
标题: 研究发现,42%的HBV成人与HDV合并感染 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2019-1-12 15:26     标题: 研究发现,42%的HBV成人与HDV合并感染

PerspectiveIn the Journals Plus
42% of adults with HBV are coinfected with HDV, study finds

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January 11, 2019
Eshan U. Patel, MPH
Eshan U. Patel

In the United States, 42% of adults with hepatitis B virus are coinfected with hepatitis D, suggesting a need for routine HDV testing among people with HBV, according to study findings.

Eshan U. Patel, MPH, and colleagues from Johns Hopkins University said the results of their study suggest that the prevalence of HDV in the U.S. is “significantly higher” than previously acknowledged.

According to Patel and colleagues, the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases recommends that patients who are positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and at high-risk for HDV infection also be tested for the presence of HDV antibodies.

“Given that a high percentage of HBsAg-positive individuals in the study had antibodies to HDV, clinicians should consider routine HDV antibody testing for all HBsAg-positive patients,” Patel told Infectious Disease News. “Clinicians should also recommend vaccination against HBV infection to patients in all recommended populations to help prevent HBV and HDV transmission.”

Patel noted that most people living with HBV are unaware of their infection, and that efforts are needed increase screening.

Screening patients for HBV susceptibility or infection, then vaccinating or treating them appropriately, was recently found to be cost effective, according to study findings published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases.

Unlike HBV, HDV is not a nationally notifiable infection and commercial RNA assays are not widely available, according to Patel and colleagues. For their study, they estimated the prevalence of ongoing HBV infections and seroprevalence of HDV infections in the U.S. using population-based data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a cross-sectional survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics on a continuous basis. Patel and colleagues used pooled data collected from 21,832 NHANES respondents with complete data on demographic characteristics from 2011 to 2016.

According to the study findings, the prevalence of HBsAg among the total population aged 6 years or older was 0.28%. Of these, the prevalence of antibodies to HDV was 0.11%. When Patel and colleagues assessed only adults aged 18 years or older, they found a prevalence of 0.36% for HBsAg and 0.15% for antibodies to HDV. The highest prevalence of HBsAg and HDV was observed among Asian and foreign-born adults.

All adults who were positive for HDV were also HBsAg positive, Patel and colleagues noted. According to the study, 42% of the 113 HBsAg-positive adults were positive for HDV, with a 33% prevalence rate among HBsAg-positive U.S.-born adults and 46% among HBsAg-positive foreign-born adults. Among Asian HBsAg-positive adults, HDV prevalence was 45% compared with 39% of adults of all other races and identities.

Patel and colleagues also found that HBV/HDV coinfected adults had higher serological markers associated with liver disease, especially compared with uninfected adults. Among HBsAg-positive adults, 30% (95% CI, 17%-46%) of individuals also positive for HDV reported a liver disease diagnosis compared with 9% (95% CI, 5%-16%) of those who were negative for HDV antibodies.

Between 2013 and 2016, NHANES included a question inquiring if the respondent was ever diagnosed with hepatitis B. They found that only 33% (95% CI, 18%-51%) of HBsAg-positive adults were aware of their infection. Among HBsAg-positive adults with HDV antibodies, awareness of HBV infection was 47% (95% CI, 27%-68%) compared with 15% (95% CI, 6%-32%) among HBsAg-positive adults without HDV, according to the study.

Although it was not evaluated in this study, Patel said that patients with HBV/HDV coinfection have worse clinical outcomes compared with HBV-monoinfected patients. – by Marley Ghizzone

Disclosures: The authors report no relevant financial disclosures.

作者: StephenW    时间: 2019-1-12 15:26

PerspectiveIn the Journals Plus


Eshan U. Patel,MPH
Eshan U. Patel


来自约翰霍普金斯大学的Eshan U. Patel,MPH和同事表示,他们的研究结果表明,美国HDV的患病率“显着高于”之前公认的水平。


“鉴于该研究中高比例的HBsAg阳性个体患有HDV抗体,临床医生应考虑对所有HBsAg阳性患者进行常规HDV抗体检测,”Patel告诉传染病新闻。 “临床医生还应该建议所有推荐人群接种HBV感染疫苗,以帮助预防HBV和HDV传播。”
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根据Open Forum Infectious Diseases发表的研究结果,最近发现筛查患者的HBV易感性或感染,然后适当地接种或治疗它们是符合成本效益的。

根据Patel及其同事的说法,与HBV不同,HDV不是一种全国性的通报感染,商业RNA检测并不广泛。在他们的研究中,他们使用来自国家健康和营养检查调查(NHANES)的人口数据估算了美国正在进行的HBV感染和HDV感染的血清阳性率,这是一项由国家卫生统计中心进行的横断面调查。持续不断。 Patel及其同事使用从21,832名NHANES受访者收集的汇总数据,以及2011年至2016年的人口统计特征的完整数据。



Patel及其同事还发现HBV / HDV合并感染的成人具有较高的与肝病相关的血清学标志物,特别是与未感染的成人相比。在HBsAg阳性成人中,30%(95%CI,17%-46%)HDV阳性者报告肝病诊断,而阴性者为9%(95%CI,5%-16%)对于HDV抗体。


虽然在本研究中未对其进行评估,但Patel表示,与HBV单一感染患者相比,HBV / HDV合并感染患者的临床结果更差。 -  Marley Ghizzone

作者: pourvivre    时间: 2019-1-13 23:06

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问:是否有中国大陆或台湾,香港 HBsAg阳性成人中,HDV患病率的百分比数据?

作者: StephenW    时间: 2019-1-14 07:34

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Geographical distribution

It is estimated that globally, approximately 5% of people with chronic HBV infection are co-infected with HDV, resulting in a total of 15 – 20 million persons infected with HDV worldwide. High-prevalence areas include Africa (Central and West Africa), Asia (Central and Northern Asia, Viet Nam, Mongolia, Pakistan, Japan, and Chinese Taipei), Pacific Islands (Kiribati, Nauru), Middle East (all countries), Eastern Europe (Eastern Mediterranean regions, Turkey), South America (Amazonian basin), and Greenland. However, the global estimation and geographic information are incomplete because many countries do not report the prevalence of HDV.
据估计,全球约有5%的慢性HBV感染者与HDV共感染,导致全世界共有1500万至2000万人感染HDV。 流行率高的地区包括非洲(中非和西非),亚洲(中亚和北亚,越南,蒙古,巴基斯坦,日本和中国台北),太平洋岛屿(基里巴斯,瑙鲁),中东(所有国家),东部 欧洲(东地中海地区,土耳其),南美洲(亚马逊流域)和格陵兰岛。 然而,全球估计和地理信息不完整,因为许多国家没有报告HDV的流行情况。.

我认为蒙古在中国的HDV感染率最高,约占总人口的4.5% (HBV约占总人口的10.6%).
作者: pourvivre    时间: 2019-1-14 08:41

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