本帖最后由 貴在真誠 于 2011-4-6 00:29 编辑
what are words 一首MV蘊含一個平凡的愛情故事,一個平凡男人的責任。 當你聽完之後,你會為之動容,為之哭泣。 憂傷的旋律,深情的演唱,自責的填詞。 只有付出過才知道來之不易,只有經曆過才讓人懂的珍惜。 愛情不需要轟轟烈烈,只是在旁人看來簡單的動作,不經意的問候,熟悉的溫暖。
在她(他)生病的時候,給她(他)一杯茶水,一顆靠近溫暖的心。 在他(她)受傷的時候,給他(她)一個安慰,一個心靈的停靠站。 在他(她)上班的時候,再看一次他(她)的背影。 在她(他)年老的時候,再看一次她(他)的容颜。
一次約定,一生守候,一次寄托,一生責任。真男人---Chris Medina
Anywhere you are, I am near 你在,我就寸步不離
Anywhere you go, I'll be there 你走,我就如影隨形
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see 你喚,我就向你證明
How every single promise I keep 我忠貞不渝
Cause what kind of guy would I be 你最需要的時候,若我離去
If I was to leave when you need me most 那我與禽獸無異
What are words 什麼是誓言
If you really don't mean them 如果你心不在焉
When you say them 那就收回你的誓言
What are words 什麼是誓言
If they're only for good times 如果只能共享榮華
Then they don't 那它必將如浮雲般消失
When it's love 情到濃處
Yeah, you say them out loud Those words 你海誓山盟
They never go away 那誓言將永不消散
They live on, even when we're gone 直到天崩地裂
And I know an angel was sent 你就是上天賜予我的天使
Just for me and I know I'm meant 這是命運的安排
To be where I am and I'm gonna be 今晚我將守護在你的身旁
Standing right beside her tonight 與你同甘共苦
And I'm gonna be by your side 我將時刻陪伴你
I would never leave when she needs me most 不離不棄
What are words 什麼是誓言
If you really don't mean them 如果你心不在焉
When you say them 那就收回你的誓言
What are words 什麼是誓言
If they're only for good times 如果只能共享榮華
Then they don't 那它必將如浮雲般消失
When it's love 情到濃處
Yeah, you say them out loud Those words 你海誓山盟
They never go away 那誓言將永不消散
They live on, even when we're gone 直到天崩地裂
Anywhere you are, I am near 你在,我就寸步不離
Anywhere you go, I'll be there 你走,我就如影隨形
And I'm gonna be here forever more 你喚,我就向你證明
Every single promise I keep 我忠貞不渝
Cause what kind of guy would I be 你最需要我的時候,若我離去
If I was to leave when you need me most 那我與禽獸無異
I'm forever keeping my angel close 我會永遠緊緊守護我的天使