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Dr. Melissa Palmer 谈中药 [复制链接]

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发表于 2002-3-30 01:51
世界著名的肝脏/消化科医生 Dr. Melissa Palmer 对于使用中药的几点看法: What everyone should know before trying herbs : 在试用中药前每个人都应该知道些什么? 1] Some herbal remedies may afford some benefit to the liver in specific instances 在个别病例中一些中药疗法可能对肝脏有好处 - however, these specific circumstances have not as yet been clearly established or defined by generally accepted and approved medical standards 但是所有这些病例并没有被最普通的医学标准程序证实或承认 2] Herbs are not regulated by the FDA 中药没有经过FDA的监管 - they are exempt from FDA investigation and restrictions 它们是在FDA调查和约束之外的(因为规划为食品) - proof of safety and possible side effect data is not required prior to being made available to the consumer 在卖给消费者前不需要提交可靠安全和可能的副作用资料和论据 3] Labeling of bottles is totally unregulated 药瓶成分标签 整个没有管制 - The exact ingredients, amount and potency of ingredients, and the presence of other herbs or substances are not required to appear on labels 准确的内含成分, 有效成分量, 无效成分量和其它中药成分不需要显示在标签上 - adulteration by other substances, such as steroids, atropine, lead, and caffeine, has been reported (厂商/医生)掺假成分, 如类固醇, 阿托品(有毒硷), 铅 和 咖啡因等事件一直都有报道 4] Some herbs actually may cause liver disease 事实上一些中药反而会造成肝脏疾病 The following is a list of herbs that you should absolutely avoid if you have liver disease. Ingestion of these herbs have been reported to cause liver related complications ranging from acute hepatitis and jaundice to cirrhosis and death from liver failure : 如果您有肝病, 下面这些中药您(死活)绝对不能使用, 其造成的后果从肝炎到黄疸, 肝硬化, 甚至肝脏衰竭>>死亡: (因为本人没有草药字典, 网友请自己查译了) 1. COMFREY [Bush tea], 2. GERMANDER 3. CHAPARRAL 4. JIN BU HUAN 5. NUTMEG 6. PENNYROYAL OIL 7. MISTLETOE 8. TANSY RAGWORT 9. SENNA 10. SASSAFRAS 11. VALERIAN 5] One should carefully evaluate all claims made about an herbal remedy prior to ingesting it 在用中药前一定要评估所有药物宣称的有效说法 - are claims based on human or animal studies ? 有效理论是建立在人体还是动物研究上? - are you reading a confirmed,respected research study, or simply an advertisement ? 您读过关于此中药可靠的学术研究报告/文摘吗? 或只听说过/看过它的广告? 6] Find a liver specialist who is clearly knowledgeable about the pros and cons of herbal supplements 您可曾向一位真正有学识的肝病医生查询过关于(您的肝脏)从这个中药中得到的好处和略处吗? (不是给你开药的那个) - Inform him/her as to the herbal preparation you are taking or planning to take so that potential side effects, drug interactions and results can be more safely and appropriately evaluated and monitored 要和这名肝科医生讲你准备吃或正在吃的中药, 这样这名医生可以仔细地观察和评估可能发生的副作用, 交叉反应, 或药效 (不要自己论吃) ****** Melissa Palmer 医生的学历, 临床经验 和 学术社会活动: Melissa Palmer, M.D. is a nationally renowned liver specialist (hepatologist) who maintains a private practice devoted to liver disease. Dr. Palmer graduated from Columbia University with a B.A., and obtained her medical degree from Mount Sinai Medical School. After training in internal medicine at Beth Israel Hospital, Dr. Palmer completed a hepatology fellowship at Mount Sinai Hospital. She then went on to complete a gastroenterology fellowship, and is currently board-certified in both internal medicine and gastroenterology. Melissa Palmer医生是全国知晓的肝脏专家. 她毕业于哥伦比亚大学(B.A.), 之后在Mount Sinai 医学院毕业(拿到M.D.) Beth Israel 医院完成实习后, 她又回到Mount Sinai 医院拿到肝脏科执照(最少2年), 消化科执照(2年), 他现在是医学委员会认可的内科, 消化, 肝脏专家. 她在纽约州有三家私人诊所作为临床行医用. Dr. Palmer has authored numerous scientific publications in the field of hepatology. She is frequently called upon by the media for her opinion on various topics related to liver disease. Dr. Palmer has appeared many times on television as a liver disease expert, and has been quoted in such publications as TIME magazine, Prevention Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, and Newsday. She also has appeared in videos aimed at educating the public about hepatitis C. Palmer出版过学多肝脏方面的科学著作. 常常被媒体以专家身份邀请参与肝病的讨论和指导, 包括电视, [时代周刊], [防疫杂志], [洛杉矶时报], 和[新闻日]等著名报纸. 她也曾出现在关于丙肝的公共教育录影带中. Dr. Palmer lectures to the medical and general public on liver disease -related topics on a regular basis. She also serves as a liver consultant to four major pharmaceutical companies. In addition, Dr. Palmer sits on the medical advisory board of the New York chapter of the American Liver Foundation (ALF), and on the nutrition education subcommittee of the National chapter of ALF. Palmer医生定期给医务人员和社会大众关于肝病的讲课. 她并担任4家大药厂的肝病顾问. 此外, Palmer 医生还是美国肝脏基金会纽约分会的委员会负责人, 全国总会的营养顾问. Dr. Palmer is available by appointment for consultation in any of her three locations : (Palmer医生接收联邦低收入/老人之医疗卡) 1. 1097 Old Country Road, Plainview, N.Y. 11803 2. 444 Lakeville Road, New Hyde Park, N.Y. 11040 3. 500 Portion Road, Lake Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 11779 Most insurance plans, HMO's and Medicare are accepted. Consultations by appointment only . [516] 939-2626. **************************** 你的肝, 我的痛, 你上当, 我心痛. (虽然我并不认识你, 我也不会得到任何人的好处, 我更不是在强制你看病选药的自由, 但是你我身体里有共同的东西~~HBV. 希望你在用药前看看此文, 我更痛恨学术上做不出成绩而开始左道邪门的"名医")
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