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发表于 2002-1-12 02:35
Town Hall Hosted Chat - November 13th, 2001 http://www.hepatitisneighborhood.com What You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs Hosted by Heidi Gennaro, RD, your Hepatitis Neighborhood Nutritionist. (Platinum Room) MODERATOR: Welcome minivanmom. Our chat will begin at 8 PM EST. MODERATOR: Welcome to you also sleepPRN. Hello GYPSY0124, mimi4, VBosworth. Glad you could join us. We will begin when Heidi logs on at 8 PM EST. MODERATOR: Welcome march00 and kelly. We will be ready to start soon. You can all go ahead and send your questions for Heidi to the Moderator. MODERATOR: Before we begin the chat, I will explain the moderated format we use. MODERATOR: The format of these moderated, hosted chat rooms may be slightly different than what you have experienced before. This is a moderated chat, which means that questions first go to screeners for review of topic and possible slight editing and are posted one at a time for the host to answer. We invite you to submit questions Related to the Topic of the session. You can send your questions by typing in the text box at the bottom of the chat window and click on Send to Moderator. All questions are initially reviewed and possibly edited slightly, by the Screeners, before being sent to the Moderator, for Posting to the Host speaker for a response. MODERATOR: Questions will be held in "queue" by the Moderator in order to give the Speaker an opportunity to see and answer questions one-at-a-time or possibly group questions that are similar. If there is a large group in attendance not all the questions that are in queue will get answered in the time allowed for the chat. We will answer as many questions as possible during our hour together. The Moderator will decide which questions are selected to go to the speaker and the order in which they are sent to the speaker to be answered. Usually questions that are on TOPIC are first, not always in the order in which members submitted them. MODERATOR: Please do NOT ask the host to DIAGNOSE or PRESCRIBE for you, or interpret your specific lab results. Please remember that the Hepatitis Neighborhood information and chats are for information purposes only. The information on our Web site is not intended to take the place of your doctor's or other healthcare provider's advice. Now that you know the chat format, we are ready to begin. MODERATOR: Welcome everyone to another chat in the Hepatitis Neighborhood. We are happy so many of you could join us tonight. It is with pleasure that I introduce tonight’s speaker, Heidi Gennaro, RD -- your Hepatitis Neighborhood Dietitian. Please join me in welcoming her back to host another Town Hall chat. Heidi Gennaro, RD: Hello everyone! VBosworth: Hi Heidi, thanks for being here tonight. OLDTIFF: HI FRIEND TYTYTY2: Hi fullheart: Hi Heidi! Welcome! MODERATOR: Welcome back Heidi! Our first question is from mimi4. mimi4: Ms. Gennaro is it safe to take B12 shots for extra energy? What is the best multi-vitamin and what to do about diet if lactose intolerant? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Hi mimi4. It's best not to try to boost your energy level by taking vitamin B12 shots unless your doctor has diagnosed a true B12 deficiency.... which is easily identified by a blood test. You would be wasting your $ otherwise. The best multivitamin is a LOW POTENCY multivitamin/mineral supplement. My personal favorite and the one I take daily is One-A-Day Maximum formula. If you suffer from lactose intolerance it's tough to meet the calcium needs unless you regularly use low-lactose milk or take an enzyme with your regular milk or milk products. MODERATOR: Welcome to those just joining us. Our topic tonight is Dietary Supplements: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs Heidi is answering our first question. VBosworth: I have a lot of health problems, severe headaches, due to injury at the base of the brain and am allergic to a lot of meds. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies. Are vitamins C and E good to take with this treatment, I was told that it was? What can I eat or do to help with the nausea and headaches? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Hi VBos. Taking vitamin C and E is not necessarily beneficial with Hep C drug regimes that I am aware of. There is really no substitute for a healthy diet that includes 5+ servings a day of fruits and veggies. Bravo if you're doing just that! You're getting a powerhouse of those nutrients and additional antioxidants not found in supplements. You go boy! As far as nausea and headaches, I know of no "magic diet" or foods to help. You may want to check out the next "New in the News" article coming up in a few days on nutrition and migraines...there may be a helpful tip or two. It really depends on the source of your headaches. Good luck! MODERATOR: Hello to all just joining us. GYPSY0124: What are the benefits of milk thistle and CoQ10 when at stage 1 Hep C? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Hi Gypsy...Milkthistle can have some real benefit when used in conjunction with your doctor prescribed treatment modality. It's found to help regenerate liver cells in some very credible studies. The only problem has been small sample sizes in the studies. But this doesn't seem to deter many experts in the US from becoming believers in milkthistle as a credible adjunct to conventional treatment. Heidi Gennaro, RD: CoQ10 may have some benefit in terms of antioxidant effects as well, but check with your doc. MODERATOR: Welcome to all just joining us. You can only see the last few lines of text. The topic is "What You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs". There will be a full transcript posted in Town hall in 3-5 working days. mike01: Hi, I take Milk Thistle because it helps with the pain in my liver. Is the GNC herbal supplement 200mg Milk Thistle with 80% Silymarin a good product and can I believe the percentage? How would I know if it has enough Silymarin? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Hi mike. I'm not positive about the assurance of GNC milkthistle product...it doesn't "ring a bell" in the list I reviewed of companies having been tested to have reliable amount of herbs and marker compounds in their products. Try checking with consumerlab.com. Yes, the percentage is correct at 80% silymarin...and the dose recommended is 200-400mg per day...which is usually quite a handful of capsules!!! Kelly: Liquid minerals and herb supplements can contain tons of things. Should an early cirrhotic stay away from this form of dietary supplement and purchase particular minerals and vitamins separately? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Kelly...you are oh so wise. I think this brings up a point I want to drive home to everyone: federal regulations on supplements are too "loosy goosy". Really! And please think about this: all herb manufacturers have their bottom line in one area: PROFIT. You take the tendency for greed, and you have some pretty bad markets. There have been independent analyses done on herbs from time to time coming up with scary results; some of the results show some contain none of what the label says, or even the wrong herb. Heidi Gennaro, RD: Kelly, I would suggest staying strictly with a reputable low-potency multivitamin/mineral supplement, and leaving the rest alone. The only exception might be a sound milkthistle supplement that you have checked out and KNOW to contain what it says. Kelly: Please get a copy of Varro Tyler’s book The Honest Herbal. It's an excellent, pragmatic discussion by a cool, unbiased authority on the benefits and problems with modern herbal supplements. A must reading for all!! MODERATOR: Be sure to check out your Welcome Page for new articles and news stories about hepatitis and treatment. OLDTIFF: I AM 18 MONTHS POST 48 WEEKS OF COMBO... STILL CLEAR AT 1-YEAR POST PCR... WHAT DO YOU THINK OF PROANTHOCYANIDIN (GRAPE SEED)… AND GLUCOSAMINE/CHONDORITIN... FOR JOINT PAIN AND MUSCLES... DO YOU KNOW OF ANYTHING GOOD FOR OLD TIRED BONES? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Hi Oldtiff. Do you have a diagnosis for your joint pain? Is it arthritis? If it is arthritis, glucosamine does hold some promise. The catch: expensive. Check out consumerlab.com website for more one this. But most of all, don't self treat until you know the cause of the joint pain...you're too precious. : ) TYTYTY2: I have been taking Maximine Milk Thistle for over a year and my enzymes have been normal since... I'm confident this is more than just lucky numbers My enzymes were 200 and 120 prior to taking it Heidi Gennaro, RD: TY: What a testimony: neat! As I have said before, it is so far studied to be promising in the help of HepC, but has never been touted in credible circles to be a cure. No toxicity reported so in my opinion; it is a good supplement to take warranted you know the brand is reputable. jimmax: IS IT RECOMMENDED TO TAKE MILK THISTLE FOR LIVER DAMAGE? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Jimmax: yes, milkthistle is recommended for all types of liver damage. In fact, it's the only known antidote for the deadly Amanita mushroom! MODERATOR: Welcome to all just joining us. You can only see the last few lines of text. The topic is "What You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs". There will be a full transcript posted in Town hall in 3-5 working days. jkb204: If I take a good multivitamin daily, is it advisable to take extra vitamin C and E? I also take extra calcium since I am 53 year old female. Heidi Gennaro, RD: Good question jkb. I don't think you need extra C and E if your diet has a reasonable daily veg & fruit intake. If you eat whole grains or nuts/seeds regularly, I don't think you would benefit from the E especially...and you're getting much more in terms of antioxidant rich phytochemicals from the food! Go get'em!! Taking calcium is a great idea being a postmenopausal female, absolutely! Many experts tout 1200 to 1500mg a day to meet the need.... tough to match with diet alone. rosespecialist: Welcome Heidi, is there an herb besides Valerian Root or Kava Kava root that can help with the insomnia? Caffeine is almost eliminated in the diet, but I had trouble sleeping when on the last combo and I'm very close to starting the “eg". What can I take to help? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Hi roses...my heart goes out to you with the sleep trouble.... it’s a tough problem. I would defer this one to your doctor. Kava and valerian concern me only with regard to causing "wake up problems" from anesthesia if you should ever require emergency surgery, or are taking it up to the day of an elective surgery, as problems with this have been reported. Keep your doctor informed... he or she is on your team. Otherwise, just making sure you have a food higher in tryptophan just before bed time may help: a glass of milk, a few ounces of turkey, for example.... or cheese. It helps make seratonin/melatonin in the brain to help your body sleep. : ) Sweet dreams, sister. paulwoods: HI, I just joined in. My herbalist has me taking a supplement called Monalaurin among other things. What do you know about this? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Hi paulwoods. I'm stumped on this one.... never heard of it. This alone scares me. Please make sure your doctor knows that you are seeing an herbalist. Please. I care. Check what this herbalists credentials are and then check out quackwatch.com to see if they are considered legitimate. (There’s an article in the sites archives about this...) God bless you. MODERATOR: Welcome to all just joining us. You can only see the last few lines of text. The topic is "What You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs". There will be a full transcript posted in Town hall in 3-5 working days. Don't forget to join us for next week's chat "Everything You'd Ever Want to Know About PEG and Rebetol", hosted by Jorge L. Herrera, MD, on Tuesday November 20th at 8 PM EST. Heidi Gennaro, RD: A message to everyone: I want to be sure and stress that your doctor deserves to know about everything you're taking. Really! Even if you risk being told what you may not want to hear, it is the right thing to do. And it could save you from complications you may not be aware of.... Sondra: Hi! I've slowed way down on my sugar in take. But I must admit I've gotten into eating raisins. Can the iron found in raisons be damaging to the liver? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Hi Sondra. The iron in raisins is not as efficiently absorbed as the iron in meats. And not to worry, iron will not damage the liver unless the dose is incredibly high. The only cases of this are usually seen in Third World countries where tribes were using iron cookware to cook acidic foods that caused an inordinate amount of iron to leech out and into the food. Also, if you have a diagnosis of hemochromatosis, your doctor may prescribe a lower iron diet. But otherwise no, raisins should not be a problem. jimmax: I DON'T TAKE ANY VITAMINS OR HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS AND I HAVE HAD HCV FOR 28 YRS. APPROXIMATELY. I’M PRESENTLY STARTING 2ND ROUND OF TREATMENT WITH PEG COMBO. SHOULD I BE TAKING ANY? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Jimmax not necessarily, you may want to investigate milkthistle...this is the only one that may help. Ask your physician. Wow, 2nd round! God bless you...you're a real trooper. MODERATOR: If your question does not get answered, feel free to post it on the ASK-the-NURSE Message Board. Also, be sure to check the Library Articles and the TRANSCRIPT ARCHIVES for the text of past chats, which may hold answers to your questions. MODERATOR: Our time is almost up for this week. It goes so quickly! Heidi will answer this one and then 1 more from the queue. After that she will make a closing and then we will have to say good night. treedj: Hi Heidi, this is regarding the inquiry about Valerian. An article in the Nov 1, 2001 issue of American Family Physician lists that herbal supplement as potentially hepatotoxic and thus not recommended for patients with Hep C. Heidi Gennaro, RD: Yes treedj...I believe it has some alkylating activity that has long been a concern, but according to Varro Tyler, it is not a concern it decomposes rapidly in the stored supplement. This article may have newer information, however...worth paying attention to. Thank you for that. MODERATOR: Our last question tonight is from bboop56. bboop56: What about alpha lipoic Acid and selenium taken daily? Heidi Gennaro, RD: Bboop, I'm not sold on taking either. A good multivitamin/mineral supplement will have a respectable amount of selenium to meet your needs. Alpha lipoic acid shows some promise, but I'm not convinced yet it's worth the money. I'm too sold on the perks of a healthy, plant-food rich diet!!! VBosworth: I have to go, Thanks for being with us Heidi. jimmax: DEAR HEIDI, I CAN TELL BY THE WAY YOU HAVE ANSWERED OUR QUESTIONS THAT YOU HAVE A KIND AND CARING SPIRIT. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU. mimi4: THANKS HEIDI, HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE, GOOD NITE! Heidi Gennaro, RD: It has been a pleasure and a blessing to chat with you all! You are true "truth seekers" whom I salute!!! Thank you for all of your kindness. OLDTIFF: HEIDI, I WANT TO THANK YOU AGAIN FOR COMING TO SHARE WITH US...YOU ALWAYS HELP SO AND I ALWAYS LEARN MUCH... I ORDERED THE BOOK WHILE THE CHAT WAS GOING ON... THANKS FRIEND.... Heidi Gennaro, RD: That's awesome, Oldtiff... grow, learn, and grow some more! That's the joy of life. : ) OLDTIFF: FOR SURE FRIEND............WE LEARN EVERYDAY OF OUR LIVES paulwoods: Thanks, Heidi God bless you!! rosespecialist: Thanks so much to you! Appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern. jkb204: Thanks a lot for your time tonight, Heidi. mike01: Thanks Heidi for being here !!! silver40: Thanks for sharing your expertise with us Heidi!!! It was fun. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Sondra: Thank you Heidi. You have been very helpful. God Bless. OLDTIFF: AND WE THANK YOU MODERATOR AND SCREENERS FOR BEING HERE FOR US EVERY WEEK… sleepPRN: Thank you Heidi for answering our questions. Hope to see you soon. Thanks also to you moderator and screeners. GYPSY0124: Thanx. mimi4: Thank you for all the info Heidi. mike01: Hi Heidi, thanks for the info and taking the time to help!!! OLDTIFF: THANKS FRIEND. OLDTIFF: MODERATOR AND SCREENERS... AGAIN I THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH...TO YOU NEW FRIENDS COMING IN… I HAVE BEEN COMING WELL OVER TWO YEARS AND STILL LEARN...THEY CARE SO AND WANT TO HELP US… silver40: Have to go now & look forward to next weeks chat… Good Night All. MODERATOR: If your question does not get answered, feel free to post it on the ASK-the-NURSE Message Board. Also, be sure to check the Library Articles and the TRANSCRIPT ARCHIVES for the text of past chats, which may hold answers to your questions. Thank you all for joining us tonight, and a special thank you to our host, Heidi Gennaro!! Don't forget to join us for next week's chat "Everything You'd Ever Want to Know About PEG + Rebetol", hosted by Jorge L. Herrera, MD -- Tuesday November 20th at 8 PM EST. Heidi Gennaro, RD: Thank you again for an enjoyable evening. You are wonderful folks with a hunger to know that warms me. Good night and God's best to each of you. : ) MODERATOR: Goodnight Everyone. See you online next week. Edited slightly for clarity & brevity [ This page was updated by liver411 on 2002-01-11.12:41:00. ]
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