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HBV治疗的进展(55届美国肝病学会年会)(已翻译) [复制链接]

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旺旺勋章 大财主勋章 如鱼得水 黑煤窑矿工勋章

发表于 2005-2-16 02:01
January 26, 2005

Medscape coverage of: 55th Annual Meeting of the American Association for
the Study of Liver Diseases

Developments in the Management of Hepatitis B
Daniel Pratt, MD

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major healthcare problem around the world. It
is estimated that 350-400 million people are chronically infected.[1,2]
Patients with chronic hepatitis B are at increased risk for progression to
cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease and for the development of
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), including patients who are asymptomatic.
Interferon has been used to treat hepatitis B since the mid-1980s with
limited results. The efficacy of pegylated interferon is now being actively
investigated. The development and availability of nucleoside and nucleotide
analogues has greatly altered the management of patients with chronic
hepatitis B. Unfortunately, the increased use of these drugs, particularly
when used as monotherapy, has produced mutations that confer viral
resistance, much as what was seen in the management of HIV. Investigators
have sought to define these mutations and to examine the role of combination
therapy to improve virologic response and reduce viral resistance.

This report reviews some of the most clinically interesting HBV-related
research presented during this year's meeting of the American Association
for the Study of Liver Diseases.

Hepatitis B and the Risk of Developing HCC
It is known that patients with chronic hepatitis B who are hepatitis B e
antigen (HBeAg)-positive are at greatest risk for both the progression of
liver disease and the development of HCC.[3] What this implies, but what
hasn't been clearly shown, is that the HBV viral load also correlates with
disease progression and the risk of HCC. Chen and colleagues[4] looked at
this issue in their 10-year, prospective cohort study of 3464 patients found
to be hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive at screening between 1992
and 1993. Ten years later, 2354 of these patients had either sufficient
baseline serum samples or adequate follow-up information to allow them to be
included in a mortality analysis; 1681 patients had both sufficient baseline
serum samples and were willing to undergo rescreening with physical
examination, laboratory tests, and liver ultrasound. All of the patients
were placed in 1 of 3 viral load categories on the basis of their viral
loads at the time of entry: undetected (< 1.6 x 103 copies/mL), low titer (<
105 copies/mL but >/= 1.6 x 103 copies/mL), and high titer (>/= 105
copies/mL). Liver disease was characterized as normal, mild, moderate, or
severe on the basis of adapted Dionysos criteria. HCC was diagnosed by the
presence of a > 2-cm mass on ultrasound and an alpha-fetoprotein level > 400

The patients in the high-titer virus group at entry were found to be at a
statistically significant greater risk for mortality from progressive liver
disease or HCC than patients with low or undetectable viral loads. Although
it did not reach statistical significance, low viral load also appeared to
be associated with an increased risk of mortality from progressive liver
disease or HCC when compared with patients with an undetectable viral load.

This study has potentially significant implications for the management of
patients with chronic hepatitis B. There is controversy regarding whether
patients in the immunotolerant stage of HBV infection (patients with high
levels of HBV DNA, normal aminotransferases, and little to no
necroinflammatory activity on liver biopsy) should be treated. This study by
Chen and colleagues[4] provides additional weight to the argument that
perhaps these patients would benefit from being treated and highlights the
need for a trial to be designed to look at this specific question. The end
points of such a study, the progression of liver disease and the development
of HCC, would take many years to assess and will require the enrollment of
large numbers of patients. In addition, the study would need to use multiple
anti-HBV agents to prevent the development of viral resistance. Hopefully,
studies, such as this one by Chen and colleagues,[4] will provide the
impetus for such future investigation.

Prevention of Hepatitis B
The use of passive and active immunity to reduce the risk of vertical
transmission of hepatitis B is well accepted in clinical practice.[5]
Hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIg), given at the time of birth in combination
with 3 doses of the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine given over the first 6
months of life, has proven to be as much as 95% effective in preventing
vertical transmission.[6] However, the risk of vertical transmission of
hepatitis B increases as the mother's viral load increases. In one series of
mothers with high viral loads (defined as HBV DNA >/= 1.2 x 109 copies/mL),
this risk was as high as 28%.[7] It stands to reason that if the mother's
viral load could be reduced at the time of birth, the risk of vertical
transmission could also be reduced. This is exactly what Xu and
colleagues[8] examined with a well-structured, multicenter, randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study carried out at centers in China and
the Philippines.

Mothers chronically infected with hepatitis B (HBsAg-positive) and with high
HBV viral loads (defined as a serum HBV DNA > 1000 mEq/mL) were enrolled.
One hundred fourteen mothers completed the study; 56 mothers received
lamivudine, 100 mg a day, beginning at the 32nd week of gestation and
continuing until 4 weeks post partum. The control group of mothers (n = 59)
received placebo. All of the infants received standard prophylaxis (HBIg
within 24 hours of birth and vaccination with the recombinant HBV vaccine; 3
injections over the first 6 months of life). The primary end point of the
study was HBsAg positivity in the infants at 1 year. Secondary end points
were hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) positivity and HBV DNA positivity
in the infants at 1 year.

Not surprisingly, the mothers treated with lamivudine were more likely (98%)
to have a reduction in their viral loads to < 1000 mEq/mL than the controls
(31%). This reduction in viral load translated into improved outcomes for
the infants of mothers receiving lamivudine. They had a lower likelihood of
being HBsAg-positive at 1 year of age (18% vs 39%; P = .014) or to be
viremic (20% vs 46%; P = .003). Infants also had a greater chance of being
HBsAb-positive at 1 year of age (84% vs 61%; P = .008). There was no
difference seen in adverse events between the treatment and control groups
in either the mothers or the infants.

Although this study had some issues with patient dropout, it nonetheless
strongly suggests that the use of lamivudine in the third trimester of
pregnancy in mothers with high HBV viral loads is effective in reducing the
risk of vertical transmission beyond what can be achieved with passive and
active immunization. In addition, this therapy is safe for both the mother
and the infant. While we await additional trials, lamivudine* should be
considered for use in the third trimester in those mothers infected with
chronic hepatitis B at greatest risk for passing the infection on to their
infants -- ie, those with high viral loads.

New and Old Therapies for Hepatitis B
Entecavir, a carbocyclic analogue of 2'-deoxyguanosine, is a potent and
selective inhibitor of HBV polymerase. Rosmawati and colleagues[9] reported
the results of a phase 3 trial comparing entecavir, .5 mg a day, with
lamivudine, 100 mg a day, for 48 weeks in patients with HBeAg-positive
chronic hepatitis B. The investigators chose to pay particular attention to
those patients with low-baseline alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels,
defined as < 2.6 times the upper limit of normal. The reason for this focus
was a previously completed phase 2 trial that suggested that entecavir may
be as effective in patients with low-baseline ALT as in those with more
elevated ALT. This was of interest because patients with normal or
near-normal ALT levels at baseline respond less well to interferon or
lamivudine than do patients with elevated ALT. The investigators did not
explain why the threshold value of 2.6 times the upper limit of normal was
chosen for this particular analysis. The results showed that in those
patients with a baseline ALT < 2.6 times the upper limit of normal,
entecavir produced a mean log reduction in the HBV DNA of 6.79 at 48 weeks
compared with a 4.85 log reduction for lamivudine (P < .0001). In those
patients with a baseline ALT of >/= 2.6 times the upper limit of normal,
entecavir produced a mean log reduction in the HBV DNA of 7.18 at 48 weeks
compared with a 6.15 log reduction for lamivudine (P < .0001). Entecavir was
much more likely to suppress the HBV DNA to < 400 copies/mL by polymerase
chain reaction at week 48. No data were provided on HBeAg loss or

In a phase 1/2 clinical trial, clevudine, an L-nucleoside, was shown to have
potent anti-HBV activity over a 12-week period. Lee and colleagues[10]
examined the safety and antiviral activity of clevudine, 30 mg a day, in 21
patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B over 24 weeks at 7 sites in
South Korea. The results shown in Table 1 suggest that clevudine has
excellent anti-HBV activity with increased benefit at 24 weeks compared with
12 weeks. There was no viral breakthrough reported.

Table 1. Viral Suppression and Normalization of ALT
End Point Week 12 Week 24
Log reduction in HBV DNA 4.05 4.64
HBV DNA < 4700 copies/mL 59% 82%
HBV DNA < 400 copies/mL 24% 59%
Normalization of ALT 47% 76%
HBeAg loss 12% 24%

ALT = alanine aminotransferase; HBeAg = hepatitis B e antigen
Marcellin and colleagues[11] reported the 144-week data in a long-term study
of adefovir, 10 mg a day, in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis
B. Eighty-four patients were followed through the 144 weeks. These patients
enjoyed increasing rates of HBeAg seroconversion (12% at 48 weeks, 29% at 96
weeks, and 43% at 144 weeks), HBV DNA suppression defined as < 1000
copies/mL (28% at 48 weeks, 45% at 96 weeks, and 56% at 144 weeks), and
normalization of ALT.

Other important findings included the low resistance rate at 144 weeks
(3.1%) and the absence of any renal dysfunction in patients followed through
the 144 weeks. This study shows that adefovir can be used safely for an
extended period of time with increasing efficacy. The most desired end point
of any treatment for HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B is e-antigen
seroconversion. Treatment with any noninterferon therapy should be continued
until this occurs. This study shows that although the rate of seroconversion
at 48 weeks is only 12%, the rate increases over time at a rate of 12% to
15% per year of therapy. It is conceivable that all of the treated patients
might eventually achieve seroconversion, assuming that resistance has not
developed. This is further support for the use of multidrug regimens to
prevent resistance while awaiting the development of seroconversion.

Combination Therapies for Chronic Hepatitis B
Up until this point, combination therapies for HBV have not been shown to
improve virologic response. Specific therapies that have been examined
include lamivudine + LdT (telbivudine) and adefovir + lamivudine. However,
in a study presented during this year's meeting, Lau and colleagues[12]
evaluated the efficacy of adefovir + emtricitabine. Thirty treatment-naive,
HBeAg-positive patients with serum ALT > 1.3 times the upper limit of normal
were randomized to either adefovir (10 mg a day) plus emtricitabine (200 mg
a day) or adefovir (10 mg a day) plus placebo for 48 weeks. Combination
therapy produced a median log10 reduction of 3.14 vs 2.16 for adefovir alone
(P = .004) at 24 weeks and 3.48 vs 2.22 (P = .036) at 48 weeks. There was no
difference in HBeAg seroconversion between the groups. Larger studies will
be required to determine whether there is a difference in seroconversion.
This was the first time that a combination therapy regimen showed improved
virologic response over monotherapy. It is important to keep in mind that
the primary benefit of combination therapy will likely not be an improved
virologic response, but rather a decreased rate of viral resistance.

There were a number of studies looking at the combination of pegylated
interferon* and lamivudine. Piratvisuth and colleagues[13] reported the
results from a study comparing pegylated interferon alfa-2a, 180 mcg/week,
plus lamivudine, 100 mg/day (n = 179), with pegylated interferon plus
placebo (n = 177), and lamivudine alone (n = 181) in HBeAg-negative chronic
hepatitis B. All groups received 48 weeks of treatment and were followed for
an additional 24 weeks. The results are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a ?Lamivudine vs Lamivudine Alone in
HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B
Week 72 Peg IFN +
Placebo Peg IFN +
LAM LAM P Value (Peg IFN vs LAM/
Peg IFN + LAM vs LAM)
ALT normalization 59% 60% 44% .004/.003
HBV DNA < 20,000 copies/mL 43% 44% 29% .007/.003
HBsAg loss 4.00% 2.80% 0% .007
HBsAg seroconversion 3% 2% 0% .029

ALT = alanine aminotransferase; HBV = hepatitis B virus; HBeAg = hepatitis B
e antigen; Peg IFN = pegylated interferon; LAM = lamivudine; HBsAg =
hepatitis B surface antigen
Patients receiving pegylated interferon alfa-2a, with or without lamivudine,
had statistically better results for each of the measured end points than
those receiving lamivudine alone. The investigators also noted that the use
of pegylated interferon alfa-2a, with or without lamivudine, had on-therapy
ALT elevations and that there was a significant association between a marked
on-therapy elevation of the ALT (defined as an ALT level > 10 times the
upper limit of normal) and a sustained ALT normalization. These ALT
elevations were not associated with serious safety issues in the majority of
patients -- no patients experienced hepatic decompensation and no patient
was withdrawn from therapy. These data suggest that pegylated interferon
alfa-2a has efficacy in patients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B and
that the addition of lamivudine adds little benefit. No resistance data were
provided to indicate whether the combination therapy protected against the
development of lamivudine resistance.

The same study group examined predictors of response in these patients
(HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B).[14] They found that a low-baseline HBV
DNA and a high-baseline ALT level were predictive of response -- the exact
positive predictors described in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic
hepatitis. It was also found that patients with genotype D disease did
better with the combination of pegylated interferon alfa-2a and lamivudine
than with pegylated interferon alfa-2a alone -- a finding not seen with
genotypes B or C. However, the investigators cautioned that the small
numbers of subjects involved (with genotype D) make it necessary to confirm
these data.

Lau and colleagues[15] compared the efficacy of pegylated interferon alfa-2a
180 mcg/week plus lamivudine 100 mg/day (n = 271); pegylated interferon
alfa-2a (180 mcg/week) + placebo (n = 271); and lamivudine 100 mg/day (n =
272), in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B. The duration of
therapy was 48 weeks with a 24-week follow-up. The results are shown in
Table 3.

Table 3. Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a ?Lamivudine vs Lamivudine in
HBeAg-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B
End Points Peg-IFN +
Placebo LAM P Value (Peg-IFN + LAM vs LAM/
Peg-IFN vs LAM)
ALT normalization 39% 41% 28% .006/.002
100,000 copies/mL 34% 32% 22% .003/.012
HBeAg seroconversion 27% 32% 19% .023/< .001

ALT = alanine aminotransferase; HBV = hepatitis B virus; HBeAg = hepatitis B
e antigen; Peg-IFN = pegylated interferon; LAM = lamivudine
The use of pegylated interferon for 48 weeks provided excellent results in
this group of HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients, and was well
tolerated. The 48-week duration is longer than the 16- to 24-week duration
typically used with standard interferon alfa-2a and -2b. Lamivudine added no
additional benefit. No resistance data were provided.

Janssen and colleagues[16] studied the combination of pegylated interferon
alfa-2b (100 mcg/week for 32 weeks, then 50 mcg/week for 20 weeks) in
combination with lamivudine 100 mg/day (n = 130) or placebo (n = 136) in
HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B. Patients were followed for an additional
26 weeks of treatment. Seven percent of patients treated with pegylated
interferon, with or without lamivudine, were HBsAg-negative at the end of
follow-up. Patients with genotype A disease were most likely to have HBsAg
loss (14%), whereas those who were genotype D were least likely to achieve
HBsAg loss (2%). None of the patients, including those with viral genotype
D, seemed to derive any benefit from the combination of pegylated interferon
and ribavirin. No resistance data were provided.

On the basis of these studies, pegylated interferon looks promising in both
HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B, particularly for
those patients with low-baseline HBV DNA and high-baseline ALT levels. The
optimal duration of treatment appears to be at least 1 year, particularly in
the HBeAg-negative patients. Lamivudine appears to add no benefit, except
perhaps in the subset of patients with genotype D disease -- but this
finding will require confirmation.

Drug Resistance in Hepatitis B
HBV resistance to lamivudine occurs at a rate of 15% to 20% per year of use.
There are 4 well-described, major mutational patterns that confer
resistance: L180M + M240V (seen in about 60% of patients), V173L + L180M +
M204V, M204I, and L180M + M204I.[17] All of these patterns include either
M240V or M204I, the mutations that affect the YMDD site. All confer high
levels of resistance to lamivudine.

Delaney and colleagues[17] aimed to look at the cross-resistance profiles of
various anti-HBV agents against each of the 4 lamivudine-resistant
mutational patterns. The investigators did this by producing cell lines that
expressed wild-type or lamivudine-resistant HBV variants. The anti-HBV
compounds tested included the L-nucleosides (lamivudine, emtricitabine,*
telbivudine,* L-dC,* L-dA,* and clevudine*), the acyclic phosphonate
nucleotides (adefovir, tenofovir,* and alamifovir*), entecavir,* and DXG*
(dioxolane guanosine). All of the patterns of lamivudine resistance
conferred a high degree of resistance to all of the L-nucleosides. The
acyclic phosphonate nucleotides all maintained efficacy against all of the
mutational patterns. Entecavir and DXG fell in between, with varying levels
of resistance. This study suggests that in the presence of lamivudine
resistance, none of the L-nucleosides will be effective in suppressing
viremia. The acyclic phosphonate nucleotides will maintain their efficacy in
the presence of lamivudine resistance. Entecavir is an interesting story.
Although the lamivudine mutations all had resistance to entecavir in vitro,
entecavir effectively suppressed viremia in a phase 3 study of this drug in
lamivudine refractory, HBeAg-positive patients.[18]

Compared with lamivudine, adefovir resistance occurs in only a small
percentage of patients (about 3% to 4% at 3 years). Two mutations have been
identified in the reverse transcriptase of patients with adefovir
resistance -- A181V and N236T.[19] Locarnini and colleagues[20] aimed to
further characterize the effects of these mutations with an in vitro assay.
Using site-directed mutagenesis, they produced mutant HBV constructs with
the A181V and N236T mutations in both wild-type HBV and in precore mutant
HBV, transduced into HepG2 cells, and then exposed them to different
concentrations of lamivudine, adefovir, and tenofovir to assess their
resistance profiles. The investigators found that the mutations that
conferred resistance to adefovir caused only small decreases in drug
sensitivity. Unlike the rapid and complete breakthrough seen with
lamivudine, there is a slow rise in the HBV DNA in patients who develop
adefovir resistance, something described nicely by Dr. Locarnini during the
presentation of this study as "virologic creep." The reason for the "creep"
is explained by the small decreases in drug sensitivity to adefovir seen
with either of the described mutations, in contrast to the dramatic decrease
in sensitivity seen with the YMDD mutants in lamivudine-resistant patients.
It is important and reassuring to note that mutants associated with adefovir
resistance remain relatively sensitive to lamivudine (and presumably all
L-nucleosides) and tenofovir.

Entecavir has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of "naive HBV" and in
lamivudine-refractory HBV. In a phase 2 trial of entecavir, 2 patients
developed virologic rebound. Two groups studied these patients to better
understand the mutations involved.[21,22] Two classes of entecavir
resistance were seen: M250V and T184G + S202I. Of interest, the entecavir
resistance only developed in patients with pre-existing lamivudine-resistant
mutations. During his presentation of his study results, Dr. Tenney[22]
reported that a small percentage of patients previously naive to all
therapies and on entecavir preselected for the lamivudine-resistant
mutations, even in the absence of prior treatment with lamivudine.

What are we to make of these findings? Resistance has been reported with
every new HBV therapy except pegylated interferon. The lesson to be learned
is that monotherapy with any of the noninterferon agents runs the risk of
producing viral resistance, particularly in those patients who will require
long-term therapy. If a single agent will be used, it should not be
lamivudine, given the high likelihood of resistance developing rapidly and
the possibility that lamivudine resistance may predispose to the development
of entecavir resistance.

Concluding Remarks
The management of hepatitis B will continue to be a challenge. The risk of
disease progression and HCC can be tied to the serum viral load, making it
easy to identify those patients at greatest risk. What should be done for
these patients remains a point of controversy. The availability of newer
agents (lamivudine) has made it possible to decrease the risk of perinatal
transmission of HBV in those women at greatest risk for passing on the
disease. Newer agents that are moving through the evaluation pipeline
(entecavir and clevudine) will be welcome additions to our growing anti-HBV
armamentarium. The long-term data on adefovir are quite promising: There is
increasing efficacy with low resistance and good safety data. Pegylated
interferon, both alfa-2a and alfa-2b, are proving to be more effective
therapies for hepatitis B than their nonpegylated predecessors, and there is
no risk of developing viral resistance. They appear most beneficial in
patients with a baseline elevated ALT and low HBV DNA. The duration of
treatment should be at least 1 year in both HBeAg-positive and
HBeAg-negative patients. Lamivudine has not been shown to provide any
additive benefit to pegylated interferon. Viral resistance is a growing
problem, and the specific mutations that have been reported have been fully
categorized. We now need to find a way to prevent resistance from
developing. The role of combination therapy, even at the onset of treatment,
needs to be further investigated.

*The US Food and Drug Administration has not approved this medication for
this use.

This program was supported by an independent educational grant from Gilead.

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旺旺勋章 大财主勋章 如鱼得水 黑煤窑矿工勋章

发表于 2005-2-16 02:01
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Copyright ?2004 Medscape.

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版主勋章 勤于助新 携手同心 文思泉涌 锄草勋章

发表于 2005-2-17 09:47
HBV治疗的进展(55届美国肝病学会年会) http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/495209 January 26, 2005 Medscape coverage of: 55th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases


Developments in the Management of Hepatitis B Daniel Pratt, MD 乙肝控制的进展


导言 Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major healthcare problem around the world. It is estimated that 350-400 million people are chronically infected.[1,2] Patients with chronic hepatitis B are at increased risk for progression to cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease and for the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), including patients who are asymptomatic. Interferon has been used to treat hepatitis B since the mid-1980s with limited results. The efficacy of pegylated interferon is now being actively investigated. The development and availability of nucleoside and nucleotide analogues has greatly altered the management of patients with chronic hepatitis B. Unfortunately, the increased use of these drugs, particularly when used as monotherapy, has produced mutations that confer viral resistance, much as what was seen in the management of HIV. Investigators have sought to define these mutations and to examine the role of combination therapy to improve virologic response and reduce viral resistance.








This report reviews some of the most clinically interesting HBV-related research presented during this year's meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.


Hepatitis B and the Risk of Developing HCC


It is known that patients with chronic hepatitis B who are hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-positive are at greatest risk for both the progression of liver disease and the development of HCC.[3] What this implies, but what hasn't been clearly shown, is that the HBV viral load also correlates with disease progression and the risk of HCC. Chen and colleagues[4] looked at this issue in their 10-year, prospective cohort study of 3464 patients found to be hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive at screening between 1992 and 1993. Ten years later, 2354 of these patients had either sufficient baseline serum samples or adequate follow-up information to allow them to be included in a mortality analysis; 1681 patients had both sufficient baseline serum samples and were willing to undergo rescreening with physical examination, laboratory tests, and liver ultrasound. All of the patients were placed in 1 of 3 viral load categories on the basis of their viral loads at the time of entry: undetected (< 1.6 x 103 copies/mL), low titer (< 105 copies/mL but >/= 1.6 x 103 copies/mL), and high titer (>/= 105 copies/mL). Liver disease was characterized as normal, mild, moderate, or severe on the basis of adapted Dionysos criteria. HCC was diagnosed by the presence of a > 2-cm mass on ultrasound and an alpha-fetoprotein level > 400 ng/mL.

众所周知,HBeAg 阳性的HBV患者,有更大的风险发展成肝病和肝癌。这意味着,(虽


在他们10年的研究中关注此问题. 3464名HBV表面抗原阳性在1992~93年开始记录

他们的预后情况. 10年以后, 2354患者因没有足够的肝功基准,或没有足够得跟踪资料



低于检测标准 (< 1.6 x 103 copies/mL),

低浓度 (< 105 copies/mL but >/= 1.6 x 103 copies/mL),

高浓度 (>/= 105 copies/mL)

肝病表现分成正常,轻微,中等,严重(依据Dionysos 标准)。肝癌诊断标准是:B超

检查块状物大于2cm,甲胎蛋白水平> 400 ng/mL.

The patients in the high-titer virus group at entry were found to be at a statistically significant greater risk for mortality from progressive liver disease or HCC than patients with low or undetectable viral loads. Although it did not reach statistical significance, low viral load also appeared to be associated with an increased risk of mortality from progressive liver disease or HCC when compared with patients with an undetectable viral load.




This study has potentially significant implications for the management of patients with chronic hepatitis B. There is controversy regarding whether patients in the immunotolerant stage of HBV infection (patients with high levels of HBV DNA, normal aminotransferases, and little to no necroinflammatory activity on liver biopsy) should be treated. This study by Chen and colleagues[4] provides additional weight to the argument that perhaps these patients would benefit from being treated and highlights the need for a trial to be designed to look at this specific question. The end points of such a study, the progression of liver disease and the development of HCC, would take many years to assess and will require the enrollment of large numbers of patients. In addition, the study would need to use multiple anti-HBV agents to prevent the development of viral resistance. Hopefully, studies, such as this one by Chen and colleagues,[4] will provide the impetus for such future investigation.


者有高HBV DNA水平,转氨酶正常,肝活组织检查没有或很少坏死)是否要接受治疗






Prevention of Hepatitis B


The use of passive and active immunity to reduce the risk of vertical transmission of hepatitis B is well accepted in clinical practice.[5] Hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIg), given at the time of birth in combination with 3 doses of the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine given over the first 6 months of life, has proven to be as much as 95% effective in preventing vertical transmission.[6] However, the risk of vertical transmission of hepatitis B increases as the mother's viral load increases. In one series of mothers with high viral loads (defined as HBV DNA >/= 1.2 x 109 copies/mL), this risk was as high as 28%.[7] It stands to reason that if the mother's viral load could be reduced at the time of birth, the risk of vertical transmission could also be reduced. This is exactly what Xu and colleagues[8] examined with a well-structured, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study carried out at centers in China and the Philippines.


免疫球蛋白(HBIg), 联合3针重组乙肝疫苗(出生6个月中),被证明有95%的效能阻止垂直


母亲(HBV DNA >/= 1.2 x 109 copies/mL), 风险高达28% 。情况表明,如果出生时刻,母



Mothers chronically infected with hepatitis B (HBsAg-positive) and with high HBV viral loads (defined as a serum HBV DNA > 1000 mEq/mL) were enrolled. One hundred fourteen mothers completed the study; 56 mothers received lamivudine, 100 mg a day, beginning at the 32nd week of gestation and continuing until 4 weeks post partum. The control group of mothers (n = 59) received placebo. All of the infants received standard prophylaxis (HBIg within 24 hours of birth and vaccination with the recombinant HBV vaccine; 3 injections over the first 6 months of life). The primary end point of the study was HBsAg positivity in the infants at 1 year. Secondary end points were hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb) positivity and HBV DNA positivity in the infants at 1 year.

慢性乙肝感染(HBsAg-positive)并有高病毒载量的母亲(血清HBV DNA > 1000 mEq/mL) 被

招募参加研究。114名母亲完成了研究;56名母亲接受了拉米夫丁,每天100mg, 开始于怀




抗体阳性,或HBV DNA阳性。

Not surprisingly, the mothers treated with lamivudine were more likely (98%) to have a reduction in their viral loads to < 1000 mEq/mL than the controls (31%). This reduction in viral load translated into improved outcomes for the infants of mothers receiving lamivudine. They had a lower likelihood of being HBsAg-positive at 1 year of age (18% vs 39%; P = .014) or to be viremic (20% vs 46%; P = .003). Infants also had a greater chance of being HBsAb-positive at 1 year of age (84% vs 61%; P = .008). There was no difference seen in adverse events between the treatment and control groups in either the mothers or the infants.

不出意料,接受拉米夫定治疗的母亲大多(98%)都减少了病毒载量到< 1000 mEq/mL,对照


面抗原阳性率(18% vs 39%; P = .014),或viremic (20% vs 46%; P = .003)。婴儿还有更多机会

在1年内表面抗体阳性(84% vs 61%; P = .008)。接受治疗组和对照组母亲和婴儿没有发现其他


Although this study had some issues with patient dropout, it nonetheless strongly suggests that the use of lamivudine in the third trimester of pregnancy in mothers with high HBV viral loads is effective in reducing the risk of vertical transmission beyond what can be achieved with passive and active immunization. In addition, this therapy is safe for both the mother and the infant. While we await additional trials, lamivudine* should be considered for use in the third trimester in those mothers infected with chronic hepatitis B at greatest risk for passing the infection on to their infants -- ie, those with high viral loads.






Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

32534 元 

版主勋章 勤于助新 携手同心 文思泉涌 锄草勋章

发表于 2005-2-17 09:49
New and Old Therapies for Hepatitis B

新/旧 乙肝治疗方法

Entecavir, a carbocyclic analogue of 2'-deoxyguanosine, is a potent and selective inhibitor of HBV polymerase. Rosmawati and colleagues[9] reported the results of a phase 3 trial comparing entecavir, .5 mg a day, with lamivudine, 100 mg a day, for 48 weeks in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B. The investigators chose to pay particular attention to those patients with low-baseline alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, defined as < 2.6 times the upper limit of normal. The reason for this focus was a previously completed phase 2 trial that suggested that entecavir may be as effective in patients with low-baseline ALT as in those with more elevated ALT. This was of interest because patients with normal or near-normal ALT levels at baseline respond less well to interferon or lamivudine than do patients with elevated ALT. The investigators did not explain why the threshold value of 2.6 times the upper limit of normal was chosen for this particular analysis. ose

恩地卡为,一种 2’-脱氧肌苷酸碳环类似物, 是有效的,选择性的抑制HBV聚合酶。Rosmawati







patients with a baseline ALT < 2.6 times the upper limit of normal, entecavir produced a mean log reduction in the HBV DNA of 6.79 at 48 weeks compared with a 4.85 log reduction for lamivudine (P < .0001). In those patients with a baseline ALT of >/= 2.6 times the upper limit of normal, entecavir produced a mean log reduction in the HBV DNA of 7.18 at 48 weeks compared with a 6.15 log reduction for lamivudine (P < .0001). Entecavir was much more likely to suppress the HBV DNA to < 400 copies/mL by polymerase chain reaction at week 48. No data were provided on HBeAg loss or seroconversion.

ALT低于正常值2.6倍的患者,恩地卡为48周内产生了平均HBV DNA水平减少6.79个数

量级,对照拉米夫定减少4.85数量级(P < .0001)。在那些ALT水平大于2.6倍正常值的患者

里,恩地卡为48周内产生了HBV DNA平均7.18个数量级的降低,对照的拉米夫定是6.15

个数量级(P < .0001)。恩地卡为大多可以在48周内将HBV DNA 降低到< 400 copies/mL水平


In a phase 1/2 clinical trial, clevudine, an L-nucleoside, was shown to have potent anti-HBV activity over a 12-week period. Lee and colleagues[10] examined the safety and antiviral activity of clevudine, 30 mg a day, in 21 patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B over 24 weeks at 7 sites in South Korea. The results shown in Table 1 suggest that clevudine has excellent anti-HBV activity with increased benefit at 24 weeks compared with 12 weeks. There was no viral breakthrough reported.





Table 1. Viral Suppression and Normalization of ALT End Point Week 12 Week 24 Log reduction in HBV DNA 4.05 4.64 HBV DNA < 4700 copies/mL 59% 82% HBV DNA < 400 copies/mL 24% 59% Normalization of ALT 47% 76% HBeAg loss 12% 24%

表1 病毒抑制和ALT正常化


HBV DNA降低数量级………………………….4.05………………………..4.64

HBV DNA < 4700 copies/Ml…………………… 59%…………..…………… 82% HBV DNA < 400 copies/mL ……………….…….24% ………….……………59% Normalization of ALT …………………………….47%……………………….. 76% HBeAg loss………………………………………. 12%………………………. 24%

ALT = alanine aminotransferase;

HBeAg = hepatitis B e antigen

Marcellin and colleagues[11] reported the 144-week data in a long-term study of adefovir, 10 mg a day, in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B. Eighty-four patients were followed through the 144 weeks. These patients enjoyed increasing rates of HBeAg seroconversion (12% at 48 weeks, 29% at 96 weeks, and 43% at 144 weeks), HBV DNA suppression defined as < 1000 copies/mL (28% at 48 weeks, 45% at 96 weeks, and 56% at 144 weeks), and normalization of ALT.

Marcellin及其同事报告了144周阿地福为的长期研究数据。10mg/天,84名 HbeAg阳性患者


周29%,144周43%),HBV DNA被抑制(定义为< 1000 copies/Ml)(48周28%,96周45%,


Other important findings included the low resistance rate at 144 weeks (3.1%) and the absence of any renal dysfunction in patients followed through the 144 weeks. This study shows that adefovir can be used safely for an extended period of time with increasing efficacy. The most desired end point of any treatment for HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B is e-antigen seroconversion. Treatment with any noninterferon therapy should be continued until this occurs. This study shows that although the rate of seroconversion at 48 weeks is only 12%, the rate increases over time at a rate of 12% to 15% per year of therapy. It is conceivable that all of the treated patients might eventually achieve seroconversion, assuming that resistance has not developed. This is further support for the use of multidrug regimens to prevent resistance while awaiting the development of seroconversion.




转换率只有12%,经过1年治疗可上升到15%. 可以相信所有治疗的患者最终都可达到血清




Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

32534 元 

版主勋章 勤于助新 携手同心 文思泉涌 锄草勋章

发表于 2005-2-17 09:52
Combination Therapies for Chronic Hepatitis B


Up until this point, combination therapies for HBV have not been shown to improve virologic response. Specific therapies that have been examined include lamivudine + LdT (telbivudine) and adefovir + lamivudine. However, in a study presented during this year's meeting, Lau and colleagues[12] evaluated the efficacy of adefovir + emtricitabine. Thirty treatment-naive, HBeAg-positive patients with serum ALT > 1.3 times the upper limit of normal were randomized to either adefovir (10 mg a day) plus emtricitabine (200 mg a day) or adefovir (10 mg a day) plus placebo for 48 weeks. Combination therapy produced a median log10 reduction of 3.14 vs 2.16 for adefovir alone (P = .004) at 24 weeks and 3.48 vs 2.22 (P = .036) at 48 weeks.



及其同事,评估了阿地福为+ emtricitabine的疗效。30名未经治疗过的HbeAg阳性患者,血

清ALT水平>1.3倍正常值,随机使用阿地福为(10mg/天)+ emtricitabine (200 mg /天),或阿


对照单独使用阿地福为2.16(P = .004)。48周结果为3.48vs2.22 (P = .036)

There was no difference in HBeAg seroconversion between the groups. Larger studies will be required to determine whether there is a difference in seroconversion. This was the first time that a combination therapy regimen showed improved virologic response over monotherapy. It is important to keep in mind that the primary benefit of combination therapy will likely not be an improved virologic response, but rather a decreased rate of viral resistance.




There were a number of studies looking at the combination of pegylated interferon* and lamivudine. Piratvisuth and colleagues[13] reported the results from a study comparing pegylated interferon alfa-2a, 180 mcg/week, plus lamivudine, 100 mg/day (n = 179), with pegylated interferon plus placebo (n = 177), and lamivudine alone (n = 181) in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. All groups received 48 weeks of treatment and were followed for an additional 24 weeks. The results are shown in Table 2.


长效干扰素α-2a(180 mcg/周)+拉米夫定(100mg/天),179人;长效干扰素+安慰剂,177


跟踪了24周。其结果见 [表2]。

Table 2. Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a ?Lamivudine vs Lamivudine Alone in HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B Week 72 Peg IFN +Placebo….. Peg IFN +LAM………LAM……. P Value (Peg IFN vs LAM/ Peg IFN + LAM vs LAM) ALT normalization 59% 60% 44% .004/.003 HBV DNA < 20,000 copies/mL 43% 44% 29% .007/.003 HBsAg loss 4.00% 2.80% 0% .007 HBsAg seroconversion 3% 2% 0% .029

[表2.] 长效干扰素α-2a+拉米夫定 vs 单独拉米夫定( HbeAg阴性慢性HBV)



HBVDNA < 20000 co/Ml………43%…………….44%………………..29%……007/.003

HBsAg 减少………………….4.00%……………2.80%………………0%……..007


ALT = alanine aminotransferase;

HBV = hepatitis B virus;

HBeAg = hepatitis B e antigen;

Peg IFN = pegylated interferon;

LAM = lamivudine;

HBsAg = hepatitis B surface antigen

Patients receiving pegylated interferon alfa-2a, with or without lamivudine, had statistically better results for each of the measured end points than those receiving lamivudine alone. The investigators also noted that the use of pegylated interferon alfa-2a, with or without lamivudine, had on-therapy ALT elevations and that there was a significant association between a marked on-therapy elevation of the ALT (defined as an ALT level > 10 times the upper limit of normal) and a sustained ALT normalization. These ALT elevations were not associated with serious safety issues in the majority of patients -- no patients experienced hepatic decompensation and no patient was withdrawn from therapy. These data suggest that pegylated interferon alfa-2a has efficacy in patients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B and that the addition of lamivudine adds little benefit. No resistance data were provided to indicate whether the combination therapy protected against the development of lamivudine resistance.








Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

32534 元 

版主勋章 勤于助新 携手同心 文思泉涌 锄草勋章

发表于 2005-2-17 09:52
The same study group examined predictors of response in these patients (HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B).[14] They found that a low-baseline HBV DNA and a high-baseline ALT level were predictive of response -- the exact positive predictors described in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis. It was also found that patients with genotype D disease did better with the combination of pegylated interferon alfa-2a and lamivudine than with pegylated interferon alfa-2a alone -- a finding not seen with genotypes B or C. However, the investigators cautioned that the small numbers of subjects involved (with genotype D) make it necessary to confirm these data.





Lau and colleagues[15] compared the efficacy of pegylated interferon alfa-2a 180 mcg/week plus lamivudine 100 mg/day (n = 271); pegylated interferon alfa-2a (180 mcg/week) + placebo (n = 271); and lamivudine 100 mg/day (n = 272), in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B. The duration of therapy was 48 weeks with a 24-week follow-up. The results are shown in Table 3.


长效干扰素α-2a(180 mcg/周)+拉米夫定(100 mg/天)(271人);

长效干扰素α-2a(180 mcg/周)+安慰剂 (271人);

拉米夫定(100 mg/天)(272人);


Table 3. Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2a ?Lamivudine vs Lamivudine in HBeAg-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B End Points Peg-IFN +LAM Peg-IFN +Placebo LAM P Value (Peg-IFN + LAM vs LAM/ Peg-IFN vs LAM) ALT normalization 39% 41% 28% .006/.002 HBV DNA < 100,000 copies/mL 34% 32% 22% .003/.012 HBeAg seroconversion 27% 32% 19% .023/< .001

[表3.] 长效干扰素α-2a+拉米夫定 vs 拉米夫定 (HbeAg阳性患者)


ALT正常化……………………39% ………………….41%…………… 28%…….. .006/.002

HBVDNA <100000cop/mL……34%……… ………….32%…………… 22%……. .003/.012

HbeAg血清转换………………. 27% …………………32%………..… 19% ……...023/< .001

ALT = alanine aminotransferase;

HBV = hepatitis B virus;

HBeAg = hepatitis B e antigen;

Peg-IFN = pegylated interferon;

LAM = lamivudine

The use of pegylated interferon for 48 weeks provided excellent results in this group of HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients, and was well tolerated. The 48-week duration is longer than the 16- to 24-week duration typically used with standard interferon alfa-2a and -2b. Lamivudine added no additional benefit. No resistance data were provided.





Rank: 8Rank: 8

18226 元 
发表于 2005-2-17 10:59

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

32534 元 

版主勋章 勤于助新 携手同心 文思泉涌 锄草勋章

发表于 2005-2-17 11:53
Janssen and colleagues[16] studied the combination of pegylated interferon alfa-2b (100 mcg/week for 32 weeks, then 50 mcg/week for 20 weeks) in combination with lamivudine 100 mg/day (n = 130) or placebo (n = 136) in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B. Patients were followed for an additional 26 weeks of treatment. Seven percent of patients treated with pegylated interferon, with or without lamivudine, were HBsAg-negative at the end of follow-up. Patients with genotype A disease were most likely to have HBsAg loss (14%), whereas those who were genotype D were least likely to achieve HBsAg loss (2%). None of the patients, including those with viral genotype D, seemed to derive any benefit from the combination of pegylated interferon and ribavirin. No resistance data were provided.


长效干扰素α-2b(100 mcg/周持续32周,然后50mcg/周持续20周)+拉米100 mg/天,130人;






On the basis of these studies, pegylated interferon looks promising in both HBeAg-positive and HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B, particularly for those patients with low-baseline HBV DNA and high-baseline ALT levels. The optimal duration of treatment appears to be at least 1 year, particularly in the HBeAg-negative patients. Lamivudine appears to add no benefit, except perhaps in the subset of patients with genotype D disease -- but this finding will require confirmation.





Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

32534 元 

版主勋章 勤于助新 携手同心 文思泉涌 锄草勋章

发表于 2005-2-17 11:55
Drug Resistance in Hepatitis B


HBV resistance to lamivudine occurs at a rate of 15% to 20% per year of use. There are 4 well-described, major mutational patterns that confer resistance: L180M + M240V (seen in about 60% of patients), V173L + L180M + M204V, M204I, and L180M + M204I.[17] All of these patterns include either M240V or M204I, the mutations that affect the YMDD site. All confer high levels of resistance to lamivudine.


得耐药:L180M + M240V(可见于60%患者中),V173L + L180M + M204V, M204I, 和L180M

+ M204I.所有这些模式都包括M240V 或M204I, 发生于YMDD区域的变异。全都获得对拉


Delaney and colleagues[17] aimed to look at the cross-resistance profiles of various anti-HBV agents against each of the 4 lamivudine-resistant mutational patterns. The investigators did this by producing cell lines that expressed wild-type or lamivudine-resistant HBV variants. The anti-HBV compounds tested included the L-nucleosides (lamivudine, emtricitabine,* telbivudine,* L-dC,* L-dA,* and clevudine*), the acyclic phosphonate nucleotides (adefovir, tenofovir,* and alamifovir*), entecavir,* and DXG* (dioxolane guanosine). All of the patterns of lamivudine resistance conferred a high degree of resistance to all of the L-nucleosides. The acyclic phosphonate nucleotides all maintained efficacy against all of the mutational patterns. Entecavir and DXG fell in between, with varying levels of resistance. This study suggests that in the presence of lamivudine resistance, none of the L-nucleosides will be effective in suppressing viremia. The acyclic phosphonate nucleotides will maintain their efficacy in the presence of lamivudine resistance. Entecavir is an interesting story. Although the lamivudine mutations all had resistance to entecavir in vitro, entecavir effectively suppressed viremia in a phase 3 study of this drug in lamivudine refractory, HBeAg-positive patients.[18]



L-核苷类(拉米夫定,emtricitabine,* telbivudine,* L-dC,* L-dA,* and clevudine*);

无环核苷磷酸酯类(adefovir, tenofovir,* and alamifovir*),








Compared with lamivudine, adefovir resistance occurs in only a small percentage of patients (about 3% to 4% at 3 years). Two mutations have been identified in the reverse transcriptase of patients with adefovir resistance -- A181V and N236T.[19] Locarnini and colleagues[20] aimed to further characterize the effects of these mutations with an in vitro assay. Using site-directed mutagenesis, they produced mutant HBV constructs with the A181V and N236T mutations in both wild-type HBV and in precore mutant HBV, transduced into HepG2 cells, and then exposed them to different concentrations of lamivudine, adefovir, and tenofovir to assess their resistance profiles. The investigators found that the mutations that conferred resistance to adefovir caused only small decreases in drug sensitivity.


患者里,检测到了2种逆转录酶变异模式——A181V 和 N236T。


们在野生株和前C区变异株中产生了A181V 和 N236T变异HBV结构,并转导进HepG2细


Unlike the rapid and complete breakthrough seen with lamivudine, there is a slow rise in the HBV DNA in patients who develop adefovir resistance, something described nicely by Dr. Locarnini during the presentation of this study as "virologic creep." The reason for the "creep" is explained by the small decreases in drug sensitivity to adefovir seen with either of the described mutations, in contrast to the dramatic decrease in sensitivity seen with the YMDD mutants in lamivudine-resistant patients. It is important and reassuring to note that mutants associated with adefovir resistance remain relatively sensitive to lamivudine (and presumably all L-nucleosides) and tenofovir.


升,有一些被Dr. Locarnini在论文中精细地描述为“病毒学指标爬升”。“爬升”的原因是对




Entecavir has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of "naive HBV" and in lamivudine-refractory HBV. In a phase 2 trial of entecavir, 2 patients developed virologic rebound. Two groups studied these patients to better understand the mutations involved.[21,22] Two classes of entecavir resistance were seen: M250V and T184G + S202I. Of interest, the entecavir resistance only developed in patients with pre-existing lamivudine-resistant mutations. During his presentation of his study results, Dr. Tenney[22] reported that a small percentage of patients previously naive to all therapies and on entecavir preselected for the lamivudine-resistant mutations, even in the absence of prior treatment with lamivudine.



两类恩地卡为耐药:M250V 和T184G + S202I。有趣的是,恩地卡为耐药只发生在已经存在

拉米耐药的患者中。在他发表的论文中,Dr. Tenney报告了很小比例的患者,以前没有接受


What are we to make of these findings? Resistance has been reported with every new HBV therapy except pegylated interferon. The lesson to be learned is that monotherapy with any of the noninterferon agents runs the risk of producing viral resistance, particularly in those patients who will require long-term therapy. If a single agent will be used, it should not be lamivudine, given the high likelihood of resistance developing rapidly and the possibility that lamivudine resistance may predispose to the development of entecavir resistance.





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