
标题: 新华社英文版:富士康26日晚发生第12跳 [打印本页]

作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-5-27 08:51     标题: 新华社英文版:富士康26日晚发生第12跳

本帖最后由 风雨不动 于 2012-4-14 14:37 编辑










作者: landex    时间: 2010-5-27 09:11

都12跳了? 富士康到底是个什么企业啊
作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-5-27 09:14

作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-5-27 09:15


作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-5-27 09:17

 【维特效应】【Werther Effect】即自杀模仿现象
菲利普斯研究兴趣之一就是追踪从那时开始一直到现代所出现的各种形式的「维特效应」。他发现对轰动性的自杀事件报道,在报道所涵盖的地区,紧接著自杀率就会有大幅度上升。因此他得出这样的结论:一些内心痛苦的人,看到别人自杀身亡消息後,就启发了自杀念头,效仿了自杀者。这里面贯穿著一个社会认同原理,内心痛苦的人看到其他内心痛苦的人采取了自杀的形式,他也就认同了这种消除痛苦的手段。   菲利普斯是通过对一九四七年到一九六八年之间美国自杀事件的统计得到「维特效应」证据的。他发现每次轰动性自杀新闻报道後的两个月内,自杀的平均人数比平时多了五十八个。因此从某种意义上来说,每一次对自杀事件的报道,都杀死了五十八个本来可以继续活下去的人。菲利普斯同时发现,自杀诱发自杀的现象主要发生在对自杀事件广为宣传的地区。而且,这种宣传越是广泛,随後的自杀者就越多。   例如,在媒体报道了玛丽莲梦露的自杀新闻之后,那一年全世界的自杀率是增长了10%。
作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-5-27 09:18

作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-5-27 09:19


企業社會責任(英文:Corporate Social Responsibility,簡稱CSR),企業社會責任並無公認定義,但一般泛指企業的營運方式達到或超越道德、法律及公眾要求的標準,而進行商業活動時亦考慮到對各相關利益者造成的影響,企業社會責任的概念是基於商業運作必須符合可持續發展的想法,企業除了考慮自身的財政和經營狀況外,也要加入其對社會和自然環境所造成的影響的考量。


作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-5-27 09:21

作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-5-27 09:22

原帖由 xj19860712 于 2010-5-27 09:18 发表

应该感谢google,百渡, 更要感谢CSR强的企业。若不强,监之
作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-5-27 09:23

原帖由 xj19860712 于 2010-5-27 09:21 发表

作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-5-27 09:26

原帖由 走遍四方 于 2010-5-27 09:22 发表

应该感谢google,百渡, 更要感谢CSR强的企业。若不强,监之


不是指翻到台湾  hk之类,,,
作者: landex    时间: 2010-5-27 09:31

作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-5-27 09:31

作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-5-27 09:34

手机UC翻不了了 。。。
作者: 彼岸天空    时间: 2010-5-27 09:43

作者: 走遍四方    时间: 2010-5-27 09:44


http://news.xinhuanet.com/englis ... 5/27/c_13317689.htm

Another Foxconn employee falls to death despite company, government appeals

SHENZHEN, May 26 (Xinhua) -- Another employee of Foxconn Technology Group jumped to death Wednesday night just hours after the company chief promised better welfare and local government appealed to young workers to cherish their lives.

The latest casualty fell to his death from a dormitory building in a Shenzhen plant at around 11:20 p.m. Wednesday, a witness surnamed Ye told Xinhua over the phone. The death has been confirmed by Foxconn.

It was the 10th such death and 12th such fall at the plant in Shenzhen this year. Two Foxconn employees had survived their suicide attempts but sustained severe injuries.

Traumatized by the series of tragedies, Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou, the usually media-shy executive, flew to Shenzhen to show off his plant to around 300 Chinese and foreign reporters in order to repair the image of the manufacturing giant, which makes iPods and other popular gadgets.

He promised the firm would do everything possible to prevent more deaths. Nets were put on buildings to stop people from jumping, and about 100 mental health counselors were being trained.

Gou said Foxconn would also adjust salary for employees in two weeks, and fund the establishment of a hospital to provide professional therapies for employees.
Gou said he has been having trouble sleeping at night because of the suicides and he dreads the sound of his own phone ringing after work hours because he's afraid it will be news of another death.

Gou repeatedly said he felt sorry for the tragedies. "What I'm the most concerned with is to prevent the same tragedies from happening again," he said.

Foxconn has been installing safety nets, covering 1.5 million square meters, around almost all the dormitories and factory buildings, he said.

"Although this seems like a 'dumb' measure, at least it could save life should anyone else fall," said Gou.

The company also had divided all employees into 4,000 groups, each with 50 members, to encourage communication and care within the group, he said.

Seventy psychiatrists have been invited to give counseling to the employees. "We are also training our employees to be volunteer counselors. More than 100 employees have taken the training and we hope the number can grow to 1,000 in a month," he said.

Since nine out of the first 11 suicidal employees were new recruits, who had worked in Foxconn for less than six months, Gou initiated psychological tests for all the new-comers to track their psychological status.

"I can not guarantee that similar deaths will not happen again, but we are doing our utmost to look after and care more for our staff," he said.

Foxconn is part of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. and makes computers, game consoles and mobile phones for companies including Hewlett-Packard Co., Sony Corp. and Nokia Corp.

Of Foxconn's 800,000 employees in China, 420,000 are based in Shenzhen. They work shifts and live inside the massive factory complex.

An official of Shenzhen government on Wednesday also called on young employees in Foxconn to cherish lives and stay strong.

The causes of the suicide cases are complicated, involving individual, company and social factors, Li Ping, secretary general of Shenzhen Municipal government, told a press conference.

The suicidal employees, mostly born in the 1980s or 1990s, had weak self-adjustment capability under emotional, living, or working pressures, and the situation became worse when millions of young workers gathered in Foxconn and various problems were overlapped, Li said.

They were away from their hometown, with little love and care from the society, which also attributed to these falls, according to Li.

The government will form a special team to strengthen the leadership of relevant work, and the police and other authorities will join the company to avoid any further tragedy, Li said.

Cultural, sports, medical and educational conditions in surrounding area will also be improved to ensure a sound living environment.

The government will also assist the company to complete its psychological counseling system, he added.


Government calls on Foxconn employees to cherish lives

SHENZHEN, Guangdong, May 26 (Xinhua) --An official of local government on Wednesday called on young employees in Foxconn to cherish lives and stay strong, after 11 suicidal falls of the company's workers were reported this year.

The call was only found to be followed by another death of a Foxconn employee Wednesday night. The employee died after falling from a building at the company's plant, the 12th such incidence in 2010 that resulted in 10 deaths, the company said.Full story

Foxconn CEO vows to beef up safety, followed by another death

SHENZHEN, Guangdong, May 26 (Xinhua) -- Foxconn Technology Group's Chief Executive Officer, Terry Guo said Wednesday that Foxconn would introduce four measures to prevent suicides after a string of such deaths at the company's Shenzhen plant.

But just hours later, another employee died after falling from a building at the company's plant in south China's Shenzhen city, the 12th such incidence in 2010 that resulted in 10 deaths, the company said.Full story

Professionals stress media's role in helping migrant workers

BEIJING, May 26 (Xinhua) -- Broadcasters should play a more active role in informing and empowering migrant workers to help the marginalized yet swelling group find their own place in host communities more easily, a seminar was told here Wednesday.

Media groups should "facilitate engagement between the hosts and the migrants," Abubakar Bobboyi Jijiwa, CEO of Voice of Nigeria, told the two-day Asia Media Summit, which concluded Wednesday in Beijing.Full story

[ 本帖最后由 走遍四方 于 2010-5-27 09:49 编辑 ]
作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-5-27 09:45


作者: 叶儿    时间: 2010-5-27 11:11

作者: xj19860712    时间: 2010-5-27 18:45



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