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January 2011 issue of the HBV Advocate’s Journal Review, [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-1-6 23:29 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2011-1-6 23:33 编辑


Selected extracts from the January 2011 issue of the HBV Advocate’s Journal Review, which showcases
the latest hepatitis B research into prevention, treatment, and infection transmission

Tenofovir Effective  When Liver Failure Occurs and a Transplant Is Not Possible
Because of the shortage of available organs for liver  transplants, researchers have been searching for new methods to save patients  when they experience liver failure due to a spontaneous reactivation of their hepatitis  B.
Writing in the journal Hepatology,  researchers described using the antiviral tenofovir (Viread) in 14 HBV-infected  patients with high viral loads (HBV DNA) who experienced liver failure to see  if this treatment prolonged their lives.
After three months of treatment, 57% of those receiving  tenofovir survived, compared to only 15% of HBV-infected patients who did not  receive tenofovir, nor any other antiviral medication.
In the surviving patients, there was significant improvement  in liver health and a significant decline in the HBV-DNA levels.
Those who survived were found to experience a significant  reduction in HBV DNA after just two weeks of treatment.
在期刊杂志写作,研究人员描述使用14 HBV感染高(乙肝病毒DNA)的肝衰竭谁遇到这种治疗是否延长他们的生命病毒载量患者的抗病毒泰诺福韦(VIREAD的)。
在幸存的患者,有显着改善肝脏健康,在HBV - DNA水平显着下降.

F141L Mutation in the  Surface Antigen Be Trigger That Causes Liver Cancer
Researchers continue to search for the mutation or viral  trigger that causes some people with hepatitis B to develop liver cancer. South  Korean researchers reported in the January 2011 issue of the Journal of  Virology that they may have found a mutation in the surface covering of the  virus, called HBsAg, that may play a role in causing liver cancer.
They identified a mutation called F141L and looked for that  in the surface antigen of 241 Korean patients with liver diseases at different  stages.
They found F141L mutants were present in a significant  number of liver cancer cases. The mutation was present in cancer cases more  often than was cirrhosis—severe liver scarring—which is often considered a  precursor to liver cancer.
“Our results suggest that (F141L) may contribute importantly  to the [development] of liver cancer by inducing cell proliferation and  transformation,” they wrote. They suggest that the F141L mutation could serve  as a diagnostic test for liver cancer.

New, More Accurate Cause of  Fibrosis Identified
A multinational research team,  including scientists from the University of California, San Diego School of  Medicine, have for the first time accurately identified how fibrosis forms in  the liver, and how these fibrotic cells multiply and produce cirrhosis.
Their findings, published in the Proceedings  of the National Academy of Sciences, identify a previously unknown kind of  inflammatory white blood cell as the culprit behind liver fibrosis. Their  report completely changes current beliefs about how fibrosis develops in livers  infected by the hepatitis B virus (HBV).
When the liver is diseased,  healthy liver tissue is progressively replaced by fibrous scarring, which impairs  liver functioning. Ultimately, severe fibrosis results in cirrhosis and  contributes to liver cancer and failure, the 12th leading cause of death by  disease in the United States.
For years, scientists did not  understand how these fibroblast cells were created and assumed they were simply  transformed “epithelial” cells. Based on that assumption, they measured  fibroblast-specific protein 1 (FSP1) to determine if fibrosis was present in a  patient.
However, this new research shows  that FSP1 is not a reliable marker for fibrosis. Instead, endogenous stellate  cells appear to be the culprit in the development of fibrosis. However,  scientists did find that FSP1 was a consistent marker for a previously  unknown subset of inflammatory white blood cells or macrophages found in  injured livers.

Neuromuscular Problems Common  Among Patients Taking Telbivudine
With increased, long-term use of  antivirals, researchers are increasingly identifying nerve and muscle damage as  side effects from this treatment. In a recent issue of the Journal of Viral  Hepatitis, researchers reported on their findings into neuromuscular and  nerve damage from the antiviral telbivudine (Tyzeka).
The scientists measured creatine  kinase (CK), an enzyme that is released into the blood when muscle tissue is  damaged, and they monitored patients for myopathy, a disease of the skeletal  muscles.
They measured CK levels in 200  patients treated with telbivudine for hepatitis B between January 2007 and July  2010. The 3-year cumulative incidence of CK elevations and myopathy was 84.3%  and 5%, respectively. CK elevations occurred more frequently in men than in  women, and in patients aged 45 and older who tested negative for the hepatitis  B “e” antigen (HBeAg-negative). Viral load did not appear to have an impact on CK  elevations.
CK elevations usually occurred 21  months after starting the antiviral, and most patients stopped having CK  elevations spontaneously without having to stop telbivudine treatment. However,  three patients had to switch to other antiviral agents.
“In conclusion, CK elevations are  common adverse reactions associated with telbivudine therapy, while myopathy is  rare,” researchers wrote.
他们测量与替比夫定治疗乙肝2007年1月至2010年7月200例对照的水平。 3年的CK升高和肌病的累积发生率分别为84.3%和5%,分别为。对照升高更频繁发生在男性多于女性,而在45岁以上患者谁检测乙型肝炎“e”的抗原(HBeAg阴性)阴性。病毒载量并未有一对CK升高的影响。
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