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发表于 2002-1-12 20:44
平時在報章、雜誌、公文或便條(memo)上,常常看到一些英文縮寫(abbreviation),其中包括某些也許因為老外「怕麻煩」而造出「縮短型」(shortened form)的「簡體字」。然而,這些字,在正式文件上,還是少用為妙,最好把它拼寫出來,以免產生誤解。例如,SOS一般本是 save our ship 或 save our souls 的急救訊號,但如果單獨使用或無上下文對照,也許就會被人說是 senior officers' school 或 service of supply 或 secretary of state,甚至有人說是 some one special。以下所舉的英文縮寫,都是常用的一群。
1. 國際性或全美性:
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)聯合國教育科學文化組織(也叫國際文教組織)
例如: (The)UNESCO has made some contributions to the world.(UNESCO 對世界做出一些貢獻)
NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)北大西洋公約組織。
例如:Could(the)NATO members stick to their commitments?(NATO 的成員能堅守承擔義務嗎?)
SALT(Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty)戰略武器限制公約
例如:Should every nation join(the)SALT?(每個國家都要加入 SALT?)
NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)美國航天太空總署
例句:The U.S. space programs depend on the performances of NASA.(美國的太空計畫是靠NASA的表現而定。)
WHO(World Health Organization)世界衛生組織
例句:Taiwan has been trying to become one of the WHO members.(台灣一直想辦法成為WHO的成員之一)
FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation)聯邦調查局(負責美國境內)
CIA(Central Intelligence Agency)中央情報局(負責國外)
例句:Over the past years, Dr. and Mrs. Lee have worked for both FBI and CIA.(過去多年來李博士夫婦都為 FBI 和 CIA 工作)
FDA(Food and Drug Administration)美國食品藥物管理局
例句:This new drug has to be approved by the FDA.(這新藥要經 FDA 批准)
USDA(United States Department of Agriculture)美國農業部
例句:USDA supplies myriad of information on agriculture market.(有關農業市場,USDA 供應大量資料。)
IRS(Internal Revenue Service)美國稅務局
例句:Employees working for IRS should be courteous toward tax payers.(IRS 員工對納稅人應該有禮貌)
NAACP(National Association for the Advancement of Color People)(全國黑人權益促進會,即黑人為了增進權益的最大機構)
例句:Many African-Americans join NAACP.(許多美國黑人參加 NAACP)
NIH(National Institute of Health)
例句:Mr. Wang has worked at NIH as a researcher.(王先生在 NIH 擔任研究員)
AARP (American Association of Retired People.)(美國退休人員協會)
例句:At age 50, you are eligible to be a member of AARP.(如果你 50 歲就可以成為 AARP 的會員)
AAUP (American Association of University Professors) (美國大學教授協會)
例句:The AAUP has many branches at different colleges and universities in the U.S. (AAUP 在美國各大學有很多分會)
SCORE (Services Corps of Retired Executives)(退休主管服務隊)(這是美國企業界主管退休後,免費擔任顧問,協助年輕人創業的團體。)
(注意:corps 單複數一樣,發音與 corpse 不同,要小心。)
(註:老外在機構名稱縮寫字前面,有時加冠詞 the, a ,an,有時不加,不過在正式文件裡,通常都加。)
2. 一般考試名稱:
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) 學術能力傾向測驗 (就是美國為高中生想進大學而設的考試)
例句:The well-known universities accept new students based on SAT scores and well-rounded personalities. (名大學接受新生根據 SAT 成績及各方面優良的品德)
GPA (Grade Point Average)(學業成績總平均)
例句:His GPA always stands on the top of his class. (他的 GPA 都是全班第一)
GED (General Equivalent Diploma); 一般同等文憑(高中沒有畢業的學生,如果參加 GED,及格後,就可取得高中畢業證書)
例句:If he passes GED test, he will earn a high school diploma.
AP (advanced placement) 在校高中生,如果選修 AP 課程,考試及格,將來進大學時,可不必再修。
例句:His son took some AP courses at high school.
GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) 美國為攻讀企管碩士 (MBA) 學生而設的入學考試
例句:In order to enter a MBA program, you need a high score on GMAT.
LSAT (Law School Admission Test) 美國為攻讀法律學生而設的入學考試
例句:He did very well in his LSAT. (他的 LSAT 考得不錯)
MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) 美國為進入醫學院學生而設的考試
例句:Do you think he will do well in his MCAT?
GRE (Graduate Record Exam) 這是美國大學研究所對一般研究生的入學考試
例句:Most American graduate schools require GRE scores.(多半美國研究所需要 GRE 成績)
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) 外國學生想進美國大學的英語能力考試(即所謂:「托福」考試)
例句:Almost all Chinese college graduates are required to take TOEFL if they come to the U.S. for advanced degrees. (幾乎所有的中國大學畢業生都要參加 TOEFL,假如他們要到美國取得高學位的話。)
CLEP(College Level Exam Program) 任何人只要有學識專長,都可參加這種考試,一旦及格,就可取得大學的學分。
例句:As long as you pass CLEP, You may earn college credits.(只要你通過 CLEP,就能獲得大學學分。)
(註:老外一般所謂「大學」只說 College,不說 University)
ESOL(English for Speakers of Other Languages) 這是美國為新來移民或外國學生所設的特別英語課程。也叫 ESL(English as a Second Language)
例句:Many American campuses offer ESOL courses for foreign students.(許多美國校園為外國學生開設 ESOL 課程)
3. 一般生活方面:
EOE (Equal Opportunity Employer) 這是美國各機構招考員工時向申請工作者表明自己是「平等機會雇主」。
例句:All African-Americans hope that their employments will be based on EOE.(所有美國黑人都希望他們的工作機會均等)
DOQ (Depending on Qualifications) 根據申請工作者的資歷決定是否雇用。
例句:The DOQ policy is being used by our school in hiring new teachers. (聘請新教師時,本校採用 DOQ 政策。)
PR (Public Relation) 公共關係
例句:The college president wants to improve its PR with the community.(大學校長想與社區增進公共關係)
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 最高行政執行長 (多半指企業界或公司領導人)
例句:The CEO of this company will resign because of poor health. (這公司的 CEO 因為身體不好而辭職)
CPA (Certified Public Accountant) 美國有執照的會計師
例句:Do you have a CPA to prepare your income tax?(你有 CPA 為你報稅嗎?)
COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) 生活費用的調整(即加薪時是按生活指數而定)
例句:Our annual pay raise will be based on COLA.
STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) = VD = Venereal Disease 性病(現在 STD 較常用)
例句:Many teen-agers face STD problems.(許多青少年面臨 STD 問題)
SOA (Sexually Oriented Advertisement) 有關性方面的廣告
例句:Don't you feel we have too much SOA in the media?(你不認為在媒體上有太多的 SOA 嗎?)
GOP (Grand Old Party) 美國共和黨另一稱呼 = Republican Party
例句:The GOP has nominated Mr. Bush as its Presidential candidate.(GOP 已提名 Bush 先生為總統候選人)
PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome) 這是女人在月經前不舒服或心情不好所常用的縮寫字
例句:Don't bother her; she has PMS.
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) 指青少年不能集中注意力,靜不下來的一種病症。
例句:Tens of thousands of youngsters are suffering from ADHD in the U.S. (在美國成千上萬的青少年有 ADHD 的毛病)
RSVP (Respondez sil vous plait) 這是法文,通常在請帖上使用的「敬請回音」= Please reply(或 respond)
例句:There is“RSVP”on the invitation card.
BYOB (bring your own bottle) 老外請客時,為了減少負擔或個人愛好酒的品種,在請帖上註明「請自己帶酒」。
例句:Whenever he invites guests, he asks “BYOB”。 (他只要請客,就要人家自己帶酒。)
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Sydrome) 愛滋病
例句:AIDS has spread all over the world.
CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) 心臟病急救法
例句:Everyone should learn how to do CPR.
EKG (Electrocardiography) 心電圖檢查 (不是 ECG)
例句:Her physician asks her to have an EKG next week. (醫生要她下週做 EKG)
IV (intravenous injection) 為病人注射的點滴
例句:In the hospital emergency room, I saw a patient with an IV on his arm. (在醫院急診室我看到一位打點滴的病人)
RN (registered nurse) 登記有案的護士(最資深的)
LPN (licensed practical nurse) 有執照的實習護士 (較資淺)
例句:She has worked as a RN and her daughter as a LPN.
DWI (driving while intoxicated) 或叫 DUI (driving under influence) 酒後開車
例句:The police charged my friend with DWI.
ASAP (as soon as possible) 盡速
例句:Please let me know on (in) this matter ASAP.
FYI (for your information) 供你參考之用
例如:This is FYI.
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) 或 (Thanks Goodness It's Friday) 感謝上帝今天是星期五(老外在星期五常說這些縮寫字,因為星期六不必上班了。)
例如:Many American people say“TGIF” on Fridays.
COD (cash on delivery) 現款交貨或貨到付款
例如:The merchandise will be charged COD.
4. 縮短型(shortened form)(多半用在非正式文件)
info = information 信息,資料
例如:The info you provided me last time is inaccurate.(上次你給我的資料不正確)
ag = agriculture 農業
例如:The Ag Dept. is trying to sell more products to China.(農業部想賣給中國更多的產品)
specs = specifications 規格(通常用多數)
例如:This set of furniture really fits our specs.(這套家具適合我們的規格)
copter = helicopter 直升機
例如:The Air Force has acquired more copters.(但在俚語裡,直升機也叫 chopper 或 helo。)
rec = recreation 娛樂
例如:Many students learn to dance in our rec center.
rehab = rehabilitation 康復(中心)不過後面 center 或 room 一般都省去
例如:After surgery Mr. Chen was sent to rehab (room).(手術後陳先生被送到康復室)
gym = gymnasium 體育館
例如:Our school will spend 20 millions to build a new gym.(本校將花兩千萬蓋個新體育館)
ed = education 教育
The County Ed. Dept. will offer evening courses for retirees.(縣教育局為退休人員開設夜間課程)
congrats = congratulations 恭喜
grad = graduate 畢業生(多數是 grads)
例如:Congrats grads!(但 grad school 又是研究所)
doc = doctor 醫生(複數是 docs)
Doc, do you know what's wrong with my stomach?
vet = veterinarian 獸醫
He took his sick dog to the vet.
demo = demonstration(或動詞 demonstrate)示範,表演
The company sent him to demo the new machine.
mike = microphone 擴音機(hand mike 就是拿在手上的麥克風)
As he has hoarse voice, he has to use a mike.(由於他聲音嘶啞,他要用擴音機)
Soc Sec = Social security 社會福利金
Many American retirees live on Soc Sec.(許多美國退休者是靠社會福利金過活)
veggie(s) = vegetable(s) 蔬菜
例如:Parents should encourage their kids to eat more veggies.(父母應鼓勵孩子多吃蔬菜)
veep = Vice president 副總統
例如:The American veep is now busy with his election campaign. (美國副總統現在為競選而忙)(一般公司的副總裁是叫 VP)
IOU = I owe you 借據
例如:He wrote an IOU in front of her.
xing = crossing 提醒開車者過路小心(xing 只能寫在牌子上,在句子裡要用crossing)
例如:Down the road, there is a school crossing.(所以 school xing 或
train xing 都是要開車者小心,因為 school children 或 train 要通過馬路)
ex = ex-wife 或 ex-husband 指離婚的太太或先生
例如:He (She ) met his(her)ex yesterday.
“House 4 sale"(4 = for)
“U pick N pay"(U = you; N = and)(要你自己採完農作物後再付錢)
5. 其他:
ca. = cerca 拉丁文,意思是「大約」= about(表示不知道正確的年代或世紀)
例如:This book was written ca. 1840.
Rx 是拉丁文,用在醫生的處方開頭 = take 或 take this。
Esq.(Esqr. 或 Esquire)自稱「紳士」「先生」或受過良好教育者,含有一點幽默,通常寫在名字後面。
例如:John Smith, Esq.
ib. (ibid. 或 ibidem) 拉丁文 = in the same place 意思是「出處同上」或「出處同前」(即文章裡指前述的 footnote,以免重複已提過的作者或書名,通常只用在「書目」:bibliography,不用在句子裡。)
i.e. (id est) 拉丁文 = that is
例如:Some money will be set aside for later needs, i.e. computers, books, etc.(一些錢要留作以後使用,諸如購買電腦、書籍等等。)
etc. (et cetera) 拉丁文 (多數是 et ceteras)意思是「其他等等」= and so forth; and other things; and the rest(多半指物)
例如:Yesterday I bought shirts, pants, shoes, etc.(注意:etc. 前面不要加 and)
et al. (et alibi) = and others 意思是「其他人」
例如:This article was written by Jim Smith, et al. (這篇文章是 Jim Smith 和其他人合寫的)(多半指人)(et al. 前面也不加 and)
vs. (Versus) 這是介系詞 = against 意思是「對……」
例如:Mr. Bush competes vs. Mr. Gore for presidential election.(注意:vs 後面要加縮寫點)
a.k.a. (also known as) 意思是:「又名」「又稱」或「大家所知的」
例如:Samuel Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain.
c/o (care of) 代轉
例如:I mailed (out) a letter to William Smith c/o Mr. Wang.(我寄一封信給William Smith,由王先生代轉。)
e.g. (exempli gratia) 拉丁文= for example
例如:Please park your car in the nearest lot, e.g., the lot along the library.