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ALT/AST ratios vs. Nonviral Liver Diseases and... [复制链接]

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发表于 2002-5-11 04:45
MARCH  2002

NONVIRAL LIVER DISORDERS- Various S-GOT/S-GPT Ratios in Nonviral Liver Disorders and Related Physical Conditions and Life-Style

M. Mukai , K. Ozasa , K. Hayashi , K. Kawai

Department of Social Medicine and Cultural Sciences, Research Institute for Neurological Diseases and Geriatrics, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan

The relationship between the GOT/GPT ratio in nonviral liver disorders and underlying physical condition and life-style were evaluated. The subjects were 12,808 male railway company workers who underwent an annual health checkup. Nonviral liver disorders were defined as elevated transaminases (GOT > 76 IU/liter or GPT > 86 IU/liter, while negative for hepatitis B and C markers (282 cases). Controls were 9783 males with normal findings for GOT, GPT, and γ-GTP. By logistic regression analysis, GOT-dominant liver disorders were significantly related to alcohol consumption, hypertriglyceridemia, and diabetes mellitus. They were still significant on multivariate analysis. GPT-dominant liver disorders were significantly related to obesity, less exercise, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia. Obesity and hypercholesterolemia were significant on multivariate analysis. In conclusion, the relationship between hypertriglyceridemia or diabetes mellitus and GOT-dominant disorders, which was not explained empirically, could indicate another pathogenesis for nonviral liver disorders, such as underlying insulin resistance. (Dig. Dis. Sciences 47 , 549-555, 2002)

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