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Sirna Therapeutics Publishes Hepatitis B Virus Data in June 2005 Issue of Hepa [复制链接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

3700 元 

旺旺勋章 大财主勋章 如鱼得水 黑煤窑矿工勋章

发表于 2005-9-2 05:05

Sirna Therapeutics Publishes Hepatitis B Virus Data in June 2005 Issue of Hepatology
Demonstrates Importance of Chemical Modifications to siRNAs for Therapeutically Relevant Molecules

BOULDER, Colo., and SAN FRANCISCO, June 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Sirna Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: RNAI), a leading RNAi therapeutics company, announced today the publication of an article in Hepatology addressing the activity of chemically modified short interfering RNA (siRNA) in a mouse model of hepatitis B virus replication. In the article, Sirna demonstrated in vivo validation of chemical modifications of siRNAs and the distinct differences between modified and unmodified molecules necessary for therapeutic relevance.

As noted in a Hepatology editorial in the same issue, "[the Sirna scientists] take a step beyond "proof of concept" studies to investigate chemical modifications to small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that prove their efficacy in a mouse model of hepatitis B virus replication. They demonstrate that chemically modified siRNAs have improved delivery characteristics, both in terms of stability and efficacy in vivo. Importantly, siRNAs delivered via a clinically relevant route -- standard intravenous injection -- reduced hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication in mice."

To initially assess activity of the stabilized siRNAs in vivo, an HBV vector-based model was employed in which the siRNA and the HBV vector were co-delivered via high volume tail vein injection. More than a 3 log10 decrease in levels of serum HBV DNA and HBsAg, as well as liver HBV RNA, were observed in the siRNA treated groups compared to the control siRNA treated and saline groups. Furthermore, the observed decrease in serum HBV DNA was 1.5 log10 greater with a modified siRNA compared to an unmodified siRNA indicating the value of chemical modification in therapeutic applications of siRNA. Progressing beyond high volume tail vein injection in subsequent experiments, standard systemic intravenous dosing of modified siRNA, resulted in an approximately 1 log10 reduction of serum HBV DNA levels while no activity was observed with unmodified siRNA. These experiments establish the strong impact that siRNAs can have on the extent of HBV infection and underscore the importance of modification of siRNA against nuclease degradation. The siRNAs used in these experiments were fully chemically modified in that no standard ribose sugars were present in the structure. The data presented constitute an important proof that Sirna's invention of these "no ribose" forms have significant therapeutic potential.

"We are pleased with the publication of these data in Hepatology and see it as further validation of Sirna's progress translating RNAi science into clinically relevant therapeutics," said Howard W. Robin, Sirna President and CEO. "Sirna continues its groundbreaking work in siRNAs developing novel chemical modifications and delivery technologies. Following our research cited in this publication, we have made significant progress in successfully delivering modified siRNAs resulting in dramatic reduction of HBV titers at clinically relevant doses."

About RNA interference

RNA interference (RNAi) is a natural, selective process for turning off genes. RNAi is triggered by short interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules that engage a group of cellular proteins, known as RISC (RNA induced silencing complex). The RISC guides the siRNA to its target messenger RNA (mRNA, the messenger between DNA and proteins) by complementary base pairing for the targeted break-up of the mRNA thus halting protein expression or viral replication. The RISC-siRNA-complex binds and cleaves multiple mRNA molecules in a catalytic fashion.

About Sirna Therapeutics

Sirna Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing RNAi-based therapies for serious diseases and conditions, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), hepatitis B and C, dermatology, asthma, Huntington's Disease, diabetes and oncology. Sirna Therapeutics has initiated a Phase 1 clinical trial for its most advanced compound, Sirna-027, a chemically modified siRNA targeting the clinically validated vascular endothelial growth factor pathway to treat AMD. Sirna Therapeutics has strategic partnerships with Eli Lilly and Company, Targeted Genetics and Archemix Corporation and a leading intellectual property portfolio in RNAi. More information on Sirna Therapeutics is available on the Company's web site at http://www.sirna.com/.

Statements in this press release which are not strictly historical are "forward-looking" statements which should be considered as subject to many risks and uncertainties. For example, promising animal data often does not lead to promising human results and most drug candidates fail to become products. Additional risks and uncertainties include Sirna's early stage of development and short operating history, Sirna's history and expectation of losses and need to raise capital, Sirna's need to obtain clinical validation and regulatory approval for products, Sirna's need to obtain and protect intellectual property, risk of third-party patent infringement claims, Sirna's need to attract and retain qualified personnel, Sirna's need to engage collaborators, availability of materials for product manufacturing, the highly competitive nature of the pharmaceutical market, the limited trading volume and history of volatility of Sirna's common stock, Sirna's concentration of stock ownership, and risks from relocating Sirna headquarters. These and additional risk factors are identified in Sirna's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including the Forms 10-K and 10-Q and in other SEC filings. Sirna undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.


Rebecca Galler Robison, Senior Director, Corporate Strategy of Sirna
Therapeutics, Inc.,
or Zack Kubow of The Ruth Group,

SOURCE Sirna Therapeutics, Inc.
CONTACT: Rebecca Galler Robison, Senior Director, Corporate Strategy of Sirna Therapeutics, Inc., +1-303-449-6500;
or Zack Kubow of The Ruth Group, +1-646-536-7020, for Sirna Therapeutics, Inc.
Web site: http://www.sirna.com


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

1751 元 
发表于 2005-9-2 07:48

Sirna 治疗学在 2005 年六月出版肝炎 B 病毒数据 Hepatology 的议题

Sirna 治疗学在 2005 年六月出版肝炎 B 病毒数据 Hepatology 的议题
为治疗有关的分子示范针对 siRNAs 的化学修正的重要

大圆石, Colo。, 而且旧金山, 六月 7 日 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- Sirna 治疗学, 公司 (那斯达克: RNAI), 一家领导的 RNAi 治疗学公司, 今天宣布在提出在一个肝炎 B 病毒回答的老鼠模型中妨碍 RNA(siRNA) 的用化学修正的短的活动的 Hepatology 的文章的出版。 在文章, Sirna 在 siRNAs 的化学修正的活泼确认中示范和那清楚的不同在修正之间而且不修正对治疗的中肯是必需的分子。

如相同的议题一篇 Hepatology 社论所注意,"[ Sirna 科学家 ] 采取一个步骤超过 " 观念的证明" 研究调查针对的化学修正小的妨碍在一个肝炎 B 病毒回答的老鼠模型中证明他们的效能的 RNAs(siRNAs)。 他们示范用化学修正 siRNAs 已经改良递送特性, 两者的根据安定和效能在活泼地。 重要地, siRNAs 经由一条临床有关的路径递送了 -- 标准的静脉内的注入 -- 在老鼠中减少了肝炎 B 病毒 (HBV) 回答。"

最初估定被稳定的 siRNAs 的活动在活泼的, 以矢量为基础的模型被雇用的 HBV 在哪一个 siRNA 和 HBV 矢量是在经由高的体积尾部血管注入被递送的共。 比一个浆液 HBV DNA 的 3 记录 10 方面的减少水平和 HBsAg, 连同肝脏 HBV RNA 之前更多在被对待被与被对待的控制 siRNA 和盐的团体相较的团体的 siRNA 观察。 此外,被观察的方面减少浆液 HBV DNA 是对被与在 siRNA 的治疗申请中指出化学修正的价值的被不修正的 siRNA 相较的被修正的 siRNA 感到比较棒的 1.5个记录 10 。促进超过后来的实验高体积尾部血管注入 , 修正的 siRNA 的标准系统静脉内的配, 造成一大约一个记录当没有活动与不修正的 siRNA 一起观察的时候,浆液 HBV DNA 的 10 减少消除。 这些实验建立 siRNAs 能有在 HBV 传染的范围上而且强调对抗核酸降格的 siRNA 的修正的重要的强烈的冲击。 被用于这些实验的 siRNAs 用化学完全在没有标准的核酸糖糖存在于结构被修正。 被呈现的数据构成重要的证明 Sirna 的这些 " 没有核酸糖 " 表格发明有重要的治疗潜能。

"我们在 Hepatology 对这些数据的出版感到满意而且视它为将 RNAi 科学翻译成临床有关的治疗学的 Sirna 的进步的较进一步的确认 ," 霍华德 W. 罗宾, Sirna 总统和运行长说。 "Sirna 在发展新奇的化学修正和递送技术的 siRNAs 中继续它的先进工作。 在我们的研究之后在这一本出版引证了, 我们已经成功地方面有重要的进步递送修正在临床有关的剂量造成 HBV 浓度测定的戏剧性减少的 siRNAs 。"

有关 RNA 冲突

RNA 冲突 (RNAi) 是关掉基因的一个天然又选择的程序。 RNAi 被妨碍 RNA(siRNA) 答应一群细胞的蛋白质, 像是精简指令系统电脑 (RNA 感应合成物安静) 的分子的短引起。 精简指令系统电脑为被对准的休息指导对补充恶劣的成对它的目标报信者 RNA(mRNA, DNA 和蛋白质之间的报信者) 的 siRNA-增加 mRNA 如此使蛋白质的表达或滤过性毒菌的回答停止。 精简指令系统电脑-siRNA-合成物绑并且劈开一种接触反应的流行的多个 mRNA 分子。

有关 Sirna 治疗学

Sirna 治疗学对于严重的疾病和情况是临床-阶段生物科技公司发展中的以 RNAi 为基础的治疗, 包括年龄-相关的有斑点的退化 (AMD) ,肝炎 B 和 C ,皮肤医学,哮喘,亨丁顿的疾病,糖尿病和肿瘤学。 Sirna 治疗学已经为它最先进的化合物, Sirna-027 开始 1 阶段临床实验, 对准临床地脉管的 endothelial 生长因素路有效的对待 AMD 的用化学修正的 siRNA。 Sirna 治疗学在 RNAi 有策略的 Eli Lilly 和公司,被对准的遗传学和 Archemix 公司和一个主要的智力财产文件夹的合伙。 关于 Sirna 治疗学的较多资讯从位在 http:// www.sirna.com/. 的公司的网站可得

在不是严格历史的这一个新闻稿的陈述是应该被考虑如对于许多危险的主题和不确定的 " 前瞻性的 " 陈述。 举例来说,允诺动物数据时常不导致有希望的人类结果和大多数的药物候选人不及格变成产品。 另外的危险和不确定包括发展的 Sirna 早阶段和短操作历史, Sirna 的历史和损失和需要的期待升起首都, Sirna 的需要为产品获得临床的确认和管制的赞成, Sirna 的需要获得而且保护智力的特性,第三者专利权侵权要求的危险, Sirna 的需要吸引并且保有合格的人员, Sirna 的需要答应串谋者, 材料的有效对于产品制造业,药学市场的高度地竞争性质, 有限制的贸易从重新装置 Sirna 总部的体积和 Sirna 的普通股, Sirna 的存货所有权集中和危险的挥发性的历史。 这些和另外的危险因子在 Sirna 的安全和交换佣金锉屑被识别, 包括表格 10 K 的和 10 Q 的和在其他的 SEC 锉屑中。 Sirna 没有从事义务校订或者更新任何的前瞻性的陈述为了要反映事件或者在这释放的日期之后可能出现的环境。


丽贝卡屈辱 Robison ,资深的指导者, Sirna 的企业策略
或露丝集团的 Zack Kubow,

来源 Sirna 治疗学, 公司
连络: 丽贝卡屈辱 Robison ,资深的指导者, Sirna 治疗学,公司的企业策略,+1-303-449-6500;
或露丝集团的 Zack Kubow,+1-646-536-7020, 对于 Sirna 治疗学, 公司
网站: http:// www.sirna.com

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