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硝唑尼特的药品说明书,同志们翻译下 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

330 元 
发表于 2010-6-27 18:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 风雨不动 于 2012-4-14 16:26 编辑

ALINIAAlinia InformationAlinia is a medical product that is also well known as Nitazoxanide. This medication belongs to a wide class of drugs - antiprotozoals. Such products are widely prescribed in the therapy of diarrhea that has been triggered by a certain form of protozoa.
Alinia IndicationsAlinia is quite effective in the prophylaxis for diarrhea in the case of children and adults, if the symptom is caused by Giardia lamblia or other types of protozoa (including Cryptosporidium parvum). In other words, a therapy with this medicine is prescribed to patients who are diagnosed with travelers' diarrhea. However, a treatment trial with this medicine can prove effective in the therapy of some other medical conditions. It is important to refer to your personal health care provider if you have any further questions regarding this matter.
Alinia WarningsThe presence of other medical disorders (apart from traveler’s diarrhea) can prevent an individual from being prescribed a treatment trial with Alinia. For this reason, it is important to alert your personal health care provider if you are suffering from any immune system medical conditions (including HIV), kidney disorders or any liver medical conditions. While some patients who present these medical disorders will not be allowed to start using Alinia on a regular basis, others will be prescribed lower doses of this drug. However, their therapy with this antiprotozoal must be closely supervised by an authorized health care provider.
The oral form (suspension) of Alinia is known to contain about 1.48 grams of sucrose in a teaspoon of medicine (5 mL). This is why patients who are suffering from diabetes should lower their daily intake of sucrose during their therapy with this type of medicine.
Studies have shown that Nitazoxanide (Alinia) is a category B FDA pregnancy medicine. In other words, a treatment trial with this medical product should not harm a growing fetus in any way. However, it is best that each pregnant female who wants to start using this medicine on a regular basis should discuss the prospects of a potential therapy with Alinia with her personal health care provider. It has not yet been determined whether the ingredients of this medication are able to pass into the patient’s breast milk or not. In such conditions, we recommend all nursing mothers to stop breastfeeding their infants during their treatment trial with this medical product.
Alinia Intake GuidelinesYour personal health care provider is entitled to prescribe you the necessary precautions that you ought to take into consideration during your future therapy with Alinia. He or she will also tell you exactly how you should use each of your doses of this medical product.
All doses of Alinia should be accompanied with food. In this way, you will avoid experiencing the unpleasant symptoms of stomach disturbances. If you have been prescribed by your personal health care provider to use the suspension form of Alinia, we strongly advise you to make sure that you have well shaken the medicine before measuring your dose. Most physicians recommend their patients to measure their doses of Alinia with a special instrument (a dose measuring cup, dropper and / or spoon). If you do not own such devices, you should buy one from the nearest pharmacy. You may store your medicine at the average room temperature. Ask your pharmacist to tell you how you could discard the unused medicine.
Alinia DosageYour personal health care provider (your physician) will prescribe you the dose of Alinia that you should use on a regular basis, the one that will ensure that you will be granted the best effects from your treatment trial with this medicine. Periodically, your physician might want to alter your dose of this drug. It is important to follow each and every one of your doctor’s directions. Unauthorized alterations to your normal dosage of Alinia are not reccommended.
Alinia OverdoseAll patients who are suspected to be suffering from an overdose with Alinia ought to be granted immediate medical care. We have no information regarding the potential symptoms that this medical condition may trigger. For this reason, we advise you to ask your pharmacist, a nurse or a doctor for further information.
Alinia Missed DoseAny disruption in your regular Alinia therapy schedule will affect the beneficial results of your treatment trial with this drug. If you have missed using a dose of this medicine, we recommend you to skip the one that you have missed and to proceed with your regular treatment schedule. If you are unhappy with the therapy schedule that your physician has prescribed you, we advise you to contact your doctor and set up an appointment in which you will discuss you’re your physician which changes will suit you best.
Alinia Side EffectsIf an individual who is following a therapy with Alinia develops the severe symptoms of an allergic reaction (throat closure, breathing difficulties, swelling, hives, and so on), he or she should immediately stop their intake of this drug. A prolonged therapy with this medication may trigger the following less severe adverse reactions: headache, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and so on.
Alinia Drug ReactionsStudies have shown that the way in which the ingredients of Alinia are metabolized by the patient’s organism can be affected by the intake of other medical products. Therefore, adjacent therapies that have not been authorized by the patient’s personal health care provider may easily lead to higher or lower levels of medicine in the patient’s blood



Rank: 5Rank: 5

1830 元 
发表于 2010-6-27 20:45 |只看该作者

Rank: 4

476 元 
发表于 2010-6-27 23:26 |只看该作者
请在这里输ALINIAAlinia InformationAlinia是一种医疗产品,这也是硝唑尼特以及著名。这种药物属于一类药物广泛 - antiprotozoals。这些产品广泛处方的腹泻已经由原生动物引起某种形式的治疗。Alinia IndicationsAlinia是相当有效的预防腹泻在儿童和成人的情况下,如果症状是由梨形鞭毛虫或其他类型的原生动物(包括隐孢子虫引起的)。换言之,与此药治疗处方给谁是旅行者的腹泻病人的诊断。然而,与此药治疗的试验可以证明在其他一些有效的治疗的医疗条件。重要的是要参考您的个人健康护理提供者,如果您有任何关于这一问题的进一步提问。Alinia WarningsThe其他内科疾病(从旅客的腹泻外的存在)可以防止一个人被指定一个Alinia治疗试验。基于这个原因,重要的是要提醒您的个人健康护理提供者,如果您是从任何免疫系统遭受的医疗条件(包括艾滋病毒),肾脏疾病或肝脏的医疗条件。虽然目前有些病人的医疗疾病谁也不会被允许开始定期使用Alinia,另一些人则对这种药物处方低剂量。然而,其与本抗原虫治疗必须密切监督卫生保健提供者的认可。口头形式(暂时终止Alinia)已知药物中含有茶匙(5毫升)约1.48克的蔗糖。这就是为什么谁是病人患有糖尿病,应降低其在用这种药物治疗型的每日允许摄入量的蔗糖。研究表明,硝唑尼特(Alinia)是FDA的妊娠B类药物。换句话说,一本医疗产品治疗试验,不应以任何方式伤害一个成长中的胎儿。不过,最好是每个怀孕女性谁愿意开始定期使用此药应与她的个人健康护理提供者的一个Alinia潜在的治疗前景。它尚未决定是否对这种药物的成分能够传递到病人的母乳或没有。在这种情况下,我们建议所有哺乳母亲停止在其与本医疗产品哺乳自己婴儿的治疗试验。Alinia进GuidelinesYour个人健康护理提供者有权向你开必要的预防措施,你应该考虑在您的Alinia未来治疗。他或她还会告诉你到底你应该如何使用这个医疗产品的每一个剂量。所有的Alinia剂量应伴随着食物。这样,你会避免遇到不愉快的胃干扰症状。如果你被你的个人健康护理提供者所规定使用的Alinia悬挂形式,我们强烈建议您确保您有完善的测量你的面前动摇的药剂量。大多数医生建议他们的病人来衡量一个特殊的文书Alinia其剂量(剂量量杯,滴管和/或勺)。如果你没有自己的这些设备,你应该从最近的药店买一个。您可能会存储在你的平均室温药。问问你的药剂师告诉你如何能丢弃未使用的药品。Alinia DosageYour个人健康护理提供者(医师)给你开的Alinia剂量,你应该经常使用的基础上,一个将确保您将获得由您使用此药治疗试验的效果最好。每隔一段时间,你的医生可能要改变你的这种药物剂量。重要的是要按照每个医生的方向之一。擅自更改您的Alinia正常剂量不推荐。Alinia OverdoseAll谁怀疑是从一个Alinia过量患者应立即给予医疗照顾。我们没有任何资料的潜在症状,这种疾病可能会触发。基于这个原因,我们建议你问你的药剂师,护士或医生提供进一步资料。Alinia漏诊DoseAny对你的日常Alinia时间表中断治疗会影响你的这种药物治疗试验的有益成果。如果你错过了使用这种药的剂量,我们建议您跳过您已经错过了,并开始你的常规治疗日程之一。如果您对您的医生治疗时间表已订明对你不满,我们建议您联系你的医生,并设置了一个任命,您将您的医生讨论你的改变将适合你。Alinia EffectsIf个人谁是下一个Alinia治疗边开发的过敏反应(封喉呼吸困难,严重的症状,肿胀,荨麻疹等),他或她应立即停止他们对这种药物的摄入量。具有这种药物长期治疗可能引发严重的不良反应少以下:头痛,呕吐,腹泻,恶心,腹痛等。Alinia药物ReactionsStudies表明,以何种方式对Alinia的成分是由病人的机体代谢,可以由其他医疗产品的摄入量受到影响。因此,那些没有被病人的个人健康护理提供者的授权很容易导致病人的血药更高或更低的水平adjacent疗法[表= 98%,#cccccc] [/表]需要翻译的文字
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