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Trametes versicolor — formerly known as Coriolus versicolor and Polyporus versicolor[citation needed] — is an extremely common polypore mushroom which can be found throughout the world. Versicolor means 'of several colours' and it is true that this mushroom is found in a wide variety of different colours. T. versicolor is commonly called Turkey Tail because of its resemblance to the tail of the wild turkey. T. versicolor is recognized as a medicinal mushroom in Chinese medicine under the name yun zhi (simplified Chinese: 云芝, traditional Chinese: 雲芝). In China and Japan T. versicolor is used as in immunoadjuvant therapy for cancer.[1]
Coriolus VersicolorOther common name(s): "Turkey Tail" mushroom, Yun zhi, polysaccharide K (PSK), polysaccharide-peptide (PSP), versicolor polysaccharide (VPS)
Scientific/medical name(s): Coriolus versicolor, Trametes versicolor
DescriptionCoriolus versicolor is a mushroom used in traditional Asian herbal remedies (see Chinese Herbal Medicine).Two substances extracted from the mushroom, polysaccharide K (PSK) andpolysaccharide-peptide (PSP), are being studied as possiblecomplementary cancer treatments. Verisicolor polysaccharid (VPS),another extract from the mushroom that is sold as a dietary supplementin the United States, is also being studied. A polysaccharide is acarbohydrate formed by a large number of sugar molecules.
OverviewAvailable scientific evidence does not support claims that the rawmushroom itself is an effective anti-cancer agent in humans. But thereis some scientific evidence that substances derived from parts of themushroom may be useful against cancer. Clinical trials suggest that PSKmay help people with certain types of cancer by increasing survivalrates and lengthening periods of time without disease, without causingmajor side effects. PSK is commonly used with other cancer treatmentsin Japan. PSP and VPS have not been studied as thoroughly.
How is it promoted for use?Herbalists claim Coriolus versicolor and its extracts are usefulagainst a number of conditions, including cancer and certaininfections. PSK, one of the substances that can be extracted fromCoriolus versicolor, is believed to be a strong anti-oxidant, acompound that blocks the action of free radicals, activated oxygenmolecules that can damage cells.
What does it involve?Coriolus versicolor can be taken as a capsule, as an extract, or asa tea. The doses usually range from 1 to 9 grams per day, depending onthe patient's condition. Coriolus versicolor can be obtained in herbalmedicine shops, health food stores, and on the Internet. A variety ofextracts of the mushroom, including PSP and VPS, are also sold asdietary supplements in the United States.
What is the history behind it?Coriolus versicolor has been a component of traditional Asianmedicine for centuries. In the 1980s, the Japanese government approvedthe use of PSK for treating several types of cancer. In Japan, PSK is abest-selling anti-cancer drug where it is currently used as a cancertreatment along with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. PSPwas discovered more recently and has been studied mainly in China.
What is the evidence?We are unable to find reports of controlled clinical trials with theCoriolus versicolor mushroom itself that have been published in theavailable peer-reviewed journals. However, there have been many studieslooking at the usefulness of the extract PSK.
Researchers have found that PSK, one of the substances that can be extracted from Coriolus versicolor,has several anti-cancer properties. In some animal studies, it slowsthe spread of cancer cells. PSK also appears to have some immunesystem–boosting properties in people undergoing chemotherapy and maylessen some side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. PSK isalso believed to be a strong anti-oxidant, a compound that blocks theaction of free radicals, activated oxygen molecules that can damagecells.
More than 2 dozen human studies of PSK have been reviewed by expertsat the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Almost all ofthese studies were done in Japan and focused on cancer of theesophagus, stomach, colon, or breast. Most of them found that peoplewith cancer were helped by PSK. People who received PSK with othertreatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy,generally had longer periods of time without disease and had increasedsurvival rates compared with patients who received only standardtreatment. Side effects from PSK in these studies were very mild.Smaller studies have suggested PSK may not be as effective againstliver cancer or leukemia.
The effects of PSP are less well known. While some early Chinesestudies of PSP have reportedly shown it may help protect the immunesystem from the effects of cancer treatment, most studies published inmedical journals thus far have been in cell cultures or animals. Thesetypes of studies can suggest possible helpful effects, but they do notprovide proof that such effects can be achieved in humans. Studies inanimals have suggested that PSP may slow the growth of lung cancer andsarcoma, and may help make radiation therapy more effective in treatingcertain brain tumors. One small study in humans found that lung cancerpatients taking PSP seemed to maintain their health longer than thosewho did not take PSP, although they did not get better and did notreport improvement in cancer-related symptoms. Larger human studieswill be needed determine whether PSP can be helpful for people.
A 2005 study using mice treated with a chemical that causes coloncancer did not find any reduction in colon tumors in mice also givenVPS. A 2006 study found that VPS may have actually increased the numberof large colon tumors in mice.
Are there any possible problems or complications?Thisproduct is sold as a dietary supplement in the United States. Unlikedrugs (which must be tested before being allowed to be sold), thecompanies that make supplements are not required to prove to the Foodand Drug Administration that their supplements are safe or effective,as long as they don't claim the supplements can prevent, treat, or cureany specific disease.
Some suchproducts may not contain the amount of the herb or substance that iswritten on the label, and some may include other substances(contaminants). Actual amounts per dose may vary between brands or evenbetween different batches of the same brand.
Mostsuch supplements have not been tested to find out if they interact withmedicines, foods, or other herbs and supplements. Even though somereports of interactions and harmful effects may be published, fullstudies of interactions and effects are not often available. Because ofthese limitations, any information on ill effects and interactionsbelow should be considered incomplete.
No serious risks have been linked with the use of Coriolusversicolor or products derived from this mushroom. Rarely, side effectsinclude nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. Even lesscommon are darkening of the fingernails and low blood cell counts.
Relying on this type of treatment alone and avoiding or delayingconventional medical care for cancer, may have serious healthconsequences.
Additional resources More information from your American Cancer Society The following information on complementary and alternative therapiesmay also be helpful to you. These materials may be found on our Website (www.cancer.org) or ordered from our toll-free number (1-800-ACS-2345).
Guidelines for Using Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Dietary Supplements: How to Know What Is Safe
The ACS Operational Statement on Complementary and Alternative Methods of Cancer Management
Complementary and Alternative Methods for Cancer Management
Placebo Effect
Learning About New Ways to Treat Cancer
Learning About New Ways to Prevent Cancer
ReferencesColes M. Toth B. Lack of prevention of large intestinal cancer by VPS, an extract of Coriolus versicolor mushroom. In Vivo. 2005; 19:867-871.
Fisher M, Yang LX. Anticancer effects and mechanisms of polysaccharide-K (PSK): Implications of cancer immunotherapy. Anticancer Res. 2002;22:1737-1754.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. About herbs: Coriolusversicolor. Accessed at: http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/69194.cfm onJune 10, 2008.
Nakazato H, Koike A, Saji S, Ogawa N, Sakamoto J. Efficacy ofimmunochemotherapy as adjuvant treatment after curative resection ofgastric cancer. Study group of immunochemotherapy with PSK for gastriccancer. Lancet. 1994;343:1122-1126.
Ng TB. A review of research on the protein-bound polysaccharide(polysaccharopeptide, PSP) from the mushroom Coriolus versicolor(Basidomycetes: polyporacae). Gen Pharmac. 1998;30:1-4.
Torisu M, Hayashi Y, Ishimitsu T, et al. Significant prolongation ofdisease-free period gained by oral polysaccharide K (PSK)administration after curative surgical operation of colorectal cancer. Cancer. 1990;31:261-268.
Toth B, Coles M, Lynch J. Effects of VPS extract of Coriolusversicolor on cancer of the large intestine using a serial sacrificetechnique. In Vivo. 2006;20:341-346.
Tsang KW, Lam CL, Yan C, Mak JC, Ooi GC, Ho JC, et al. Coriolusversicolor polysaccharide peptide slows progression of advancednon-small cell lung cancer. Respir Med. 2003;97:618-624.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Coriolus versicoloretailed scientific review. Accessed at:www.mdanderson.org/departments/C ... 0508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=6EB86A59-EBD9-11D4-810100508B603A14on June 10, 2008.
Note: This information may not cover all possible claims,uses, actions, precautions, side effects or interactions. It is notintended as medical advice, and should not be relied upon as asubstitute for consultation with your doctor, who is familiar with yourmedical situation.
Last Medical Review: 11/01/2008
Last Revised: 11/01/2008