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This Life Saddens Me [复制链接]

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597 元 


发表于 2002-12-7 03:03
You know what is really sad about this world? [em16] 7-14 % of children experience an major depression before age 15 and 20-30 % adults with bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) have their first episode before age 20...and that about 2,000 teenagers commit suicide each year.[em14]

Yeah, teenagers are "moody." It's that middle time between childhood and adulthood..and it's hard....but there's a difference between depressed and just "moody." The world isn't like the way it used to be. There are more issues to deal with now. Peer pressure, low self-esteem, suicide, abuse, and much more. For every happy kid there are probably 2 on the verge of suicide because no one ever bothered to tell him/her that they are loved.

What kind of world is it when people are willing to kill themselves because life seemed to be too hard to handle...?! Kids at school...laughing at other kids...making stereotypical comments... A girl tries to kill herself and there are actually people that say, "Too bad..she should've died." because she was "weird." [em17]

Ask yourself. When was the last time you told the people around you that you REALLY cared..when was the last time you explained to your kid how important life is....and to be nice to people and not judge them by their appearance? Think about it. Think real hard.


Gotz to Fly
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