



肝胆相照论坛 论坛 生儿育女 (定期更新,新加母乳讨论)大三阳妈妈19周开始吃替诺, ...
楼主: 喵小鱼儿

(定期更新,新加母乳讨论)大三阳妈妈19周开始吃替诺,   [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-8-30 15:48 |只看该作者
漫天飞絮326 发表于 2012-8-29 17:34
能告诉我的你qq或邮箱吗?我也吃着替诺,现在怀孕20周了,希望和你常交流,了解下美国那边的治疗方案及能不 ...

我下个月中旬见医生 到时候会来更新的~

Rank: 1

222032 元 

元帅勋章 功勋会员 小花 管理员或超版 荣誉之星 勤于助新 龙的传人 大财主勋章 白衣天使 旺旺勋章 心爱宝宝 携手同心 驴版 有声有色 东北版 美食大使 幸福四叶草 翡翠丝带 健康之翼 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙

发表于 2012-8-31 14:17 |只看该作者
喵小鱼儿 发表于 2012-8-27 22:16
下个月再去见医生。看看病毒情况。 然后就准备要生了。。。。。还没确定要不要母乳。打算下次好好问问医 ...

理论上和大部分医生是不建议哺乳期间用核苷类似物药物抗病毒的,因为药物会出现在母乳中。但实际上,近来有医生认可可用替诺,也给/有患者使用,而且孩子没有问题。 不过,这个仍没有一个统一标准,有些是根据临床得到的认知,比如:拉米虽然是C级妊娠药物,但仍可在怀孕期间使用一样。

有临床试验记载或医生报告的很少,几乎没有。 能找到的文献大约有2个。第一个是法国医生写的文献;第一个是美国国立卫生研究院(NIH),国立医学图书馆(NLM)下属的国家生物技术信息中心(NCBI) 上一个对于哺乳期的猕猴做的临床试药文献。


另外,还有一个依据,是第8届亚太肝病年会专题研讨会[APASLSTC 2011]上被《国际肝病》采访的Kumar Visvanathan医生/教授的录像和笔录中提到关于替诺和拉米哺乳期使用的问题答复。


我想,这个要衡量得失,如果母亲产后HBV爆发(妊娠期间机体免疫抑制会增强,以保证胎儿不会被排斥。同时,在妊娠期间,针对乙肝的免疫反应也被抑制,分娩后病毒复制则突然加速。这就是产后乙肝复发的原因。),必须抗病毒且 + 喂奶,就应该用;如果没有,可告知患者有人用,也有医生建议/给用,包括上述几个目前的依据,患者可自己选择。国外有论坛有母亲服用替诺哺乳孩子没有问题的例子。
God Made Everything That Has Life. Rest Everything Is Made In China

Rank: 1

222032 元 

元帅勋章 功勋会员 小花 管理员或超版 荣誉之星 勤于助新 龙的传人 大财主勋章 白衣天使 旺旺勋章 心爱宝宝 携手同心 驴版 有声有色 东北版 美食大使 幸福四叶草 翡翠丝带 健康之翼 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙

发表于 2012-8-31 14:18 |只看该作者


Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol.
2011 Jun 7. [Epub ahead of print]
Hepatitis B virus infection and pregnancy.
Pol S, Corouge M, Fontaine H.
Source Inserm U-1016, unité d'hépatologie, université Paris Descartes, AP-HP, hôpital
Cochin, 27, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris, France.


Pregnancy only mildly affects that natural progression of
acute and chronic infection by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) but it does
bring to light three important questions. Mother to child (vertical)
transmission risk is best prevented by mandatory HBs antigen testing in all
pregnant women in their second trimester and by systemic serovaccination of
newborns of infected mothers. In mothers with high viral load, vertical
infection in utero could be prevented by lamivudine, telbivudine or
tenofovir treatment. Invasive obstetric or gynecological procedures (such
as amniocentesis, forceps, etc.) do not seem to increase the risk of
vertical infection. Breastfeeding is not contraindicated in maternal HBV
infection after serovaccination of the newborn. This holds true for mothers
on active treatment with tenofovir which is not absorbed into breast milk.

When it comes to managing active antiviral treatment, in absence of
virosuppression with lamivudine, tenofovir remains a logical step-up
treatment; in absence of virosuppression with adefovir, tenofovir also
remains a logical step-up choice as do tenofovir/emtricitabine combinations
or lamivudine in absence of preexisting resistance which may have been
induced during combination treatment of adefovir and lamivudine. In cases
of effective virosuppression with treatment by analogues, lamivudine should
be continued and entecavir should eventually be replaced by lamivudine,
telbivudine or tenofovir; adefovir should be replaced by tenofovir or
lamivudine in absence of resistance (which would require tenofovir therapy)
God Made Everything That Has Life. Rest Everything Is Made In China

Rank: 1

222032 元 

元帅勋章 功勋会员 小花 管理员或超版 荣誉之星 勤于助新 龙的传人 大财主勋章 白衣天使 旺旺勋章 心爱宝宝 携手同心 驴版 有声有色 东北版 美食大使 幸福四叶草 翡翠丝带 健康之翼 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙

发表于 2012-8-31 14:18 |只看该作者

哺乳期的猕猴做的临床试药文献: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1087653/


Pharmacokinetics of Tenofovir in Breast Milk of Lactating Rhesus Macaques
Koen K. A. Van Rompay,1,* Marta Hamilton,2,† Brian Kearney,2 and Norbert Bischofberger2
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To study tenofovir transfer into milk, two lactating macaques were given a subcutaneous dose of tenofovir (30 mg/kg of body weight). Peak concentrations and area under the curve values of tenofovir in milk were ∼3 and ∼20% of those detected in serum, respectively.

For lactating mothers taking medications, the drug concentration in breast milk is usually lower than that in plasma; it is generally of negligible concern for the nursing infant, but some exceptions exist (reviewed in reference 2). A growing number of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected people in developing countries are gaining access to treatment with anti-HIV drugs, including lactating mothers for whom avoidance of breast-feeding is not always an option. Thus, questions are raised regarding possible biological implications of anti-HIV drugs that may be transferred to the nursing infant (4, 5). It is difficult to predict drug transfer into milk based on physicochemical properties (6). Accordingly, animal models can be useful to gather preliminary information on the transfer of compounds into breast milk prior to obtaining such data from human studies (1).

We performed a pilot study to determine the transfer of tenofovir {9-[2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]adenine; PMPA} in breast milk of rhesus macaques. Two healthy lactating adult rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), which were multiparous and 5 to 11 years of age, were used. The animals were housed in accordance with American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care standards, and we strictly adhered to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (9). When necessary, animals were immobilized with ketamine HCl (Parke-Davis, Morris Plains, New Jersey) at a concentration of 10 mg/kg of body weight injected intramuscularly. Both female macaques had been lactating for 10 to 11 weeks, and their infants had been weaned the day prior to the pharmacokinetic study. A single dose of tenofovir (30 mg/kg) was administered subcutaneously. Pre- and postdose blood samples (without anticoagulant) were collected over a 24-h time period (at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 24 h, with an additional time point at 10 h for animal 24964) and were spun immediately for the collection of serum; at the same times, all milk that could be expressed manually from both nipples was collected (up to 7.5 ml per time point). Our study has the caveat that this milk collection schedule (especially the absence of sample collections between 10 and 24 h of dosing) does not completely mimic the more regular drinking activity of a nursing infant macaque. Serum and milk samples were stored at −70°C and subsequently analyzed by MDS Pharma Services (Montreal, Canada) using high-performance liquid chromatography methods with mass spectrometry detection (liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-mass spectrometry), previously validated for monkey plasma and rat milk (unpublished data). For monkey plasma, the limit of quantitation was 10 ng/ml, standard curve linearity r2 was 0.999, and within- and between-run quantitative comparison [QC] accuracy and precision were <2% bias and 95%, respectively; for monkey milk, the limit of quantitation was 10 ng/ml, r2 was 0.9932, and within-run QC accuracy was <3% bias. Tenofovir concentrations were measured in whole milk (i.e., without prior separation of the different milk fractions). The values of the pharmacokinetic parameters were derived by noncompartmental analysis with WinNonlin software (version 3.1; Pharsight Corporation, Mountain View, California).

Tenofovir concentrations in serum and milk are shown in Fig. ​Fig.1,1, while pharmacokinetic parameters are presented in Table ​Table1.1. Tenofovir was detected in the milk of both animals, but the peak concentrations (∼0.6 to 0.8 μg/ml, corresponding to ∼2 to 3 μM) were ∼2 to 4% of those detected in serum, with milk area under the curve (AUC) values being ∼20% of the serum AUC values.

FIG. 1.

Concentrations of tenofovir in serum and milk following a single subcutaneous dose of 30 mg of tenofovir/kg of body weight.


Tenofovir pharmacokinetics in lactating rhesus macaques
Other anti-HIV drugs (nevirapine, zidovudine, and lamivudine) are also found in breast milk (7, 8). Treatment of HIV-infected lactating mothers with anti-HIV drugs is expected to benefit the infant indirectly (by improving the mother's health and reducing maternal systemic virus levels, thus potentially lowering the infectivity of the breast milk). However, could such levels of anti-HIV drugs in breast milk have any direct biological effects, either harmful or beneficial for the infant? It was recently reported that concentrations of lamivudine and nevirapine in breast milk were high enough to give detectable serum levels in their nursing infants, which may provide prophylactic effects but may also have toxic effects (R. Shapiro et al., 42nd Ann. Meet. Infect. Dis. Soc. Am., Boston, Late Breaker abstr. LB-1, 2004). Concerns have also been raised that infants who become infected may be exposed for relatively long periods to subtherapeutic levels of drug, which may lead to resistance and limit the future treatment options for the infant (4, 5).

For breast-feeding mothers taking the orally bioavailable prodrug tenofovir disoproxyl fumarate, breast milk is expected to contain almost exclusively the parental compound tenofovir, which due to its charged anionic nature exhibits low oral bioavailability in animals (5% in cynomolgus macaques) and is expected to also show low oral bioavailability after ingestion by the nursing infant (3, 10). A previous study in macaques suggests that the concentration of tenofovir in milk is unlikely to give topical prophylaxis against oral HIV infection (13). Instead, infant macaque studies suggest that direct administration of tenofovir disoproxyl fumarate to the nursing infant at regimens that give systemic drug levels is needed to prevent infection through breast-feeding (12; K. Van Rompay, J. Lawson, R. Colón, N. Bischofberger, and M. Marthas, XV Int. AIDS Conf., Bangkok, Late Breaker abstr. LbOrB10, 2004). Considering the volume of ingested breast milk, the tenofovir concentrations we observed in breast milk of lactating macaques are unlikely to be toxic for the infant, especially because our previous studies demonstrated a favorable safety profile of prolonged daily treatment of infant macaques with a dose of tenofovir (10 mg/kg subcutaneously) that is much higher than the daily amount of tenofovir likely to be ingested and absorbed from breast milk (11). Because of its low oral bioavailability, small amounts of tenofovir in milk are also very unlikely to select for resistance in an already infected infant, thus preserving future treatment options.

In conclusion, this pilot pharmacokinetic study in lactating rhesus macaques demonstrates that tenofovir, similar to most other drugs, is found in milk but at lower levels than in maternal blood. The available data suggest that such low tenofovir levels in milk will most likely have no biological effects whatsoever for the nursing infant.

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We thank L. Hirst and the staff of the Veterinary & Colony Services of the California National Primate Research Center for expert technical assistance and M. Marthas for critical review of the manuscript.

This research was supported by Gilead Sciences and E. Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation grant PG-51014 to K.K.A.V.R.

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1. Alcorn, J., and P. J. McNamara. 2002. Acyclovir, ganciclovir, and zidovudine transfer into rat milk. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 46:1831-1836. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
2. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2001. The transfer of drugs and other chemicals into human milk. Pediatrics 108:776-789. [PubMed]
3. Cundy, K. C., C. Sueoka, G. R. Lynch, L. Griffin, W. A. Lee, and J.-P. Shaw. 1998. Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of the anti-human immunodeficiency virus nucleotide analog 9-[(R)-2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]adenine (PMPA) in dogs. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 42:687-690. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
4. Gaillard, P., M.-G. Fowler, F. Dabis, H. Coovadia, C. van der Horst, K. Van Rompay, A. Ruff, T. Taha, T. Thomas, I. de Vicenzi, and M.-L. Newell for the Ghent IAS Working Group on HIV in Women and Children. 2004. Use of antiretroviral drugs to prevent HIV-1 transmission through breastfeeding: from animal studies to randomized clinical trials. J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 35:178-187. [PubMed]
5. John-Stewart, G., D. Mbori-Ngacha, R. Ekpini, E. N. Janoff, J. Nkengasong, J. S. Read, P. Van de Perre, and M.-L. Newell. 2004. Breastfeeding and transmission of HIV-1. J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 35:196-202. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
6. Larsen, L. A., S. Ito, and G. Koren. 2003. Prediction of milk/plasma concentration ratio of drugs. Ann. Pharmacother. 37:1299-1306. [PubMed]
7. Moodley, J., D. Moodley, K. Pillay, H. Coovadia, J. Saba, R. van Leeuwen, C. Goodwin, P. R. Harrigan, K. H. Moore, C. Stone, R. Plumb, and M. A. Johnson. 1998. Pharmacokinetics and antiretroviral activity of lamivudine alone or when coadministered with zidovudine in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected pregnant women and their offspring. J. Infect. Dis. 178:1327-1333. [PubMed]
8. Musoke, P., L. A. Guay, D. Bagenda, M. Mirochnick, C. Nakabiito, T. Fleming, T. Elliott, S. Horton, K. Dransfield, J. W. Pav, A. Murarka, M. Allen, M. G. Fowler, L. Mofenson, D. Hom, F. Mmiro, and J. B. Jackson. 1999. A phase I/II study of the safety and pharmacokinetics of nevirapine in HIV-1-infected pregnant Ugandan women and their neonates (HIVNET 006). AIDS 13:479-486. [PubMed]
9. National Research Council. 1996. Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
10. Shaw, J. P., C. M. Sueoka, R. Oliyai, W. A. Lee, M. N. Arimilli, C. Kim, and K. C. Cundy. 1997. Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of a novel oral prodrug of 9-[(R)-2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]adenine (PMPA) in dogs. Pharm. Res. 14:1824-1829. [PubMed]
11. Van Rompay, K. K. A., L. L. Brignolo, D. J. Meyer, C. Jerome, R. Tarara, A. Spinner, M. Hamilton, L. L. Hirst, D. R. Bennett, D. R. Canfield, T. G. Dearman, W. Von Morgenland, P. C. Allen, C. Valverde, A. B. Castillo, R. B. Martin, V. F. Valerie, F. Samii, R. Bendele, J. Desjardins, M. L. Marthas, N. C. Pedersen, and N. Bischofberger. 2004. Biological effects of short-term and prolonged administration of 9-[2-(phosphonomethoxy)propyl]adenine (PMPA; tenofovir) to newborn and infant rhesus macaques. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 48:1469-1487. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
12. Van Rompay, K. K. A., M. B. McChesney, N. L. Aguirre, K. A. Schmidt, N. Bischofberger, and M. L. Marthas. 2001. Two low doses of tenofovir protect newborn macaques against oral simian immunodeficiency virus infection. J. Infect. Dis. 184:429-438. [PubMed]
13. Van Rompay, K. K. A., K. A. Schmidt, J. R. Lawson, R. Singh, N. Bischofberger, and M. L. Marthas. 2002. Topical administration of low-dose tenofovir disoproxyl fumarate to protect infant macaques against multiple oral exposures of low doses of simian immunodeficiency virus. J. Infect. Dis. 186:1508-1513. [PubMed]
Articles from Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy are provided here courtesy of American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
God Made Everything That Has Life. Rest Everything Is Made In China

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222032 元 

元帅勋章 功勋会员 小花 管理员或超版 荣誉之星 勤于助新 龙的传人 大财主勋章 白衣天使 旺旺勋章 心爱宝宝 携手同心 驴版 有声有色 东北版 美食大使 幸福四叶草 翡翠丝带 健康之翼 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙

发表于 2012-8-31 14:21 |只看该作者

在2:53, 3:17 到 3:24 说的就是替诺和拉米...哺乳期用药...


http://you.video.sina.com.cn/api ... hAQps6dP8j0hU/s.swf

God Made Everything That Has Life. Rest Everything Is Made In China

Rank: 1

222032 元 

元帅勋章 功勋会员 小花 管理员或超版 荣誉之星 勤于助新 龙的传人 大财主勋章 白衣天使 旺旺勋章 心爱宝宝 携手同心 驴版 有声有色 东北版 美食大使 幸福四叶草 翡翠丝带 健康之翼 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙

发表于 2012-8-31 14:22 |只看该作者



[APASLSTC 2011]妊娠及哺乳期间的抗HBV治疗热点答疑——Prof. Kumar Visvanathan 访谈
发表者:潘业 (访问人次:131)


Hepatology Digest: We know that during pregnancy, the immune system undergoes great change and we also know that hepatitis B is a disease closely correlated to the immune response. Do you think there is an interaction between pregnancy and hepatitis B?


  Dr Visvanathan: The answer is yes. As you suggested, we know that there is a lot of immunosuppression in pregnancy and this is mainly to ensure the fetus is not rejected during the term of pregnancy. In the same way, the immune response to hepatitis B is suppressed during pregnancy and after pregnancy it is suddenly accelerated. That is why we get flares in hepatitis B post-partum.


  Hepatology Digest: Because the management of hepatitis B infection in pregnant women is very complex, it is thought by some that it is reasonable to postpone treatment until after delivery to avoid exposure to the drugs. What is your opinion on this?


  Dr Visvanathan: There are two separate questions: one is to treat the women who need treatment during pregnancy because they are decompensating in terms of their liver disease; and secondly, how to prevent the transmission of the virus from the mother to the fetus? In terms of the treatment of women during pregnancy, we believe that providing the drugs used have a good safety parameter, we should try to continue treatment through the pregnancy and not defer. It is important for the mother.


  Hepatology Digest: What do you think is the optimal strategy for women with chronic hepatitis B during pregnancy?


  Dr Visvanathan: If the mother is already on treatment and becomes pregnant, ordinarily we wouldn’t stop therapy if it was based on tenofovir or lamivudine therapy. We would be worried if it was entecavir or another of the class C drugs.


  Hepatology Digest: Currently the presence of HBV DNA, HBeAg and HBsAg in breast milk has been confirmed. Is there a risk of transmission of the virus when the mother breastfeeds their baby?

《国际肝病》:目前已经确定母乳中可存在HBV DNA、HBeAg和HBsAg。当母亲哺乳时有没有把病毒传染给婴儿的危险?

  Dr Visvanathan: We believe in universal vaccination, so providing the baby is vaccinated when it is born, the risk of transmission is in fact non-existent. Remember also, the drugs tenofovir and lamivudine both appear in breast milk but in very low levels and probably have little effect.


  Hepatology Digest: So even if the mother takes the drugs, the baby is safe?


  Dr Visvanathan: I think so.


  Hepatology Digest: When intra-uterine transmission happens, the vaccination and hepatitis B immunoglobulin might not be functional. What is the incidence of this and how might we prevent it?


  Dr Visvanathan: Most of the infection is prevented by the immunoglobulin and vaccination – 90% of the infection is stopped that way. The problem is the remaining 7%-10% that is not stopped. This situation is directly related to how much virus is in the mother. If there are very high levels of virus present, we believe the best treatment would be with one of the antiviral drugs in the last trimester of pregnancy to reduce transmission. This would be one of the class B drugs (telbivudine or tenofovir) hopefully or lamivudine.


发表于:2011-11-08 19:31
God Made Everything That Has Life. Rest Everything Is Made In China

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306 元 
发表于 2012-8-31 14:32 |只看该作者
liver411 发表于 2012-8-31 14:17
理论上和大部分医生是不建议哺乳期间用核苷类似物药物抗病毒的,因为药物会出现在母乳中。但实际上,近 ...

哈哈 谢谢你的回复 我昨天晚上正好也看了一堆资料文献 正准备整理之后拿上来和大家分享一下呢 到时候去见医生也有的讨论我这一两天会慢慢把了解到的资料放上来 并做个简易翻译

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