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Tocomin SupraBio ®在非酒精性脂肪性肝病改善脂肪肝( NAFLD [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2014-2-1 20:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
Tocomin SupraBio® improves fatty liver in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Tuesday 28 January 2014 - 2am PST

A ground-breaking human clinical study shows supplementation with patented and bioenhanced natural full spectrum palm tocotrienol complex (Tocomin SupraBio®) at 400mg daily for one year improves fatty liver in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

NAFLD often coexists with metabolic syndrome especially type 2 diabetes and obesity. It is reported to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and affects approximately 30% of the population in Western countries. Recently, the University of Hong Kong reported that a staggering 40% of healthy Hong Kong population have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, with majority of them not aware of the condition.

This study, conducted at University Science Malaysia, Penang, recruited 87 untreated hypercholesterolemic adults diagnosed with NAFLD by ultrasound. Subjects were randomized into two groups. Over the study period of one year, the control group of 44 subjects and tocotrienols group of 43 subjects were given 200mg twice a day of placebo or mixed tocotrienols softgels (Tocomin SupraBio®), respectively. All subjects underwent a battery of fasting blood chemistry analyses at quarterly intervals and high sensitivity B-mode ultrasonography (USG) examinations at baseline and after one year.

A total of 64 subjects completed the study - 34 from control group and 30 from tocotrienols group. Liver ultrasound showed normalized echogenic response in 15 subjects out of 30 in the tocotrienols group (50%). In comparison, only 8 subjects out of 34 in the placebo group (23.5%) showed normalization. The normalisation of hepatic echogenic response was significantly higher for the tocotrienols treated group compared to the placebo group.

As secondary objective, protocol assessment also showed significant rate of remission. Worsening of NAFLD grade was recorded in two patients in the placebo group, but none in the group treated with tocotrienols. No adverse events were reported for both groups.

"In summary, the present study shows that patients assigned to tocotrienols at the current dosage, have significantly benefited in terms of normalization of the hepatic echogenic response in NAFLD compared to placebo during the 1-year treatment.", wrote the lead researcher, Dr Enrico Magosso.

Another group of researchers from the Philippines recently presented a human study (67 subjects) at the Asia Pacific Association for the Study of Liver, (June 2013, Singapore) that shows that lifestyle modification and exercise together with supplementation of 100mg of tocotrienols for 3 months (Tocomin SupraBio®) is nearly 4 times more effective in improving liver stiffness in NAFLD patients, compared to lifestyle modification and exercise alone.

While in another study, Japanese researchers reported that simultaneous intake of tocotrienols with alpha-tocopherol synergistically inhibited lipid accumulation, inflammation and fibrosis in the liver of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis rats, which further underscores the importance of tocotrienols and tocopherols in reducing the severity or risk of NAFLD.

"More and more studies are focusing on the protective benefits of bioenhanced natural full spectrum tocotrienol complex (Tocomin SupraBio®) for the fatty liver. These studies provide evidence that supplementation of Tocomin SupraBio® leads to improved liver condition in end-stage liver disease and reduced liver stiffness in NAFLD patients. In this most recently published human study, remission of NAFLD was seen in patients after 1 year of supplementation," says WH Leong, Vice President of Carotech Inc.

"We are very excited that Tocomin SupraBio®, being a natural compound, has such potent protective effect on the liver, especially in non-alcoholic fatty liver, which until today, has no proven drug treatment. We congratulate the team of researchers for publishing these human clinical studies in the amelioration of fatty liver," adds WH Leong.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2014-2-1 20:03 |只看该作者
Tocomin SupraBio ®在非酒精性脂肪性肝病改善脂肪肝( NAFLD)

星期二2014年1月28日 - 凌晨2点的PST

一个突破性的人体临床研究表明,与专利和bioenhanced天然全谱掌生育三烯酚复合( Tocomin SupraBio ® )在每天400毫克一年提高了在非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD )脂肪肝的补充。

脂肪肝往往与代谢综合征共存尤其是2型糖尿病和肥胖症。据报道,为心血管疾病的独立风险因子,并影响在西方人口的大约30%。最近,香港大学报告说,健康的香港人口达到了惊人的40 %的非酒精性脂肪肝疾病,他们大部分不知道的条件。

这项研究,在马来西亚科技大学,槟城进行,招募超声诊断为脂肪肝87未经处理的高胆固醇血症的成年人。受试者被随机分为两组。超过一年的研究期间, 44科目和生育三烯酚组43例的对照组给予两次200毫克的安慰剂或混合生育三烯酚软胶囊( Tocomin SupraBio ® ) ,每天分别。所有受试者进行空腹的电池血液化学分析,每季一次,灵敏度高B超在基线( USG)考试,一年后。

共有64科完成了研究 - 从生育三烯酚组34与对照组和30 。肝脏超声显示归回声响应在15个学科的30的生育三烯酚组( 50 % ) 。相比之下,只有8个学科的34个,而安慰剂组( 23.5 %)显示正常化。肝回声响应的归一化是显著更高​​为治疗组相比,安慰剂组的生育三烯酚。


“总之,目前的研究表明,分配给生育三烯酚在当前剂量的患者,有显著在NAFLD肝回声响应期间1年的治疗与安慰剂相比正常化方面受益匪浅。 ” ,写的首席研究员,博士恩里科Magosso 。

另一位来自菲律宾的研究小组最近提出了一个人的研究( 67例)在亚太协会肝病研究, ( 2013年6月新加坡)的显示,改变生活方式和锻炼加上补充生育三烯酚100毫克的3个月( Tocomin SupraBio ®)是近4倍更有效地改善肝脏硬度在NAFLD患者相比,改变生活方式和锻炼一个人。

而在另一项研究中,日本研究人员报告说,同时摄取生育三烯酚与α-生育酚协同抑制脂质堆积,炎症和纤维化的非酒精性脂肪性肝炎大鼠肝脏,这进一步强调了在减少的严重程度或风险生育三烯酚和生育酚的重要性的NAFLD 。

“越来越多的研究都侧重于bioenhanced自然全谱生育三烯酚复合( Tocomin SupraBio ® )为脂肪肝的保护益处。这些研究提供的证据表明,补充Tocomin SupraBio的®导致改善肝脏状况的终末期肝病和减少肝脏硬度的NAFLD患者,在这个最新公布的人类研究中, NAFLD的缓解1年补充后,患者可见, “ WH梁, Carotech公司的副总裁说:

“我们感到非常兴奋, Tocomin SupraBio ® ,是一种天然化合物,对肝脏,特别是在非酒精性脂肪肝,这直到今天,有没有有效的药物治疗这种强有力的保护作用。我们祝贺研究人员的团队出版在脂肪肝的改善这些人的临床研究,补充说:“ WH亮。

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