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惊艳美人江尼·威尔 [复制链接]

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发表于 2012 年 11 月 15 日 由 云易


“Until I saw johnny I never knew a man could be so beautiful”
— by 7827melody, from Youtube

English: 2008 World Championships. Johnny Weir
English: 2008 World Championships. Johnny Weir (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


本文要说的,就是这样一个意外:一个和很多美丽的女人一样美丽,甚至比很多女人还“女人”的男人 – 江尼·威尔(Johnny Weir)。


其次,威尔打动我的,和沙霞·科恩(Sasha Cohen)一样,是他的艺术感染力。和那些只会在冰上比赛跳跃,或者机械地呈现一些规定动作,而在动作之间什么都没有的选手所不同的是,威尔总是能和音乐同步。似乎,他的身体本身就是被旋律和节奏所构成,所以无论是跳跃,转身,还是平稳的滑步,他的每一个移动,都像是一次生命之花的全新盛开,让人目不暇接。


2010年温哥华冬季奥运会上,江尼·威尔的表演极其优美,技术难度虽然不算最高,但都完成得天衣无缝。我个人觉得他至少应该拿到一个银牌或铜牌。但遗憾的是,他最后只排名第六。这在当时算是引起了公众的争议。从我看到网上的一些讨论来看,之所以他的排名如此落后,主要是因为他的艺术部分(performance score)得分太低。这就明显地表示出裁判对他的风格的“歧视”。

2010 – 2012年,威尔停赛了两年,之后又宣布复出,参加2014冬季奥运会。2010年威尔也公开了自己的同性恋身份。为此我为他高兴,因为这显示出他并没有被歧视压倒。我也衷心地希望在下界奥运会上他得到他应有的“报酬”。

Good luck Johnny!


Stunning Beauty – Johnny Weir

“Until I saw johnny I never knew a man could be so beautiful”
— A comment from Youtube by “7827melody”

For me, to say every man should be like a man, every woman should be like a woman, is almost like to say every Chinese should be good at Kong Fu, every American should be rich. Truth is, the reality often is much more complicated than we humans can categorize it. There are always plenty of exceptions and surprises that break human rules, give this world some diversity, which make this world less boring. Here comes a man, who on ice acts as gracious as some of the most beautiful women. His name is Johnny Weir.

As a figure skater, Johnny Weir struck me first with his natural beauty of feminine. I’ve seen lots of “feminine” male figure skaters, many of them only appear to be too “soft” to me. Their “softness” seems to be a quality of “less masculine”, or “less powerful” than “regular” male skaters’ style. But Johnny Weir is different. He is not “less masculine”, because that’s simply NOT what he is. What he is is FEMININE. He doesn’t care about “masculine”, instead, he freely expresses his elegant nature without a slight confusion. When you watch his moves on ice, the elegance is totally natural. What’s even better, is that Weir’s “feminine” quality is rendered by some “muscle power”, which means better control on ice, thus as an art form, it is even closer to perfection.

Secondly, Weir impresses me with his artistic style (just like Sasha Cohen!). Different from many skaters who just pose some jumps and required positions, and in between fill with “nothingness”, Weir moves along with music, as if his body is charged by melody and rhythm, each move comes with a full “blossom” of life.

Last, probably most importantly to my “philosophical” view, is that all Weir’s performance displayed a great confidence. Not only he is naturally feminine, but also he is fully aware of it, and he intends to exhibit it with a giant confidence. I personally do not take this for granted, because for me, it is easier to gain confidence for those popular celebrities who easily receive approval from majority, than for those who are different, especially different by “nature”, different from social ideology or “common sense”. For the latter, being confident dose take a totally different measure of courage. That’s why I have to appreciate Johnny Weir with extra respect.

In 2010 Vancuver Winter Olympics, Johnny Weir finished in the Sixth place. It was a huge controversial. For me, he deserved a silver medal, or at least a bronze. According to some source I read online, the reason he was so underrated was because his “performance score” (aside from “technique score”) was marked very low. This obviously shows that judges indeed disliked Weir’s style.

I heard Johnny Weir has announced his coming back for 2014 Olympics. He also came out as an openly gay. I am glad, because all these actions showed that he was not discouraged by the mistreatment he received from last Olympics. I wholeheartedly hope he gets what he deserves next year.

Good luck Johnny!

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