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Hepatic Encephalopathy [复制链接]

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9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-9 08:48

Guidelines for clinical practice are intended to suggest preferable approaches to particular medical problems as established by interpretation and collation of scientifically valid research, derived from extensive review of the published literature. When data are not available that will withstand objective scrutiny, a recommendation may be made based on a consensus of experts. Guidelines are intended to apply to the clinical situation for all physicians without regard to specialty. Guidelines are intended to be flexible, not necessarily indicating the only acceptable approach, and should be distinguished from standards of care that are inflexible and rarely violated. Given the wide range of choices in any health care problem, the physician should select the course best suited to the individual patient and the clinical situation presented. These guidelines are developed under the auspices of the American College of Gastroenterology and its Practice Parameters Committee. These guidelines are also approved by the governing board of the American Gastroenterological Association. Expert opinion is solicited from the outset for the document. Guidelines are reviewed in depth by the committee, with participation from experienced clinicians and others in related fields. The final recommendations are based on the data available at the time of the production of the document and may be updated with pertinent scientific developments at a later time. The following guidelines are intended for adults and not for pediatric patients.


Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) may be defined as a disturbance in central nervous system function because of hepatic insufficiency. This broad definition reflects the existence of a spectrum of neuropsychiatric manifestations related to a range of pathophysiological mechanisms. Present in both acute and chronic liver failure, these neuropsychiatric manifestations are potentially reversible.

Multiple treatments have been used for HE. However, their efficacy has been infrequently assessed by well-designed randomized clinical trials. This handicap reflects the difficulty in evaluating the wide range of neuropsychiatric symptomatology. Alteration of consciousness—its most relevant manifestation—undergoes spontaneous fluctuations and will be influenced by concurrent clinical factors, such as infection, hypoxemia, GI hemorrhage, or electrolyte disturbances. Despite these limitations, a critical appraisal of available data renders it possible to delineate a rational approach to the treatment of HE.

Clinical Considerations


The main tenet of all theories of the pathogenesis of HE is firmly accepted: nitrogenous substances derived from the gut adversely affect brain function. These compounds gain access to the systemic circulation as a result of decreased hepatic function or portal-systemic shunts. Once in brain tissue, they produce alterations of neurotransmission that affect consciousness and behavior. Abnormalities in glutamatergic, serotoninergic, -aminobutyric acid-ergic (GABA-ergic), and catecholamine pathways, among others, have been described in experimental HE >>1). The research challenge lies in the dissection of each of these systems and their possible pharmacological manipulation to improve treatment.

A large body of work points at ammonia as a key factor in the pathogenesis of HE (2, 3). Ammonia is released from several tissues (kidney, muscle), but its highest levels can be found in the portal vein. Portal ammonia is derived from both the urease activity of colonic bacteria and the deamidation of glutamine in the small bowel, and is a key substrate for the synthesis of urea and glutamine in the liver. The hepatic process is efficient, with a first pass extraction of ammonia of approximately 0.8 (4). In acute and chronic liver disease, increased arterial levels of ammonia are commonly seen. In fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), elevated arterial levels (>200 µg/dl) have been associated with an increased risk of cerebral herniation (5). However, correlation of blood levels with mental state in cirrhosis is inaccurate. The blood-brain barrier permeability to ammonia is increased in patients with HE (6); as a result, blood levels will correlate weakly with brain values, though recent studies indicate an improvement of this correlation by correcting the ammonia value to the blood pH (7). Furthermore, the alterations in neurotransmission induced by ammonia also occur after the metabolism of this toxin into astrocytes (3), resulting in a series of neurochemical events caused by the functioning alteration of this cell (8).

Other gut-derived toxins have been proposed. Benzodiazepinelike substances (9) have been postulated to arise from a specific bacterial population in the colon (10). Other products of colonic bacterial metabolism (11), such as neurotoxic short- and medium-chain fatty acids, phenols, and mercaptans, have received less attention in recent years. Manganese may deposit in basal ganglia and induce extrapyramidal symptomatology (12). All of these compounds may interact with ammonia and result in additional neurochemical changes. For example, ammonia activates peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors with subsequent stimulation of the GABA-ergic system, an effect also induced directly by ammonia (13).

Clinical Subtypes

Under the auspices of the World Congress of Gastroenterology, a consensus terminology has been proposed to normalize the designation of the different clinical presentations of HE (14). The most distinctive presentation is the development of an acute confusional state that can evolve into coma (acute encephalopathy). Patients with FHF and subjects with cirrhosis can present with acute encephalopathy. In patients with cirrhosis, acute encephalopathy is most commonly associated with a precipitating factor that triggers the change in mental state.

In cirrhosis, recurrent episodes of an altered mental state may occur in the absence of precipitating factors (recurrent encephalopathy) or neurological deficits may not completely reverse (persistent encephalopathy). The most frequent neurological disturbance is not evident on clinical examination: mild cognitive abnormalities only recognizable with psychometric or neurophysiologic tests (minimal or subclinical encephalopathy).

The therapeutic imperative in the first three subtypes is clear. Considerable controversy still exists regarding the definition and clinical implications of a diagnosis of minimal encephalopathy (15, 16).


Hepatic encephalopathy is a diagnosis of exclusion.

Other metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, intracranial vascular events, and intracranial space-occupying lesions can present with neuropsychiatric symptomatology. Knowledge of the existence of acute or chronic liver disease, the existence of a precipitating factor, and/or a prior history of HE are clinical elements needed for diagnosis.

Intrinsically linked to the diagnosis of HE is an evaluation of the degree of liver dysfunction and possible alterations of the hepatic circulation (thrombosis, large spontaneous portal-systemic shunt, transjugular intrahepatic portal-systemic shunt [TIPS]). The detection of asterixis, fetor hepaticus, and fluctuating long-tract signs are helpful clues, albeit nonspecific. The absence of such clinical signs does not exclude the diagnosis of HE.

Measurement of venous ammonia blood levels may be helpful in the initial evaluation when there is doubt about the presence of significant liver disease or of other causes for an abnormality in consciousness. Follow-up with repeated ammonia levels is unnecessary and does not replace the evaluation of the patient's mental state. A relation between ammonia levels and the risk of cerebral edema in cirrhosis (17) has not been examined. Ammonia levels should be promptly assayed in an experienced laboratory to avoid pitfalls in its determination (18).

Tools to exclude other causes of an abnormal mental state include automated electroencephalogram analysis (19), brain imaging (especially in patients in stupor and coma), and lumbar puncture (for patients with unexplained fever, leukocytosis, or other symptoms suggestive of meningeal irritation). Alterations of the electroencephalogram are not specific for HE and are subject to variability in interpretation; automated analysis of the tracings simplifies the diagnosis (19).

Neuropsychological testing can range from an extensive battery to a single test office-based screening approach. The Number Connection Test, parts A and B; the Digit Symbol Test; and the Block Design Test have been the tests most frequently employed (15, 16).


In patients with cirrhosis and overt encephalopathy, two staging classifications have been used for patients with HE.

1. The West Haven criteria of altered mental state in HE (20) (numerous studies have employed variations of these criteria).

Stage 0. Lack of detectable changes in personality or behavior. Asterixis absent.
Stage 1. Trivial lack of awareness. Shortened attention span. Impaired addition or subtraction. Hypersomnia, insomnia, or inversion of sleep pattern. Euphoria or depression. Asterixis can be detected.

Stage 2. Lethargy or apathy. Disorientation. Inappropriate behavior. Slurred speech. Obvious asterixis.

Stage 3. Gross disorientation. Bizarre behavior. Semistupor to stupor. Asterixis generally absent.

Stage 4. Coma.

2. Evaluation of the level of consciousness with the Glasgow Scale (21) (Table 1): although the Glasgow coma scale has not been rigorously evaluated in patients with HE, its widespread use in structural and metabolic disorders of brain function justifies its application in acute and chronic liver disease.

[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-9 08:50
Table 1. Level of Consciousness With the Glasgow Scale -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eyes Open --------Best Motor Response --------Best Verbal Response Spontaneously -----4 Obeys verbal orders---- 6 Oriented, conversant 5 To command --------3 Localizes painful stimuli------- 5 Disoriented, conversant 4 To pain ------2 Painful stimulus, flexion ----------3 Inappropriate words 3 No response -------1 Painful stimulus, extension ------2 Inappropriate sounds 2 No response 1------------- No response 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To obtain the score, the best ocular, verbal, and motor responses are summed. The best score is 15 and the worst 3. Severe encephalopathy is defined as a score of <12.

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[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-9 08:51
Treatment Goals

1. Provision of Supportive Care

Adequate supportive care is critical during all stages of HE and may involve other professionals in the provision of patient care.

Standard measures for hospitalized patients are applicable to subjects with HE. Special considerations include a critical role for the nursing staff in the management of these individuals. The mental state can change rapidly, and disorientation can result in bodily harm. Prevention of falls in disoriented patients at earlier stages of HE may require special measures. In deeper stages of HE, the need for prophylactic tracheal intubations needs to be considered. Adequate nutrition should be provided during the period of altered mental state (see Treatment Options).

2. Identification and Removal of Precipitating Factors

A vigorous search to identify and eliminate a precipitating factor or factors should be immediately instituted.

In most cases of cirrhosis with acute or chronic HE, a precipitating factor is found, such as the following:

GI hemorrhage. Exploration requires stool analysis and/or placement of a nasogastric tube.
Infections. This factor requires culture of all appropriate body fluids, especially ascites when present. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and pneumonia may present with HE.

Renal and electrolyte disturbances. These include renal failure, metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, dehydration, and diuretic effects.

Use of psychoactive medication. This factor may require a urine screen for benzodiazepines, narcotics, and other sedatives.


Excessive dietary protein. In many cases, an adequate clinical history can be best provided by the patient's relatives.

Acute deterioration of liver function in cirrhosis. In contrast to the situation in FHF, HE in cirrhosis seldom reflects the acute impact of liver failure. Exceptions include the presence of superimposed alcoholic hepatitis, the development of an acute circulatory disturbance (e.g., portal vein thrombosis), and the impairment of liver function seen after surgery in cirrhosis. Precipitating events should also be sought with the development of encephalopathy after placement of a TIPS for control of portal hypertension (22).

Spontaneous encephalopathy (no precipitant factor identified) should raise the suspicion of an abnormal collateral circulation (see Manipulation of the Splanchnic Circulation).

3. Reduction of Nitrogenous Load From the Gut

Measures to reduce the nitrogenous load from the gut should be implemented.

These include catharsis and the use of nonabsorbable disaccharides and/or antibiotics. Treatment options are discussed in detail in Drugs That Affect Neurotransmission. Surgical exclusion of the colon (23), via ileorectal anastomosis, is rarely performed in a nontransplant candidate.

4. Assessment of the Need for Long Term Therapy

Patients with cirrhosis are at risk of developing new episodes of encephalopathy. At discharge, three factors need to be considered:

Control of potential precipitating factors. These include avoidance of constipation; prophylaxis of bleeding from gastroesophageal varices, when indicated; prophylaxis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, when indicated; judicious use of diuretics; and avoidance of psychoactive medication.
Higher likelihood of recurrent encephalopathy. The development of HE in the absence of a precipitating factor or the development of HE in patients with poor liver function (Child B/C) is such a situation. Prevention of a first episode of HE in subjects who have undergone a TIPS procedure is done in some centers, though no controlled data are available.

Assessment of the need for liver transplantation. The development of overt HE carries a poor prognosis (24), with a 1-yr survival of 40%. Appropriate candidates should be referred to transplant centers after the first episode of overt encephalopathy of any type.

Treatment Options

Treatment of HE is based on several, non-mutually exclusive options.

1. Nutritional Management

Patients with HE should avoid prolonged periods of dietary protein restriction and receive the maximum tolerable protein intake, aiming at 1.2 g of protein/kg/day (range 1-1.5).

BACKGROUND. Restriction of dietary protein at the time of acute encephalopathy with subsequent increments to assess clinical tolerance is a classic cornerstone of therapy. Protracted nitrogen restriction may contribute to malnutrition and aggravate the prognosis (25). On the other hand, a positive nitrogen balance will have positive effects on encephalopathy by promoting hepatic regeneration and increasing the capacity of muscle to detoxify ammonia. Thus, nutritional management includes intrinsic effects of dietary components as well as long term effects on organs whose dysfunctions contribute to the pathogenesis of HE.

The increased catabolic rate of cirrhosis leads to a recommendation of 1-1.5 g protein/kg/day (26). Provision of an adequate nitrogen intake is difficult. Vegetable and dairy sources are preferable to animal protein (27), as they provide a higher calorie to nitrogen ratio and, in the case of vegetable protein, provide nonabsorbable fiber, a substrate for colonic bacteria and subsequent colonic acidification.

Zinc, a cofactor of urea cycle enzymes, may be deficient in cirrhotic patients, especially if associated with malnutrition. Zinc supplementation improves the activity of the urea cycle in experimental models of cirrhosis (28). One trial has evaluated the effects of zinc over a short period (up to a week), without major improvement (29). A positive study administered zinc for 3 months, though the study was not randomized (30). Zinc deficiency precipitated encephalopathy in a well-described patient (31). Patients with zinc deficiency should receive oral zinc supplements.


Acute encephalopathy. Protein feeding can be withdrawn for the first day. Short term (4 days) enteral nutrition has not been shown to benefit hospitalized cirrhotic patients (32).
Chronic management. An increase in protein tolerance can be achieved by increasing protein intake in combination with other therapeutic measures, such as nonabsorbable disaccharides. Substitution of animal protein with vegetable and/or dairy protein should be reviewed, a process facilitated by a consultation with a nutritional expert. Oral formulation of branched chain amino acids may provide a better tolerated source of protein in patients with chronic encephalopathy and dietary protein intolerance (33). Zinc acetate can be administered as 220 mg b.i.d. It may reduce the absorption of other divalent cations (e.g., copper).

2. Reduction in the Nitrogenous Load Arising From the Gut

A. BOWEL CLEANSING. Bowel cleansing is a standard therapeutic measure in HE.
Background. Because the toxins responsible for HE arise from the gut, bowel cleansing is a mainstay of therapy. In addition, HE itself may result in a slow transit time (34). Colonic cleansing reduces the luminal content of ammonia, decreases colonic bacterial counts, and lowers blood ammonia in cirrhotic patients (35).

Implementation. Various laxatives may be used, but nonabsorbable disaccharides are preferred, as they result in additional effects that potentiate the elimination or reduce the formation of nitrogenous compounds (see below). Administration of enemas may be necessary in the patient with a severe impairment of consciousness. Alternatively, bowel cleansing can also be achieved after irrigation of the gut via a p.o. tube. Irrigation with a 5-L isotonic solution of mannitol, 1 g/kg, has been shown in a controlled trial to prevent encephalopathy after a GI hemorrhage (36).

B. NONABSORBABLE DISACCHARIDES. Lactulose is a first-line pharmacological treatment of HE.

Background. Careful scrutiny of the clinical trials that are the basis for the use of lactulose (galactosido-fructose) can lead to the conclusion that current standards of evidence-based medicine are not met (37, 38). Pooled analysis of the results of controlled studies is not possible because of methodological differences between trials. A summary of controlled studies is provided in the Appendix. In fact, a critical reappraisal of the use of lactulose, especially in the management of acute encephalopathy in cirrhosis, would require a new clinical trial. This would be of interest, as in one double-blind study the combination of lactulose and neomycin was not better than a placebo in the management of acute encephalopathy when the precipitant factor was simultaneously corrected (39). On the other hand, extensive data point at the potential mechanism of action of lactulose (40). Lactulose is not broken down by intestinal disaccharidases and thus reaches the colon, where bacteria will metabolize the sugar to acetic acid and lactic acid. The acidification of the colon may underlie its cathartic effect. Passage of ammonia into the colonic lumen results in its incorporation into bacteria with the resulting decrease of portal blood ammonia. As a result, peripheral levels of ammonia are reduced and the total body pool of urea decreases. An excessively sweet taste, flatulence, and abdominal cramping are the most frequent subjective complaints with this drug. If diarrhea develops, the drug should be stopped and reinstituted at a lower dose. Protracted diarrhea may result in hypertonic dehydration with hypernatremia (41); the resulting hyperosmolarity may aggravate the patient's mental state.
Implementation. For acute encephalopathy, lactulose (ingested or via nasogastric tube), 45 ml p.o., is followed by dosing every hour until evacuation occurs. Then dosing is adjusted to an objective of two to three soft bowel movements per day (generally 15-45 ml every 8-12 h). Only one study examined in a controlled fashion the effectiveness of Lactitol enemas (42). Lactulose by enema (300 ml in 1 L of water) is retained for 1 h, with the patient in the Trendelenburg position (to increase the possibility of access to the right colon). For chronic encephalopathy, oral dosing of lactulose does not require the hourly initial administration. Lactose can be used in patients with lactase deficiency. Lactitol, more palatable, is available in Europe but not the United States.

C. ANTIBIOTICS. Antibiotics are a therapeutic alternative to nonabsorbable disaccharides for treatment in acute and chronic encephalopathy and cirrhosis.
Background. Benefits from neomycin, the most widely used drug, are attributed to effects on colonic bacteria. However, neomycin will also affect the small bowel mucosa and may impair the activity of glutaminase in intestinal villi (43). Metronidazole, affecting a different bacterial population than neomycin, will also improve encephalopathy (44). Infection with Helicobacter pylori was proposed as a mechanism responsible for encephalopathy, in view of the generation of ammonia by this urease-containing organism (45). A careful assessment of its eradication failed to show a distinct impact on mental states or blood ammonia levels in patients with minimal encephalopathy (46). At this time, eradication of H. pylori cannot be recommended as a therapeutic strategy. Associated toxicity may hamper the use of antibiotics for a prolonged period. Despite its poor absorption, chronic neomycin, as other aminoglycosides, can cause auditory loss and renal failure. Patients require annual auditory testing if maintained on chronic neomycin. Intestinal malabsorption can result in a spruelike diarrhea. Staphylococcal superinfection can also supervene. Metronidazole neurotoxicity can be severe in patients with cirrhosis, where impaired clearance of the drug may be present (47).
Implementation. For acute encephalopathy, neomycin (3-6 g/day p.o.) should be given for a period of 1-2 wk. For chronic encephalopathy, neomycin (1-2 g/day p.o.) should be given, with periodic renal and annual auditory monitoring. Neomycin can be combined with oral lactulose in problematic cases. Metronidazole should be started at a dose of 250 mg b.i.d.

D. OTHER THERAPIES. Ornithine aspartate drug is not available in the United States. It provides substrates for the urea cycle (ornithine) as well as for the synthesis of glutamine (aspartate, via transamination to glutamate). It is available in oral and i.v. formulations. Preliminary experience in both acute (48) and chronic (49) encephalopathy has been encouraging.
3. Drugs That Affect Neurotransmission

Flumazenil and bromocriptine administration may have a therapeutic role in selected patients.

BACKGROUND. Flumazenil and bromocriptine exert their effects directly on the brain. An enhanced GABA-ergic tone was postulated to contribute to the development of encephalopathy (50). It has been proposed that "endogenous benzodiazepines" may be present in patients with HE and exert neuroinhibitory effects via binding to the GABAA receptor (51). Antagonism of their effect with flumazenil has been tested in patients with acute encephalopathy and severe changes in mental state. In a large clinical trial of 560 patients, an i.v. bolus of flumazenil improved mental state in approximately 15% of patients, as compared to 3% of placebo-treated controls (52). Although these results are not striking, flumazenil may be administered to patients with HE and suspected benzodiazepine ingestion. An oral preparation is unfortunately not available for chronic long term administration.

Alterations of dopaminergic neurotransmission were initially postulated 2 decades ago as the basis for the "false neurotransmitter" hypothesis (53). The tenets of this theory, where the imbalance between aromatic and branched-chain amino acids favored the entry into the brain of the former, were subsequently challenged by the unconvincing results with branched-chain amino acids for the therapy of HE (54, 55). The recent observation of manganese accumulation in basal ganglia of patients with cirrhosis has rekindled the possible alteration of dopamine neurotransmission (56). These changes may underlie the frequent finding of extrapyramidal symptomatology in patients with liver disease. Improvements of extrapyramidal signs have been reported when bromocriptine was added to conventional therapy (57).

IMPLEMENTATION. At this time, a formal recommendation on the use of these drugs cannot be made on the basis of evidence-based data. Flumazenil (1 mg bolus i.v.) is indicated for patients with HE and suspected benzodiazepine intake. Although flumazenil has been reported to occasionally cause seizures, such findings have not been described in patients with HE. Bromocriptine (30 mg p.o. b.i.d.) is indicated for the treatment of chronic encephalopathy in patients unresponsive to other therapy. Bromocriptine may result in elevation of prolactin levels.

4. Manipulation of the Splanchnic Circulation

The presence of large spontaneous portal-systemic shunts should be sought in selected patients with recurrent episodes of encephalopathy despite medical therapy, where a precipitating factor is not found.

BACKGROUND. Large splenorenal or gastrorenal communications have been associated with episodes of "spontaneous" encephalopathy (absence of a precipitating factor) (58). Visualization of the collaterals can be obtained with ultrasound techniques and confirmed with visceral angiography. These shunts may be amenable to occlusion via radiological techniques, including placement of occlusive coils (59). Access to the portal circulation is best obtained through the transhepatic route. In this limited experience, no increased risk of variceal hemorrhage was observed after occlusion of the shunt.

IMPLEMENTATION. Occlusion of portal-systemic collaterals should be undertaken only in centers with experienced interventional radiologists and after all other medical measures have failed.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-9 08:52

1. Acute Encephalopathy in Cirrhosis

Tracheal intubation in patients with deep encephalopathy should be considered. A nasogastric tube is placed for patients in deep encephalopathy. Avoid sedatives whenever possible. Correction of the precipitating factor is the most important measure.



i. Nutrition. In case of deep encephalopathy, oral intake is withheld for 24-48 h and i.v. glucose is provided until improvement. Enteral nutrition can be started if the patient appears unable to eat after this period. Protein intake begins at a dose of 0.5 g/kg/day, with progressive increase to 1-1.5 g/kg/day.
ii. Lactulose is administered via enema or nasogastric tube in deep encephalopathy. The oral route is optimized by dosing every hour until stool evacuation appears. Lactulose can be replaced by oral neomycin.

iii. Flumazenil may be used in selected cases of suspected benzodiazepine use.

2. Chronic Encephalopathy in Cirrhosis

i. Avoidance and prevention of precipitating factors, including the institution of prophylactic measures.
ii. Nutrition. Improve protein intake by feeding dairy products and vegetable-based diets. Oral branched-chain amino acids can be considered for individuals intolerant of all protein.

iii. Lactulose. Dosing aims at two to three soft bowel movements per day. Antibiotics are reserved for patients who respond poorly to disaccharides or who do not exhibit diarrhea or acidification of the stool. Chronic antibiotic use (neomycin, metronidazole) requires careful renal, neurological, and/or otological monitoring.

iv. Refer for liver transplantation in appropriate candidates.

For problematic encephalopathy (nonresponsive to therapy), consider imaging of splanchnic vessels to identify large spontaneous portal-systemic shunts potentially amenable to radiological occlusion. In addition, consider the combination of lactulose and neomycin, addition of oral zinc, and invasive approaches, such as occlusion of TIPS or surgical shunts, if present.

Minimal or Subclinical Encephalopathy

Treatment can be instituted in selected cases. The most characteristic neuropsychological deficits in patients with cirrhosis are in motor and attentional skills (60). Although these may impact the ability to perform daily activities, many subjects can compensate for these defects. Recent studies suggest a small but significant impact of these abnormalities on patients' quality of life (61), including difficulties with sleep (62). In patients with significant deficits or complaints, a therapeutic program based on dietary manipulations and/or nonabsorbable disaccharides may be tried. Benzodiazepines should not be used for patients with sleep difficulties.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-9 08:52

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