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基因沉默(eiRNA->HBV)技术治疗HBV! [复制链接]

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发表于 2004-9-21 05:57
一项快速干扰RNA技术专利权的争议 关键字:专利|RNA干扰 www.ebiotrade.com  时间:2004-9-9    来源: 【字体:大 中 小】 【打印本稿】 【读后感言】 【推荐 】 【关闭】 Nucleonics公司质疑Benitec公司在澳大利亚专利权的有效性 Nucleonics是一家生 物技术公司,致力于开发创新而快速的核糖核酸(RNA)干扰疗法(eiRNA)。该公司今天宣布他们已经向澳大利亚专利委员会提交了一份名为“控制基因表达”的文件,请求对Benitec公司和澳大利亚联邦科学和工业研究组织(CSIRO)的澳大利亚专利号743316进行重新审查。该请求引用了24份前案出版物,表明该项专利申请是无效的,因为其缺乏创新性且未涉及任何发明步骤。Nucleonics公司还认为此专利申请十分模糊,而且说明书中缺乏足够的支持材料。 2004年3月,Benitec公司引用其在美国公布的专利号6,573,099,在美国起诉Nucleonics和其它公司侵权。此外,Benitec公司在澳大利亚提交了一份反对文件,反对RNA干扰疗法中生殖发明专利(即Fire/Mello专利)的批准,然而却未能在其全球范围的申请中引用这一重要的早期工作成果。Benitec公司和CSIRO公司还分别在澳大利亚反对一项由Syngenta Limited公司提交的名为“基因沉默(机制)”的发明专利的批准。 Nucleonics公司的首席执行官Robert Towarnicki说:“Nucleonics公司认为Benitec公司的知识产权组合不仅在澳大利亚、而且在美国和世界上的任何其它地方都具有致命的缺陷我们希望能强有力地维护我们在全球持续开发乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎等慢性病毒疾病疗法的权力。” 关于快速干扰RNA(Expressed Interfering RNA,eiRNA) 转录后水平的基因沉默(PTGS)也被称为RNA干扰或RNAi,是一种通过目标mRNA(信使RNA)的降解,使基因在序列特异形式下沉默的现象。研究者认为RNAi可能会以一种创新的方式提供潜在的机能使致病基因沉默,这其中包括已经被诸如乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎或HIV病毒感染过的基因,以及会诱发发炎性疾病及癌症的基因。 Nucleonics公司是Fire/Mello RNAi技术的特许公司,从事eiRNA的研究开发。在这个过程中,科学家把准备编入相关双链RNA(dsRNA)的质粒DNA植入目标细胞中,让细胞产生并传递特定的双链RNA顺序,然后,细胞的机制会使双链RNA裂开,形成特别编码的siRNA(即短干扰RNA),使目标基因沉默。Nucleonics公司的研究者已经能够用这种方法制造长链或短链的双链RNA,稳定地让基因在相关细胞株中沉默,[B]其中包括乙型肝炎和HIV中的病毒。此外,他们还使多样基因及HBV的复制在成年实验老鼠中“沉默”,而且没有产生干扰反应。作为基于DNA的疫苗研究领域的一部分,Nucleonics公司用于表达双链RNA的质粒DNA在本新闻发布时已在500位病人中得到证明对人体是安全的。Nucleonics公司最初使用本技术的目的是为乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎的病毒传染开发eiRNA疗法。 关于Nucleonics公司 Nucleonics公司成立于2001年1月,是一家致力于开发创新核糖核酸(RNA)干扰疗法的新兴的生物技术公司,此疗法可用于治疗病毒性及其它种类的疾病。私人拥有的Nucleonics公司总部设在宾夕法尼亚州的Horsham。(http://www.ebiotrade.com/)

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-25 13:03:50编辑过]


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发表于 2004-9-21 23:53
(BW)(PA-NUCLEONICS) Nucleonics Challenges Validity of Benitec's Australian Patent BusinessEditors/Health/MedicalWritersBIOWIRE2KHORSHAM, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 7, 2004--Nucleonics, Inc., a biotechnology company focused on the development of novel expressed RNA interference-based (eiRNA) therapeutics, announced today that it has filed with The Commissioner of Patents in Australia a Request for Re-Examination of Benitec and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation's (CSIRO) Australian Patent Number 743316, entitled "Control of Gene Expression." The Request cites 24 prior art publications showing that the patent claims are invalid because they lack novelty and do not involve an inventive step. Nucleonics also believes that the claims are ambiguous and lack adequate support in the specification.In March 2004, Benitec filed an infringement suit in the United States against Nucleonics and others, citing its US issued patent Number 6,573,099. In addition, Benitec has filed an opposition in Australia to the grant of a patent for the seminal invention in RNA interference, the Fire/Mello Patent, while failing to cite this important earlier work in its own applications around the world. Benitec and CSIRO, independently, are also opposing the grant of a patent in Australia for an invention entitled "Gene Silencing" by Syngenta Limited. "Nucleonics believes the Benitec intellectual property portfolio is fatally flawed, not only in Australia, but in the United States and elsewhere as well," said Robert Towarnicki, Nucleonics' chief executive officer. "We intend to vigorously defend our right to continue to develop needed therapeutics for chronic viral diseases such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C around the world."About Expressed Interfering RNA (eiRNA)Post-transcriptional gene silencing, also known as RNA interference or RNAi, is a phenomenon in which genes are silenced in a sequence-specific manner through targeted mRNA (messenger RNA) degradation. Researchers believe RNAi may offer potential as a novel way to silence genes involved in disease, including genes encoded by viruses such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV, as well as genes involved in the establishment of inflammatory diseases and cancer. Nucleonics is licensed under the Fire/Mello RNAi technology and employs an expressed interfering RNA (eiRNA) approach, whereby scientists insert plasmid DNA coding for relevant double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into targeted cells, letting the cells produce and deliver specific dsRNA sequences. Cellular mechanisms then cleave the dsRNA into specifically encoded siRNAs (short interfering RNA), which silence the targeted genes. Nucleonics' researchers have shown the ability of long or short dsRNA strands produced in this way to stably silence genes, including Hepatitis B and HIV, in relevant cell lines. Moreover, they have silenced multiple genes, as well as HBV replication, in adult mice without triggering an interferon response. The plasmid DNA approach used by Nucleonics for expression of dsRNA has demonstrated human safety in over 500 patients to date, as part of research in the field of DNA-based vaccines. Nucleonics is initially directing its technology to the development of eiRNA therapeutics for Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus infections.About Nucleonics, Inc. Nucleonics, founded in January 2001, is an emerging biotechnology company focused on the development of novel RNA interference-based therapeutics for viral and other diseases. Privately owned Nucleonics is headquartered in Horsham, Pennsylvania. --30--MGO/sf*CONTACT: Nucleonics, Inc.Robert Towarnicki, [email protected]/Martin AssociatesJoan Kureczka, [email protected] Nucleonics, Inc.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-25 12:37:42编辑过]


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发表于 2004-9-22 00:04
The Sound of RNA Silencing

by JR Minkel | 八月 01 '04

Drug developers have long pinned hopes on a series of technologies derived from the properties of short ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymers, or oligonucleotides. Antisense technology, one of the best known approaches, is intended to prevent the messenger RNA of an undesired gene from becoming a protein by gumming it up with a short, complementary RNA molecule. Aside from the still incompletely solved challenges of making such molecules stable and tissue-specific, antisense and other RNA technologies often have the added burden of being foreign to the cell. "You're trying to force something onto a cell that it doesn't know what to do with," says Nassim Usman, PhD, chief operating officer, Sirna Therapeutics Inc., Boulder, Colo.

The situation changed dramatically in 1998 when researchers discovered a natural and widespread system for taking out messenger RNAs, called RNA interference (RNAi). A slew of companies sprang up or, like Sirna (formerly Ribozyme Pharmaceuticals, which focused on a technology for cleaving one RNA with another, called a ribozyme), reinvented themselves to turn RNAi into a therapeutic tool. "Here comes something that's 100 to 1,000 times more potent [than previous technologies] based on RNA," says Usman. "It was a pretty easy choice" to switch to RNAi. Now Sirna is vying with those other companies (see table on page 30), hoping to leverage 12 years of experience in synthesizing and chemically modifying RNA to produce part of the first wave of RNAi therapeutics.

Taking a lead role in Sirna's scientific effort is Barry Polisky, PhD, senior vice president of research. Polisky began designing RNA-based drugs in the early 1990s with aptamers, highly structured and modified single-stranded RNA molecules that function like antibodies, which specifically latches onto proteins and inactivates them. The same fundamental issues apply to both aptamers and RNAi, he says. Both could have very broad applicability, so the basic challenge becomes how to use them intelligently and selectively.

Originally identified in Caenorhabditis elegans , RNAi starts with double-stranded RNA molecules, either transcribed, synthetic, or viral. A highly specific class of RNA nucleases (nucleic acid-digesting enzymes) called dicers chew these molecules into 21- to 25-nucleotide-long RNA molecules known as small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). The oligonucleotides join a protein-RNA complex, lose one strand, and bind messenger RNAs (mRNAs) with a complementary sequence. Binding results in degradation of the mRNA and suppression of its translation into protein. In 2001 researchers observed mammalian cells using RNAi to regulate gene expression, opening up the prospect of a natural, highly potent tool for gene silencing in humans. Unlike small molecules or other therapeutic approaches that inactivate a single target protein per molecule, RNAi has a more catalytic effect because a silenced messenger RNA would have produced numerous proteins.

The breadth of RNAi, like other potential RNA therapeutics, is both a blessing and a curse, says Polisky. Interference can target any transcribed gene whose product causes or contributes to disease through overactivity, but the technology is essentially untested as a therapeutic tool. Sirna has programs in age-related macular degeneration, hepatitis C virus, and oncology, and could expand into obesity, central nervous system (CNS), and HIV. "You need an initial proof of principle in the clinic," Polisky says. "Show the technology is an advance and can do something existing therapies can't, then expand the applications in a careful and thoughtful way. Some companies focus on a disease or a limited technology. Our job is to become focused, but with a much broader technology."

From a therapeutic standpoint, RNAi has some attractive features but is far from being an effective clinical tool, says Cy Stein, MD, PhD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. It produces good knockouts in tissue culture at low concentrations, "but there's a ways between getting that in tissue culture and [getting it] therapeutically." The main challenge to harnessing RNAi is the same as for antisense technology, he says, "It's delivery, delivery and delivery—get enough in the right cells at the right time. The delivery question is one that the antisense field has never answered effectively. For me, there's a lot of déjà vu all over again." (See antisense sidebar on p. 32.)

The lessons from antisense, Usman says, are to make sure an oligonuecleotide is potent and understand its pharmacokinetic challenges. Bulky, highly charged molecules such as RNA do not easily penetrate the oily cell membrane. The cell never evolved receptors to let them inside. There are also endo- and exonucleases that rapidly degrade RNA molecules. That degradation makes unmodified siRNAs unstable in serum, and the presence of nucleases inside the cell makes intracellular stability an obstacle to RNAi therapeutics too.

Sirna takes the view that chemistry can make siRNAs stable and enhance their selectivity for tissues and cell compartments. The company's researchers use cell culture and animal models to screen modified oligonucleotides, which may have a ligand or sugar attached, or an altered nitrogen base or sugar-phosphate backbone. Usman says numerous modifications can enhance intracellular and serum stability and keep the kidneys from eliminating the molecules from the blood, while others enhance the efficiency and potency of silencing.

One potential change is to reverse the "polarity" of the nucleotides capping the siRNA. In natural nucleic acids, each nucleotide binds the next one down the line between specific atoms in their sugar components. Flipping that bonding order on each end makes the whole molecule harder for so-called RNA exonucleases to recognize. (Exonucleases degrade the ends of nucleic acid chains.) Other chemical modifications protect olignucleotides from endonucleases, which sever them in the middle. Sirna researchers have found that the caps also make siRNAs more tissue selective in several animal models, Usman says.

Although chemistry is key to Sirna's approach, intelligent target selection is the first step. The company's target selection approach is conservative in that it pursues those that are already clinically validated, says Polisky. For the lead program, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), researchers chose to target a receptor for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In so-called wet AMD, which is responsible for most of the blindness caused by the disease, the retina overgrows with fresh, abnormal blood vessels in response to a lack of oxygen. Clinical research shows that inactivating VEGF, a promoter of blood vessel growth, helps counteract the disease. Similarly, knocking out genes the hepatitis C virus (HCV) needs for replication has a direct effect on the spread of the virus. "There's no question it will have an effect if we can knock down VEGF or HCV," says Usman.

Once a target is chosen, chemists have to select the optimal siRNA sequence. Sequences differ in potency and may overlap with and silence untargeted genes, potentially causing toxicities. Researchers can build bioinformatics algorithms to pick a sequence that is most specific to and potent against a target gene. Dharmacon Research Inc., Lafayette, Colo., which offers tools for chemical synthesis of RNA molecules, uses an algorithm to identify "hyperfunctional" siRNAs capable of silencing effectively at concentrations below one nanomolar, says William Marshall, PhD, executive vice president of research and operations and site manager at Dharmacon. One algorithm step ranks a candidate sequence based on 66 parameters, including the number of hydrogen bonds it will form with its complementary RNA, the differential between each strand's affinity for the silencing complex, and whether the siRNAs would tend to form their own structures, which would hinder their silencing ability. Another step checks every possible 21-nucleotide siRNA sequence, searching each one for matches to other genes.

A siRNA chemically modified for stability is useless if it doesn't home in on the right tissue and get into the cytoplasm where the silencing complex resides. One solution is to bypass systemic delivery altogether. For AMD, compounds can be designed for local administration, direct injection into the eye. Sirna is pursuing judicious formulation as a potential solution for hepatitis C. Polisky says Sirna chemists can modify the molecules to enhance their affinity for hepatocytes, in which the virus replicates. The company's researchers are now actively designing, assembling, and testing different formulations of oligonucleotides with lipophilic complexes, which are intended to transport them through the cell membrane and into the cytoplasm without causing toxicity. "Sequence analysis and modifications are the easy part," says Polisky. "Delivery is a formidable challenge [that's] never been adequately solved." And even if the formulations work in model systems, he says, researchers still won't know if the formulations will deliver the compound in people. "If we're successful at this, it will be a very big deal."

Some applications may not require chemically modified siRNAs. Unmodified oligonucleotides are actually preferred for a disease like AMD, says Samuel Reich, co-founder, senior director of research and development, Acuity Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia. The eye is a much more inert space than the serum, so the natural molecules last longer. "We specifically don't want the molecule to be stable in serum" because it could be more likely to cause side effects. Acuity has selected a clinical siRNA candidate against VEGF in its AMD program and is preparing to file an IND later this year. Intradigm Corp., Rockville, Md., is also working on an unmodified siRNA candidate for cancer, ICS-283, which uses nanometer-sized, integrin ligand-coated organic particles to target new blood vessels in tumors.


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发表于 2004-9-22 00:05
Researchers might be able to get siRNAs to exert a short-term therapeutic effect in the liver or eye, says Stein, but cancer is a greater challenge. The disease is not only the result of numerous genes interacting but also has the potential to invade varied tissues, making delivery even more complicated. Anti-angiogenesis, or stopping the growth of new blood vessels around a tumor, is an attractive target process for several reasons, says Polisky. It requires only one gene target, such as VEGF, uses one tissue to reach others, and could be incorporated into combination therapy. "The host endothelial cells are right there in the lining of the new tumor blood vessels. We know we can deliver to endothelial cells in animals," based on pharmacokinetic distribution studies, he says. In January, Sirna announced an 18-month collaboration with Eli Lilly and Co. to optimize the chemistry of siRNAs for delivery to tumors.

One advantage of working with siRNA is the shorter time needed for preclinical development, says Usman. Cell culture experiments can begin in as little as three weeks after target selection. Such fleetness may translate to greater specificity of the clinical candidate, not necessarily a shorter overall development time, he says. Sirna has a lead compound for AMD and has met with the FDA to get approval for their plan to file an investigational new drug by year's end. Researchers are screening numerous siRNA sequences for their hepatitis C program and have identified several promising candidates, says Polisky.

Similar to Sirna, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, Mass., founded in 2002 by four leading RNAi researchers, stated it plans to first concentrate on direct applications of RNAi, including CNS and ocular diseases, followed by systemic applications such as metabolic, viral and autoimmune diseases and cancer. (Alnylam was in an SEC-mandated quiet period during the writing of this article, in preparation for becoming a publicly traded company.) The company also has a licensing program for its intellectual property related to RNAi. "I think Alnylam will be pretty successful because they marry [technology licensing] and therapeutics," says Enal Razvi, PhD, a biotechnology industry analyst based in San Francisco. "I like companies that have a hybrid business model. The thing that scares me [with other companies] is, either you make it or it's a debacle."

Given the obstacles to delivering siRNA directly to the right tissues at high concentrations, some companies are taking a gene therapeutic approach, developing DNA vectors that encode one or more siRNAs for expression in target cells. The vector would express double-stranded RNA, which the cell would then cleave. Expressed RNAi could take advantage of viral vectors' ability to target specific tissues. It would also eliminate the need for multiple doses. A single dose would continue expressing siRNA indefinitely, which makes it even more important that the vectors get to the right cells and express at appropriate levels, says Sarah Cunningham, chief operating officer, Benitec Ltd., St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia, a company pursuing the viral vector approach. Benitec is focusing on adeno-associated virus for its HCV program and a lentivirus, a type of retrovirus, for HIV. Both programs are in the preclinical phase and the company hopes to move to the clinic by 2005.

Vectors may compress the drug discovery pipeline because their biological properties are already known. By simply changing the DNA sequences in the vector, a wide variety of unrelated infections can be treated using the same vector, says Mark Kay, MD, PhD, a Stanford University geneticist and deputy chairman of Benitec's scientific advisory board. While safety profiles for many of the current vectors are known, different siRNA sequences encoded in the same vector could still lead to nonspecific effects, Kay says. "There are no rules allowing one to predict [nonspecific] effects, but I suspect in a few years, in combination with the human genome databases, technologies for making accurate predictions will be available."

Nucleonics uses a plasmid vector to express a long double-stranded RNA that folds into a structure the cell can cleave into multiple siRNAs. Plasmid DNA has an advantage over viral vectors in that it doesn't cause an immune or cytokine response, even at high concentrations, says C. Satishchandran, PhD, senior vice president of research and development, Nucleonics Inc., Horsham, Pa., whose lead program is hepatitis B. To deliver the plasmid vector, which lacks the targeting ability of viral vectors, the company's chemists have complexed it with a local anaesthetic that is metabolized in the liver. Sufficient uptake, or transfection, of the vector molecules will require multiple doses of the plasmid, perhaps once every few months, he says, adding that researchers have designed a second-generation vector to drastically increase the transfection efficiency through a more specific ligand.

One source of resistance in the field to the vector approach is the observation that double-stranded RNA introduced from outside the cell causes a stress response that leads to cell death, says Satishchandran. If the RNA is made intracellularly, it can bypass the stress response, according to animal research conducted at Nucleonics, he says. The company's method also involves using the longest double-stranded RNA molecules possible. Researchers have found that longer duplex RNAs cause more potent silencing than shorter ones because they contain multiple siRNAs.

Viral vectors still pose substantial challenges, especially for systemic delivery, says Stein, who sits on Benitec's scientific advisory board. "Can you get to all the cells? Probably not. How many times before you trigger an immune response? Not that many times. If viral vectors were all that successful, we'd have gene therapy all around." Polisky says the viral vector technology is a reasonable one to pursue and may pay off in the end, but production and delivery of chemically modified siRNAs is more advanced right now.

To get their compounds through the clinic, companies will have to be capable of supplying them in enough quantities. Synthesizing large amounts of relatively large and complicated oligonucleotides was a significant challenge for Sirna until recently, says Polisky. "Five years ago, there were few drivers to solve large-scale synthesis problems." But now in-house advances in synthetic organic chemistry process development, purification, and cost reductions in building blocks have made scale up to clinical quantities possible.

A company that wants to take advantage of RNAi needs expertise in a number of areas, from medicine to molecular biology to biochemistry to regulatory policy. "Don't go into clinical trials unless you're absolutely certain you know what you're doing," says Stein.

Whether years of experience with antisense and other RNA-based therapeutic technologies will prove enough to solve the field's longstanding challenges remains to be seen. At least, Polisky says, "this time there's a better chance at avoiding [the same] mistakes."

For more on the organizations mentioned here, refer to this article at www.dddmag.com

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发表于 2004-9-22 00:17
Development HBV eiRNA therapeutics
Nucleonics’ eiRNA offers unique advantages in developing therapeutic modalities against disease processes, through targeting multiple sites in the disease pathway or multiple genes in a pathogen without the accompanying stress responses associated with the administration of dsRNA. Furthermore,
Nucleonics’ methods of delivery of its non-viral eiRNA vectors result in efficient uptake in targeted cells. The approach allows the use of defined and validated methods of product design, manufacturing and analysis. Aspects of efficacy and safety of Nucleonics’ eiRNA-based anti-HBV therapeutic in cell culture and animal models will be presented as well as development of the lead product candidate. IND filing is anticipated for June, 2005.

Catherine J. Pachuk, Ph.D.
Vice President, Preclinical Research


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发表于 2004-9-22 00:18
Nucleonics Adds Additional $8.3 Million to Series B

MALVERN, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 1, 2004--Nucleonics, Inc., a biotechnology company focused on the development of novel RNA interference-based (RNAi) therapeutics, today announced that the company has raised an additional $8.3 million, bringing the total raised in its Series B venture financing to $49.2 million. New investor Quaker BioVentures participated in the second close, as did previous investors New Enterprise Associates (NEA) and S.R. One, Limited.

The company additionally announced that James Barrett, a general partner at New Enterprise Associates, has been elected chairman of the Nucleonics board of directors, and that Giovanni A. Ferrara, a director in the Venture Group at Burrill & Company, has joined the board.

"Nucleonics' unique strategy for developing RNAi therapeutics gives them a significant advantage in this exciting and emerging field," said Barrett. "Their expressed interfering RNA platform represents an exceptional and compelling approach to RNAi therapeutics that is essential for the treatment of viral infections as well as other diseases. NEA is pleased to partner with their impressive and talented scientific and management teams, and we look forward to the success of this company."

"We are very pleased to have the support and backing of these high quality investors whose participation in this significant financing helps to validate our company's technology and strategies for product development," said Robert J. Towarnicki, Nucleonics' president and chief executive officer. "We expect the proceeds of this financing to support the development of our product candidate for Hepatitis B (HBV) infection through Phase II clinical testing, as well as to further the development of our technology overall." Towarnicki noted that Nucleonics scientists had made significant progress towards finalizing
the design of the eiRNA construct that will be used in human clinical trials in 2005.

About Expressed Interfering RNA (eiRNA)

Post-transcriptional gene silencing, also known as RNA interference or RNAi, is a phenomenon in which genes are silenced in a sequence-specific manner through targeted mRNA (messenger RNA)degradation. Researchers believe RNAi may offer potential as a novel way to silence genes involved in disease, including genes encoded by viruses such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV, as well as genes
involved in the establishment of inflammatory diseases and cancer.

Nucleonics employs an expressed interfering RNA (eiRNA) approach, whereby scientists insert plasmid DNA coding for relevant double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into targeted cells, letting the cells produce and deliver specific dsRNA sequences. Cellular mechanisms then cleave the dsRNA into specifically encoded siRNAs (short interfering RNA), which silence the targeted genes. Nucleonics researchers have
shown the ability of long or short dsRNA strands produced in this way to stably silence genes, including Hepatitis B and HIV, in relevant cell lines. Moreover, they have silenced multiple genes, as well as HBV replication, in adult mice without triggering an interferon response. The plasmid DNA approach used by Nucleonics for expression of dsRNA has demonstrated human safety in over 500 patients to date, as part of research in the field of DNA-based vaccines. Nucleonics is initially directing its technology to the development of eiRNA therapeutics for Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus infections.

About Nucleonics, Inc.

Nucleonics, founded in January 2001, is an emerging biotechnology company focused on the development of novel RNA interference-based therapeutics for viral and other diseases. Nucleonics is headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania, and is privately owned.


CONTACT: Nucleonics, Inc.
Robert Towarnicki, 610-296-0722
[email protected]
Kureczka/Martin Associates
Joan Kureczka, 415-821-2413
[email protected]


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

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发表于 2004-9-22 00:19
Nucleonics Receives NIH Grant Supporting Research Partnership Aimed at Developing RNAi Approach to Treatment of Hepatitis B Infections
Thursday, 25-Sep-2003 7:10AM PDT      Story from Nucleonics via BizWire
Copyright 2003 by Business Wire (via ClariNet)


MALVERN, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 25, 2003--Nucleonics, Inc., a biotechnology company focused on the development of novel RNA interference-based (RNAi) therapeutics for viral and other diseases, today announced the receipt of a research grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The grant, totaling $1.6 million over four years, supports collaborative research aimed at developing nucleic acid reagents and methods for silencing Hepatitis B virus (HBV) gene expression and replication in vivo. The researchers will also evaluate in clinically relevant animal models the best DNA vector, delivery system and target HBV sequence to advance to clinical trials.


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Nucleonics is collaborating on this effort with scientists at Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA in the laboratory of Nucleonics collaborator and scientific advisor Francis Chisari, M.D., as well as in the laboratories of the Hepatitis B Foundation in Doylestown, PA.

"Chronic HBV infection represents an ideal target for potential RNAi-based therapeutics since RNA is an intermediate in both HBV replication and expression, and the reduction of both processes is expected to ameliorate disease," said Nucleonics Senior Director of Biology, Catherine Pachuk, Ph.D. "Furthermore, a post-transcriptional gene-silencing therapeutic, unlike current nucleoside analogue therapies, could not only decrease viral titers but also decrease viral antigen load, reducing risks of long-term immune-mediated liver damage in those chronically infected. In addition, no significant homology exists between HBV and humans or other mammals, which makes it likely that any gene silencing achieved is exclusive for HBV."

Post-transcriptional gene silencing, also known as double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) interference or RNAi, is a phenomenon in which genes are silenced in a sequence-dependent manner at the level of mRNA degradation. Researchers believe RNAi may offer potential as a novel way to silence genes involved in disease, including genes encoded by viruses such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV, or genes involved in the establishment of cancer and inflammatory diseases. While some researchers have sought to deliver RNA sequences themselves as therapeutics, such strategies face significant challenges relating to manufacturing, delivery and the triggering of an interferon-mediated stress response that can limit effectiveness and may cause significant safety issues.

Nucleonics, in contrast, employs an expressed interfering RNA (eiRNA) approach. Scientists insert plasmid DNA coding for dsRNA into cells, letting the cells themselves carry out the dsRNA production and delivery process. Nucleonics researchers have shown the ability of long or short dsRNA strands produced in this way to stably silence target genes, including Hepatitis B and HIV, in relevant human cell lines. Moreover, they have silenced multiple genes in adult mice utilizing the company's proprietary delivery technology without triggering an interferon response. The plasmid DNA approach, which is used by Nucleonics for expression of dsRNA, has demonstrated human safety in over 500 patients to date as part of research in the field of DNA-based vaccines.

"If this research effort is successful in effectively reducing the expression and replication of HBV in mouse models of HBV infection, Nucleonics intends to advance the best-performing gene silencing vectors and formulations into clinical development," said C. Satishchandran, Ph.D., vice president, research & development at Nucleonics. "Using RNAi therapy to reduce viral load, either on its own or in combination with other antiviral drugs, could reduce the severity of disease in patients chronically infected with HBV. Moreover, an effective RNAi therapy could potentially be used for healthy carriers of HBV, a patient population for whom no current therapy exists and in whom a reduction in viral antigen expression could lead to a reduction in immune-related liver injury with its long-term consequences of cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer."

About Nucleonics, Inc.

Nucleonics, founded in January 2001, is an emerging biotechnology company focused on the development of novel RNA interference-based therapeutics for viral and other diseases. The company believes its proprietary technology and delivery systems for expressed interference RNA offers advantages over other RNAi approaches in terms of safety and efficacy that will enable Nucleonics to become a leader in this emerging field. The company is headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania and is privately owned.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

3700 元 

旺旺勋章 大财主勋章 如鱼得水 黑煤窑矿工勋章

发表于 2004-10-26 01:55

Nucleonics challenges Benitec's patent validity Note: to freeze animation, right-hand click on 'Play'.

Related News & Analyses Recently published on the site All news : October 2004

Note: to freeze animation, right-hand click on 'Play'. 13/09/2004 - Biotechnology Company, Nucleonics, has filed a request with the Commissioner of Patents in Australia for Re-Examination, which questions the validity of Benitec’s patent concerning gene-silencing technology claiming ambiguity and lack adequate support in the specification.

The patent, entitled "Control of Gene Expression," is at the heart of this latest dispute. Nucleonics’ request has cited 24 prior art publications showing the patent claims are invalid because they lack novelty and do not involve an inventive step. In March 2004, Benitec filed an infringement suit in the United States against Nucleonics. The lawsuit alleged that three companies, Nucleonics, Inc., Ambion, Inc., and Genscript Corporation, were infringing upon issued US Patent No. 6,573,099, entitled "Genetic Constructs for Delaying or Repressing the Expression of a Target Gene."

In addition, Benitec has filed an opposition in Australia to the grant of a patent for the seminal invention in RNA interference, the Fire/Mello Patent, while failing to cite this important earlier work in its own applications around the world.

The Fire/Mello RNAi technology employs an expressed interfering RNA (eiRNA) approach, whereby scientists insert plasmid DNA coding for relevant double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into targeted cells, letting the cells produce and deliver specific dsRNA sequences. Cellular mechanisms cleave the dsRNA into specifically encoded siRNAs(short interfering RNA), which silence the targeted genes.

Nucleonics' researchers have shown the ability of long or short dsRNA strands produced in this way to stably silence genes, including Hepatitis B and HIV, in relevant cell lines. Moreover, they have silenced multiple genes, as well as HBV replication, in adult mice without triggering an interferon response.

The plasmid DNA approach used by Nucleonics for expression of dsRNA has demonstrated human safety in over 500 patients to date, as part of research in the field of DNA-based vaccines. Nucleonics is initially directing this technology to the development of eiRNA therapeutics for Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus infections.

Robert Towarnicki, Nucleonics' chief executive officer said: "Nucleonics believes the Benitec intellectual property portfolio is fatally flawed, not only in Australia, but in the United States and elsewhere as well."

"We intend to vigorously defend our right to continue to develop needed therapeutics for chronic viral diseases such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C around the world."


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

3700 元 

旺旺勋章 大财主勋章 如鱼得水 黑煤窑矿工勋章

发表于 2004-10-26 01:58

LATEST NEWS August 17, 2004 Nucleonics to collaborate with German outfit Nucleonics Inc. of Horsham, Pa., entered into a collaboration and commercial option agreement Tuesday with Novosom AG, a German-based drug-delivery company.

The companies plan to evaluate Novosom's "smarticles" formulation technology for the delivery of Nucleonics' experimental treatment for Hepatitis B.

Financial terms of the term were not disclosed.

Nucleonics is using RNA interference technology to develop drugs that silence, or turn off, genes involved in disease. Novosom's "smarticles" are liposomal formulations designed to deliver biological materials directly into living cells.

"Delivering DNA to cells presents a considerable challenge, and Novosom has demonstrated that they can deliver DNA and other nucleic acids to liver cells with great efficiency," said Dr. C. Satishchandran, Nucleonics' co-founder and senior vice president for research and development.


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

3700 元 

旺旺勋章 大财主勋章 如鱼得水 黑煤窑矿工勋章

发表于 2004-10-26 01:59





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