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HBV Journal Review August 1, 2011, Vol 8, no 8 [复制链接]

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HBV Journal Review
August 1, 2011, Vol 8, no 8
by Christine M. Kukka

Flares  during Antiviral Treatment Rarely Lead to Viral Clearance
A team of Dutch and Chinese researchers  followed 227 patients, who were treated with antivirals to see what impact  flares—marked by sudden rises in viral load (HBV DNA) and/or increases in liver  damage—had on these patients.
                   They wanted to see if flares showed that  the patients’ immune systems were fighting the infection and whether they  resulted in clearance or suppression of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection.  When the immune system battles HBV infection, it attacks the infected liver  cells, and alanine aminotransferase  (ALT) levels rise, indicating that  liver cells are damaged or dying.
                  Unfortunately, they discovered that flares that  occur during or after antiviral treatment almost never lead to improvement, and  they sometimes resulted in severe liver damage.
                  According to the report published in the July  issue of the Journal of Viral  Hepatitis, researchers  documented 27 flares over a total of 9,779 antiviral treatment months. The rate  was about 3.2% per 100 person years.
                  Patients treated with lamivudine (Epivir-HBV),  which has a high rate of drug resistance, had the most flares (4.9 per 100  person years). When drug resistance occurs, HBV that have mutated so that they  can “resist” the antiviral are able to replicate freely, and viral loads  rebound. Twenty (74%) of 27 flares that occurred during treatment were due to  development of lamivudine-resistance.
                  Seventeen flares occurred after patients  stopped taking an antiviral.
                  No flares were documented in patients who  switched to a new antiviral, with lower rates of drug resistance, when their  first antiviral appeared not to be effective in suppressing the virus.
                  None of the flares led to clearance of the  infection. Seven flares resulted in severe (decompensated) liver disease.

Liver Cancer Rates Increase as  Hepatitis-Infected Populations Age
                  Australian researchers followed liver cancer  rates between 1992 and 2007 to see what impact immunization against hepatitis B  and other health care initiatives had on the cancer rates resulting from HBV  and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections.
They reported in the Journal of Viral Hepatitis that between 1992 and 2007, of 1,201 people  with liver cancer, 556 had HBV infection, 592 had hepatitis C, 45 were  coinfected with HBV and HCV, and 8 also had HIV co-infection.
                  They found a minor decline in liver cancer  rates, from 148 in 1995 to 101 in 2007, among the HBV-infected group, but they  noted a significant increase in cancer rates from 75 to 152 in the HCV-infected  group.
                  Researchers noted that despite declines in the  age-adjusted incidence rates of liver cancer, the actual number of cases  increased due to the aging of the infected population and an increasing  prevalence of both hepatitis B and C in Australia.

Most HBeAg-Negative Patients with Normal ALTs  and High Viral Loads Have Fibrosis
                                    Another study has found that even people with  no signs of liver damage (with normal ALT levels) can still have significant  fibrosis from hepatitis B, and that viral load may be the truer indicator of  liver damage among people who have hepatitis B e antigen-negative (HBeAg)  hepatitis B.
Researchers compared 203 HBeAg-negative  patients who had a viral load of 20,000 IU/mL or higher with a group who had  lower viral loads. Liver biopsies, in which a small slice of liver tissue is  examined for fibrosis, were conducted on all of them.
                  The patients were divided into four groups:
  • Group  I had HBV DNA levels exceeding 20,000 IU/mL and persistently high ALT levels,  which indicates dying or damaged liver cells. Fibrosis was detected in 72.7% of  them.
  • Group  2 had HBV DNA levels exceeding 20,000 IU/mL and normal ALT levels, appearing to  indicate no liver damage. Fibrosis was detected in 52.9%.
  • Group  3 had HBV DNA levels less than 20,000 IU/mL and elevated ALT levels. Fibrosis was  detected in 57.5%.
  • And  Group 4 had HBV DNA levels less than 20,000 IU/mL and normal ALT levels. This  group had a fibrosis rate of only 18.9%.
                  Researchers, reporting in the Journal of Viral Hepatitis, concluded that significant fibrosis was  present in a large percentage of HBeAg-negtive patients with viral loads that  exceeded 20,000 IU/mL even when they had normal ALT levels. Most of the  patients had HBV strain or genotype D.
                  Only the combination of normal ALTs and low  viral load could safely predict a low risk of fibrosis, they concluded.

                  In a separate article in the same issue,  Japanese researchers reported monitoring 104 HBeAg-negative patients with  persistently normal ALTs to see what impact their viral load had on their liver  health.
                  During the sixth year of the study, 5 patients  (4.8%) had liver cancer and 14 (13.5%) had reactivation of their  hepatitis—marked by increased viral load and ALT levels. At year 10, the liver  cancer rate was 13.7% and the hepatitis infection reactivation rate was 15.5% in  this group.
                  Patients with high HBV DNA levels, exceeding  100,000 IU/mL, were at most risk of cancer and infection reactivation.  Surprisingly, ALT levels appeared to play no role in predicting who was at risk  of liver damage.
                  Researchers noted that HBV DNA levels did not  appear to change dramatically over the years, and their levels at the beginning  of the study served as a predictor of who would develop cancer and liver  damage.
                  “As the baseline HBV DNA level reflects the  future level (of the patient’s viral load), appropriate clinical management  (based on the patient’s) viral level is expected to decrease future risk,” they  wrote.

Pregnant Women Infected with Hepatitis Face More  Risks during Delivery
                  A research team found that women infected with  HBV or HCV face more risks during delivery.
The researchers assessed gestational diabetes  mellitus, premature births, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR),  pre-eclampsia, hemorrhaging, cholestasis (when bile flowing from the liver is  blocked), and caesarian delivery in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 1995  to 2005 in the U.S. that followed 1,446 women infected with both or either  virus.
                  Women with HBV had an increased risk for  premature delivery, but a decreased risk for caesarean delivery. Individuals  with both HBV and HCV co-infection had an increased risk for hemorrhaging  following birth. There was no link between viral hepatitis with IUGR or  pre-eclampsia.
                  “Women with hepatitis have an increased risk for  complications during pregnancy,” researchers reported in the July Journal of Viral Hepatitis. They recommended counseling infected women  about potential risks.

Antiviral Telbivudine Safe in Preventing  Mother-to-Child HBV Infection
                                    The antiviral telbivudine (Tyzeka) appears safe  to use in HBV-infected pregnant women, who have high viral loads to prevent  them from infecting their newborns.
Chinese researchers, writing in the Journal of Hepatology, reported treating pregnant women with 600 mg  daily doses of telbivudine starting at pregnancy week 20 until birth. The women  were all HBeAg-positive with high viral loads. Women with high viral loads have  a much higher rate of transmitting hepatitis B to their newborns, even when the  infants are immediately immunized and injected with hepatitis B immune globulin  (HBIG), which contains hepatitis B antibodies.
                  Telbivudine treatment during pregnancy resulted  in a marked reduction in HBV DNA and HBeAg levels in the women.
                  Forty-four (33%) of the 135 telbivudine-treated  mothers had undetectable viral loads at time of delivery, while none of the  untreated women had undetectable HBV DNA.
                  Seven months after delivery, none of the babies  born to telbivudine-treated mothers had HBV infection, while 8% of infants born  to untreated mothers became infected.
                  There were no adverse effects reported to  either mothers or their infants from the telbivudine treatment.

What Happens if a Newborn’s Parents Refuse the  Hepatitis B Vaccine?
                                    A clinical ethics advisory committee explored  medical risks to infants born to HBV-infected mothers when the parents refuse  to allow the newborn to be vaccinated.
Writing in the June 29, 2011 issue of Vaccine, the researchers recounted the high risk of infection posed to newborns  of infected mothers.
                  After birth, a 12-hour window of opportunity  exists to immunize the newborn and also treat the child with HBIG to reduce the  risk of infection.
  • If  the mother is HBeAg-positive, the infant faces a 75.2% risk of becoming  infected. This is reduced to 6% when the vaccine and HBIG are administered at  birth.
  • If  the mother is HBsAg-positive but HBeAg-negative, the transmission risk is  10.3%, which is reduced to 1% by giving the vaccine and HBIG.
                  “If the vaccine is accepted but HBIG is  refused, as for example by some Jehovah's Witnesses, the risk to babies (born  to) HBeAg-positive mothers is reduced to 21% and to babies of HBeAg-negative  mothers to 2.6%.
                  “These figures can be used to inform parents  and as a possible basis for child protection proceedings if parents decline  vaccine and/or HBIG,” the Australian researchers wrote. “We argue from the  perspective of the best interests of the child that the severity of the  condition justifies initiating child protection proceedings whenever a baby is  born to a hepatitis B carrier mother and, despite concerted attempts to  persuade them, the parents refuse vaccine and/or HBIG.”

How Long Is Antiviral Treatment Needed Before  Patients Clear the Virus?
                                    Dutch researchers created a theoretical model  to predict how long antiviral treatment would be needed before patients could  finally clear the infection and loose the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg).  The surface antigen is the last antigen to disappear when the body clears the  infection.
They followed 75 patients who responded successfully  to treatment using the antivirals entecavir (Baraclude) and tenofovir (Viread)  over several years.
                  Researchers noted that HBsAg decline was most  pronounced in patients who were HBeAg-positive when they started treatment.
                  Age, ALT levels, and HBeAg loss were all linked  to marked declines in HBsAg.
                  Based on the data, researchers extrapolated  that it would take on average 36 years for HBeAg-positive patients to lose  HBsAg, and 39 years for HBeAg-negative patients to lose HBsAg as a result of  antiviral treatment.
                  “Thus, most patients treated with entecavir and  tenofovir will probably need decades of therapy to achieve HBsAg loss,” they  wrote in the Journal of  Infectious Diseases.

Researchers Document the Spread of Hepatitis B  Following Explosion
                                    For the first time, researchers tracked  transmission of HBV among people exposed to blood during a ship explosion that  caused numerous casualties. HBV is easily transmitted through exposure to  blood, and is 50- to 100-times more infectious than HIV.
According to a report in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, in 2009, a boat carrying 49 exploded off  Australia. Twenty-three people suffered significant burns and were transferred  to Royal Perth Hospital in Perth.
                  One of the patients was chronically infected with  HBV. Over the following months, three other patients were diagnosed with acute  hepatitis B—indicating new infections—and an additional four patients showed  they had recently been exposed to HBV.
                  Molecular testing found that the HBV strain  from the original HBV patient was similar in the other cases. Researchers  suggest that transmission occurred at or around the time of the boat explosion.
                  This is the first report of confirmed  transmission of HBV following a disaster, and it underscores the importance of  treating all people who have potentially been exposed to HBV during a disaster  with HBIG, to prevent infection.

Liver Cancer Stem Cells with High Levels of CD24  Resist Treatment
                                    Some virulent cancerous liver tumors are  embedded with a “super cancer stem cell” that makes them resistant to  chemotherapy and allows them to spread to other body parts and even stage a  comeback after tumors are removed, according to a report in the journal Cell Stem Cell.
These stem cells have a unique surface protein  called CD24 and patients with high levels of CD24 in liver cancers have poor  survival rates. CD24 apparently activates a protein in the cell called STAT3  that goes into the nuclei of cells and helps them form tumors, spread, and  resist chemotherapy.
                  If researchers develop a way to inhibit STAT3,  they will be able to block the function of cancer stem cells.
                  Stem cells are found throughout the body and  are special because they can transform into different cell types and multiply.
                  In their experiment, researchers searched human  liver cancer cells and found that those with high concentrations of CD24 had a  67% chance of cancer recurrence in the first year after surgical removal of  tumors, compared to a 21% recurrence in those whose tumors had low CD24 counts.
                  Those with high CD24 count had a 80% chance of  their cancer spreading to other body parts, compared to 32% chance of spreading  in patients with low D24 count.

Researchers Find Hepatitis B Vaccination  Inadequate Among U.S. Health Care Students
                  A study in the August issue of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology finds that hepatitis B immunization of health  care students is falling short of current recommendations.
                  Health care workers are at high risk of  becoming infected if they are exposed to blood or body fluids containing HBV.
                  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  researchers analyzed hepatitis B immunization records of 4,075 health care  students at one university between 2000 and 2010 and found that only 59.8% had  received all three of the recommended hepatitis B vaccine series.
                  They also found that only 83.8% of those  vaccinated were protected against hepatitis B infection when tested for  antibodies, which was below the recommended vaccine coverage rate of 90%.  Vaccine booster shots are recommended when hepatitis B antibodies are not  adequate following immunization to confer protection against the virus.
                  The study also found that very few of these  students had been vaccinated during their childhood, despite national medical  recommendations in place at the time. The majority of these students with  documented vaccination were only recently vaccinated, either during or a few  years prior to attending college.

More Than Two-Thirds of Injecting Drug Users  Exposed to Hepatitis B and C
                                    The first study to assess hepatitis B and C  infection worldwide among injection drug users found that two-thirds have been  exposed to HCV, while HBV rates vary from country to country. Researchers  examined HCV data from 77 countries and HBV data from 59 countries.
HCV infection rates among drug users ranged  from 60% to 80% in 25 countries, including United States (73%), China (67%) and  Canada (64%). Twelve nations had infection rates exceeding 80%, including  Mexico with a 97% HCV infection rate.
                  While HBV is more easily transmitted through  body fluids than HCV, due to higher concentrations of viruses, hepatitis B  rates were lower among drug users globally, perhaps due to immunization. There  is no vaccine that protects against hepatitis C.
                  Hepatitis B ranged from 5% to 10% in 21 countries,  and exceeded 10% in 10 countries, including 12% for the United States. Vietnam  had the highest rate (20%), followed by Estonia (19%), Saudi Arabia (18%), and  Taiwan (17%).
                  Worldwide, an estimated 10 million drug users  have HCV and 1.2 million have HBV.
                  In the report published in The Lancet, the Australian researchers urged public health officials to increase  awareness of how HBV and HCV are transmitted to prevent these costly,  blood-borne infections.

Hepatitis A and B Vaccinations of People with  Liver Disease and Diabetes Far Below Recommendations
                                    In a related report published in the July issue  of Hepatology, U.S. researchers found that immunization  against hepatitis A and B among adults with other liver diseases and diabetes  was also inadequate.
Medical guidelines recommend all people with  hepatitis C, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and other liver diseases be  vaccinated against hepatitis A and B to protect their livers from additional  injury. But data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys  conducted in 1999-2008 showed that hepatitis A vaccination in people with liver  disease increased from 13.3% to 20% during that time period and hepatitis B  immunizations increased from 23.4% to 32.1%.
                  While the rates are increasing, they remain  low, researchers noted. “Given the public health implications of acute  hepatitis A and hepatitis B in patients with chronic liver disease, better  implementation of the vaccination recommendations for these populations is  warranted.”




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文章本身很好,能否在版面上稍作调整看上去整齐些?谢谢!  发表于 2011-8-7 00:47

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发表于 2011-8-3 10:43 |只看该作者
While the rates are increasing, they remain  low, researchers noted. “Given the public health implications of acute  hepatitis A and hepatitis B in patients with chronic liver disease, better  implementation of the vaccination recommendations for these populations is  warranted.”
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发表于 2011-8-5 12:10 |只看该作者
回复 StephenW 的帖子

significant fibrosis was  present in a large percentage of HBeAg-negtive patients with viral loads that  exceeded 20,000 IU/mL even when they had normal ALT levels. Most of the  patients had HBV strain or genotype D.
Only the combination of normal ALTs and low  viral load could safely predict a low risk of fibrosis, they concluded.
很大一部分HBeAg- 但病毒载量超过20,000IU/ml的病人,即使ALT 正常, 也有明显的肝纤维化。(该研究中的)大部分病人病毒是基因型D。 只有ALT正常并并合低病毒载量才能预测肝纤维化的低风险。

该研究中的ALT正常的标准是什么?<40 ?<30


Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2011-8-5 12:39 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2011-8-5 12:39 编辑
Vitamins 发表于 2011-8-5 12:10
回复 StephenW 的帖子

significant fibrosis was  present in a large percentage of HBeAg-negtive patie ...


Rank: 4

165 元 
发表于 2011-8-5 23:56 |只看该作者
回复 StephenW 的帖子

我还有一个问题请教, 肝细胞死亡有多大比列由纤维组织代替,有什么因素影响这个比例。

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2011-8-6 00:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2011-8-6 00:29 编辑
Vitamins 发表于 2011-8-5 23:56
回复 StephenW 的帖子

我还有一个问题请教, 肝细胞死亡有多大比列由纤维组织代替,有什么因素影响这个比 ...

你问一个很难的问题,我不知道答案. 我会给你以下一些参考.

Fibrosis is the formation of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ or tissue in a reparative or reactive process. This is as opposed to formation of fibrous tissue as a normal constituent of an organ or tissue. Scarring is confluent fibrosis that obliterates the architecture of the underlying organ or tissue.

Liver fibrosis.Bataller R, Brenner DA.
SourceLiver Unit, Institut de Malalties Digestives i Metabòliques, Hospital Clinic, Institut d'Investigació Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS),Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

Erratum in
  • J Clin Invest. 2005 Apr;115(4):1100.

AbstractLiver fibrosis is the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins including collagen that occurs in most types of chronic liver diseases. Advanced liver fibrosis results in cirrhosis, liver failure, and portal hypertension and often requires liver transplantation. Our knowledge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of liver fibrosis has greatly advanced. Activated hepatic stellate cells, portal fibroblasts, and myofibroblasts of bone marrow origin have been identified as major collagen-producing cells in the injured liver. These cells are activated by fibrogenic cytokines such as TGF-beta1, angiotensin II, and leptin. Reversibility of advanced liver fibrosis in patients has been recently documented, which has stimulated researchers to develop antifibrotic drugs. Emerging antifibrotic therapies are aimed at inhibiting the accumulation of fibrogenic cells and/or preventing the deposition of extracellular matrix proteins. Although many therapeutic interventions are effective in experimental models of liver fibrosis, their efficacy and safety in humans is unknown. This review summarizes recent progress in the study of the pathogenesis and diagnosis of liver fibrosis and discusses current antifibrotic strategies.

Figure 1
Changes in the hepatic architecture (A) associated with advanced hepatic fibrosis (B). Following chronic liver injury, inflammatory lymphocytes infiltrate the hepatic parenchyma. Some hepatocytes undergo apoptosis, and Kupffer cells activate, releasing fibrogenic mediators. HSCs (Hepatic Stellate Cells)proliferate and undergo a dramatic phenotypical activation, secreting large amounts of extracellular matrix proteins. Sinusoidal endothelial cells lose their fenestrations, and the tonic contraction of HSCs causes increased resistance to blood flow in the hepatic sinusoid. Figure modified with permission from Science & Medicine (S28).

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2011-8-6 00:37 |只看该作者
Vitamins 发表于 2011-8-5 12:10
回复 StephenW 的帖子

significant fibrosis was  present in a large percentage of HBeAg-negtive patie ...

"该研究中的ALT正常的标准是什么?<40 ?<30


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