
标题: 上有政策下有对策Why always foreigners having diarrhoea (dilemma) [打印本页]

作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-2-19 11:30     标题: 上有政策下有对策Why always foreigners having diarrhoea (dilemma)


accountant authority bribes business charisma commission communication communism connections conscience corruption counterplot Culture custom democracy Dilemma drinking Ethical Experience face factory family favoritism government heart illegal inborn interview invincible ironic labor Law living Market monetary network overseas politics purchase qualification quality quota recommendation relationship reputation risk safe scapegoat Social Strategy supplier system tackle tactics tax

[ 本帖最后由 走遍四方 于 2010-2-19 11:55 编辑 ]
作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-2-19 11:47

Driving in China
February 9, 2010 at 1:00 am Cyrus No comments
If you are not a good driver get yourself at least a big car like SUV or MPV because you will not crippled in China. Or possess good driving skills or inborn talents or maybe years of driving experience, could dominate against China driving then congratulate you, sure go to heaven!

When you think yourself as a good driver always is due to over-confident, because in physiology you already aware on all possibility and countermeasure causing a car accident. Hence you will not take in people’s comments and treat them as prejudice against you. That is where you would underestimate the locals. Example if you think the locals will give way because you driving a luxury big car, you are totally wrong because they hope you could collide his car extort you instead through insurance claim. Do you think you have time playing hide and seek with them wasting your time in better use, so you will accept their extortion even you know the locals doing on purpose or you could take cab for your everyday work, no Mercedes drive to work.

In China there is no such thing as courtesy driving but only “big bullying the small (以大欺小)”. Giving you a scenario: what if the locals driving big lorry and you driving a luxury sedan, would you give way if the lorry intend to cut into your lane? Few physiological response and comment below for your reference.

Response 1) The lorry wont dare to collide your car because it would be costly in his compensation or job loss.

Comment: Dont be so naive the locals has more manpower to reason fallaciously (强词夺理) than you!

Response 2) The lorry is bullying you on purpose, do you dare to challenge with your luxury sedan forcing the lorry unable to cut into your lane.

Comment: If you have backup car you can try because is time consuming to lodge and close a traffic case, also maybe your car parts would be stolen or switch bags (调包) during detention.

Response 3) You could drive faster overtaking the lorry, be the winner!

Comment: Make sure you act faster than the lorry before he cut into your lane without warning….think about it is it worth for the risk to win?

So what does China traffic police do? Why still so many accidents happened? First there is no enforcement in driving exam, very slack and easy in buying a licence through bribery, you could refer back on my article “Bribery tactics”.  Secondly, even there is a traffic violation with traffic police patrolling no justice would be made only when accident happened, especially in rural areas. Therefore thirdly, local culture always parrot others (有样学样) as long as majority driving the same violation becoming a habit on so called “correct” traffic law physiologically.

China traffic police will only enforce in speeding equipments earning commission through business recommendations and safer chasing speedy driver, promoting more advertisement to educate public earning pocket money from agency, releasing auspicious car plate for bidding office to collect more bribes. The local traffic police wont spend money, time and manpower to chase a traffic violation because this would endanger their life! But they will be very hardworking on writing report and to administer justice when accident happen because could earn commission from either the defendant on lesser charge and compensation; or speeding up the process for the plaintiff to close case and collect high compensation for car repair, is it very ironic social values?

So there is no safe driving in China unless you are driving a tank, could attack and defend at the same time!
作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-2-19 12:32

Dirty Tricks
February 3, 2010 at 12:29 am Cyrus No comments
World is full of scumbag it depends on the percentage, but in China I would say is higher than any countries! Chinese is always smarter in using dirty tricks and able to counterplot one after another, is a wisdom challenge competition against foreigners.

“Delay 拖泥带水” referring to time constraint to accomplish a task but one dragging time on purpose. If you are not smart and timid as long as you got patient this is a good skill suitable for you. You dont have to be a good talker or need alibi, is a technique dont requires any help or bribe others to perform the show, no secrets hold by others, just work slowly will do till everyone forgets the work, play safe.

“Incapable 无能为力” is a common trick use to protect themselves from troubles and to bear responsibility. Chinese is always a good thinker and analyst only for themselves. So when you assign a job to them if is not beneficial in personal, monetary or their duty, they will not reject but indirectly say “I dont know”. Hence this would not offend you but could escape from troubles and responsibilities. Even if you teach them they will purposely misinterpret, drag time or do wrongly till you give up, forcing you with no choice and re-assign the job to another capable person.

“Involvement 顺手牵羊” participating others work progress in motive to rob their credits or to appraise by their superior on his personal contributions throughout the project. They always give little time and effort but making use of others doing their part, when comes to the end, collecting credits or getting appraisals they will be the first one to show up! In contrary, if the project fails looking after for offender or scapegoat they will be on sick leave.

“Deny 瞒天过海” only use on good story teller allows them to win over a personal motive or to save themselves when a problem blow up. Usually their story must consist a few character (alibi) to cover up their mistake and to support their explanation to gain your trust. Is a useful technique to create office confusion and politics, they are smart but cunning, is a time bomb controlling the device by them!

“Push 撒太极拳” means “Tai Chi” is to divert their responsibility or mistake to others with or without notification but protecting and maintaining their post and authority in the heart of the company. Is a tough skill to master through years of experience especially without notification or omen the scapegoat just die for no reason, kills without a trace (杀人于无形). Require lots of wisdom, patient and courage to succeed because just one carelessness will never turn over (永不翻身).

“Rumors 谣言惑众“, this technique requires great connections in society and network in the company. Must have supports and always be the first one to spread your story because first story is always more believable by the audience. Eventough how much time and saliva spend by the victim to explain the truth, the audience will always remember the first story and not your second version story!

“Fictional 无中生有” is a tactic that you always performing as self-speech and self-act character (自导自演) in your plot. You are writing your own manuscript throughout the show making use of others’ sympathy to treat you as pathetic earning more believers. Or exchanging role with the victim and he becomes the lead in the conspiracy, gaining trust from others, take lots of time and efforts, huge project.

“Scapegoat 代罪羔羊” usually takes time to harvest, could be individual or team work but always there is sacrifices in money, authority or feelings for the sake in protecting personal interest or safety. This tactics always use by scumbag or villains in China, and you must be hard-feeling and conscienceless (没良心), suffer public scoldings ruining your reputation, a high price pay out, is it worth it?

“Collateral 借刀杀人” is a very cunning trick use due to deep hatred or revenge! You will not have any troubles but making use of others to attain your motive. You must possess great wisdom and patient waiting for a chance to succeed. During the process you always act as double face (双重性格), one is kind-hearted always helping your target person in work and personal but the other is hypocritical cunning (虚伪狡诈) plotting and waiting for revenge.

In total 9 tactics from “Delay” to “Collateral”, from the stupidest to the smartest way to attack foreigners. If you want to guarantee your safety in China keep an eye on my next article. I will play a dirty trick here, I will only publish “Counterstrike on dirty tricks” with examples after I receive 10 comments here because so far I dont have any encouragement from my fans yet?
作者: 与乙肝共舞    时间: 2010-2-19 13:29

作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-2-19 13:50

原帖由 与乙肝共舞 于 2010-2-19 13:29 发表

作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-2-19 14:06

Bribery tactics
January 31, 2010 at 10:14 am Cyrus No comments
Who never cheat (作弊) in exam during schooling time? That is why forever is jobber boy (打工仔), impossible to become businessman. Which successful businessman dont bribe to get rich? Maybe there is because you are not the planner to the conspiracy, is your subordinate, but you are the boss so you indirectly become the lead (主谋) of the bribery scheme, is a cycle of bribery, no money no talks no business!

Business recommendation or ontime payment always starts from your internal staff. Get authority and high post in purchasing or accounting departments gives you convenient in corruption! Always be the person-in-charge PIC to deal direct with the suppliers, hence they have no choice but to treat you as the company trusted representative negotiating the business deal. Purposely delaying payment on suppliers for their turnover during crisis accountant could easily earn commission from them.

Cheating company funds and divide earnings with colleague is a common practice and culture in China, reference materials in my previous article on “China Office Politics #2″. Chinese always make friends with colleague through meal treating or gifts giving and you will get caught in between the devil and the deep blue sea (左右为难) to act in collusion to deceive (串通欺骗) company’s funds. Recommends your friends or relatives to the company also ease in corruption scheme!

To bribe an influential person to get high posting promotion in a company or government sector to collect more bribes is an investment, if small money dont go, big money wont come (小财不出,大财不入). All employees are greedy it depends on how you tackle, as long as you dont bribe your boss then you would be safe to climb up. But remember dont rely on just 1 influential person but many to increase your successful rate and shorten the time frame, but most important majority people always wins minority influential people in a company because is democratic. In contrary this tactics does not imply to government sector, only the highest rank makes the final word, especially in China under communist doctrine (共产党主义)!

Commission always use in business or personal benefits. Competing against same trading firm to bid a project. You must bribe all levels that has authority in decision-making but could use a representative through internal minimise the risk in disclosure. Targeting on the representative you must check his background through people engaged in the same trade otherwise you will choose the wrong guy easily.

Corrupting a government officer for a project or documents approval always through middleman otherwise you will get caught easily. To find a good middleman takes time to build mutual trust. Also you must first investigate his background, make inquiries through groundless talk from government sector, and consult your friends in the same industry on this middleman’s reputation or rumors.

Is easy to give commission but how to collect without getting caught? Transfer to personal bank account easily freeze by government, less risky could divide into many accounts in different countries, difficult to trace and freezing your assets, typical example Taiwan ex-president Chen Shui-Bian’s family. You could also giving as a gift like coupons during festivals or jewelry on joyous occasion (喜事), even you get caught no laws in this world could put you in justice. Most commonly use is to put money in an envelope with a gift covering it up, give to him in closed doors! Money is not the most powerful weapon in bribery, if you possess favoritism (情谊)  you consider as invincible! With the influential on Confucianism in brotherhood (兄弟), family love (亲情), sworn friends (结拜), or through damon and pythias (生死之交) as your accomplice will not betray you even others bribes him huge money is impossible to waver his decision, he could even dont collect a single cent from you! Why, because you are in China!

Above 6 tactics are in sequence order from the simplest and cheapest to the most toughest and expensive challenge on recommendation, cheating, promotion, competing, corrupting and favoritism. All could be counterstrike, dont forget ones has strategy but you can counterplot (上有政策下有对策), especially in China. You have to bribe me at least 10 comments to publish on my next article “Anti-corruption tactics”, you cant expect me always giving free tips without returns!

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