这跟英语里丰富多彩的词典真是相差甚远。英语词典编纂,首屈一指的毫无疑问是 Oxford English Dictionary, 厚厚一大堆堪比百科全书,放在书架上很是壮观,基本上一个词条就是一篇论文,每个词的第一次出现在何处,意义的变化过程,都会全部地列出来。不过那个主要是面对研究人员的,一般人也用不着。
次一点的是高阶词典,美国称之为大学词典(College Dictionary),有 Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Random House Webster’s College Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary, 我手边有的 Webster New World College Dictionary,还有定位类似的英国的 Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 和 Concise Oxford English Dictionary,这两本从名字上可以看出是从那本大号的 Oxford English Dictionary 里抽出来的。
此外还有各种各样的学习词典,顾名思义,像我手上的 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Collins Cobuild English Dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 即卖得满大街都是的《牛津高阶英汉双解字典》的原本,此外我没用过的 Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,美国还有 Macmillan Dictionary for Students,等等等等。
a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language — compare simile
再看看 Longman Contemporary English Dcitonary, 里面的解释风格倒是跟《现代汉语词典》有点像:
a way of describing something by referring to it as something different and suggesting that it has similar qualities to that thing [↪ simile]:
She uses some wonderful images and metaphors in her writing.
a very creative use of metaphor
反之英语高级词典里的这些东西基本上一下解释得清清楚楚,例如上面字典里提到了 analogy, likeness, 难免会想其中的差别是什么,我手边的 Mac 自带的 New Oxford American Dictionary 里面对 likeness, affinity, analogy, resemblance, similarity, similitude 的词性的辨析:
Two sisters who are only a year apart in age and who are very similar to each other in terms of appearance and personality would be said to bear a likeness to one another.
Similarity applies to people or things that are merely somewhat alike (there was a similarity between the two women, both of whom were raised in the Midwest), while(仅仅是相似)
resemblance suggests a similarity only in appearance or in superficial or external ways (with their short hair and blue eyes, they bore a strong resemblance to each other). (强调的是外表和外在上的相似)
Affinity adds to resemblance a natural kinship, temperamental sympathy, common experience, or some other relationship (she has an affinity for young children).(在 resemblance 上面又加上了自然的联系)
Similitude is a more literary word meaning likeness or similarity in reference to abstract things (a similitude of the truth). (更抽象)
An analogy is a comparison of things that are basically unlike but share certain attributes or circumstances (he drew an analogy between the human heart and a bicycle pump).
一般大学词典里面都会有一个词的词源,还是以 metaphor 为例,Merriam-Webster 关于这个词的 Etymology 一下告诉你,Middle English methaphor, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French metaphore, from Latin metaphora, from Greek, from metapherein to transfer, from meta- + pherein to bear 告诉你这个词根来自希腊文里的 meta 和 pherein。