在决赛前的电视专访中,李娜说:if you always lies to everyone saying that I was playing for my country, or I was playing for another thing, you are just playing for yourself. This is real. 你总是对所有人撒谎说,我打球是为国争光,或者说打球是为了其他的事情。你打球只是为了自己。这是真实的。请看ESPN3的录像重放,证实这些。
决赛前,CCTV的 Tong Kexin 说,大约一千五百万观众会观看央视体育频道的决赛直播,中国观众准备好了表达他们的情感:"The Chinese fans were prepared to express their feelings and shed their tears of excitement. We were just one step from victory," China Central Television announcer Tong Kexin said Saturday. CCTV predicted that about 15 million people would watch the match live on its sports channel.
但是,现场的国人观众却在帮倒忙,以至于李娜不得不跟主裁抱怨,请主裁告诉中国观众,不要教我如何打球:After that service break, Li went up to chair umpire Alison Lang of Britain and asked: "Can you tell the Chinese don't teach me how to play tennis?" That was in reference to some in the crowd yelling out -- apparently exhorting her to "finish her," and "beat her," and later "calm down" in Chinese that seemed to be bothering Li.