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新闻公告: 施贵宝公司治疗方案的伙伴合作 [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2013-10-17 12:45 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
press announcement
PARIS, October 16, 2013

Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) announced today at the 14th European AIDS Conference (EACS) in Brussels the launch of Partnering for Cure, a scientific initiative to support education and research and to transform clinical outcomes for patients with chronic viral diseases, namely HIV, hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV). The initiative, which confirms BMS' commitment in virology, is rooted in the company's legacy in virology and ongoing research in HIV and viral hepatitis.

The Partnering for Cure initiative is led by an expert panel of clinical and research experts from across Europe, including Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Spain and the UK. Composed of three core components - education, scientific exchange and scientific research - the programme will focus on reviewing current treatment paradigms, providing a forum for discussion on the evolution of treatment towards cure and facilitating research seeking novel cure pathways in chronic viral diseases.

Following a first meeting in six sites on September 16, today's Partnering for Cure satellite symposium at EACS will put HIV cure 'on trial', with faculty members arguing for and against the case that cure is possible. Audience members will be given the opportunity to vote on the evidence presented.

"We need this programme: a programme to cure HIV, HBV and HCV," said Christine Katlama, Partnering for Cure Faculty Chair, from the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtriere in Paris. "We have so many patients across the world and we need a cure. The answer is in the lab, the answer is also in the clinical field and there is a lot to do. We need to move forward and work together and Partnering for Cure is a fantastic opportunity to do just that.”

Chronic viral infections make a substantial contribution to the burden of chronic diseases and premature mortality worldwide. In December 2012, the Global Burden of Disease Study reported 1,465,000 deaths caused by HIV/AIDS and 1,445,000 deaths caused by viral hepatitis in 2010. Infections with hepatitis B and C viruses also cause an estimated 57% of cases of liver cirrhosis and 78% of cases of primary liver cancer annually.[ii] Whilst important advanceshave been made over the last decade, particularly in HIV, significant unmet needs and the opportunity for cure remains.

Bristol-Myers Squibb has been actively involved in virology research and development since the 1980s, initially focusing on HIV but more recently on HBV and HCV. "This is an important and ambitious programme that reflects our genuine engagement in virology," said George Hanna, Vice President, HIV Development, Bristol-Myers Squibb. "It is a way to showcase the BMS commitment to cure in chronic viral infections and to advance investigational compounds - with novel mechanisms of action - that aim to address unmet clinical needs in HIV, HBV and HCV. Along with our ongoing research in virology, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of partnership platforms with policy, advocacy and healthcare professional stakeholders.”

As part of the Partnering for Cure programme, Bristol-Myers Squibb will also support three independent research projects focused on improving current understandings of HIV, HBV and HCV and creating novel treatment and cure strategies. Research applications will be accepted via the website, http://www.bms.com/israpplications until October 31, 2013 and will be subject to blind evaluation by the Partnering for Cure faculty.

To view the multi-media press release, including comments fromPartnering for Curefaculty members and BMS, please click the link below.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2013-10-17 12:45 |只看该作者
巴黎, 2013年10月16日

施贵宝公司( BMS )今天宣布,在布鲁塞尔举行的第14届欧洲艾滋病会议( EACS )携手推出的治疗,科学,主动支持教育和研究转化为慢性病毒性疾病,即艾滋病毒的患者的临床转归,乙肝病毒(HBV ),丙型肝炎病毒( HCV ) 。的倡议,证实病毒学BMS的承诺,是根植于公司的传统在病毒学和正在进行的研究艾滋病和病毒性肝炎。

来自欧洲各地的临床和科研专家,包括德国,法国,瑞士,瑞典,比利时,意大利,西班牙和英国为首的一个专家小组,主动固化伙伴合作。由三个核心部件 - 教育,科技交流和科研 - 该计划将重点放在检讨目前的治疗模式,提供了一个讨论的演变迈向治愈的治疗和促进研究,寻求新的慢性病毒疾病的治愈途径。

继9月16日第一次会议在6个网站,今天的伙伴合作为固化卫星研讨会EACS会把治愈艾滋病“试用” ,与教师争论和反对的情况下,有可能治愈。观众成员将被给予机会投票提出的证据。

说: “我们需要这样的程序:程序治愈HIV , HBV和HCV ,恭卡特拉马,固化学院主席合作,在巴黎医院Pitié妇女救济院。 “我们有这么多的世界各地的患者,我们需要一种治疗方法。答案是在实验室中,答案是在临床领域也有很多事情要做,我们需要继续前进,携手合作,携手治愈是一个绝佳的机会来做到这一点。 “

慢性病毒感染做出重大贡献的慢性疾病和过早死亡的全球负担。在2012年12月,全球疾病负担的研究报告引起的艾滋病毒/艾滋病和1,445,000病毒性肝炎造成的死亡人数在2010年的1,465,000人死亡[I]与乙型和丙型肝炎病毒感染也可引起肝硬化的情况下,估计57%的每年例原发性肝癌的78% 。 [II ]虽然重要advanceshave在过去十年,尤其是在艾滋病毒,重大的未满足的需求,并有机会治愈遗体。

施贵宝公司一直积极参与在病毒学研究和发展,自20世纪80年代,最初专注于艾滋病毒,但最近对HBV和HCV 。 “这是一个重要的和雄心勃勃的计划,这反映了我们真正从事病毒学,说:”乔治·汉纳,副总裁,艾滋病毒发展,施贵宝。 “这是一个的方式来展示BMS承诺治愈慢性病毒感染和推进研究的化合物 - 新颖的作用机制 - 旨在解决未满足临床需要, HIV,HBV和HCV 。随着我们持续病毒学研究,我们仍然坚持我们追求的政策,宣传和医疗保健专业利益相关者的合作平台。 “


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