
标题: 男女聪明基因定律 -- 有没有道理? 为什么? [打印本页]

作者: liver411    时间: 2005-4-20 21:30     标题: 男女聪明基因定律 -- 有没有道理? 为什么?


决定智商的八对基因(还是八个?忘记了) 全部都是位于X染色体上面,在此先复习男女性是如何来的?

男生是XY,X (卵)是来自母亲,Y(精子)是来自父亲。 女生是XX,X (卵)是来自母亲,X (精子)是来自父亲。 所以生男生女都是先生的错,不要怪罪妈妈的肚皮不争气!!!!

请注意: 男生是XY,所以男生的智商全部都是来自母亲的遗传,女生是XX,所以女生的智商是父亲跟母亲各有一半影响。

因为女生的智商是父亲母亲都有影响,所以会有中和的效应。所以女生智商的分布会呈现自然分布(normal distribution),就是倒钟状,中间最多,两边较少。 然后男生因为是完全只受一方影响,所以男生智商分布会呈现在偏向在两个极端。也就是说,男生天才比较多,但是同时,蠢材之中也是男生特别多。


1. 「你要判断一个男生聪不聪明,看他妈妈就知道了。」可是,你又要

怎么判断一个男生的妈妈聪不聪明?........想不出简便的方法 .....

2. 然后我们用机率来算:

生男孩的机率= 1/2;生女孩的机率=1/2。

生男孩的时候,母亲对于男孩智商的影响力 = 1

生女孩的时候,母亲对于女孩智商的影响力 = 1/2


1*1/2 + 1/2*1/2 : 0*1/2 + 1/2*1/2

= 0.75 : 0.25

= 3 : 1

= 母: 父


1. 是男生,如果你觉得你很笨的话。你千万要娶一个聪明的女生来。这样你小孩翻盘的机率还有七成五,人生还是充满了希望。

2. 是女生,如果你觉得你很笨的话,因为,你翻人家盘的机率有七成五.....啊,我不能再说了.........。总之,最近天气不错,出去走走。

3. 当你看到一个男生很聪明的时候,则,他父亲很聪明的机率是 0 (应该说,就算他父亲很聪明,也对他是没有影响的),可是他母亲很聪明的机率是100%。 所以说,如果你在考虑要嫁给一个很聪明的男生的时候,你就要小心他妈妈,可能会是一个很会算计的婆婆。


总之,当你看到很笨的男生的时候,不要犹豫,嫁给他。 不要觉得你是为了他的钱,你要跟自己说,你是为了要改善人类未来的基因。


我重复一次: 1. 判断男生智商,看妈妈。 2. 笨男生无论如何也要娶聪明女生。 3. 女生不要嫁聪明男生,应该嫁给笨男生。

作者: liver411    时间: 2005-4-20 21:33


1. 判断男生智商,看妈妈。


2. 笨男生无论如何也要娶聪明女生。


3. 女生不要嫁聪明男生,应该嫁给笨男生。


作者: lhongy    时间: 2005-4-20 21:33

作者: liver411    时间: 2005-4-20 21:35



这个定律好像用的是归纳法, 你只好拿这个去对周围已经发生的做分析(临床试验)。

不过, 如果你是个男生,我可以大致猜到你妈妈什么样子了:)

作者: 上香    时间: 2005-4-20 23:06



作者: pretty    时间: 2005-4-21 02:39


作者: Orange0419    时间: 2005-4-21 06:18




作者: 肝愿    时间: 2005-4-21 08:54


作者: shinian__001    时间: 2005-4-21 09:23

作者: 薄荷*垛    时间: 2005-4-22 10:52

作者: liver411    时间: 2005-4-22 23:35


作者: 宝哥    时间: 2005-4-23 01:10


总之,当你看到很笨的男生的时候,不要犹豫,嫁给他。 不要觉得你是为了他的钱,你要跟自己说,你是为了要改善人类未来的基因。 ==============================================================



作者: 七戒    时间: 2005-4-23 05:01

以下是引用liver411在2005-4-20 8:30:03的发言:

请注意: 男生是XY,所以男生的智商全部都是来自母亲的遗传,女生是XX,所以女生的智商是父亲跟母亲各有一半影响。



作者: 和弦    时间: 2005-4-23 13:03



作者: pretty    时间: 2005-4-23 21:03


作者: 天线妈妈    时间: 2005-4-24 00:11


作者: xiaomeimei    时间: 2005-4-25 11:52


作者: touzi369    时间: 2005-4-25 12:12

作者: pretty    时间: 2005-4-25 12:33

以下是引用touzi369在2005-4-24 23:12:01的发言: 哪有那么麻烦,又XX又XY的,只看个头就成。个头与智商成反比,记住这个定律可以准确判断所有人的智商高低。[em02][em02][em02]


作者: 东东东123    时间: 2005-5-2 10:42

作者: 千江有水千江月    时间: 2005-5-2 14:31

Scientists find gene for intelligence by Steve Connor Science Correspondent THE FIRST gene linked with high intellectual ability has been found by scientists. The discovery could herald the development of genetic tests for young children to identify high-flyers. The gene has been found by a team headed by Professor Robert Plomin, a leading behavioural geneticist at the Institute of Psychiatry in London. He discovered it by comparing the DNA of several groups of about 50 people who scored well above average on a range of IQ tests. Details of the research are expected to be revealed this week at an international conference on psychiatric genetics in Santa Fe in New Mexico. Plomin refused to comment on his findings in detail, but it is understood that the scientists believe the gene may account for about 2% of the variation in intelligence between individuals when they are compared through IQ tests. Although this may appear to be only a marginal difference, it is only one gene that has been discovered and researchers believe there will be others. The fact that a link has been established will be regarded as a significant breakthrough by the scientific community. Commentators believe the gene resides on chromosome 6, one of the 23 pairs of chromosomes that form the human genetic blueprint. Plomin's study involved more than 300 people split into separate groups depending on their intellectual ability. Some had very high IQs, some were average and others scored well in certain intellectual pursuits such as mathematics and verbal ability. Cells taken from each of them were stored as permanently living cultures so that DNA could be taken and analysed at any time in the future in order to isolate any other genes that may be implicated in high intelligence. Plomin said it would be possible to understand more about inherited defects in intelligence by studying the normal range of intellectual ability, including those people who are exceptionally gifted. He believes that the genetic component of intelligence may be determined by a number of different genes, possibly 100, with some being more important than others. The research, however, has been controversial, with eminent scientists saying it would be unethical to carry out the work without discussing its implications more widely with the public. Professor Peter Harper, director of the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Cardiff, wrote an open letter in 1995 to the journal Behaviour Genetics arguing that the research could lead to genetic screening of embryos and foetuses for "intelligence genes" without an adequate scientific basis. As a result of the outcry, the Medical Research Council said it would consult the public more widely before giving Plomin several million pounds in research grants to carry out a large study on identical and non-identical twins. Plomin wants to collect the DNA of all twins born between 1994 and 1996 and relate genetic and environmental differences to any mild mental impairment. If it goes ahead, it will be the biggest twin study ever undertaken in Britain and could take several decades to complete. Plomin showed earlier this year that genes appear to be more important in explaining differences in intelligence in older people than environmental influences. "Education has greatly improved their intelligence, but the differences among them . . . are largely due to genetic differences," he said.
作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-6-6 06:30


作者: 遗忘的岁月    时间: 2010-6-6 13:01

作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-6-6 18:16

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