Since April 2000 it has been recommended that all pregnant women in England and Wales should be offered testing for hepatitis B through screening for HBsAg, and that all babies of HBsAg seropositive women should be immunised (HSC 1998/127).
A dose of paediatric hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all infants born to an HBV infected mother as soon as possible after birth, then at 1 and 2, and 12 months of age. For the “high-risk”(大三阳妈妈) infants (Box 1) of HBsAg seropositive mothers, 200iu HBIG is recommended by deep intramuscular injection as soon as possible after birth, not later than 48 hours.
Procedure for babies at high risk of maternal transmission
Immunoglobulin (200iU) is ordered from HPA Collindale when a high risk mother is known to be pregnant, and is sent to RVI pharmacy approximately 6 weeks prior to EDD. Once the baby is born, call the duty pharmacist to obtain the HBIG and vaccine for the baby.
If a high risk mother delivers unexpectedly (e.g. preterm or unbooked) you will need to contact the HPA directly. During working hours speak to Dr Taylor (ext 21010) or Dr Manoj Valappil, at Newcastle HPA lab. Where necessary to discuss case and obtain HBIG. Out of working hours ask switchboard to contact the on call consultant virologist.
Document parental consent on the RVI immunisation form, and give HBIG 200 iu intramuscularly into the anterolateral thigh as soon as possible, and always within 48 hours of birth.
Simultaneously give the first dose of vaccine. There are 2 different brands of vaccine (5mcg H-B VaxII (0.5 ml) or 10mcg Energix B(0.5 ml)). There is no clear guidance as to whether there is any difference in effect. Record the batch numbers of both products and their sites of injection on the immunisation form and on the special Hep B insert included in the Hep B pack, send the pink copy to child health, and place the rest in the child’s yellow book.
Current advice (AAP Red Book) suggests vaccine brands are interchangeable
Ensure the GP letter is completed, advising of the necessity for further doses either using the paper proforma in the pack, or on mermaid, and the parental copy given before discharge.
Hep B antibody testing at 1 year is now recommended for all children. They should all then be given a 4th dose. The GP is asked to ensure that this occurs and child health will remind them at the suitable time.