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怎样照顾肝炎引起的不适症状? [复制链接]

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发表于 2002-1-21 19:21
HOW DO I TAKE CARE OF MY SYMPTOMS? 怎样照顾肝炎引起的不适症状? When a person is infected with the hepatitis B or C virus, his or her body can respond in several different ways. Some people, particularly if they are infected with hepatitis C, have no symptoms at all. That means that even if you are infected with the virus, you may not feel any different than you did before. You may not even be aware that you have the virus. 当一个人感染上乙肝或丙肝后, 他/她的身体会对感染起不同的反应. 特别是染上丙肝的患者可能根本没有任何不适, 感染前后的感觉无区别. 这也就是造成你可能根本不晓得你染有病毒的原因. On the other hand, some people do experience symptoms. Soon after getting hepatitis, you may experience a flu-like illness that includes fatigue (tiredness), fever, muscle and joint aches, and nausea. Some people infected with hepatitis also notice that their urine has become a darker color, and their skin has a yellowish tint, which is a condition called jaundice. 另外一方面, 有的人则会有不同程度的不舒服感觉. 感染肝炎后不久你可能会感觉象得了流感一样, 疲劳, 发烧, 肌肉关节酸痛, 恶心. 有的人小便颜色发深, 皮肤发黄, 这种现象称之为黄疸. These symptoms usually go away by themselves without treatment, particularly if you have hepatitis B, and you may have no further problems. (Also, some symptoms of chronic hepatitis B and side effects of interferon treatment are similar.) But for some people, the symptoms of hepatitis may be longer lasting, become more severe, and interfere with daily life. In fact, sometimes dealing with hepatitis may seem like an overwhelming challenge. 这些症状通常不需要治疗就会消失, 特别是乙肝, 你有可能日后都不再会有任何不适. (有些乙肝症状和干扰素的副作用差不多) 可是有些人肝炎的症状会持续, 变得厉害以至影响到日常生活. 事实上和肝炎共存似乎成为对这些人生活中的巨大挑战. Fatigue (疲劳) The most common symptom of hepatitis infection is fatigue, or tiredness. You can take steps to lessen fatigue. Even though it may be the last thing you feel like doing, you should try to exercise. Exercise is very important, and there are no restrictions on what kind of activity you can do. It depends on your level of fitness before you became ill with hepatitis and on your present level of tolerance. For example, if you enjoyed jogging before, you can jog now, if you feel up to it. If you don't feel that you can continue running, find another way to exercise, even if it's a short, regular walk. And if you weren't exercising before, now is a good time to start. But start out slowly, as you should when beginning any fitness program under any circumstances. Check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program. 最常见的不适症状是疲劳. 减低疲劳要分几步骤. 讲这个你可能不相信, 减轻疲劳你应该参加一些体育锻炼. 锻炼是很重要的. 在怎么锻炼上没有具体规定. 你可以根据没生病之前的体质和爱好, 目前体能和体力限度来定. 如, 以前你跑步, 你可以继续跑步. 如果你不愿意跑步, 你可以做其它运动. 如果你以前不运动, 此时正好是一个开始运动的机会. 不过要慢慢开始, 逐步增加, 而且和你的医生商讨任何你想开始做的新锻炼运动. Walking may be the best option. It is free and easy to do almost anywhere, and it gives your body a good workout. Build up speed and distance slowly; the most important thing right now is just to be doing it. Other good choices are swimming, using an exercise bike, and yoga. (See chart of exercise ideas below.) 其实, 走路可能是肝炎患者的最佳选择. 走路是可以不受场地等限制, 而又能达到锻炼目的运动. 走路的速度和距离要慢慢增加. 重要的是要开始走. 另外, 其它很好的健身运动还有游泳, 健身单车, 榆荚. Another way of coping with fatigue is to get on a regular schedule. Rest is very important. You need to make sure you get a full night's sleep every night. A 30 to 45 minute daytime nap can help give you an energy boost. 对付疲劳另外一个方法是定好作息时间. 休息是非常重要的. 每晚要睡好, 白天给自己30-45分钟小睡时间都可以帮助减轻疲劳. You should let your doctor know if you are having any difficulties sleeping. If you have a stressful job, you may need to make some changes to lessen your workload. The same holds true for a hectic home life. Other family members may need to take over some of the responsibilities. Sometimes the fatigue is severe, especially with hepatitis B. If you feel very tired, let your doctor know so you can discuss the best way to cope with this. 如果你睡眠不好, 一定要让医生知道. 如果你工作比较紧张, 你可能需要修改一下你的工作量. 家务事也一样. 家中成员各自要分担家务. 有时, 如乙肝造成的疲劳加重, 你感觉奇累无比, 你应该去看医生讲并和医生一同商讨怎样才能应付, 克服疲劳. Joint and muscle aches (关节和肌肉酸痛) You may experience joint and muscle aches and pains with hepatitis; the symptoms can seem like those of arthritis. But hepatitis does not cause arthritis and these symptoms typically go away when the virus has been cleared from your body. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help relieve the pain. However, any medication may affect your liver. Talk to your doctor about what types of pain relievers you can take, how much you can take, and for how long. 肝炎还会引起肌肉, 关节疼痛, 症状很象关节炎. 但是肝炎不会造成关节发炎. 一般症状会随着病毒减少而消失. 不用处方的止痛片能减轻疼痛, 但是这些药物对你的肝脏不好. 最好是咨询你的医生什么药可以用, 用多少, 用多久. SOME HEALTHFUL ACTIVITIES(肝炎病人可做的一些健康活动) Walking (easiest and cheapest) Swimming Riding an exercise bicycle Low-impact aerobics class or video Yoga or T’ai Chi (good for stretching and reducing stress) 一些可以减轻关节痛的运动 走路 游泳 运动单车 健身操 榆荚或太极拳 If you've been active, you can continue with your activities, if you feel up to it. 以前你怎么锻炼, 现在只要你想做都可以继续. Some symptoms of hepatitis(肝炎的一些不适症状) Fatigue is the most common symptom. Nearly all people with hepatitis complain of some degree of tiredness. Stress Depression Muscle, joint aches and pains Anxiety and irritability Headaches Sleep disturbances Other less common symptoms include pain or discomfort in the abdomen on the right side, itching, nausea, appetite/weight loss, mental fuzziness. 常见的肝炎症状 疲劳 紧张 忧郁 关节肌肉痛 焦虑反感 头痛 睡眠紊乱 腹部, 肝区不适, 头晕, 恶心, 搔痒, 体重, 食欲下降等 Joint pain can also be caused by a condition known as cryoglobulinemia. About 1/3 of people with hepatitis C have this problem, which is caused by antibodies attaching themselves to the hepatitis C virus. If you are having joint and muscle pain, let your doctor know. He or she may want to test you for cryoglobulinemia because it can also cause problems with blood vessels. 患有丙肝的人, 1/3都患有 cryoglobulinemia 疾病, 关节会痛. 这是因为病毒身上带有一种抗体. 此时最好让医生给你做一下 cryoglobulinemia 测验. cryoglobulinemia会造成血管疾病. Headaches (头痛) Some people with hepatitis also complain about headaches. These headaches may go away completely after a while, but then come back. Sometimes they are mild, but at other times they are severe. They are not like migraine headaches. You can treat the headaches with over-the-counter medication. (Again, check with your doctor about what to use.) Also, take time to relax and drink plenty of fluids. Staying rested and drinking lots of fluids may prevent headaches. 头痛也是许多肝炎患者抱怨的症状. 头痛症状可能会过一阵消失了, 但过一下就又回来了. 头痛有时是轻微的, 有时很严重. 一样, 你可以吃一点止痛剂, 但是要和医生考证吃的药物. 此外, 多喝水. 休息, 放松, 多喝水对头痛有很大帮助. Nausea and loss of appetite (恶心厌食) Sometimes people with hepatitis have nausea and loss of appetite. You should try to eat, even if you don't feel like it. Nutritious food is very important to your body at this time. It may help to eat many small meals rather than 3 large ones. But some patie
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