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CHglish! [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

6380 元 

荣誉之星 天天开星

发表于 2005-7-21 06:03

The E&E is an excellent place to practice English, I think, for there are so many High-Hands here such as Miss Xiang etc. I will do my contribution as below, for u to enjoy it.And I will be there often.

Chinese Style: It was so late there was no taxi.
American Style: It was so late that there was no taxi available.

Chinese Style: Your coat is broken.
American Style: Your coat is torn.

Chinese Style: Let me help you to do your work.
American Style: Let me help you with your work.

Chinese Style: Susan didn't make a fault anyway.
American Style: Susan didn't make a mistake anyway.

Chinese Style: He becomes better.
American Style: He got better.

Chinese Style: I recommend you to take a long vacation.
American Style: I recommend that you take a long vacation.

Chinese Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's about eleven now, Hurry up !
American Style: The last bus leaves at eleven o'clock. It's nearly eleven now, Hurry up !

Chinese Style: It was still bright outside.
American Style: It was still light outside.

Chinese Style: The hall can seat two hundred people.
American Style: The hall seats two hundred people.

Chinese Style: Anywhere will do.
American Style: Any place will do.

Chinese Style: Wait here please, I'll come back in a minute.
American Style: Wait here please, I'll be back in a minute.

Chinese Style: I am uncomfortable.
American Style: I don't feel well.

Chinese Style: Common students in US don't wear a uniform.
American Style: The average student in US don't wear a uniform.

Chinese Style: Who cooked this salad ?
American Style: Who made this salad ?

Chinese Style: His restaurant attracts lots of customers.
American Style: His restaurant attracts lots of guests.

Chinese Style: My friend Tony died in a traffic accident.
American Style: My friend Tony was killed in a traffic accident.

Chinese Style: Different from me, she is proficient in English.
American Style: Unlike me, she is proficient in English.

Chinese Style: Little children are difficult to understand that.
American Style: It is difficult for children to understand that.

Chinese Style: Don't step on the grass.
American Style: Keep off the grass.

Chinese Style: I get my salary twice a month.
American Style: I get paid twice a month..

Chinese Style: Would you like a drink ?
American Style: Would you like something to drink ?

Chinese Style: Let me examine your pulse.
American Style: Let me feel your pulse.

Chinese Style: I have no exercise talent.
American Style: I am not athletic.

Chinese Style: Don't expect me too much.
American Style: Don't expect too much from (of ) me.

Chinese Style: I know his face.
American Style: I know him by sight.

Chinese Style: I forget my hat in the house.
American Style: I left my hat in the house.

Chinese Style: Lend me some money, for instance 500 dollars, Lin
American Style: Lend me some money, say 500 dollars, Lin

Chinese Style: I have a free time.
American Style: I am free.

Chinese Style: The sun rises from the East.
American Style: The sun rises in the East.

Chinese Style: The thief got in from the window.
American Style: The thief got in through the window.

Chinese Style: Let's begin from page 10.
American Style: Let's begin at ( on ) page 10.

Chinese Style: Did you attend college ?
American Style: Did you go to college ?

Chinese Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up to go.
American Style: I wanted to go to Europe last summer, but it was too expensive so I gave up the idea.

Chinese Style: I'll go there at three.
American Style: I'll be there at three.

Chinese Style: I am going back my home.
American Style: I am going home.

Chinese Style: His temperature went down.
American Style: His temperature came down.

Chinese Style: I like green color.
American Style: I like green.

Chinese Style: Today's newspapers has his articles on Taiwan.
American Style: Today's newspapers carries his articles on Taiwan.

Chinese Style: Give me money, if you have.
American Style: Give me money, if you have any.

Chinese Style: You'll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.
American Style: You'll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.

Chinese Style: Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who he is.
American Style: Somebody's knocking on the door. Go and see who it is.

Chinese Style: The head office is in Taipei.
American Style: The main office is in Taipei.

Chinese Style: He cannot read and write.
American Style: He cannot read or write.

Chinese Style: Where is here.
American Style: Where are we.

Chinese Style: How heavy are you ?
American Style: How much do you weigh ?

Chinese Style: He was talking in a high voice.
American Style: He was talking loud.

Chinese Style: Most Westerners have high noses.
American Style: Most Westerners have long noses.

Chinese Style: Are you home tomorrow.
American Style: Are you at home tomorrow.

Chinese Style: How does she look like ?
American Style: What does she look like ?

Chinese Style: This is the way how I did it.
American Style: This is how I did it. or This is the way I did it.

Chinese Style: How do you think about Taiwan.
American Style: What do you think about Taiwan.

Chinese Style: How can I do ?
American Style: What can I do ?

Chinese Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ?"
" Six months "
" How about Chinese food ?"
American Style: " How long have you been in Taiwan ? "
" Six months "
" Do you like Chinese food ?"

Chinese Style: I visited her ill mother in the hospital.
American Style: I visited her sick mother in the hospital.

Chinese Style: There is a limit in my patience.
American Style: There is a limit to my patience.

Chinese Style: Please wait inside the white line.
American Style: Please wait behind the white line.

Chinese Style: Is your house insured for fire ?
American Style: Is your house insured against fire ?

Chinese Style: I introduce Mr. Smith to you !
American Style: May I introduce Mr. Smith to you !

Chinese Style: She was first prize.
American Style: She took first prize.

Chinese Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes I have it .
American Style: Do you have any automatic camera ? Yes, I have one.

Chinese Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here. It is why I was late.
American Style: That was a traffic accident on my way here. That is why I was late.

Chinese Style: She is wearing blue jeans pants.
American Style: She is wearing blue jeans.

Chinese Style: Keep the right.
American Style: Keep to the right.

Chinese Style: Last night I didn't keep my diary.
American Style: Last night I didn't write anything in my diary.

Chinese Style: The train was late about an hour.
American Style: The train was about an hour late.

Chinese Style: Leave your hand from the end of the wire.
American Style: Let go of the end of the wire.

Chinese Style: I was ten minutes late for the English lesson.
American Style: I was ten minutes late for the English class.

Chinese Style: How many Chinese letters do you know ?
American Style: How many Chinese characters do you know ?

Chinese Style: He is fighting for his life.
American Style: He is fighting for his bread.

Chinese Style: Why do you say like that.
American Style: Why do you say that.

Chinese Style: I have no house to live.
American Style: I have no house to live in.

Chinese Style: What a dirty face ! Look at the mirror.
American Style: What a dirty face ! Look in the mirror.

Chinese Style: He lost conciousness for a long time.
American Style: He was unconcious for a long time.

Chinese Style: He made a world record. [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]
American Style: He set a world record.

Chinese Style: Her marriage was happy.
American Style: Her married life was happy.

Chinese Style: Maybe I think so.
American Style: I think so.

Chinese Style: The club's members are 55.
American Style: There are 55 members in the club.

Chinese Style: They didn't understand my mind.
American Style: They didn't understand what I was thinking.

Chinese Style: This is where you mistake.
American Style: This is where you are mistaken.

Chinese Style: I felt good mood.
American Style: I am in a good mood.

Chinese Style: Please allow me more two hours.
American Style: Please allow me two more hours.

Chinese Style: My watch doesn't move at all. I must get it checked up.
American Style: My watch isn't running, I must get it checked up.

Chinese Style: We moved house to Johor last month.
American Style: We moved to Johor last month.

Chinese Style: He is our common friend.
American Style: He is our mutual friend.

Chinese Style: It was my first time to go abroad.
American Style: It was the first time I had gone abroad.

Chinese Style: While walking along the street, I met my friend.
American Style: While walking along the street, I met a friend of mine.

Chinese Style: My this book cost me nearly 300 dollars.
American Style: This book of mine cost me nearly 300 dollars.

Chinese Style: My room is narrow.
American Style: My room is small.

Chinese Style: I'll visit my native place for the first time in ten years this summer.
American Style: I'll visit my birth place for the first time in ten years this summer.

Chinese Style: Here is a pair of nice shoes.
American Style: Here is a nice pair of shoes.

Chinese Style: Is this seat empty.
American Style: Is this seat taken.

Chinese Style: Don't be noisy.
American Style: Be quiet.

Chinese Style: It is not of only your business.
American Style: It is none of your business.

Chinese Style: I will do anything I can do for you.
American Style: I will do anything I can for you.

Chinese Style: This is the key of my room.
American Style: This is the key to my room.

Chinese Style: I am going to take a two-year course of English.
American Style: I am going to take a two-year course in English.

Chinese Style: He treated me very friendly.
American Style: He treated me in a friendly way.

Chinese Style: This is the largest department store of the world.
American Style: This is the largest department store in the world.

Chinese Style: It's a novel of three volumes.
American Style: It's a novel in three volumes.

Chinese Style: He is a student of Harvard University.
American Style: He is a student at Harvard University.

Chinese Style: Do you know the meaning of the word of bumpy ?
American Style: Do you know the meaning of the word bumpy ?

Chinese Style: He had a child of his former wife.
American Style: He had a child by his former wife.

Chinese Style: She married old.
American Style: She married late in life.

Chinese Style: I saw it on the newspapers.
American Style: I read ( saw ) it in the newspapers.

Chinese Style: He is a liar, and you are one too.
American Style: He is a liar, and you are too.

Chinese Style: Open page 20 of your books.
American Style: Open your books to page 20.

Chinese Style: Our Chinese students are diligent.
American Style: We Chinese students are diligent.

Chinese Style: Don't make the office out of order.
American Style: Don't leave the office in a mess.

Chinese Style: I like to paint this door to black.
American Style: I'd like to paint this door black.

Chinese Style: I have a Chinese pen friend.
American Style: I have a Chinese pen pal.

Chinese Style: Give me a phone.
American Style: Give me a phone call.

Chinese Style: Is there any place for me in the car.
American Style: Is there any room for me in the car.

Chinese Style: Let's play together.
American Style: Why don't you come over ?

Chinese Style: I was very pleasant today.
American Style: I had a very good time today.

Chinese Style: He got 87 points in chemistry.
American Style: He got an 87 in chemistry.

Chinese Style: Chang is a popular name in Taiwan.
American Style: Chang is a common name in Taiwan.

Chinese Style: I'm a public servant.
American Style: I work for the government.

Chinese Style: She is pure.
American Style: She is naive.

Chinese Style: I have a question to you.
American Style: I have a question to ask you.

Chinese Style: This book deserves to read several times.
American Style: This book deserves to be read several times.

Chinese Style: I like red tea.
American Style: I like black tea.

Chinese Style: History repeats.
American Style: History repeats itself.

Chinese Style: I make a rule of going to bed early and get up early.
American Style: I make a rule to keep early hours.

Chinese Style: I went to the sea.
American Style: I went to the beach.

Chinese Style: The door was shut when I returned home.
American Style: The door was closed when I returned home.

Chinese Style: Shall we sit in that sofa ?
American Style: Shall we sit on that sofa ?

Chinese Style: This steak is soft.
American Style: This steak is tender.

Chinese Style: His new book will be sold well.
American Style: His new book will sell well.

Chinese Style: There're a lot of sparrows stopping on the telephone lines.
American Style: There're a lot of sparrows sitting on the telephone lines.

Chinese Style: He hit me strongly.
American Style: He hit me hard.

Chinese Style: My pay cannot support my living.
American Style: My pay is not enough to live on.

Chinese Style: He wants to establish a sweet home.
American Style: He wants to establish a happy home.

Chinese Style: Why don't you take a driving license.
American Style: Why don't you get a driving license.


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

6380 元 

荣誉之星 天天开星

发表于 2005-7-21 06:04


Chinese Style: Last year I went to Seattle. I liked there very much.
American Style: Last year I went to Seattle. I liked it very much.

Chinese Style: My mother likes to drink thick tea.
American Style: My mother likes her tea strong.

Chinese Style: I think it will not rain tomorrow.
American Style: I don't think it will rain tomorrow.

Chinese Style: Is your camera this kind ?
American Style: Is your camera like this ?

Chinese Style: His house was struck by thunder last night.
American Style: His house was struck by lightning last night.

Chinese Style: My grandmother lived to eighty-five.
American Style: My grandmother lived to be eighty-five.

Chinese Style: I have a lot of work to be done.
American Style: I have a lot of work to do.

Chinese Style: To drink too much is bad for one's health.
American Style: Drinking too much is bad for one's health.

Chinese Style: Today is hot.
American Style: It's hot today.

Chinese Style: My father will be home today afternoon.
American Style: My father will be home this afternoon.

Chinese Style: What is the total sum ?
American Style: How much does it come to ?

Chinese Style: We changed our train at Woodland.
American Style: We changed trains at Woodland.

Chinese Style: I traveled to Europe.
American Style: I made a trip to Europe.

Chinese Style: I very like swimming.
American Style: I like swimming very much.

Chinese Style: Wait for your turn, please.
American Style: Wait your turn, please.

Chinese Style: What time is your watch.
American Style: What time is it by your watch.

Chinese Style: I don't know what did he say.
American Style: I don't know what he said.

Chinese Style: What do you feel now ?
American Style: How do you feel now ?

Chinese Style: What season do you like best ?
American Style: Which season do you like best ?

Chinese Style: Welcome you to Taiwan.
American Style: Welcome to Taiwan.


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

20800 元 

荣誉之星 驴版 色狼勋章 双鱼座 幸福风车 游山玩水

发表于 2005-7-21 07:28

too long to read.



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

20800 元 

荣誉之星 驴版 色狼勋章 双鱼座 幸福风车 游山玩水

发表于 2005-7-21 07:31
i print them, study if i sleep.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

6380 元 

荣誉之星 天天开星

发表于 2005-7-22 11:27
以下是引用霍克在2005-7-20 18:30:51的发言:
i print them, study if i sleep.

what I have post is just for Mr. Huo to fall asleep?

that is out of my meaning,actually, another kind of usage!!!



Rank: 4

1812 元 
发表于 2005-7-24 01:28

牛大叔说别人是high-hands? 哈哈,自己就是牛人啊。


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