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Quiz: Are You Confident? [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

597 元 


发表于 2003-3-3 21:45
1. Before a test you hve studied for, you:

A. Are afraid you can't and won't remember anything.
B. Hope that you've prepared and just want to get it over with.
C. Go around asking friends how much they studied.

2. When shopping for clothes, you:

A. Are reluctant to make a hasty decision, thinking that another store might have the same thing cheaper or something which you'll like better.
B. Quickly spot things you like and buy them.
C. Go home empty-handed because nothing seems right.

3. When you're at a restaurant, you:

A. Always order pretty much the same thing.
B. Study the menu and then order what sounds good to you.
C. Wait to hear what other people are ordering and, based on that, make your own decision.

4. Would you say your friends in general are:

A. Jealous of you and the things you are able to do?
B. The kind of people you wish you could be?
C. Different individuals with their own strengths and weaknesses?

5. What do you think are the realistic chances of achieving what deep in your heart you want to do when you are an adult?

A. 10-30%
B. 30-70%
C. 70-100%

Scoring: Figure out your score by totaling the amont of points shown for each answer you chose. Then read on for interperetation.

1. A: 1  B: 3  C: 2
2. A: 1  B: 3  C: 2
2. A: 1  B: 3  C: 2
4. A: 2  B: 1  C: 3
5. A: 1  B: 2  C: 3

12-15: You're confident- which probably doesn't come as much of a surprise to you. You are sure of who you are.

8-11: You know what it fels like to be confident and also what it's like not to be. That's normal. You probably find that certain people and certain situations make tyou feel more confident that others.

5-7: You're a little low on the confidence scale. Don't worry; everybody has down periods when nothing good seems possible. Many teenagers feel that way a lot of the time. And why not? It's hard to believe in yourself at a time when you're changing so fast you can hardly keep up with it. As you come to know yourself beter you'll learn to like yourself better, too.

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