
标题: Altimmune宣布对HepTcell™免疫治疗剂治疗慢性乙型肝炎的2期试 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2020-6-22 20:26     标题: Altimmune宣布对HepTcell™免疫治疗剂治疗慢性乙型肝炎的2期试

Altimmune Announces IND Clearance for a Phase 2 Trial of HepTcell™ Immunotherapeutic for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B

GAITHERSBURG, Md., June 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Altimmune, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALT), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared its Investigational New Drug (IND) application to conduct a Phase 2 trial of HepTcell, a peptide-based immunotherapeutic for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. The Company is also filing clinical trial applications in Canada, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom. Altimmune plans to initiate a multinational trial in Q4 of this year, subject to an ongoing assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on study conduct.

“We are pleased to have obtained IND clearance for the evaluation of HepTcell in a Phase 2 trial. HepTcell is the only investigational immunotherapeutic designed specifically to restore antiviral T cell responses against the most conserved antigenic domains of the Hepatitis B virus (HBV),” said Vipin K. Garg, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Altimmune. “We believe that HepTcell could also be the key immunotherapy component of a future anti-HBV combination regimen to help break immune tolerance and achieve a functional cure.”

According to World Health Organization estimates, chronic HBV affects 292 million worldwide, and nearly 900,000 people die annually of complications of the disease. There is no cure for chronic HBV, and currently available antiviral medications only control the disease and require life-long treatment. These treatments represent a significant burden for chronic hepatitis B patients, considering life-long commitment to medication and monitoring costs. If left untreated, chronic HBV infection can lead to serious health issues including cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer.

HepTcell is an immunotherapeutic product candidate composed of nine synthetic HBV-derived peptides formulated with IC31®, a TLR9-based adjuvant from Valneva SE. The HBV peptides were designed to drive T cell responses against all HBV genotypes in patients of diverse genetic background. In the Phase 1 clinical study conducted in the United Kingdom and South Korea, three monthly injections at two dose levels of HepTcell peptides were given with and without IC31® adjuvant as add-on therapy to entecavir or tenofovir in patients with Hepatitis B e-antigen (HBeAg)-negative chronic infections. All arms were generally well-tolerated and both high and low doses of HepTcell given in combination with IC31® resulted in potent T cell responses against HBV antigens – representing a break in immune tolerance with no evidence of immune-mediated adverse events.

Acute HBV infections are cleared through a T cell-dependent immune response. However, in chronically infected patients, high viral antigen load can induce a state of immune tolerance that prevents T cells from clearing the infection. Breaking immune tolerance is considered essential to achieving a functional cure, defined as the loss of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in the blood. Ultimately, the goal of all HBV therapeutics in current development is to achieve a functional cure by reactivating the T cell immune response and overcoming immune tolerance, either indirectly by further lowering HBV antigen load or directly, as is the goal of HepTcell.

The double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled Phase 2 study of HepTcell plans to recruit 80 adult subjects with HBeAg-negative chronic HBV infection and low HBsAg levels. This patient population was selected as it is envisioned to mimic the HBV status of the patient population when HepTcell is combined with a novel direct-acting antiviral in subsequent trials. HepTcell will be administered intramuscularly at intervals of 4 weeks for 6 doses. The primary endpoint will be the virological response, defined as a 1-log reduction in HBsAg levels; secondary endpoints will incorporate safety, immunologic criteria, and other assessments of virologic response.

“HepTcell is a novel immunotherapeutic in development that holds potential for the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis B,” said Dr. Mark Thursz, Professor of Hepatology and Head, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London and Lead Investigator of the multinational trial. “Immune tolerance is a considerable problem in chronic HBV patients, and I see the potential for HepTcell to be combined with the newer direct acting agents in development. HepTcell, if approved, could offer an additional agent in our efforts to achieve functional cure”.

About Altimmune
Altimmune is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing treatments for liver disease, immune modulating therapies and intranasal vaccines. Our diverse pipeline includes next generation peptide therapeutics for NASH (ALT-801) and chronic hepatitis B (HepTcell™), an intranasal immune modulating treatment for COVID-19 (T-COVID™) and intranasal vaccines (AdCOVID™,  NasoShield™ and NasoVAX™). For more information on Altimmune, please visit www.altimmune.com.
作者: StephenW    时间: 2020-6-22 20:28


2020年6月22日,美国马里兰州盖瑟斯堡-临床阶段生物制药公司Altimmune,Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:ALT)今天宣布,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)已清除其研究用新药物( IND)申请进行HepTcell的2期试验,HepTcell是一种用于治疗慢性乙型肝炎的基于肽的免疫疗法。该公司还在加拿大,西班牙,德国和英国提交临床试验申请。 Altimmune计划在今年第四季度启动一项跨国试验,但要持续评估COVID-19对研究行为的影响。

“我们很高兴获得IND清除,以在2期临床试验中评估HepTcell。HepTcell是专门设计用于恢复针对乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)最保守抗原结构域的抗病毒T细胞反应的唯一研究性免疫疗法,” Altimmune总裁兼首席执行官Vipin K. Garg博士说。 “我们认为,HepTcell也可能是未来抗HBV联合治疗方案的关键免疫治疗成分,以帮助打破免疫耐受并实现功能性治愈。 ”


HepTcell是一种候选免疫治疗产品,由九种合成的HBV衍生肽组成,该肽与Valneva SE的基于TLR9的佐剂IC31®配制而成。 HBV肽被设计为在多种遗传背景的患者中针对所有HBV基因型驱动T细胞应答。在英国和韩国进行的1期临床研究中,在有或没有IC31®佐剂的情况下,对乙型肝炎e抗原患者的恩替卡韦或替诺福韦进行了补充治疗,每月两次以两种剂量水平的HepTcell肽注射(HBeAg)阴性慢性感染。一般而言,所有手臂的耐受性良好,高剂量和低剂量的HepTcell与IC31®结合使用均会导致针对HBV抗原的强力T细胞反应-表示免疫耐受性下降,没有证据表明存在免疫介导的不良事件。


HepTcell的双盲,随机,安慰剂对照2期研究计划招募80名HBeAg阴性慢性HBV感染和低HBsAg水平的成年受试者。选择此患者人群是因为在随后的试验中,当将HepTcell与新型直接作用抗病毒药物联合使用时,可以模拟该患者人群的HBV状态。 HepTcell将在4周的间隔内肌肉注射6剂。主要终点将是病毒学应答,定义为HBsAg水平降低1-log。次要终点将纳入安全性,免疫学标准和其他病毒学应答评估。

“ HepTcell是一种正在开发中的新型免疫疗法,具有治疗慢性乙型肝炎患者的潜力,”伦敦帝国理工学院肝病学教授兼代谢,消化和生殖系主任兼该研究所首席研究员Mark Thursz博士说。跨国审判。免疫耐受在慢性HBV患者中是一个很大的问题,我发现HepTcell与开发中的新型直接作用药物结合的潜力。如果获得批准,HepTcell可以为我们实现功能性治疗的努力提供额外的支持。”
Altimmune是一家临床生物制药公司,致力于开发针对肝病,免疫调节疗法和鼻内疫苗的疗法。 我们多样化的产品线包括用于NASH(ALT-801)和慢性乙型肝炎(HepTcell™)的下一代肽疗法,用于COVID-19(T-COVID™)的鼻内免疫调节疗法以及鼻内疫苗(AdCOVID™,NasoShield™和NasoVAX) ™)。 有关Altimmune的更多信息,请访问www.altimmune.com
作者: 齐欢畅    时间: 2020-6-23 00:07

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