
标题: Vir Biotechnology 宣布多项摘要强调新的乙型肝炎数据已被接受 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2022-6-9 12:27     标题: Vir Biotechnology 宣布多项摘要强调新的乙型肝炎数据已被接受

Vir Biotechnology 宣布多项摘要强调新的乙型肝炎数据已被接受...

    Vir Biotechnology, Inc. (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) 2022 年 6 月 8 日 16 小时前更新






旧金山,2022 年 6 月 8 日 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vir Biotechnology, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:VIR)今天宣布,重点介绍其乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV) 计划数据的三份摘要已被接受,用于在2022 年国际肝病大会™ (ILC),即欧洲肝病研究协会 (EASL) 年会,于 6 月 22 日至 26 日在伦敦在线举行。

口头报告将重点介绍评估 VIR-2218 的 2 期试验的新剂量和持续时间数据,VIR-2218 是一种研究性靶向 HBV 的小干扰核糖核酸 (siRNA),可介导 RNA 干扰,用于慢性 HBV 感染的潜在功能性治愈。

一个海报展示将突出 VIR-3434 1 期试验的剂量依赖性耐久性数据,这是一种研究性 HBV 中和单克隆抗体,旨在抑制 HBV 进入细胞,减少血液中病毒粒子和亚病毒颗粒的数量,并可能发挥作用作为治疗性 T 细胞疫苗。第二个海报展示将展示临床前体内数据,证明 VIR-2218 加 VIR-3434 的组合比任何一种疗法的单一疗法都能导致更大的表面抗原减少。



标题:更长的每月 VIR-2218 治疗持续时间导致慢性乙型肝炎感染参与者的乙型肝炎表面抗原更深、更持久地减少(摘要 #644) 会议:病毒性肝炎:乙型肝炎新兴疗法 日期:6 月 25 日星期六 时间: 8:00 - 9:30 am BST (3:00 - 4:30 am EDT) 演讲者: Young-Suk Lim, M.D., Ph.D., University of Asan Medical Center消化内科和肝脏中心教授韩国首尔蔚山医学院


标题:施用单剂 VIR-3434(一种新型中和疫苗单克隆抗体)后乙型肝炎表面抗原减少的剂量依赖性持久性(摘要 #654;海报 #SAT434) 日期:6 月 25 日星期六 时间:上午 9:00英国夏令时(美国东部时间上午 4:00)主讲人:Kosh Agarwal,医学博士,国王学院医院肝脏研究所肝病学顾问和移植医师,以及 NIHR 南伦敦临床研究网络的临床主任标题:VIR-2218 加 VIR-3434联合疗法可降低体内乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原水平(摘要 #3009;海报 #SAT357) 日期:6 月 25 日,星期六 时间:英国夏令时上午 9:00(美国东部时间上午 4:00) 主讲人:Andrea Cathcart,博士, Vir Biotechnology 临床病毒学主任

关于慢性乙型肝炎 慢性乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV) 感染仍然是与显着发病率和死亡率相关的紧迫的全球公共卫生挑战。全世界大约有 3 亿人患有 HBV,每年约有 900,000 人死于 HBV 相关并发症。现有疗法对这些患者的服务明显不足,功能治愈率低、终身每日治疗和耐受性差。 Vir Biotechnology 致力于通过其广泛和差异化的产品组合为全球数百万乙型肝炎患者实现功能性治愈。

关于 VIR-2218 VIR-2218 是一种研究性皮下给药的 HBV 靶向 siRNA,具有刺激有效免疫反应的潜力,并具有直接的抗 HBV 抗病毒活性。它是临床上第一个包含增强稳定化学加 (ESC+) 技术的 siRNA,旨在提高稳定性并最大限度地减少脱靶活性,这可能会导致治疗指数增加。 VIR-2218是公司与 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.合作进入临床试验的第一个资产。

关于 VIR-3434 VIR-3434 是一种皮下给药的研究性 HBV 中和单克隆抗体,旨在阻止所有 10 种基因型 HBV 进入肝细胞并降低血液中病毒粒子和亚病毒颗粒的水平。 VIR-3434 结合了 Xencor 的 Xtend ™和其他 Fc 技术,经过精心设计,可作为 T 细胞疫苗在感染患者中发挥抗 HBV 的作用,并延长半衰期。
作者: StephenW    时间: 2022-6-9 12:27

Vir Biotechnology Announces Multiple Abstracts Highlighting New Hepatitis B Data Accepted for ...

    Vir Biotechnology, Inc. (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Jun 8, 2022 Updated 16 hrs ago






SAN FRANCISCO, June 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vir Biotechnology, Inc. (Nasdaq: VIR) today announced that three abstracts highlighting data from its hepatitis B virus (HBV) program have been accepted for one oral and two poster presentations at the International Liver Congress™ 2022 (ILC), the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), taking place in London and online June 22-26.

The oral presentation will highlight new dose and duration data from a Phase 2 trial evaluating VIR-2218, an investigational HBV-targeting small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) that mediates RNA interference, for the potential functional cure of chronic HBV infection.

One poster presentation will highlight dose-dependent durability data from a Phase 1 trial of VIR-3434, an investigational HBV-neutralizing monoclonal antibody designed to inhibit HBV entry into cells, reduce the number of virions and subviral particles in the blood, and potentially function as a therapeutic T cell vaccine. The second poster presentation will showcase preclinical in vivo data demonstrating that the combination of VIR-2218 plus VIR-3434 resulted in greater surface antigen reductions than monotherapy with either therapy.

Presentation details are as follows:

Oral Presentation:         

Title: Longer treatment duration of monthly VIR-2218 results in deeper and more sustained reductions in hepatitis B surface antigen in participants with chronic hepatitis B infection (Abstract #644) Session: Viral Hepatitis: Hepatitis B Emerging Therapies Date: Saturday, June 25 Time: 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. BST (3:00 - 4:30 a.m. EDT) Presenter: Young-Suk Lim, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Department of Gastroenterology and Liver Center, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea

Poster Presentations:

Title: Dose-dependent durability of hepatitis B surface antigen reductions following administration of a single dose of VIR-3434, a novel neutralizing vaccinal monoclonal antibody (Abstract #654; Poster #SAT434) Date: Saturday, June 25 Time: 9:00 a.m. BST (4:00 a.m. EDT) Presenter: Kosh Agarwal, M.D., Consultant Hepatologist and Transplant Physician at the Institute of Liver Studies at King’s College Hospital, and Clinical Director of the NIHR South London Clinical Research NetworkTitle: VIR-2218 plus VIR-3434 combination therapy reduces hepatitis B virus surface antigen levels in vivo (Abstract #3009; Poster #SAT357) Date: Saturday, June 25 Time: 9:00 a.m. BST (4:00 a.m. EDT) Presenter: Andrea Cathcart, Ph.D., Director, Clinical Virology, Vir Biotechnology

About Chronic Hepatitis B Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection remains an urgent global public health challenge associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Approximately 300 million people around the world are living with HBV and about 900,000 die from HBV-associated complications each year. These patients are significantly underserved by existing therapies, with low functional cure rates, lifelong daily therapy and poor tolerability. Vir Biotechnology is working to achieve a functional cure for the millions of people with hepatitis B around the world through its broad and differentiated portfolio.

About VIR-2218 VIR-2218 is an investigational subcutaneously administered HBV-targeting siRNA that has the potential to stimulate an effective immune response and have direct antiviral activity against HBV. It is the first siRNA in the clinic to include Enhanced Stabilization Chemistry Plus (ESC+) technology designed to enhance stability and minimize off-target activity, which potentially can result in an increased therapeutic index. VIR-2218 is the first asset in the Company’s collaboration with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to enter clinical trials.

About VIR-3434 VIR-3434 is an investigational subcutaneously administered HBV-neutralizing monoclonal antibody designed to block entry of all 10 genotypes of HBV into hepatocytes and reduce the level of virions and subviral particles in the blood. VIR-3434, which incorporates Xencor’s Xtend™ and other Fc technologies, has been engineered to potentially function as a T-cell vaccine against HBV in infected patients, as well as to have an extended half-life.

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