
标题: HBV抗原数量:持续时间和对功能治愈的影响 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2021-12-22 07:30     标题: HBV抗原数量:持续时间和对功能治愈的影响


    http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2942-0485Antonio Bertoletti1, Carolina Boni2

    致函新加坡杜克-新加坡国立大学研究生医学院 Antonio Bertoletti 教授; [email protected]

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HBV 是一种与人类共同进化的 DNA 病毒。 1 与许多其他病毒只有在其遗传物质扩增后才能检测到不同,HBV 的特点是产生感染性病毒粒子的后代,但也具有高浓度(5–10 μg /mL) 的病毒蛋白。

这些蛋白质是由 HBV 核心和 HBV pre-S1、pre-S2 和 S 基因编码的蛋白质合成的“副产品”,是核衣壳(含有 HBV-DNA 的病毒的内部部分)和HBV 包膜。源自核衣壳基因并定义为 HBcrAg 的蛋白质由核衣壳蛋白的截短或未成熟形式组成:HBeAg(也定义为 p17,截短核蛋白的完全分泌形式)、p22(p17 的较长版本)和 HBcAg (不完整的核心颗粒,“裸” HBV)2。前 S1、前 S2 和 S 基因产物是成熟 HBV 病毒粒子的包膜成分,但它们大量产生,从而也产生大量有缺陷的非传染性颗粒(球体和细丝)(在 Bruss3 中审查了详细的分子描述)。这些非传染性病毒蛋白(HBcrAg 和 HBsAg)会分泌到血流中,影响宿主免疫力,并可能使 HBV 更有效地在人体中持续存在。例如,HBeAg 似乎(在动物模型中)在垂直感染中对核衣壳特异性 T 细胞的抑制起作用。4 相反,假设构成 HBsAg 的缺陷颗粒对宿主抗病毒免疫具有更广泛的影响。有缺陷的颗粒主要充当保护性抗 HBs 抗体的诱饵,因为它们的数量超过感染性病毒粒子 103-106 倍 5,并且可以结合抗 HBs 抗体。 HBsAg 还与 HBs 特异性的选择性缺陷有关……
作者: StephenW    时间: 2021-12-22 07:30

HBV antigens quantity: duration and effect on functional cure

    http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2942-0485Antonio Bertoletti1, Carolina Boni2

    Correspondence to Professor Antonio Bertoletti, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore; [email protected]

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HBV is a DNA virus that coevolved with humans.1 Different from many other viruses that are detected only after amplification of their genetic material, HBV is characterised by the production of a progeny of infectious virions, but also of high concentrations (5–10 μg/mL) of viral proteins.

These proteins are ‘byproducts’ of the synthesis of the proteins coded by HBV core and HBV pre-S1, pre-S2 and S genes, the building blocks of the nucleocapsid (the internal part of the virus containing HBV–DNA) and of the HBV envelope. The proteins derived from the nucleocapsid gene and defined as HBcrAg are composed of truncated or immature forms of the nucleocapsid protein: the HBeAg (defined also as p17, a fully secreted form of truncated nucleoprotein), p22 (a longer version of p17) and HBcAg (incomplete core particles, a ‘naked’ HBV).2 The pre-S1, pre-S2 and S gene products are instead envelope components of the mature HBV virions but they are produced in large excess thereby giving rise also to a large quantity of defective non-infectious particles (spheres and filaments) (detailed molecular description reviewed in Bruss3). These non-infectious viral proteins (both HBcrAg and HBsAg) are secreted into the blood stream, impact host immunity and likely allow HBV to persist in humans more efficiently. For example, HBeAg appears (in animal models) to play a role in the suppression of nucleocapsid-specific T cells in vertical infection.4 The defective particles that constitute HBsAg have been instead hypothesised to have a broader effect on the host antiviral immunity. Defective particles act primarily as a decoy for protective anti-HBs antibodies, since they outnumber the infectious virions by 103–106-fold5 and can bind anti-HBs antibodies. HBsAg is also associated with selective defects of HBs-specific …

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