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The origin of the solar system [复制链接]

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222 元 
发表于 2006-5-28 21:13

The Reason Why Planets And Moons Move In The Same Direction                        
                                         Wang Taihai
The main features of our solar system are  that the planets all circle around the sun in the same direction, so as do most of their moons, and the planets all lie more or less in the same plane of the sun’s equator. For centuries scientists have tried to find a theory for the solar system origin that can explain these features. Any theory that could not explain these features were usually rejected. But by force analysis, the author of this article found that these main features are not the reflection of the origin of our solar system as most theories hypothesized but are the results of its movement mechanism. The author found that if a planet does not circle in the plane of the sun's own rotation and circle the sun counterclockwise, it will not be stable and its course will be deflected. The moving pattern of our solar system determines these main features. Only in this moving pattern can the solar system survive.

Key words: the Sun, the Origin of the Solar System, the Coriolis Force

Up to now, theories for the origin of our solar system have tried to explain its main features that the planets all revolve around the sun in the same direction, so as do most of their moons, and the planets all lie more or less in the same plane of the sun’s equator. Most theories can explain these features well but can’t adequately explain some other chemical or physical phenomena. In this article I would prove that these features are not the reflection of our solar system origin but the results of its movement mechanism.

By force analysis, we will find that whatever direction an alien celestial body intrudes upon our solar system, if it is captured by the sun or by a planet it will keep changing its orbit till it circles in the same direction and in the same plane as the already existent planets and moons do.

To simplify the discussion, let’s take a look what will happen if the moon is not circling around the earth as it does now. (Let's call the direction in which  all the planets circle  around the sun counterclockwise. The opposite moving direction to the sun is clockwise.)

First, let’s suppose the moon’s orbit around the earth is vertical to the plane of the earth’s orbit and the direction is clockwise.

Because the earth is moving around the sun counterclockwise, the vertically moving moon will be deflected by the Coriolis force(1) and its orbit around the earth will tilt rightward since it is clockwise and will become counterclockwise around the earth eventually. The Coriolis force will continue deflecting the moon until its orbit overlaps the plane of the sun's equator. Ultimately the moon will circle the earth counterclockwise in the plane of the earth’s orbit as it almost already does now.

Now, let’s suppose the moon’s orbit around the earth is vertical to the plane of the earth’s orbit and the direction is counterclockwise.

As illustrated above, the moon will be deflected by the Coriolis force and its orbit around the earth will tilt leftward to become counterclockwise around the earth eventually, too. The Coriolis force will continue deflecting the moon until its orbit overlaps the plane of the sun's equator completely. Ultimately the moon will also circle the earth counterclockwise in the plane of the earth’s orbit.

Then, what if the moon was captured but clockwise by the earth right in the plane of the sun's equator? By force analysis, we can see that in this situation either the moon will collide with the earth or its orbit be distorted to be counterclockwise.

We know, when the moon moves around the earth, it’s also moving around the sun. Between the moon and the earth, their masses, gravitational force, distance and the moon’s relative orbit velocity to the earth must meet the Newton's law of universal gravitation and the circular motion principles. On the other hand, between the moon and the sun, their masses and motion parameters must also meet the Newton's law of universal gravitation and the circular motion principles. The relative orbit velocity of the moon can be calculated with the following formula.

V -the relative orbit velocity of the moon
F -the resultant force that dominates the moon’s motion
R -the distance between the moon and the sun or the earth
m -the mass of the moon.
Now, to simplify the problem, Let’s take four representative points A,B,M and N in the moon’s orbit for analysis. When the moon is at point M or N, its relative orbit velocity to the sun is the same as that of the earth. As the moon moves clockwise further to point A, its relative orbit tangential velocity to the sun increases to the highest. Yet at point A it gets opposite forces from the sun and the earth. So at point A, the moon gets the minimum resultant force (F) and it has a minimum distance to the sun (R), too. According the above equation, the moon should have a minimum relative orbit velocity to the sun (V). But its actual value is the highest. To balance the difference, the distance between the sun and the moon will be increased which means the distance between the moon and the earth will be decreased while the moon is within the earth’s orbit.

When we take point B for analysis, we can also find the inconformity where the moon should have a highest relative velocity to the sun but the actual value is the lowest. To balance the difference, the distance between the moon and the earth in the radius direction of the earth’s orbit will be also decreased while the moon is outside of the earth’s orbit.

From the above analysis, we can see if a moon runs but clockwise around a planet, its orbit would not be stable. By further analysis we can see its orbit will be elongated to a narrow strip by and by and the collision possibility between the moon and its planet is very high or is inevitable.

So however a moon comes to be captured by a planet, the moon can only move stably around the planet counterclockwise, as the way our moon is moving around the earth.

The above analysis accounts not only for the orbit of the moons around their planets but also accounts for the planets’ orbit around their sun. The principle is the same. The sun is running around the Milky Way Galaxy center at very high relative velocity. Any captured planet that doesn’t move within the plane of the sun’s equator will be deflected by the Coriolis force and be made run counterclockwise around the sun within its equator plane. So the main features that the planets all revolve around the sun in the same direction, as most of their moons do, and the planets all lie more or less in the same plane of the sun’s own rotation are not the result of the formation of the sun, it’s the result of the movement mechanism of our solar system.

                              Date: 2005-7-18
(1).Coriolis force is a sidewise force exerted on a body when it moves in a rotating reference frame. It is a fictitious force because it is a by-product of measuring coordinates with respect to a rotating coordinate system as opposed to an actual push or pull.

The Contact information of the Author:
Mr. Wang Taihai
Wenzhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People’s Republic of China
Address: Xingao Road, Aojiang town, Pingyang, Zhejiang, China 325401
Fax: +86 577 63638831
Email: [email protected]

1.Some are suspicious of the Coriolis Force effect, and argued with me on Coriolis Force fiercely.So I reexplain my point in another way.

Take the second image for example.

Let’s see what will happen if the moon circles the earth freely around the earth polar orbit counterclockwise.

When the moon is right over the earth's north pole, its relative velocity (V) to the sun is the same as the earth because they are at the same orbit distance to the sun. Now the moon circles in, its centripetal force (F) to the sun is reduced. Why, because part of it is balanced off by the earth on the opposite side. On the other hand, its distance to the sun (R) is shortened now. Now let's use the formula

The F and the R are both reduced, but its velocity keeps the same as the earth. So once the moon moves in between the Sun and the Earth, the moon will have redundant velocity and will go faster than the F and R need it. The moon will go ahead of the earth.

Track man knows this principle well in the track and field running game. The first running athlete always occupies the most inner track while turning rounds so that he can keep himself ahead of others.

Now the moon is in the inner track and with the same relative velocity to the sun, it will surpass the earth. Thus moon’s orbit changes.

When the moon is ahead of the earth, universal gravitation force of the moon-earth and the moon-sun will apply a resultant force that will slow down the moon, only when the speed of the moon is adjusted down by this can the V, F and R in the above formula be kept balanced.

2.I make a summary of what my article already provides and what my article is expected to provide, and what I can further provide so that we can classify my article to a proper category. I just don't want to disappoint all the visitors here.

-It provides a new idea(the Reason Why planets and Moons Move in the Same Direction) on an old topic.
-It provides a laconic deduction
-It provides a qualitative analysis

-It is expected to provide detailed deduction on the origin of the solar system, including how comes the sun, how comes the planets and their moons, what were they before they became  balls...
-It is expected to reason all the ideas in a mathematic way
- quantificational analysis is expected.

-My specialty is not math, nor physics, nor cosmology. And my work is not in the research field, I do government routine job. So it's not easy for me to present quantificational analysis if I get no help from other competent scholars. Aware of my this weakness , I deliberately chose the title for my  article. I think my article can be considered as a complete thesis for the title I use(the Reason Why planets and Moons Move in the Same Direction) .
-If you ask me how comes the birth of the suns and its palnets and moons, it's out of the topic that I want to discuss. As Darwin told us  the reason why polar bears are white, yet you censure him that he did not  answer the question why there are white polar bears on earth. They are two different topics.
-In my reasoning, I must simplify all the complicated systems so that I can reason it with my brain, or I will have to recourse to the advanced theories or complicated formulars which are beyond my competence.
-So, what I have provided and that I would provide are all basically qualitative analysis. Just as Copernicus firstly found that the planets are circling around the sun. But he gave no equations to show how they do it.

I do hope my work can be further carried on by competent scholars in quantificational ways.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-28 8:22:03编辑过]

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