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感染单核细胞增多症容易感染艾滋病 [复制链接]

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发表于 2003-11-27 17:58

[B]Mononucleosis ups risk for HIV infection[/B]
Last Updated: 2003-11-25 13:25:07 -0400 (Reuters Health)

By Will Boggs, MD

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People with mononucleosis, commonly known as
mono or 'kissing disease', may have more to worry about than the fatigue and
malaise that comes with the disease: they could be more susceptible to
infection with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS

This is the first time mono has been linked to HIV risk, according to the
authors of an article in Journal of Medical Virology.

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) causes infectious mononucleosis, and the viral
infection activates immune cells that are the target of HIV, explain Dr.
Masako Moriuchi and Dr. Hiroyuki Moriuchi from Nagasaki University Graduate
School of Biomedical Sciences in Nagasaki, Japan.

They examined the susceptibility of so-called CD4 T cells, taken from six
patients with infectious mononucleosis, to HIV infection in a lab dish.

CD4 T cells obtained during the acute phase of infectious mononucleosis were
much more readily infected with HIV than were those taken during the
convalescent phase, the researchers note.

"It has been well known that sexually transmitted disease (STD) pathogens
can facilitate HIV transmission and enhance HIV replication," Hiroyuki
Moriuchi told Reuters Health.

"However, EBV has not been regarded as such an STD pathogen," the researcher
added. "Since both EBV and HIV are transmitted via intimate contact such as
kissing and sexual intercourse, respectively, we should consider EBV as
another STD pathogen that could act as an HIV co-factor."

SOURCE: Journal of Medical Virology, November 2003.

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