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发表于 2002-7-26 20:16

(上) / 懷中


在此,試把老外平時談情說愛的表達詞句 (包括甜酸苦辣) 舉些例子,做為補充。

1.  今生有約,良緣婚友:男女由親友介紹或媒人牽紅線等方式而相識時,美語裡多半這麼說:

I will fix her up with my best friend. (我想為她介紹我最好的朋友) (to fix someone up = to introduce someone)
Don't you have any girl friend you can fix him up with? (你能否為他介紹一位女友呢?)
Mrs. Chen would like to act as a match-maker for these two young people. (陳太太想為兩位年輕人牽紅線)
Match-makers always like to set up blind dates. (媒人總喜歡為陌生男女安排約會) (to set up = to arrange)
(註:blind date 是為兩位未曾見過面的男女安排約會。而 double date 是指兩對已婚或未婚的男女,為了友誼而一同外出遊玩。) 例如:
We are going to have a double date this week.
注意:如果 fix up 連在一起使用,後面多半接名詞主格,所以也許有人說:

I will fix up Linda with my friend.
不過一般還是分開使用,而且中間用代名詞所有格 (即fix he up, fix him up, etc.)

fix up 也有「修理」(=repair)的意思。例如:

I will fix up my house. (T.V., radio, etc.)

She was too shy to approach him. (她太害羞,不敢接近他。); 或
He likes her, but he just not good at expressing himself.(他喜歡她,只是不善表達。) (註:指男人害羞,多半用 bashful,對女人用 shy。)

Whenever there is a good-looking woman, he gives her the eye. (give someone the eye 是片語,意思是盯著看,eye 只用單數,不加 s。); 或
He had his eyes on her. 或
He can not keep (或 take) his eyes off her.(他的眼睛無法離開她)
His eyes almost pop out when he sees a pretty woman. (當他看到一位漂亮女人,他的眼球幾乎要瞪出來了。) (多半用主動語態)
(動詞時態:pop, popped, popping)
注意:習慣上不說:He popped out his eyes. 只能說:His eyes popped out.

這種男人,也有老外稱為 pervert (色鬼): 例如:

He is not only a flirt, but also a pervert. (他不但喜歡送秋波,拋媚眼,也是一位色鬼。)

2.. 倩女俊男,二見鍾情:男女相識後,如果情意相投,感情直線上升,頗有萬馬奔騰之勢,那麼也可以說:

When they are together, sparks will fly. (當他們在一起時,情火就會燃燒。) 或
They enjoy each other's company;they hope sparks may fly. (這裡 sparks 是指 affection; fly 是指 develop) (sparks 多用複數,前面也不加冠詞。)
(注意:通常不說:They want to fly (some) sparks. 只能說:(some) sparks will fly.

He turned out to be the love of her life. (他變成了她的情侶)

He has infatuated with her and can not stop thinking about her. (名詞是 infatuation) (他對她十分迷戀,無法不想她。)
When she is with him, she feels completely out of control. (當她與他在一起,她感到完全無法控制自己。)

He always puts his hand on her buttocks whenever they walk together. (只要他們走在一起,他總是把手放在她的臀部上。) (buttocks = butt); 或
They always put their arms around each other.(他們彼此總是摟抱在一起)
They are embracing and kissing continuously in public. (他們在公共場合,親吻擁抱,無休無止。)
這時,假如你看不慣,也可以說句:「咱們老中,要親熱,只限在家裡」(Chinese leave any demonstration of affection at home.)

These two lovers are very touchy feely. 或者說:
She let him kiss her and shivers went down her spine. (她讓他親吻,而全身發抖。)
(不用 body,而用 spine,也許因為脊椎是全身的神經中樞吧!所以一般不說:「shivers go down her body.」) (shivers 通常用複數)


God Made Everything That Has Life. Rest Everything Is Made In China
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