损害和乳酸性酸中毒,当乳酸的不健康水平建立,因为它没有被削弱线粒体清除。

    抗病毒药物克拉夫定和替比夫定( Tyzeka )已发现引起肌病和肾脏问题。

    这两种阿德福韦(阿德福韦酯)和替诺福韦( Viread的)引起肾脏损害(取决于剂量) 。





资料来源: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24372662

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2014-2-4 17:58 |只看该作者
Experts Weigh in on Why They Prefer Either
Antivirals or Interferon
Four European experts explain why each chooses either antivirals or pegylated interferon to treat hepatitis B patients in a series of articles published in the February 2014 issue of the journal Liver International.

Under current guidelines, either antivirals or interferon can be used as a first-line treatment for hepatitis B. Interferon, which spurs the immune system to fight the infection, requires a weekly injection over a 48-week period. It is costly and often accompanied by body aches and flu-like symptoms. In contrast, antivirals are daily pills that stop the virus from replicating for as long as the medication is used.




Why I treat my HBeAg-negative patients with pegylated interferon: Researchers from Athens University Medical School explained why they prefer interferon to treat this common, but aggressive form of chronic hepatitis B.

Antivirals are safe, they admitted, but they must be used long-term, possibly as lifelong treatment in older people with HBeAg-negative hepatitis B. In contrast, a 48-week treatment with interferon can offer a permanent solution. About one-fourth of HBeAg-negative patients treated with interferon eventually clear HBsAg, thus minimizing future liver damage and cancer.

However, interferon is effective only in patients with certain HBV strains or genotypes. Longer treatment may improve the odds for those with hard-to-treat genotypes, but more study is needed.

Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24373089





Why I treat HBeAg-negative patients with antivirals: Researchers from Italy promoted antiviral treatment—primarily entecavir and tenofovir—in patients who may not respond to interferon because of their genotype or its cost.

Long-term antiviral treatment, they wrote, suppresses HBV replication in more than 95% of patients after five years. These patients achieve normal, healthy livers, and even patients with fibrosis and cirrhosis experience dramatic improvements.

The drawbacks are the long-term treatment required and the costs associated with lifelong medication and side effects that may emerge from long-term treatment.

Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24373088





Why I treat HBeAg-positive patients with pegylated interferon: An expert from the National Taiwan University College of Medicine acknowledged that while many patients prefer antiviral pills because of their convenience, "...a finite duration of pegylated interferon (treatment) is still an attractive strategy."

He noted that interferon continues to boost the immune system even after the weekly injections end after 48 weeks. "In addition, the rate of HBeAg/HBsAg loss or seroconversion increases over time in patients who respond to interferon therapy," he wrote. "Nevertheless, these benefits are limited to 30% of all patients, and significant adverse (side) effects are still a concern."

Therefore, doctors should select patients who would benefit most from interferon based on their age, liver health, viral load, genotype, and viral mutations. Additionally, they should monitor patients' viral load, HBsAg levels and HBeAg status after 12 weeks of interferon treatment to determine if treatment should continue.

"Understanding these factors can help determine personalized interferon therapy for patients," he noted. "In the near future, the treatment paradigm of chronic hepatitis B should be tailored based on HBV DNA level, HBV genotype and HBV mutants and host (age, gender, ALT level and host genetic polymorphisms) factors, disease status (fibrosis) and the selection of (appropriate) antiviral agents…."

Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24373087

为什么我把HBeAg阳性患者聚乙二醇干扰素:从医学的国立台湾大学医学院的专家承认,虽然很多患者喜欢,因为它们方便抗病毒药丸, “ ......聚乙二醇干扰素(治疗)的有限时间仍然是一个有吸引力的策略。 “

他指出,干扰素继续增强免疫系统即使在每周注射48周后结束。 “此外,大三阳/ HBsAg转阴或血清学转换的增加随着时间的推移在谁干扰素治疗无反应的患者比率, ”他写道。 “然而,这些好处是有限的所有患者的30%,并显著不良(侧)的影响仍然是一个问题。 ”

因此,医生应选择患者谁将会受益最大干扰素根据自己的年龄,肝脏健康,病毒载量,基因型和病毒的突变。此外,他们应该12周干扰素治疗后监测患者的病毒载量, HBsAg水平和HBeAg状态,以确定是否治疗应继续下去。

“了解这些因素可以帮助确定个性化的干扰素治疗的患者, ”他说。 “在不久的将来,慢性乙型肝炎的治疗模式应根据乙肝病毒DNA水平, HBV基因型和HBV突变体和主机(年龄,性别, ALT水平和宿主遗传多态性)因素,疾病状态(纤维化)和量身定做的选择(合适的)抗病毒药物......“

资料来源: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24373087

Why I treat HBeAg-positive patients with antivirals: A researcher from Barcelona explained that he uses antivirals in most HBeAg-positive hepatitis B patients because they are easy-to-take and can be prescribed to all patients regardless of genotype.

The current leading antivirals—entecavir and tenofovir—have few side effects and have low rates of drug resistance. As a result, nearly all HBeAg-positive patients (who generally have high viral loads) who take them as prescribed are able to achieve almost undetectable viral loads. "Tolerance is excellent and the safety profile is good, whereas interferon can be associated with adverse events that affect the patients' quality of life," he wrote.
"There is considerable evidence to show that antivirals modify the natural history of chronic hepatitis B and increasing evidence that they reduce the risk of liver cancer," he wrote. "The need for long-term, perhaps indefinite treatment in patients who do not achieve HBeAg seroconversion (loss of HBeAg and gaining of the "e" antibody) exists, but this is offset by their excellent tolerance and safety profile."

Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24373086


目前领先的抗病毒药物,恩替卡韦和替诺福韦,很少有副作用,有耐药率较低。其结果是,几乎所有的HBeAg阳性患者(谁一般具有高病毒载量)谁把他们按规定都能够实现几乎检测不到病毒载量。 “宽容是优秀和安全性还是不错的,而干扰素能与影响患者的生活素质不良事件相关联, ”他写道。

“有相当多的证据表明,抗病毒药物修饰慢性乙型肝炎的自然史和越来越多的证据,他们降低肝癌的风险, ”他写道。 “对于需要长期的,也许无限期治疗病人谁不实现HBeAg血清学转换( HBeAg的损失,并获得了” E“抗体)的存在,但是这是他们出色的耐受性和安全性所抵消。 ”

资料来源: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24373086

"There is considerable evidence to show that antivirals modify the natural history of chronic hepatitis B and increasing evidence that they reduce the risk of liver cancer," he wrote. "The need for long-term, perhaps indefinite treatment in patients who do not achieve HBeAg seroconversion (loss of HBeAg and gaining of the "e" antibody) exists, but this is offset by their excellent tolerance and safety profile."

Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24373086

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2014-2-4 18:07 |只看该作者
Doctors Explain Which Medical Guidelines They Follow, Or Ignore
There are three sets of hepatitis B treatment guidelines available worldwide (from America, Asia and Europe) and sometimes they agree, and often they conflict.

Confronted with varying treatment recommendations, a team of expert doctors from the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor detailed which they followed when caring for their own patients in the January 2014 issue of the journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

All three guidelines give guideposts forwhen antiviral treatment should begin—when ALT levels are elevated indicating liver cell damage, or viral load is high, or when a liver biopsy uncovers fibrosis or cirrhosis. But there is much gray area and little consensus about exactly how high viral load or ALT levels should be to trigger treatment, or when to perform a liver biopsy. For example:

    American guidelines suggest treatment should start when HBV DNA levels exceed 20,000 IU/mL.

    Asian guidelines start treatment when viral load exceeds 20,000 IU/mL for HBeAg-positive patients and 2,000 IU/mL for HBeAg-negative patients.

    And, European guidelines recommend a minimum of 2,000 IU/mL to initiate treatment no matter what the patient's HBeAg status is.

有三套全球现有的乙肝治疗指南(来自美洲,亚洲和欧洲) ,有时他们同意,他们常常会发生冲突。


所有这三个准则为路标forwhen抗病毒治疗应开始 - 当ALT水平升高说明肝细胞损害,或病毒载量高,或当肝活检揭示纤维化或肝硬化。但仍然有很多灰色地带,大约究竟有多高病毒载量或ALT水平应触发治疗,或何时进行肝活检一点共识。例如:

    美国指南建议治疗应开始时HBV DNA水平超过20,000 IU /毫升。


    而且,欧洲指南建议至少2,000 IU / mL到开始治疗,无论患者的HBeAg状态是什么。

When do these doctors start treatment? When patients have moderate (compensated) cirrhosis, they follow American guidelines but they don't wait for HBV DNA to reach 20,000 IU/mL. They start treating when HBV DNA is much lower (at 2,000 IU/mL) because of the risk of liver cancer in these cirrhotic patients.

In non-cirrhotic patients, they follow American guidelines and start treatment when HBV DNA levels exceed 20,000 IU/mL and ALT levels are greater than twice the upper limits of normal.

For patients in the gray zone, with moderately elevated viral loads and ALT levels, the doctors recommend liver biopsies to determine the true health of their livers, especially if patients are 40 or older.

什么时候这些医生开始治疗?当患者有中度(补偿)肝硬化,他们遵循美国的准则,但他们不等待HBV DNA达到20,000国际单位/毫升。他们开始治疗时,HBV-DNA是因为肝癌在这些肝硬化患者的风险要低得多(在2000国际单位/毫升)。

在非肝硬化患者,他们跟随美国的准则,并开始治疗时,HBV DNA水平超过20,000 IU/ mL和ALT水平高于正常值上限的两倍。


When do they order a liver biopsy? All guidelines agree that neither treatment nor a biopsy is needed in patients with normal ALT and low viral load. These doctors order a biopsy when patients have slightly elevated ALT levels, especially in patients age 40 or older. (European guidelines recommend a biopsy in these patients once they reach age 30.) Treatment is recommended if moderate to severe inflammation and/or fibrosis is found.

If patients have high viral load, even though their ALT levels are normal (called the immune-tolerant stage), the doctors would not treat or biopsy until the patient reached age 40, when liver damage and cancer risks increase.

   他们什么时候订购肝活检?所有指导方针同意本治疗也不活检是必要的,患者ALT正常和低病毒载量。这些医生下令活检时患者有轻微ALT水平升高,尤其是在患者40岁或以上。 (欧洲指南推荐对这些患者进行活检,一旦他们达到30岁。)治疗,建议如果中度至重度炎症和/或纤维化被发现。


Do they treat pregnant women with high viral  loads to prevent infection of newborns? European  and Asian guidelines promote treating women with high viral loads with  antivirals to prevent mother-to-child infection.


"We  defer treatment in women who have plans to be pregnant unless they have active  or advanced liver disease," they wrote. "We discuss the benefits and  risks of ... antiviral treatment with women who have HBV DNA level(s) greater  than (10 million) IU/mL during the second trimester of pregnancy.


"We  recommend starting antiviral treatment around week 30 if the patient agrees and  (we) prefer tenofovir (Viread)…. We stop treatment immediately after delivery  and emphasize the importance of monitoring for postpartum flares. We discuss  the potential risk of exposing the infant to the antiviral medication if  treatment is continued, but we do not advise against breastfeeding."


“我们推迟治疗,谁拥有的计划,除非他们有主动或晚期肝病是孕妇,”他们写道。 “我们讨论的好处和...抗病毒治疗的风险与谁拥有的HBV DNA水平(S)大于(10元)IU/ mL的妊娠孕中期妇女。


How often do these doctors monitor their patients? They monitor patients under age 30 in the immune-tolerant stage every six to 12 months and older patients every three to six months. "We monitor HBeAg-negative patients every three months over a one-year period before determining they are truly in the inactive carrier phase, at which time we decrease monitoring to every 6 to 12 months."

多久这些医生监测患者?他们监测30岁以下的患者在免疫耐受期每6至12个月以上的患者每三至六个月。 “我们监测HBeAg阴性患者每三个月在确定他们是真正的非活动载波相位,届时我们减少监控,每6〜12个月之前的一年时间。

What treatments do these doctors use? Pegylated interferon and the antivirals tenofovir and entecavir are recommended as first treatments by the American guidelines and the doctors follow their recommendations. However, despite their good experience with interferon, fewer than 10% of their patients select interferon. "We are more enthusiastic in recommending interferon to young patients, particularly those who are hesitant to commit to a long duration of treatment and young women who are planning to start a family within the next two to three years," they wrote.

When it comes to antivirals, they believe entecavir and tenofovir are equally effective. "We prefer entecavir in patients who are at increased risk of (kidney damage) such as patients with decompensated cirrhosis, older patients, and patients with hypertension or diabetes. We prefer tenofovir in young women who might become pregnant during the course of treatment," they wrote.

They avoid prescribing lamivudine, telbivudine, and adefovir because of their higher rates of drug resistance. "In addition, we systematically have switched patients from adefovir to tenofovir because tenofovir is more potent. For patients taking lamivudine plus adefovir because of prior lamivudine resistance, we have switched them to tenofovir if they have undetectable HBV DNA levels or to the combination pill Truvada (containing the antiviral emtricitabine plus tenofovir). We have switched most patients taking lamivudine to tenofovir, except for a few who had been on lamivudine for many years with undetectable HBV DNA levels because the risk of antiviral drug resistance in these patients is very low."

做这些医生使用什么治疗方法?聚乙二醇干扰素和抗病毒药物替诺福韦和恩替卡韦被推荐为治疗首先由美国的指引,医生按照他们的建议。然而,尽管他们用干扰素很好的经验,他们的病人不到10%选择干扰素。 “我们是在推荐干扰素对年轻患者,特别是那些谁是犹豫致力于治疗和年轻妇女谁正计划在未来两到三年内组建家庭的时间长更热烈, ”他们写道。

当涉及到抗病毒药物,他们认为恩替卡韦和替诺福韦也同样有效。 “我们喜欢恩替卡韦的病人谁在(肾损害),如失代偿性肝硬化,老年患者,和患者有高血压或糖尿病的风险增加,我们宁愿替诺福韦在年轻女性治疗过程中谁可能怀孕, ”他们写道。

他们避免因处方药耐药的比率较高的拉米夫定,替比夫定和阿德福韦。 “此外,我们系统皆已患者阿德福韦替诺福韦,因为替诺福韦是更有效的。对于服用拉米夫定,因为之前拉米夫定耐药加上阿德福韦的患者,我们皆已他们替诺福韦,如果他们有检测不到HBV DNA水平或组合药片Truvada的(含抗病毒药恩曲他滨加替诺福韦) 。我们已经切换服用拉米夫定替诺福韦大多数患者,除了少数谁已经对拉米夫定多年,检测不到HBV DNA水平,因为在这些患者抗病毒耐药的风险是很低的。 “

When do the doctors stop antiviral treatment? These doctors continue antiviral treatment indefinitely in those who have cirrhosis and in many older patients (older than 60) unless they clear HBsAg.

For HBeAg-positive patients without cirrhosis, the doctors won't stop treatment until 12 months after the patients have achieved HBeAg seroconversion in order to "consolidate" the HBeAg loss.

In HBeAg-negative patients, they stop treatment after HBsAg loss, but this has occurred in only one patient they have treated in the past five years.

"We have, however, discontinued treatment in several patients who can no longer afford or are no longer willing to commit to long-term treatment if they have completed at least five years of treatment with undetectable HBV DNA levels in the past three years," they reported. "Although all patients experienced virologic relapse after treatment was stopped, most patients continue to have low HBV DNA levels and normal ALT levels and have not required resumption of treatment."

"Guidelines provide an evidence-based framework for managing patients; however, management of individual patients must be flexible, taking into account the patient's preference and other medical or psychosocial conditions, evolution in knowledge over time, and the provider's experience," they concluded.

Source: www.natap.org/2014/HBV/011614_01.htm

当你的医生停止抗病毒治疗?这些医生继续抗病毒治疗无限期地在那些谁拥有肝硬化和许多老年患者( 60岁以上) ,除非他们明确乙肝表面抗原。



“我们有,但是,在一些病人谁再也不能或不再愿意承诺长期治疗,如果他们已经完成了至少五年检测不到HBV DNA水平的治疗在过去三年停止治疗, ”他们的报告。 “虽然所有患者经历病毒学复发治疗停止后,多数患者继续有低HBV DNA水平和ALT水平正常,并没有要求恢复治疗。 ”

“指南提供以证据为基础的框架,用于管理病人,但是,个别病人管理必须是灵活的,考虑到病人的偏好和其他医疗或心理状况,演变知识随着时间的推移,与供应商的经验, ”他们的结论。

资料来源: www.natap.org/2014/HBV/011614_01.htm

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2014-2-4 18:10 |只看该作者
Truvada Effective in Lowering Viral Load in Young Adults with High Viral Load
An international study found the antiviral combination of tenofovir and emtricitabine (Truvada) was most effective in treating younger adult hepatitis B patients with high viral load and normal ALT levels.

Doctors historically have not treated this group because there appeared to be no sign of liver damage. However, doctors now know that high viral loads may increase patients’ risk of liver damage and cancer as they age, despite their normal ALT levels.

Most participants in the study were Asian and the average age was 33. Nearly all were HBeAg-positive and had HBV DNA levels at around 10 million IU/mL. Sixty-four patients were treated with tenofovir (300 mg daily) and 62 were treated with the combination pill containing tenofovir (300 mg) and emtricitabine (200 mg).

After 192 weeks of treatment, 55% of patients treated with just tenofovir and 76% of patients treated with the combination Truvada pill had nearly undetectable HBV DNA levels (less than 69 IU/mL). None of the patients developed drug resistance.

HBeAg seroconversion (loss of HBeAg and development of “e” antibodies) occurred in three patients in the tenofovir group. None of the patients in either group lost HBsAg.

Researchers reported that women in the study fared better than men from either treatment and that Truvada was superior to tenofovir alone in lowering viral load. However, HBeAg seroconversion and HBsAg clearance rates remained low in both groups, according to their report published in the January 2014 issue of the journal Gastroenterology. (1)

An unrelated study in Spain also explored the success of long-term antiviral treatment in 33 HBeAg-positive patients (older, with an average age of 42) with high viral loads. The patients were treated longer, for nearly four years, 37% with lamivudine, 24% with tenofovir and 21% with entecavir.

This group appeared to have more success, with 19 (57%) achieving HBeAg seroconversion and 27% clearing HBsAg. No patient regained HBsAg during three years of follow-up after treatment ended, according to the report published in the January issue of the journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

However, seven of the patients developed drug resistance to lamivudine and one developed adefovir resistance.

“Treatment with (antivirals) achieves a high seroconversion rate (57.57%) and a considerable percentage of HBsAg clearance (27.27%),” researchers concluded. (2)

1. Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24462735
2. Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24462611

一个国际研究发现替诺福韦和恩曲他滨( Truvada的)的抗病毒组合是最有效的治疗年轻成人乙肝患者的高病毒载量和ALT水平正常。


大多数与会者在研究中亚洲,平均年龄为33 。几乎所有为HBeAg阳性和有HBV DNA水平在10万IU /毫升。 64例患者采用替诺福韦( 300毫克)和62后联合药丸含有替诺福韦( 300毫克)和恩曲他滨( 200毫克)治疗。

192周治疗后,只用替诺福韦和与组合Truvada的药丸治疗的患者中76 %的患者55 %有几乎检测不到HBV DNA水平(小于69国际单位/毫升) 。没有病人抗药性。

HBeAg血清学转换( HBeAg的损失之和“e”抗体的发展)发生在三个患者替诺福韦组中。没有患者在任一组失去了乙肝表面抗原。

研究人员报告说,妇女在研究中的表现比从任一治疗男性好,而Truvada的优于单独使用替诺福韦在降低病毒载量。然而, HBeAg血清学转换和HBsAg清除率仍然很低两组,根据发表在2014年1月号的杂志消化他们的报告。 (1)

另一项在西班牙还探讨了在33例HBeAg阳性患者长期抗病毒治疗(旧,与平均年龄42岁) ,高病毒载量的成功。患者治疗时间较长,为近四年来, 37%的拉米夫定, 24 %用替诺福韦和21%的恩替卡韦。

这组似乎有更多的成功,有19 ( 57 % )实现HBeAg血清学转换,27%的HBsAg清除。没有病人恢复过程中的HBsAg三年随访治疗结束后,根据发表在胃肠病学和肝病学杂志一月号的报告。

然而, 7名患者发展到拉米夫定和一个开发的阿德福韦酯耐药抗药性。

“治疗用(抗病毒药物)达到高转阴率( 57.57 % ),并有相当比例的HBsAg清除率( 27.27 % ) , ”研究人员得出结论。 (2)

1 。资料来源: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24462735
2 。资料来源: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24462611

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2014-2-4 18:12 |只看该作者
Hepatitis B Causes Most Liver Cancer Deaths in China
Researchers writing in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, examined the five leading causes of preventable liver cancer in China and found hepatitis B leads the list, causing 66% of liver cancer deaths in men and 58% in women.

Their data, pulled from the 3rd National Death Causes Survey of 2005, found hepatitis B caused most liver cancer deaths, followed by:

    Hepatitis C

    Aflatoxin, a poisonous fungus found in soil and decaying matter that can contaminate rice, corn and other grains

    Alcohol abuse, which affected men more than women

    And smoking

Overall, 86% of liver cancer deaths were attributable to these five factors. “Our findings provide useful data for developing guidelines for liver cancer prevention and control in China and other developing countries,” researchers wrote.

Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24460283







总的来说,肝癌死亡人数的86%来自这五个因素。 “我们的发现为开发用于肝癌的预防和控制中国和其他发展中国家的指引有用的数据,”研究人员写道。


Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2014-2-4 18:14 |只看该作者
Smoking Shortens Survival after Liver Cancer Surgery
A Chinese study found that heavy smokers who have hepatitis B face a higher risk of death and cancer recurrence after they undergo surgery for liver cancer.

Smoking affects more than lungs—the liver must metabolize more than 40 tobacco-related compounds and several of them are known to cause cancer in the liver. In this study, researchers followed 302 patients who underwent surgery to remove liver tumors and compared survival of smokers to nonsmokers.

Survival without recurrence of liver cancer was 34 months in nonsmokers and 26 months in current smokers. Even former smokers had lower survival rates that were similar to current smokers, probably due to the cumulative effects of years of smoking, according to the report published in January issue of PLoS One.

Source: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles




资料来源:www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ PMC/篇
/ PMC3893178/

Rank: 6Rank: 6

1904 元 
发表于 2014-2-5 07:56 |只看该作者
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