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[PHC2012] 我们已向HCV清除迈进了一大步,未来我们将走向哪里 [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-3-17 13:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
[PHC2012] 我们已向HCV清除迈进了一大步,未来我们将走向哪里?——大会主席Patrick Marcellin教授专访            



来源: 作者:Patrick.Marcellin 发布时间:2012-3-16 15:37:07   阅读:31


  Hepatology Digest: You made the opening and closing presentations at this year’s Paris Hepatology Conference and you were very optimistic about the potential for a cure and achieving 100% suppression of the hepatitis C virus within five years. Do you think this is really possible?
  Prof Marcellin: It is an achievable objective. If we look at the most recent research on combinations of drugs, it is clear that we now have a large number of very efficient and potent drugs. We have the new protease inhibitors, we have the polymerase inhibitors (the NUCs and non-NUCs), and we have the NS5a inhibitors and now that we know these combinations have an additive effect, even sometimes synergistic, the potency of treatment in the most recent studies has been able to stop viral replication within a few days. So they are very potent combinations of antivirals. I think the concept of the efficacy of these drugs leading to 100% suppression of the virus is now something that is accepted. Secondly, treatment can be shorter. We currently have many drugs and many combinations in phase II trials so I think we will learn a lot about these in the next two or three years. I have said five years but we need to take into account time to register drugs and so on, but I think in terms of the feasibility and efficacy it is realistic that within two years we will have confirmed the efficacy and safety of these drugs. The phase III studies will be conducted more rapidly because it will be possible to have 12 weeks of treatment instead of 48 weeks or 24 weeks. Treatment will become shorter and shorter. I am optimistic that successful use of these drugs seems to be, at this stage, more and more realistic. I will add that two years ago I was thinking that it would take ten years to reach this point. We have made more advances in drug therapy in the last two years than we have in the last ten. Progress is accelerating and offering many good surprises.
  Hepatology Digest: The drug getting the most attention right now seems to be PSI-7977. Are your high hopes specifically pinned on this one drug or is your optimism based on the fact that there are so many drugs?
  《国际肝病》:现在最关注的药物似乎是PSI - 7977。请问您是对这一种药物寄予很大的希望还是乐观认为还有许多其他的药物?
  Prof Marcellin: This one is certainly one of the leaders in terms of efficacy. Its profile with respect to safety and resistance is so far very good. I will say though that this is just one of a number of drugs that are very interesting - the NS5a inhibitor from Bristol-Myers Squibb, for instance - and there are many more drugs that are coming. I do not know what the final combination winners will be, but I am convinced that we now have a large number of drugs, many in phase II trials, some of which are less potent than others, but which will shine in combination with others. If we use drugs with different target mechanisms, then these combinations can be very effective. PSI-7977 is one of the leaders. The challenge is not really in finding the single ideal drug; the challenge is finding the right combination.
  Marcellin教授:PSI - 7977肯定是最为有效的药物之一,其在安全性和耐药性方面都是迄今为止非常好的。我会说,PSI – 7977仅仅是引人注目的药物中的一种,它是由施贵宝公司研制的一种NS5a抑制剂,就耐药性而言,将会有有更多的药物研制出来。我不知道联合治疗最终的赢家将是什么,但我深信,我们现在有大量的药物在研制,有些还进入II期临床试验,有些虽然抗病毒能力没有其他的强,但是与其他药物组合起来疗效非常好。如果我们用不同作用位点的药物进行组合,那么这些方案将非常有效。?PSI – 7977是其中的佼佼者。目前的挑战是并不是是找到一个单一理想的药物,挑战是找到合适的组合方案。
  Hepatology Digest: The interesting thing about PSI-7977 was that trials were being conducted using just ribavirin and PSI-7977 and that was shown to cure 100% of patients (albeit just ten patients) and even you were suggesting in your presentation of moving towards monotherapy within five years time. Do you think the focus needs to be on combinations or on finding the magic bullet?
  《国际肝病》:关于PSI -7977非常有意义的是,在一项研究中,使用利巴韦林和PSI – 7977联合治疗,治愈率为100%(尽管只有10例患者)。然而,在您的演讲中提及在未来五年内,将逐步向单一治疗迈进。请问您认为研究的重点是寻找最佳组合还是寻找灵丹妙药?
  Prof Marcellin: I would say that combinations, at least as a first step, will be necessary to increase efficacy and to decrease the risk of resistance. I believe that using two or three drugs with different targets is probably the way to go today. It is quite risky to use a single drug at this stage but, as you say, the magic bullet with no resistance and rapid suppression is a possibility. However, I would say that looking at treatment in the next five years, producing an almost 100% cure (100% does not exist in medicine of course) is possible. Look at tenofovir and entecavir in hepatitis B – we would imagine that we could find a drug with the same potency as these drugs that induce an antiviral response in almost all patients. In the meantime, we need to be aiming towards safety in terms of resistance and a more robust action in combinations. Some combinations show very exciting results. At this stage, numbers are still small and there is still the question of safety because in many studies the duration of treatment is relatively short. We will know more by the AASLD meeting at the end of the year. I think 2012 will probably be the year in which things will come together and we will know what the best combinations of drugs are. I believe however that interferon-free treatment is really achievable. There is now no reason to think that we need to continue interferon therapy for years and years and years, so interferon-free treatment is the future. The next question is do we really need ribavirin? That is still not very clear to me.
  Hepatology Digest: You also discussed at the conference the topic of genotypes and specifically those patients who were not genotype 1. There has been a lot of progress with telaprevir and boceprevir in treating people with genotype 1, but what do we do now for those with genotypes 2 and 3?
  Prof Marcellin: Or even genotype 4.  I mentioned in my presentation in Paris that we should remember that in many countries, genotype 1 only makes up a small proportion of patients. Genotype 4 is extremely important in the Middle East and Egypt. Genotype 3 is the predominant genotype in India. So there are millions of people infected with non-1 genotypes. What we are seeing in some studies with the polymerase inhibitors (the NUCs), these drugs are as effective in all genotypes; they are non-genotypic. This is the other big step. If we can develop drugs that are really effective on all genotypes, it will make treatment amenable for more people, more countries and it will also be very simple for clinicians to choose appropriate drugs and even then, maybe one pill containing two or three drugs. I am not sure that one drug is enough, but one pill may be enough. It would not be necessary to check genotype and it would not be necessary to check the virologic response because if a combination is very effective you do not need to prioritize assessment of the viral load. I think treatment will become simpler. The next question raised is, even if we have very effective drugs, what about ensuring diagnosis, treatment and access to these drugs. Presumably the price of these drugs would be very high and could be a limitation in their accessibility to many people. With 170 million patients worldwide, when I say that we could achieve an almost 100% cure in all patients within five years, I am thinking that we will need many years to treat all of the patients who need to be treated in terms of access to therapy. Another side to the story is how this science and progress can be of benefit to the patients. We have good experience of screening patients in France. We started a program of screening many years ago. With screening, we need to be very clear as to why we are screening potential patients. Screening is important if we can give the drugs to the patient. If you diagnose patients but the patient cannot pay for treatment, there is some interest in terms of prevention of further new infections and in terms of epidemiology and for this alone it is important to screen the population, but there remains the issue of who is to pay for treatment. I am confident that because there are many effective drugs becoming available and many companies involved, there will be early access to treatment and an understanding amongst these companies that in some countries, patients will pay and in other countries they will need help. We have seen a similar situation arise in the treatment of HIV in Africa for instance. First we need to achieve the objective of very effective and safe drugs. Then there needs to be an awareness worldwide of this public health problem and then to treat as many patients as we can, hopefully all of the patients who need to be treated.
  Hepatology Digest: What do we do right now though? In America, even with the protease inhibitors working across genotypes, they are only approved for genotype 1. What is our approach to a patient with genotype 2, 3 or 4?
  Prof Marcellin: We still use the standard treatment of PEG-IFN/RBV. Boceprevir and telaprevir are the first generation of the protease inhibitor and are not effective or have little effectiveness in all of the genotypes so there is a high risk of developing resistance. It is recommended to use them only in genotype 1 which is why I think the new drugs are very important overall. In addition to better efficacy and safety, more and more drugs are effective against all of these genotypes. So today, these pioneering drugs, boceprevir and telaprevir are a big step and progress only for a section of the patient population. In France, genotype 1 makes up 50% of cases. So 50% of patients are still treated with PEG-IFN/RBV. We need to accelerate this process of developing new drugs and particularly the PSI-7977 and the NUCs. The NUCs have this interesting property of being effective on all genotypes. The first generation of protease inhibitors are very specific for genotype 1. The new protease inhibitors could be more active on the other genotypes but the key is still to be using combinations.
  Hepatology Digest: There was a debate at the conference as to whether or not to do IL28B testing. One of the reasons not to do IL28B testing was because we are getting drugs very soon that will bypass the necessity to know if a patient will respond to interferon. In those countries that cannot afford or use these new drugs for quite some time, what will be the approach there?
  Prof Marcellin: IL28 is a strong predictor of response if interferon is being used. So these days it is important if you do not have access to the genotype 1 protease inhibitors. In many countries, these drugs are difficult to obtain or even not registered so IL28 can help give an idea of the degree of response as it is the strongest predictor of response. But in the future when we use interferon-free treatments, IL28 will no longer be useful because it is not a predictor of response to the direct-acting antiviral agents. IL28 is a predictor of response to interferon but it is not a predictor of response to interferon-free treatment. In terms of cost benefit with standard of care and with a large proportion of patients worldwide still treated with interferon plus ribavirin, IL28 is something that can be cost-effective to select the right patients who have a high likelihood of a cure. In some strategies and in some countries it should be used. It is a simple test and can be done on a PCR with a serum sample and assists in making the decision whether to treat or not. One of the roles of the PHC is to analyze the best way to optimize treatment according to the different situations that exist in different countries. I don’t think the management of patients with hepatitis C is the same in United States as it is in China or in India or in Africa. We have to think in terms of the priorities of public health, in terms of available resources and how to achieve the best efficacy and best strategy with what is available. This concept will be followed at the next meeting of the PHC in January 2013 (they will now be held every year) where we will be discussing hepatitis B and hepatitis C (this meeting was just hepatitis C obviously because hepatitis C was a very hot topic). In the next meeting we will return to hepatitis B because it is the biggest public health issue and particularly in China where it is a huge problem. I mentioned that advances in hepatitis C are accelerating and in hepatitis B now there are similar advances that need an annual review of the state of the art and there will be many important debates. I am sure that next year we will have a lot of new results and data and the controversies and debates will continue. The concept of this meeting I arrange each year is to discuss different treatment strategies according to different regions of the world. The patients are different; the resources are different; and the management is different. The challenge for the future will be to allow access to treatment to all patients who need treatment. Maybe not all patients need to be treated; we will need to treat the most serious patients and we have to come up with strategies on how to use these tools and weapons against hepatitis C in the best way.
  Marcellin教授:IL28是干扰素治疗效果高效预测因子之一。因此,在还没有基因1型蛋白酶抑制剂的国家,进行该项检测还是非常重要的。在许多国家,这些药物非常难以获得,或者还未进行注册,IL28检测可以帮助预测干扰素治疗效果。 但是在将来,我们如果使用无干扰素治疗方案时,IL28检测将不再有益,因为它并不是直接抗病毒治疗药物疗效的预测因子。就标准治疗方案成本效益方面进行分析,因为全球仍有大部分患者仍然在使用干扰素联合利巴韦林治疗,IL28对于筛选合适的患者非常有益,因为能够提高治愈率。在某些治疗策略和某些国家,进行该项检测,还是有一定帮助的。它只需进行一个简单的试验,通过对血清样品进行PCR分析就可以决定是否需要进行治疗。初级卫生保健的一个原则就是通过分析不同国家存在的不同情况,对不同的状况进行优化治疗。对于丙型肝炎患者的治疗,我并不认为美国的治疗方案和中国、印度或者非洲等国家的治疗方案是相同的。我们必须依据国情、可获得的资源条件来做出最好的策略以期获得最佳治疗效果。这个观点将在2013年召开的初级卫生保健论坛(以后将每年举办一次)中进一步加以阐述,到那时我们将要讨论的乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎(本次会议主要是丙型肝炎,因为丙型肝炎是一个热点话题)。在下次会议中,我们将着重讨论乙型肝炎,因为它仍然是最大的公众健康问题,尤其是在中国。我曾经提到,在丙型肝炎方面进展非常迅速,同时异性肝炎也取得同样的进步,因此非常有必要每年对最新的进展进行回顾,将会有许多重要的辩论。我相信,明年我们将有很多新的研究结果和数据发表,争鸣将会得以继续下去。每年,我们会议的主题就是对不同国家和地区的治疗策略进行讨论。在不用的地区,患者不同,资源也不同,因此治疗策略也应不同。也许,并不是所有的患者均需要进行治疗,我们需要治疗病情更严重的患者,我们必须对如何更好利用现有的资源有清醒的认识,以便找到治疗丙型肝炎的最佳策略。

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发表于 2012-3-18 16:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2012-3-18 16:22 编辑

回复 把握当下 的帖子

1。蛋白酶(protease)是一种酶。它就像一把剪刀。Protease is an enzyme. It acts like a scissors.
2。当病毒RNA复制,生产长链的肽, 长链肽链必须切成小段。When viral rna replicates, t makes long chain of peptides which must be cut into appropriate smaller pieces.
3。蛋白酶inhibitor阻止剪刀行动. Protease inhibitor blocks the action of the scissors.

When viral RNA is translated into a polypeptide sequence, that sequence is            assembled in a long chain that includes several individual proteins (reverse  transcriptase, protease, integrase). Before these enzymes become functional, they must be cut from the longer polypeptide chain. Viral protease cuts the long chain into its individual enzyme components which then facilitate the production of new viruses.
Inhibitors of this viral protease can be used to fight HIV infection. By blocking the ability of the protease to cleave the  viral polypeptide into functional enzymes, protease inhibitors interfere  with continued infection. Mutations enable HIV to avoid treatments that involve only one drug, so there is growing use of multiple-drug therapies in which both a protease  inhibitor AND a reverse transcript inhibitor are combined.


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