



肝胆相照论坛 论坛 学术讨论& HBV English 存档 1 拉米夫丁对HBV的cccDNA的作用(2005.5)
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拉米夫丁对HBV的cccDNA的作用(2005.5) [复制链接]

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旺旺勋章 大财主勋章 如鱼得水 黑煤窑矿工勋章

发表于 2005-5-12 22:17
Effect of Lamivudine Therapy on the Serum Covalently Closed-Circular (ccc) DNA of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection

  The American Journal of Gastroenterology
May 2005

Man-Fung Yuen, M.D. 1 , Danny Ka-Ho Wong, Ph.D. 1 , Simon Siu-Man Sum, M.Phil. 1 , He-Jun Yuan, Ph.D. 1 , John Chi-Hang Yuen, B.Sc. 1 , Annie On-On Chan, M.D. 1 , Benjamin Chun-Yu Wong, M.D. 1 , and Ching-Lung Lai, M.D. 1

Before reporting on this study here are links to additional reports on cccDNA in HBV:

PegIFN+Adefovir Combination for HBV: cccDNA, seroconversion
http://www.natap.org/2005/EASL/easl_9.htm (EASL Report, April 2005)

Persistence of cccDNA during the natural history of chronic hepatitis B and decline during adefovir therapy (Gastroenterology journal)
http://www.natap.org/2004/HBV/062204_09.htm - 22 Jun 2004

New insight on hepatitis B virus persistence from the study of intrahepatic viral cccDNA (Journal of Hepatology, March 2005)
http://www.natap.org/2005/HBV/021605_03.htm - 16 Feb 2005

Adefovir Reduced HBV Viral Reservoir & HBsAg in Parallel
http://www.natap.org/2004/DDW/ddw_07.htm - 20 May 2004 (DDW Report, May 2004)

Hepatitis B Report: adefovir; Pegasys (EASL 2002)
http://www.natap.org/2002/easl/day3.htm -- 04 Aug 2004

Quantitation of covalently closed circular hepatitis B virus DNA in chronic hepatitis B patients (Hepatology 2004)
http://www.natap.org/2004/HBV/090304_03.htm - 03 Sep 2004

BACK TO STUDY- Lamivudine & cccDNA

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of 1-yr lamivudine treatment on serum covalently closed-circular DNA (cccDNA) level.

PATIENTS AND METHOD: Serum total HBV DNA and cccDNA levels at baseline, week 24, and week 52 were measured in 82 lamivudine-treated patients, 17 of whom received 1-yr placebo and acted as controls.

RESULTS: There was a significant reduction in the cccDNA levels from baseline (median 3.0 x 106 copies/ml) to week 24 (33,476 copies/ml) and week 52 (48,694 copies/ml) (p< 0.001 for both). The median reduction in cccDNA level at week 24 and 52 were 2.21 and 2.12 logs, respectively, which were significantly greater than those of controls (0.31 log, p< 0.001; 0.2 log, p< 0.001, respectively). Fifteen patients (18.3%) developed YMDD mutations by week 52. Compared to patients without YMDD mutations, patients with YMDD mutations had significantly less median reduction of total HBV DNA level (4.44 vs 3.65 logs, respectively, p = 0.02) and cccDNA level (2.27 vs 1.65 logs, respectively, p = 0.016) at week 24 and significantly less median reduction of cccDNA at week 52 (2.35 vs 0.8 logs respectively, p< 0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: One-year lamivudine treatment decreased serum cccDNA level by 2 logs. The chance of YMDD mutations at week 52 was related to the magnitude of viral suppression at week 24.

The replication cycle for hepadnaviurses has been fully characterized. Once hepatitis B virus (HBV) enters hepatocytes, the relaxed-circular DNA (rcDNA) of the HBV will convert into covalently closed-circular DNA (cccDNA) inside the nuclei of the infected hepatocytes (1). This process takes place within 24 h upon the inoculation of HBV in the duck model (2, 3). HBV replicates through reverse transcription of the pregenomic RNA produced from the cccDNA template to form a partially double-stranded rcDNA. This in turn either replenishes the depleted cccDNA pool or is secreted outside the hepatocyte as a complete virion after further processing at the endoplasmic reticulum. Since cccDNA does not undergo semiconservative replication, all the cccDNA inside the hepatocytes is derived from viral DNA produced in the cytoplasm. The production of cccDNA is controlled by a negative feedback mechanism dependent on the amount of envelope proteins inside the hepatocytes (4-6). Therefore, complete eradication of HBV not only relies on the inhibition of the active viral replication that will prevent infection of new hepatocytes, but also requires a total elimination of cccDNA in order to prevent the synthesis of new HBV. In cell cultures with undividing hepatocytes as well as in duck HBV studies, cccDNA is found to have high stability (7, 8).

Studies have shown that cccDNA is detectable in the culture medium of 2.2.15 cells-derived from HEPG2 cells, serum of HBV infected rats and serum of HBV patients (9-11). Recently, we have confirmed that cccDNA can be measured in serum of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients by using an invader assay (12). The invader assay has also been fully and carefully validated in our previous study (12). More importantly, serum cccDNA levels are found to correlate well with intrahepatic cccDNA levels. This allows for serial assessment of intrahepatic cccDNA levels without the necessity of repeated liver biopsies.

One-year lamivudine treatment is associated with 3 logarithmic reductions of total HBV DNA levels (13, 14). According to studies in woodchuck and duck models, lamivudine in combination with another nucleoside analog or immunomodulator can reduce the cccDNA levels (8, 15). The reduction of cccDNA by lamivudine alone in another woodchuck study is demonstrated to be caused by the loss of hepatocytes rather than an actual decrease in cccDNA content inside the hepatocytes (7). To date, the effect of lamivudine therapy on cccDNA in man is unknown. Yet, clinical relapse of CHB after cessation of therapy is probably due to the reactivation of viral replication from the residual cccDNA inside the hepatocytes (16).

We sought to determine the effect of 1-yr lamivudine treatment on the serum cccDNA levels that may reflect its effect on the intrahepatic cccDNA.


It is likely that the majority of cccDNA in the serum originates from infected hepatocytes, which upon cell death release the cccDNA into the circulation. Some other contributions to serum cccDNA may be coming from extrahepatic infected cells such as peripheral blood lymphocytes (19-21).

There were no significant changes in the serum cccDNA levels over a period of 52 wk in the patients receiving placebo. This suggests that the HBV infection was in an equilibrium state in which the rate of replenishment and depletion of cccDNA from hepatocyte cell death were more or less equal.

Studies with the duck and woodchuck models demonstrate that cccDNA levels decrease with lamivudine therapy (8, 15). The decline in cccDNA level is the result of cell death of the hepatocytes in which the active viral replication is halted by lamivudine. Other studies also suggest that cccDNA inside the hepatocytes will also be lost during the process of mitosis (7, 22). To our knowledge, the present study is the first human study to demonstrate that serum cccDNA levels decreased in CHB patients who received lamivudine. Lamivudine probably disrupts the equilibrium state of cccDNA by decreasing the rate of replenishment through inhibition of viral replication in infected hepatocytes. Moreover, nucleoside analogues are also effective in suppressing viral replication in extrahepatic infected cells (23). Irrespective of the sources of serum cccDNA, inhibition of viral replication can be achieved by lamivudine resulting in a significant reduction of serum cccDNA level.

The present study showed that, over a treatment period of 52 wk, the serum cccDNA level decreased by approximately 2 logs. This probably reflects a similar trend of reduction of intrahepatic cccDNA content after 52 wk of lamivudine treatment since we have demonstrated in our previous study that serum cccDNA levels correlate very well with intrahepatic cccDNA levels (12). The measurement of serum cccDNA together with the conventional total serum HBV DNA gives a clearer picture of the decline of HBV replication with nucleoside analogue therapy. Studying the levels of both total HBV DNA and cccDNA in the serum would allow some insight into the decline of both the replicative and nonreplicative form of the virus without the necessity of performing liver biopsies. Since clearance of cccDNA is one of the ultimate aims of the treatment of CHB, estimation of serum cccDNA may provide some indications for the duration of therapy.

The serum total HBV DNA levels increased when YMDD mutations developed though to levels lower than the pretreatment levels. Similarly serum cccDNA levels at week 52 in the 15 patients with YMDD mutations also increased. The median cccDNA level at week 52 for these 15 patients (173,539 copies/ml) was lower than the median level at baseline (924,671 copies/ml), though this was not statistically significant probably due to the small number of patients. This finding is in agreement with the fact that YMDD mutants are less replication competent than YMDD wild type (24, 25). The 67 patients who did not develop the YMDD mutants continued to have further decrease in HBV DNA and cccDNA levels.

Patients with less viral suppression by lamivudine as reflected by lower logarithmic reduction of both the total HBV DNA and cccDNA at week 24 (Table 2& Fig. 2) are associated with a significantly higher chance of development of YMDD mutations at week 52. According to our previous study, high viral load (total HBV DNA level) at 24 wk of lamivudine treatment is associated with a higher chance of subsequent development of YMDD mutation (12). Nucleotide analogue treatment for HBV should target at an early maximal viral suppression to reduce the chance of subsequent development of drug-resistant mutations in the future.

In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that cccDNA could be quantified in serum with significant changes during lamivudine therapy as well as after the development of YMDD mutations. Lamivudine resulted in a decrease in the cccDNA levels by a magnitude of 2 logs. The chance of emergence of YMDD mutations at week 52 was closely related to the magnitude of viral suppression at week 24 of lamivudine therapy. Serum cccDNA monitoring is a potential tool for monitoring antiviral therapy in the future. A reduction to undetectable levels may signify total, or near total, eradication of HBV, though this may require confirmation by intrahepatic cccDNA in liver biopsies.


A total of 82 patients with CHB infection were recruited in the present study. These patients were from three previous clinical trials NUCB3009, NUCB3018, and NUCB4003, sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline research laboratories. These 3 trials randomized a total of 187 patients to different regimes including lamivudine 25 mg daily for 1-2 yr, famciclovir 500 mg three times daily for 12 wk followed by lamivudine 100 mg daily, or lamivudine 100 mg daily at entry into the trials. Seventeen patients were randomized to receive placebo for 1 yr followed by lamivudine 100 mg daily. The 82 patients recruited in the present study were selected because they were either given lamivudine 100 mg daily at the entry into the trials or placebo for 1 yr followed by lamivudine 100 mg daily. These selection criteria were chosen in order to obtain a homogenous population who received either lamivudine 100 mg daily or placebo. The entry criteria for trial NUCB3009/3018 were: patient >=16 yr old, positive hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) for at least 6 months, HBV DNA levels >=1.4 x 106 copies/ml by solution-hybridization assay (Abbott Diagnostics, Chicago, IL) and ALT levels <= 10 x upper limit of normal (ULN) (13). The entry criteria for trial NUCB4003 were: patient >= 16 yr old, positive HBsAg and HBeAg for at least 6 and 3 months, respectively, detectable HBV DNA levels by branched DNA assay (Bayer Corporation, NJ) (lower limit of detection 0.7 x 106 copies/ml), and ALT levels between 1.3-10 x ULN (17). All three trials were approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and were conducted in the Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. Sixty-five of these patients were randomized on lamivudine 100 mg daily at the beginning of the trial. The remaining 17 patients were randomized to receive placebo during the first 52 wk and subsequently received lamivudine 100 mg daily. Total HBV DNA and cccDNA levels of these 17 patients during the initial 52 wk on placebo acted as control for comparison with the values obtained during 52 wk of lamivudine treatment (that is the second year data of these 17 patients receiving lamivudine 100 mg for the first time after week 52 together with the initial 52-wk data from the other 65 patients).

The clinical profiles and liver biochemistry of the patients were monitored. Serum taken and stored at -70¡C at baseline (before the first dose of lamivudine), week 24, and week 52 were thawed to measure total HBV DNA and cccDNA levels.

Measurement of Serum Total and cccDNA Levels

The serum total HBV DNA levels were measured by the Cobas Amplicor HBV Monitor test (Roche Diagnostics, Branchburg, NJ) (lower limit of detection of 200 copies/ml).

The serum cccDNA was measured by the Invader¨ HBV DNA assay (Third Wave Technologies, Inc., Madison, WI), which has a lower limit of detection of 104 copies/ml. The detailed methodology was described in a previous paper (12).

Determination of YMDD Mutations

The mutations of the tyrosine, methionine, aspartate, aspartate (YMDD) motif [methionine either substituted by isoleucine (rtM204I) or valine (rtM204V)] in the C domain and leucine substituted by methonine (rtL180M) in the B domain of the HBV DNA polymerase gene were determined in all the lamivudine-treated patients at week 52 by the line probe assay (INNO-LiPA HBV DR, Innogenetics NV, Belgium) as described in our previous study (18).

Statistical Analysis

The data was analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test for the continuous ordinal data, chi 2 test with Yates' correction, and Fisher exact test for the association between two qualitative variables. The differences in paired samples were tested by Wilcoxon signed ranks test. p-Values of less than 0.05 were considered as statistically significant.


The demographic data and the liver biochemistry of the 82 patients (65 on lamivudine 100 mg daily from the start of the trials, and 17 on placebo for 52 wk followed by lamivudine 100 mg daily) are listed in Table 1. There were no differences in the parameters between the two groups of patients (all p = NS).

Total HBV and cccDNA Levels on Placebo

For the 17 patients on placebo for 52 wk, there were no significant changes in the median total HBV DNA level and cccDNA level from baseline to week 24 and to week 52 [total HBV DNA: 7.7 x 107 (range 1.7 x 105 to 3.5 x 1011) vs 3.2 x 106 (range 18,500 to 2.9 x 1011) and vs 5.1 x 108 (range 17,000 to 5.1 x 1011) respectively, p = 0.41 and 0.49 respectively; cccDNA: 4.9 x 106 (range 0 to 7.3 x 107) vs 1.8 x 105 (range 0 to 3.7 x 107) and vs 8.6 x 105 (range 0 to 2.6 x 107) respectively, p = 0.10 and 0.11, respectively].

Total HBV and cccDNA Levels of Patients on Lamivudine for 52 Wk

For the 82 patients receiving lamivudine, there was a significant reduction in the total HBV DNA levels from a median level of 1.58 x 109 (range 17,600 to 5.3 x 1011) copies/ml at baseline to a median level of 66,600 (range <200 to 2.52 x 1010) copies/ml at week 24 (p< 0.001) and a median level of 169,000 (range <200 to 2.45 x 1010) copies/ml at week 52 (p< 0.001). There was also a significant reduction in the cccDNA level from a median level of 3.0 x 106 (range <10,000 to 6.15 x 107) copies/ml at baseline to a median level of 33,476 (range <10,000 to 1.63 x 107) copies/ml at week 24 (p< 0.001) and a median level of 48,694 (range <10,000 to 5.6 x 106) copies/ml at week 52 (p< 0.001).

Comparisons of HBV DNA and cccDNA Levels between Patients on Lamivudine and Placebo

The median total HBV DNA and cccDNA levels at baseline, week 24, and week 52 in lamivudine treated patients and control patients are plotted in logarithmic scale in Figure 1. Patients receiving lamivudine had a significantly greater reduction of median logarithmic total HBV DNA levels at week 24 and week 52 compared to those of control patients [4.4 (range -0.55 to 7.07) vs 0.64 (range -0.78 to 2.86), respectively, p< 0.001 at week 24; 4.1 (range -0.76 to 7.64) vs 0.13 (range -3.63 to 2.19), respectively, p< 0.001 at week 52]. Similarly, lamivudine treated patients had a significantly greater reduction of median logarithmic cccDNA levels at week 24 and week 52 compared to those of control patients [2.21 (range -2.1 to 7.45) vs 0.31 (range -0.84 to 7.87) respectively, p< 0.001 at week 24; 2.12 (-0.93-7.35) vs 0.20 (range -1.07 to 3.05) respectively, p< 0.001 at week 52].

Effects of YMDD Mutations on cccDNA Levels

Fifteen patients (18.3%) developed YMDD mutations by 52 wk. Of these, six patients (40%) also had the concomitant mutations of rtL180M. The median logarithmic reduction of cccDNA at week 52 was significantly less in patients with YMDD mutations compared to patients without YMDD mutations [0.80 (range -0.58 to 6.17) vs 2.35 (range -0.64 to 7.35), respectively, p< 0.001] (Fig. 2). Though the median cccDNA level at week 52 in the 15 patients with YMDD mutations was less than that at baseline [173,539 (range <10000 to 3,551,992) vs 924,671 (range 108,149-31,209,948) copies/ml respectively], the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.36). Patients with subsequent development of YMDD mutations by week 52 in fact already had a lower median logarithmic reduction of cccDNA at week 24 than patients without YMDD mutations [1.65 (range -0.27 to 6.17) vs 2.27 (range -0.21 to 7.35) respectively, p = 0.015] (Fig. 2).

Effects of Total HBV and cccDNA Reduction at 24 Wk on the Development of YMDD Mutations

Compared to patients without YMDD mutations at week 52, patients with YMDD mutations at week 52 had a significantly lower median logarithmic reduction of total HBV DNA levels and cccDNA levels at week 24 [total HBV DNA: 4.44 (range -0.24 to 7.07) vs 3.65 (-0.55 to 6.84), respectively, p = 0.02; cccDNA: 2.27 (-0.21 to 7.45) vs 1.65 (range -0.07 to 6.17), respectively, p = 0.016)]. The chances of YMDD mutations at week 52 for patients with respect to the different magnitude of logarithmic reduction in the total HBV DNA levels and cccDNA levels at week 24 are listed in Table 2. These data suggest that greater viral suppression as reflected by total HBV DNA and cccDNA at week 24 was associated with a lower chance of YMDD mutations at week 52.


1. Seeger C, Mason WS. Hepatitis B virus biology. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 2000;64: 51-68.

2. Mason WS, Halpern MS, England JM, et al. Experimental transmission of duck hepatitis B virus. Virology 1983;131: 375-84.

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8. Addison WR, Walters KA, Wong WWS, et al. Half-life of the duck hepatitis B virus covalently closed circular DNA pool in vivo following inhibition of viral replication. J Virol 2002;76: 6356-63.

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13. Lai CL, Chien RN, Leung NWY, et al. A one-year trial of lamivudine for chronic hepatitis B. N Engl J Med 1998;339: 61-8.

14. Dienstag JL, Schiff ER, Wright TL, et al. Lamivudine as initial treatment for chronic hepatitis B in the United States. N Engl J Med 1999;341: 1256-63.

15. Zhou T, Guo JT, Nunes FA, et al. Combination therapy with lamivudine and adenovirus causes transient suppression of chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus infections. J Virol 2000;74: 11754-63.

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17. Lai CL, Yuen MF, Hui CK, et al. A comparison of the efficacy of lamivudine and famciclovir in Asian patients with chronic hepatitis B: Results of 24 weeks of therapy. J Med Virol 2002;67: 334-8.

18. Yuen MF, Sablon E, Hui CK, et al. Factors predicting hepatitis B virus DNA breakthrough in patients receiving prolonged lamivudine therapy. Hepatology 2001;34(4 Pt 1):785-91.

19. Stoll-Becker S, Repp R, Gleve D, et al. Transcription of hepatitis B virus in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from persistently infected patients. J Virol 1997;71: 5399-407.

20. Torii N, Hasegawa K, Joh R, et al. Configuration and replication competence of hepatitis B virus DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from chronic hepatitis B patients and patients who have recovered from acute self-limited hepatitis. Hepatol Res 2003;25: 234-3.

21. Cabrerizo M, BartolomŽ J, Caramelo C, et al. Molecular analysis of hepatitis B virus DNA in serum and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from hepatitis B surface antigen-negative cases. Hepatology 2000;32: 116-23.

22. Zhu Y, Yamamoto T, Cullen J, et al. Kinetics of hepadnavirus loss from the liver during inhibition of viral DNA synthesis. J Virol 2001;75: 311-22.

23. Tsiquaye KN, Slomka MJ, Maung M. Oral famciclovir against duck hepatitis B virus replication in hepatic and nonhepatic tissues of ducklings infected in ovo. J Med Virol 1994;42: 306-10.

24. Melegari M, Scaglioni PP, Wands JR. Hepatitis B virus mutants associated with 3TC and famciclovir administration are replication defective. Hepatology 1998;27: 628-33.

25. Ono-Nita SK, Kato N, Shiratori Y, et al. YMDD motif in hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase influences on replication and lamivudine resistance: A study by in vitro full-length viral DNA transfection. Hepatology 1999;29: 939-45.  

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

9100 元 
发表于 2005-5-13 09:57


Lamivudine 治疗对浆液的效果共有原子价关闭- 慢性肝炎 B 传染的圆形 (ccc) DNA

肠胃病学的美国日记 2005 年五月

为-配备人手 Fung Yuen ,医学博士 1,丹尼千安培- 引人注意 Wong ,博士 1 Siu- 男人的总数, M.Phil 的西蒙。 1,他- 六月元,博士 1,X - 悬挂的 Yuen , B.Sc 的约翰。 1,在- 之上 Chan ,医学博士 1 之上的, Chun- Yu 的 Wong ,医学博士 1 和清朝- 肺的 Lai ,医学博士 1 的班杰民的安妮

在这一个研究这里上报告之前是对 HBV 的在 cccDNA 上的另外报告的联编:

PegIFN+ Adefovir 组合对于 HBV: cccDNA,seroconversion http:// www.natap.org/2005/EASL/easl_9.htm(EASL 报告,2005 年四月)

在慢性肝炎 B 和在 adefovir 治疗的时候衰微的博物学的时候 cccDNA 的持续 (肠胃病学日记) http:// www.natap.org/2004/HBV/062204_09. htm- 22 2004 年六月

来自 intrahepatic 的研究在肝炎 B 病毒持续上的新洞察力滤过性毒菌的 cccDNA(Hepatology 的日记,2005 年三月) http:// www.natap.org/2005/HBV/021605_03. htm- 16 2005 年二月

Adefovir 减少了平行的 HBV 滤过性毒菌的水库 & HBsAg http:// www.natap.org/2004/DDW/ddw_07.htm- 20 2004 年五月 (DDW 报告,2004 年五月)

肝炎 B 报告: adefovir; Pegasys(EASL 2002) http:// www.natap.org/2002/easl/day3.htm-- 04 2004 年八月

慢性的肝炎 B 病人的共有原子价关闭圆形的肝炎 B 病毒 DNA 的 Quantitation(Hepatology 2004) http:// www.natap.org/2004/HBV/090304_03. htm- 03 2004 年九月


摘要 目的: 决定 1 yr lamivudine 治疗对浆液的效果共有原子价关闭- 圆形的 DNA(cccDNA) 水平。

病人及方法:浆液总 HBV DNA 和 cccDNA 水平在基线,星期 24 和星期 52 在 82位 lamivudine 对待的病人身上被测量,其中的 17 个收到了 1 yr 的安慰,而且担任控制。

结果: 在从基线 (中动脉 3.0 x 106 副本/毫升) 到星期 24(33,476 副本/毫升) 的 cccDNA 水平和星期 52(48,694 副本/毫升) 中有重要的减少.( p<0.001 为两者的) cccDNA 水平的中央减少在星期 24 和 52 是 2.21 和 2.12个圆木,分别地, 重要地是比控制棒的 (0.31个圆木,p<0.001; 0.2 圆木, p<0.001,分别地). 十五位病人 (18.3%) 在星期 52 之前发展了 YMDD 变化。与有 YMDD 变化的没有 YMDD 变化的病人 , 病人相较有了总 HBV DNA 水平 (4.44 相对 3.65个圆木,分别地,p=0.02) 的重要比较不中央减少而且 cccDNA 在星期 52 针对星期 24 和 cccDNA 的重要比较不中央减少。 (2.35 分别地相对 0.8个圆木,p<0.001)

结论: 年的 lamivudine 治疗减少了浆液 cccDNA 水平 2 圆木。 YMDD 变化的机会在星期 52 被在星期 24 对滤过性毒菌抑压的大小讲。

介绍 为 hepadnaviurses 的回答周期完全已经被表示的特色。一经肝炎 B 病毒 (HBV) 进入 hepatocytes, 那放松-HBV 的圆形 DNA(rcDNA) 将会在受传染的 hepatocytes 的核里进入共有原子价关闭- 圆形的 DNA(cccDNA) 之内转换。 (1) 这一个程序在鸭子模型的 HBV 的接插芽之上在 24 h 里面发生。 (2,3) HBV 复制过从 cccDNA 型板被生产的 pregenomic RNA 的反面抄写形成部份加倍- 孤立无援的 rcDNA 。 这依次不是再补足耗损的 cccDNA 池就是被在进一步的在 endoplasmic 网状质处理之后在如完全的 virion 的 hepatocyte 之外隐秘。既然 cccDNA 不遭受 semiconservative 回答, hepatocytes 里的所有 cccDNA 起源于在细胞质中被生产的滤过性毒菌的 DNA 。 cccDNA 的制造在 hepatocytes 里被一个否定的回应机制在信封蛋白质的数量上的受扶养者控制。 (4-6) 因此, 完成 HBV 的根除不但仰赖将会避免新 hepatocytes 的传染活跃的滤过性毒菌的回答禁止 , 而且为了要避免新 HBV 的综合 , 需要一个 cccDNA 的总除去。在细胞中由于不分开 hepatocytes 耕种和在鸭子 HBV 中学习,cccDNA 被发现有高的安定。 (7,8)

研究已经显示, cccDNA 是可发觉的在文化媒体中 2.2.15 细胞源自的从 HEPG2 细胞, HBV 的浆液传染了鼠和 HBV 病人的浆液。 (9-11) 最近,我们已经确认 cccDNA 藉由使用一个侵略者化验能在慢性肝炎 B(CHB) 的浆液中被测量病人。 (12) 侵略者化验也完全而且小心地已经在我们的早先研究中被有效。 (12) 更重要,浆液 cccDNA 水平被发现以 intrahepatic cccDNA 水平使有相互关系得好。 这考虑到没有重复肝脏活组织切片检查的需要 intrahepatic cccDNA 水平的连续评估。

年的 lamivudine 治疗与 3 对数总 HBV DNA 水平的减少有关。 (13,14) 依照土拨鼠和鸭子模型的研究,和另外的一个 nucleoside 类比或 immunomodulator 的组合 lamivudine 能减少 cccDNA 水平。 (8,15)独自地在另外的一项土拨鼠研究的 lamivudine 的 cccDNA 的减少被示范由 hepatocytes 的损失所引起,并非 cccDNA 方面的真实减少在 hepatocytes 里满足。 (7) 为了要约会, lamivudine 治疗对男人的 cccDNA 的效果是未知的。 然而,在治疗的停止后的 CHB 的临床复旧在 hepatocytes 里或许是由于来自剩余的 cccDNA 的滤过性毒菌回答的复活。 (16)

我们寻找决定 1 yr lamivudine 治疗对可能反映在 intrahepatic cccDNA 上的它效果的浆液 cccDNA 水平的效果。


资讯科技是有可能的,在浆液中的多数 cccDNA 起于受传染的 hepatocytes,这在细胞死亡之上释放 cccDNA 进循环之内。 对浆液 cccDNA 的一些其他的贡献可能来自 extrahepatic 受传染的细胞 , 像是周边的血淋巴球。 (19-21)

没有病人收受安慰的在时期的 52 wk 上的在浆液 cccDNA 水平方面的重要改变。 这建议 HBV 传染是在来自 hepatocyte 细胞死亡的再补足的比率和 cccDNA 的消耗或多或少相等的平衡州中。

和鸭子和土拨鼠模型的研究示范 cccDNA 水平以 lamivudine 治疗减少。 (8,15) cccDNA 水平的衰微是活跃的滤过性毒菌的回答被 lamivudine 停止的 hepatocytes 的细胞死亡的结果。 其他的研究也建议 cccDNA 在 hepatocytes 里也将会在有丝分裂的程序期间被遗失。 (7,22) 到我们的知识,现在的研究是第一个人类研究示范浆液 cccDNA 水平在收到了 lamivudine 的 CHB 病人中减少。 Lamivudine 或许藉由经过受传染的 hepatocytes 的滤过性毒菌回答的禁止减退再补足的比率打乱 cccDNA 的平衡状态。 而且, nucleoside 类似物在镇压 extrahepatic 受传染的细胞滤过性毒菌的回答方面也是有效的。 (23) 不顾的浆液 cccDNA 的来源,滤过性毒菌回答的禁止能被造成浆液 cccDNA 水平的重要减少的 lamivudine 达成。

现在的研究表示, 在治疗之上时期的 52 wk,被大约 2个圆木减少的浆液 cccDNA 水平。 因为我们已经在我们的早先研究中示范浆液 cccDNA 水平以 intrahepatic cccDNA 水平使有相互关系得很好,这或许反映在 lamivudine 治疗的 52 wk 后的 intrahepatic cccDNA 内容的一个减少的相似趋势。 (12) 浆液 cccDNA 的测量连同传统的总浆液 HBV DNA 一起用 nucleoside 类似物治疗给 HBV 回答的衰微一张较清楚的照片。 学习浆液的总 HBV DNA 和 cccDNA 的水平会允许对衰微的一些洞察两者的那重复的和非重复形式的没有表演肝脏活组织切片检查的需要病毒。 既然 cccDNA 的清除是 CHB 的治疗终极目标之一,浆液 cccDNA 的判断可能提供一些指示给期间的治疗。

浆液当 YMDD 变化虽然发展到水平低度的超过那处理前的时候,总 HBV DNA 水平增加。 同样地浆液 cccDNA 水平在星期 52 在 15位病人中以 YMDD 变化也增加。 中央的 cccDNA 水平在星期 52 对于这 15位病人 (173,539 副本/毫升) 在基线 (924,671 副本/毫升) 是低度的超过那中央的, 虽然这不以统计上来看是重要的或许适当到病人的小数字。这一个发现是在与 YMDD 突变异种是较少的回答能干的事实协议中胜于 YMDD 野性的类型。 (24,25) 67位没有发展 YMDD 突变异种的病人继续有 HBV DNA 和 cccDNA 水平的比较远的减少。

有如比较低对数减少所反映的 lamivudine 的比较不滤过性毒菌抑压的病人两者的总 HBV DNA 和 cccDNA 在星期 24(表 2& 图 2) 在星期 52 与 YMDD 变化的一个发展的重要比较高机会有关。 依照我们的早先研究,高的滤过性毒菌的负荷 (总 HBV DNA 水平) 以 lamivudine 治疗的 24 wk 与 YMDD 变化的一个后来发展的较高机会有关。 (12) 为 HBV 的核甘类似物治疗应该对准一个早的最大滤过性毒菌的抑压未来减少药- 反抗的变化后来发展的机会。

在结论中,现在的研究示范 cccDNA 可能被在 lamivudine 治疗期间在和重要的变化浆液中和在 YMDD 变化的发展之后定量。 Lamivudine 造成 2个圆木的大小 cccDNA 水平方面的减少。 YMDD 变化的出现机会在星期 52 接近地在星期 24 的 lamivudine 治疗对滤过性毒菌抑压的大小被讲。 浆液 cccDNA 监听未来是监听的一个潜在的工具抗病毒的治疗。 对无法发觉的水平减少可能象征总数,或在总数, HBV 的根除附近,虽然这可能需要肝脏活组织切片检查的 intrahepatic cccDNA 的证实。

病人和方法 病人

由于 CHB 传染的总数为 82位病人目前被恢复研究。 这些病人来自三早先的临床试验 NUCB3009 , NUCB3018 和 NUCB4003,被 GlaxoSmithKline 赞助研究实验室。 这 3 试验随机化了总数为 187位病人到对于 1-2 yr 是每日的包括 lamivudine 25个毫克的不同政权,进入试验之内每日的在进入的对 12 每日被 lamivudine 跟随 100个毫克的 wk, 或 lamivudine 是每日的 100个毫克的 famciclovir 500个毫克三次。 十七位病人被随机化为 1 每日被 lamivudine 跟随 100个毫克的 yr 接受安慰。82位在目前被恢复研究的病人是挑选的因为他们或对于 1 每日被 lamivudine 跟随 100个毫克的 yr 进入试验或安慰之内在进入每日是给予的 lamivudine 100个毫克。这些选择标准为了要每日获得收到的同种人口或 lamivudine 100个毫克 , 被选择或安慰。 进入对试验的 NUCB3009 的标准/3018 是: 病人 >=16 yr 旧又积极的肝炎 B 至少 6个月的表面抗原 (HBsAg) 和肝炎 B e 抗原 (HBeAg), HBV DNA 水平 >=1.4 x 解决的 106 副本/ 毫升- 杂交化验 (Abbott 诊断,芝加哥,IL) 和中高音水平 <=10 x 常态 (ULN) 的上面界限.(13) 进入对试验的 NUCB4003 的标准是:病人 >=16 yr 至少 6 和 3个月的旧又积极的 HBsAg 和 HBeAg,分别地,分枝的 DNA 的可发觉 HBV DNA 水平化验 (海湾公司,NJ)( 比较低的发现 0.7 x 106 副本/毫升的界限) ,而且中高音在 1.3-10 x ULN 之间消除。 (17) 所有的三试验被香港,香港的大学道德规范委员会核准了, 而且在医学部中被引导, 香港,玛丽皇后医院,香港的大学。 这些病人中的六十五位被随机化在 lamivudine 上 100个毫克每日的从最初的地方试验。 剩余的 17位病人每日在最初 52 wk 和后来被一般承认的 lamivudine 期间被随机化接受安慰 100个毫克。 在安慰上的开始 52 wk 的时候这 17位病人的总 HBV DNA 和 cccDNA 水平为和在 lamivudine 治疗的 52 wk 期间被获得的价值比较担任控制。 ( 从另一个 65位病人在星期 52 之后第一次连同开始的 52 wk 的数据一起是这 17位病人第二年数据收受 lamivudine 100个毫克)

临床的描绘和病人的肝脏生物化学被检测。 被轮流而且储存的浆液在 -70?C 在基线 (在 lamivudine 的第一份剂量之前) ,星期 24 和星期 52 被融解测量总 HBV DNA 和 cccDNA 水平。

浆液总数和 cccDNA 水平的测量

总 HBV DNA 水平被 Cobas Amplicor HBV 监视器测量了的浆液测试 (Roche 诊断, Branchburg,NJ)(200 副本/毫升的发现较低的界限) 。 (降低 200 副本/毫升的发现界限)

浆液 cccDNA 被侵略者 ¨ HBV DNA 测量了化验 (第三种波技术,公司,麦迪逊,WI),有 104 副本/毫升的一个发现的较低界限。 详细的方法学在一张早先的纸中被描述。 (12)

YMDD 变化的决心

酪胺酸, methionine , aspartate 的变化, aspartate(YMDD) 主题 [ methionine 或被 isoleucine(rtM204I) 或 valine(rtM204V) 替换] 在 C 领域和在 HBV DNA polymerase 基因的 B 领域中被 methonine(rtL180M) 替换的白氨酸中被如我们的早先研究所描述的线探查化验 (INNO- LiPA 的 HBV 医生, Innogenetics NV 比利时) 在星期 52 在所有的 lamivudine 对待的病人身上决定了.(18)


数据被曼分析了-惠特尼为连续的顺序数据测试,对于在二个性质上的变数之间的协会 X 和橡胶树的订正 2个测试 , 和渔夫精确的测试。 成双成对的样品不同被被签署等级测试的 Wilcoxon 测试了。 p- 价值少于 0.05 以统计上来看被认为是重要的。


82位病人 (65 在 lamivudine 上 100个毫克每日的从试验的开始, 和 17 在安慰上对于 52 被 lamivudine 跟随 100个毫克的 wk 每日的) 人口统计学的数据和肝脏生物化学在表 1 中被列出。 没有在二群病人 (所有的 p=NS) 之间的叁数不同。

在安慰上的总 HBV 和 cccDNA 水平

对于在安慰上的 17位病人对于 52 wk, 没有在中央的总 HBV DNA 水平方面的重要改变而且 cccDNA 从基线到星期 24 和星期 52[ 消除总 HBV DNA: 7.7 x 107(范围 1.7 x 105 到 3.5 x 1011) 分别地相对 3.2 x 106( 范围 18,500 到 2.9 x 1011) 和 5.1 x 108( 范围 17,000 到 5.1 x 1011),分别地的 p=0.41 和 0.49; cccDNA: 4.9 x 106( 范围 0 到 7.3 x 107) 分别地相对 1.8 x 105( 范围 0 到 3.7 x 107) 和 8.6 x 105( 范围 0 到 2.6 x 107),p=0.10 和 0.11,分别地].

为 52 Wk 的在 Lamivudine 上的病人总 HBV 和 cccDNA 水平

对于收到 lamivudine 的 82位病人, 对中央水平的 66,600(范围 <200 到 2.52 x 1010) 副本/ 毫升在星期 52(p<0.001) 以星期 24(p<0.001) 和中央水平的 169,000(范围 <200 到 2.45 x 1010) 副本/ 毫升在基线有来自中央水平的 1.58 x 109( 范围 17,600 到 5.3 x 1011) 的总 HBV DNA 水平的重要减少副本/ 毫升. 对中央水平的 33,476(范围 <10,000 到 1.63 x 107) 副本/ 毫升在星期 52(p<0.001) 以星期 24(p<0.001) 和中央水平的 48,694(范围 <10,000 到 5.6 x 106) 副本/ 毫升在基线也有来自中央水平的 3.0 x 106(范围 <10,000 到 6.15 x 107) 的 cccDNA 水平的重要减少副本/ 毫升。

在 Lamivudine 和安慰上的在病人之间的 HBV DNA 和 cccDNA 水平的比较

中央的总 HBV DNA 和 cccDNA 在被对待病人在图 1 的对数刻度中被计画翻译的病人和控制的 lamivudine 中针对基线,星期 24 和星期 52 。 在被与控制病人 [4.4(范围 -0.55 到 7.07) 的相较星期 24 和星期 52 收到 lamivudine 的病人有了中央对数的总 HBV DNA 水平的重要比较棒减少相对 0.64(范围 -0.78 到 2.86),分别地,在星期 24 的 p<0.001; 4.1(范围 -0.76 到 7.64) 相对 0.13(范围 -3.63 到 2.19),分别地,在星期 52] 的 p<0.001.同样地,被对待病人的 lamivudine 在被与控制病人 [2.21(范围 -2.1 到 7.45) 的相较星期 24 和星期 52 有了中央对数的 cccDNA 水平的重要比较棒减少相对 0.31(范围 -0.84 到 7.87) 分别地,在星期 24 的 p<0.001; 2.12(-0.93-7.35) 相对 0.20(范围 -1.07 到 3.05) 分别地,在星期 52] 的 p<0.001.

YMDD 变化对 cccDNA 水平的效果

十五位病人 (18.3%) 发展了 YMDD 变化 52 wk 。 这些,六位病人 (40%) 也有了 rtL180M 的伴随变化。 cccDNA 的中央对数减少在星期 52 以被与没有 YMDD 变化 [0.80(范围 -0.58 到 6.17) 的病人相较的 YMDD 变化重要地是比较少的在病人中相对 2.35(范围 -0.64 到 7.35),分别地,p<0.001](图 2). 虽然中央的 cccDNA 水平分别地相对 924,671(范围 108,149-31,209,948) 副本/ 毫升在星期 52 在 15位病人中以 YMDD 变化比基线 [173,539 更少 (范围 <10000 到 3,551,992)],不同不以统计上来看是重要的 (p=0.36) 。 由于 YMDD 变化的后来发展的病人在星期 52 之前事实上已经跟没有 YMDD 变化 [1.65(范围 -0.27 到 6.17) 的病人比起来在星期 24 有了较低的中动脉 cccDNA 的对数减少相对 2.27(范围 -0.21 到 7.35) 分别地, p=0.015](图 2).

总 HBV 和 cccDNA 减少的效果以在 YMDD 变化的发展上的 24 Wk

在星期 52 与没有 YMDD 变化的病人相较,有 YMDD 变化的病人在星期 52 在星期 24[ 总 HBV DNA 有重要比较低的中动脉总 HBV DNA 水平和 cccDNA 水平的对数减少: 4.44(范围 -0.24 到 7.07) 相对 3.65(-0.55 到 6.84),分别地,p=0.02; cccDNA: 2.27(-0.21 到 7.45) 相对 1.65(范围 -0.07 到 6.17),分别地,p=0.016)]. YMDD 变化的机会在星期 52 对于有关于总 HBV DNA 水平和 cccDNA 水平的对数减少的不同大小的病人在星期 24 在表 2 中被列出。 这些数据意味着在星期 24 的如总 HBV DNA 和 cccDNA 所反映的比较棒的滤过性毒菌的抑压在星期 52 与一个 YMDD 变化的较低机会有关。


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