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DNA电脑对付HBV也许有用 DNA computer [复制链接]

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1626 元 
发表于 2004-4-30 21:23

DNA computer could fight cancer
By Charles Choi
United Press International
Published 4/29/2004 9:00 AM

NEW YORK, April 29 (UPI) -- New computers made of biological molecules that react to DNA hold the promise to diagnose and treat diseases such as cancer by operating like doctors inside the body, Israeli scientists said.

The devices, used in test-tube experiments, already have demonstrated the ability to identify and then destroy prostate and lung cancer cells, but their creators cautioned it could be decades before such biological computers find their way into medicine.

"The hope is that someday this direction will help lead to a new concept of 'smart drugs,'" said researcher Ehud Shapiro, a computer scientist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovat, Israel.

"Today's drugs are like carpet bombing -- you take a large amount of drug molecules and they go all over the body," Shapiro told United Press International from Brussels. "A smart drug would only operate where the condition of disease holds."

Shapiro and colleagues have created a series of biological computers in the past five years -- several trillion of which can fit in a drop of water. Their software is made of DNA, while the hardware is made of DNA-manipulating enzymes.

The computers work on genetic material, specifically ribonucleic acid or RNA, the smaller cousin of DNA. The body uses RNA often to transmit messages in the cell. Strands of DNA and RNA can bind if the sequences of molecules that make both up match.

Diseases such as cancer leave their own chemical fingerprint in the body, including over-producing or under-producing specific RNA sequences. The computer's enzyme hardware chops up the RNA it finds. If those bits bind to a computer's DNA software -- which is encoded to look for cancer sequences -- the computer then can release a drug.

In the lab experiments at the Weizmann Institute, the drugs in question were short DNA molecules known to interfere with tumors by suppressing key cancer genes, making those diseased cells self-destruct.

"I think it's really a wonderful landmark piece of work. It certainly merits a lot of interest," computer scientist John Reif at Duke University in Durham, N.C., told UPI. "The goal would be to do this in a cell, to have a doctor in a cell. This experiment doesn't do that. It does it in a test tube -- sort of a doctor in a test tube -- so it's a really cool idea but there's a major hurdle next.

"This is the first step, the biggest and most significant piece of work to date that indicates DNA computing techniques can be really important to therapeutic medicine," Reif said.

The scientists presented their findings Wednesday in Brussels at a symposium where Nobel laureates discussed the future of the life sciences. Their data also appears in the April 29 issue of the British journal Nature.

"We're sort of running ahead of ourselves. Had you asked me a year ago when we started how long it would take to reach the milestone we reached today, I'd have said 10 to 15 years," Shapiro said. "We are still overwhelmed by what we achieved. It took us less time than we thought."

The research team ensured more than just one chemical marker of a disease is required to activate drug output from one of the microscopic computers. A lone symptom could just be a temporary, insignificant phenomenon in the body.

"In our particular design, we can diagnose the presence of a disease by looking in a relatively straightforward way for eight symptoms of a disease, and can go up to 16," Shapiro said.

Shapiro's team originally designed biological computers to compete against electronic computers. The field began in 1994, when computer scientist Len Adleman at the University of Southern California proposed how DNA could be used in solving certain important mathematical calculations, such as the so-called "traveling salesman problem," critical in planning any kind of deliveries in a complex network, from shipping freight to scheduling airline flights to transmitting data packets on the Internet.

The problem is that although a single drop of water can have trillions of biological computers working on a single problem, they moved slowly compared with electronics "and unreliably also," Bennett explained.

Because the biological computer concept did not look as if it could vie with electronics on general computing and win, Shapiro said he decided to "go back and do something useful with it."

"Electronic computers can talk very easily with other electronic devices -- a printer, a DVD player -- but they cannot talk very easily with biological molecules. We opened with biological computers instead to talk with biological molecules," he explained.

The new computers still have a long way to go before they can find use in the body, Shapiro cautioned.

"What we demonstrated is just small enough and smart enough to do the job in a test tube. Making sure it works inside a tissue culture, let alone a living organism, is going to be a challenge," Shapiro said.

"They're not packaged right now," he added. "They'd probably degrade too soon in the body to be active or effective. They'd have to be protected in some way. Also, the enzyme we used here as hardware, Fok1, cuts DNA. If it finds its way into the nucleus of a cell, it'd just chop the entire genome to pieces, and that particular cell would not be too useful afterwards," Shapiro said.

"It's a very cute idea to have chemicals within the system you're working on doing computations on that system," said physicist Charles Bennett of IBM Research in Yorktown Heights, N.Y. "Instead of having to stick a probe into a mixture of cells to find out what's happening inside, these have the advantage of having computations right in there. The thing that's doing the measuring is already part of the mixture."

Bennett also suggested expanding the range of molecules the computer could process and the types of drugs it could make.

The Weizmann team envisions future versions that could even release proteins or other compounds.


Charles Choi covers research for UPI Science News. E-mail [email protected]

Copyright © 2001-2004 United Press International
起初 神创造天地……基督照圣经所说,为我们的罪死了。而且埋葬了。又照圣经所说,第三天复活了。

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3592 元 


发表于 2004-5-1 21:42
DNA计算机开始显示雏形 能够在人体内诊治疾病
http://tech.tom.com  2004年04月29日 08:47??来源:硅谷动力??月牙儿编译







[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-1 8:42:43编辑过]

小小少年,很少烦恼,眼望四周阳光照。 学术版块欢迎你 http://bbs.hbvhbv.com/list.asp?boardid=34 有关乙肝知识,大力推荐以下帖子: 精华资料版导读(2003版) http://bbs.hbvhbv.com/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=13&id=285410&replyID=225640&star=1&skin= ANTI HBV版

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

3592 元 


发表于 2004-5-1 21:43




更令电脑界惊讶的是,阿德勒曼竟然利用他发明的DNA生物电脑,解决了一个实际的数学难题。这个题目是这样的:“由14条单行道连接着7座城市,请找出走过上述全部城市的最近路途,而且不能走回头路。” 学数学的人都知道,这是一个经典的数学问题,又叫“推销员问题”(它的正式的名称叫“汉密尔顿路径问题”),该问题的叙述是这样的:“如果一个推销员要在许多个城市推销,每个城市必须而且只能经过一次,如何找到最短的路程?”经典数学中并没有公式可以回答,惟一的解决办法是找到所有可能的路程加以比较,选出最短的一种。然而,即使仅有四个城市,推销员也已面临着12种选择,当然比较所有的路线仍有可能,但随着城市数目的增加,路径将呈现指数增长,穷尽所有的路径变得越来越不可能。



例如,美国新泽西州贝尔实验室的研究者,正在改进阿德勒曼的第一台DNA电脑。该实验室的物理学家艾伦·米尔斯说:“我们所做的不再是连接线路,而是将大量的DNA装入罐子,加进盐和酶,然后加以培养,于是不同的 DNA分子就开始互相寻找配对。” 米尔斯的目标是制造一台神经网络计算机,基本构造与人的大脑相仿,不像传统计算机那样采用数字输入,而是一种类比输入。麦迪逊威斯康星大学的研究小组却采取了不同于阿德勒曼的试管办法,他们把DNA链固定到一块镀金的玻璃载片上,使之真正成为DNA芯片。在经过数年的研究之后,该研究小组制造出了几台DNA芯片计算机,每台都由大约100万亿个由人工合成的DNA链状结构组成。英国利物浦大学的马丁·科莫斯等科学家则希望把DNA计算技术送回到活细胞中,在转基因细胞内部模拟计算机逻辑电路,打算在细菌细胞中实现生物“开关”元件。



阿德勒曼教授曾经说道:“我并不期待构建一台像PC机那样的DNA电脑,但是,生物电脑可以做用其他技术所不能完成的工作。”他预言说,到2002年DNA电脑就可以解决有20个变量的数学问题。DNA电脑将采用其本身的“语言”,以四进制系统来编码,与“人工生命”的研究范畴将融合在一起。对此,阿德勒曼认为,今后的工程技术人员应该接受更加广泛的科学教育,使自己成为“通才”,全面掌握数学、物理、化学、生物学和计算机科学知识,才能做出更多的发明和创新。或许,这正是他本人的切身体会。                          (叶  平)

小小少年,很少烦恼,眼望四周阳光照。 学术版块欢迎你 http://bbs.hbvhbv.com/list.asp?boardid=34 有关乙肝知识,大力推荐以下帖子: 精华资料版导读(2003版) http://bbs.hbvhbv.com/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=13&id=285410&replyID=225640&star=1&skin= ANTI HBV版
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