
标题: 中国乙肝病毒携带者处境维艰 /美国《时代》杂志 [打印本页]

作者: 直面    时间: 2009-8-4 09:13     标题: 中国乙肝病毒携带者处境维艰 /美国《时代》杂志

37岁的Lu Jun在北京益仁平中心的办公室。北京益仁平中心代表了中国一亿两千万乙肝病毒携带者的利益。 
  Published: July 30, 2009
  申鹏/译
  (北京)——中国有个论坛,名叫“肝胆相照”,代表了中国所有感染乙型肝炎病毒的人。
  在中国,每一个乙肝病毒携带者都感到很害怕,铺天盖地的治疗乙肝的广告也把民众吓坏了。虽然这种病毒可以通过疫苗来预防,而且大多数携带者并不会真的得病。但在中国,政策规定国企、医学院、食品行业可以拒绝这些病毒携带者前往工作。
  根据中国的法律,乙肝病毒携带者禁止从事教师、电梯操作员、理发员、超市收银员等工种。
  目前,中国有一亿两千万乙肝病毒携带者,其中大部分是在1970年代——1980年代期间被感染的,当时为了给儿童接种疫苗,一个注射器被好几个孩子同时使用,造成交叉感染。另外一个感染途径是母婴感染,占到总人数的40%。
  北京益仁平中心有个论坛叫“肝胆相照”,部分携带者在BBS上发帖,讲述自己因为病毒携带而被用人单位开除的事情,也有的被大学拒绝录取,因为必须验血的制度造成了他们的处境。更有甚者,有的携带者为此自杀。
  北京大学的毕业生Wang Li,因为携带乙肝病毒,而被两家公司拒绝录取。他说:“人们很害怕这种病毒,这种行为很不负责任。他们仅仅是告诉我:你不适合这份工作。”
  负责“肝胆相照”论坛的Lu Jun,也是个病毒携带者。北京益仁平中心编写了最新的医疗信息,准备给那些被用人单位辞退的病毒携带者提供法律援助,此外,30万的携带者也在要求出台相关法律,以消除歧视。去年夏天,北京益仁平中心的网站服务器被迫转移到了海外,因为网站被屏蔽了。
  虽然,北京益仁平中心的行为并无意挑战权势,但Lu Jun承认,他们的所作所为影响到了公权机构。周二,他在办公室里说:“毕竟,有些人想维持携带者被歧视的现状。当然,在政府看来,这根本不是歧视,这只是‘误解’。”
作者: 阿鲁迪巴    时间: 2009-8-4 09:19

  为我们的英雄喝彩!
作者: hbvhurdme    时间: 2009-8-4 09:27

作者: ww1984    时间: 2009-8-4 09:29

作者: lin406695571    时间: 2009-8-4 09:34

作者: YesWeCan    时间: 2009-8-4 09:37

作者: 守望者1987    时间: 2009-8-4 09:42

作者: hbvhurdme    时间: 2009-8-4 09:43

作者: 守望者1987    时间: 2009-8-4 09:43

照片中 有人在聊Q
作者: 949227314    时间: 2009-8-4 09:43

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作者: 949227314    时间: 2009-8-4 09:45

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作者: juewang2007    时间: 2009-8-4 09:47     标题: 但愿胡主席能看到

作者: hmtg2007    时间: 2009-8-4 09:52

作者: 小河村    时间: 2009-8-4 09:56


作者: sunhk_25    时间: 2009-8-4 10:06

作者: hmtg2007    时间: 2009-8-4 10:08

作者: xfwy    时间: 2009-8-4 10:12

作者: zhuiqiugongping    时间: 2009-8-4 10:12

作者: 24680    时间: 2009-8-4 10:16

作者: 不断赶路    时间: 2009-8-4 10:26

作者: panadol    时间: 2009-8-4 10:42

This is real. I have checked the original version as below.

Hepatitis Group Is Harassed in China

BEIJING — In the realm of potential threats to China’s stability, an organization that advocates on behalf of people infected with hepatitis B would seem to be low risk.

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Health Guide: Hepatitis BBut on Wednesday, the group’s director, Lu Jun, found himself squaring off against four security officials who were trying to cart away stacks of literature they claimed had been printed without official permission.

In the end, Mr. Lu scored a partial victory. After eight hours looking through drawers and photographing volunteers, the inspectors walked off with 90 pamphlets, but Mr. Lu prevented them from delving into the group’s computer files. “I fear this is not the end of it,” he said Thursday.

The raid on Mr. Lu’s organization, the Yi Ren Ping Center, comes at a precarious time for China’s nongovernmental organizations, many of which operate in a kind of legal gray zone. Two weeks ago, officials used a bureaucratic infraction as the reason to shut down the country’s pre-eminent legal rights center, Gongmeng, or Open Constitution Initiative. The closing followed a separate disbarment of 53 lawyers known for taking on civil rights and corruption cases. Just before dawn on Wednesday, the founder of Gongmeng, Xu Zhiyong, was taken into police custody, and he has not been heard from since.

“The permissible space in which civil society groups can operate was already small, but right now that circle is getting smaller and smaller,” said Sharon Hom, the executive director of Human Rights in China, which is based in New York. “If an organization is creating an independent voice, putting together a newsletter or organizing people in any way, it’s going to feel the full brunt of the authorities.”

Although it is unclear exactly why the government is tightening its grip on such organizations, legal experts and rights activists generally agree that it may be related to the celebrations, three months from now, of the 60th anniversary of China’s Communist revolution. A similar clampdown took place in the months before the 2008 Summer Olympics, when security officials in Beijing stepped up the harassment of dissidents and encouraged thousands of migrant workers to return to the countryside.

“It’s basically a foolish attempt to make the year as peaceful and uneventful as possible,” said Jiang Tianyong, a lawyer who was among those blocked from renewing their licenses.

Another explanation, Mr. Jiang and others say, is that some powerful segments of China’s leadership feel threatened by the rise of independent entities working to advance causes like labor rights or clean water, or in the case of the Yi Ren Ping Center, protection for people with hepatitis B.

There is widespread trepidation over hepatitis B in China, a fear that has been intensified by an explosion in advertising for medical testing services and sham cures. Even though it is preventable with a vaccine — and most of those infected will not become ill — state-owned companies, medical schools and food-processing plants have come to believe that it is sensible policy to bar the infected.

Under Chinese law, carriers of hepatitis B cannot work as teachers, elevator operators, barbers or supermarket cashiers. In a recent survey of 113 colleges and universities, conducted by the Yi Ren Ping Center, 94 acknowledged that infected applicants, required to take blood tests, would be summarily rejected.

Many of the 120 million carriers in China got the virus in the 1970s and 1980s, when a single contaminated syringe was sometimes used to inoculate hundreds of people at a time against diseases. The second-biggest group of carriers, about 40 percent of the total, according to the government, got the virus from their mothers during childbirth.

An online bulletin board maintained by Mr. Lu’s group is a heart-rending clearinghouse for stories of people fired from jobs, or students denied college educations, after mandatory blood tests revealed their statuses. There are also scores of tales about the ashamed and the distraught who killed themselves.

“People are so afraid of this virus, they don’t act responsibly,” said Wang Li, an engineer who just graduated from a prestigious Beijing university and saw two job offers evaporate this year when blood tests showed that he had the virus. “The only thing they told me was, ‘You are not suitable for work.’ ”

Founded in 2006 by Mr. Lu, who is also infected, the Yi Ren Ping Center provides up-to-date medical information and tries to arrange legal help for those it considers wrongly dismissed from jobs. It also encourages its 300,000 members to press for antidiscrimination laws. Last summer the center was forced to move its Web site to an overseas server after it mysteriously vanished from the Internet.

Although his organization does not seek to challenge the government’s authority, Mr. Lu recognizes that its mission can stir discomfort among the powerful and mighty. “After all, it is these people who are maintaining the status quo of discrimination,” he said in his office on Thursday. “And of course, according to the government, there is no such thing as discrimination in China. There are only misunderstandings.”

Xiyun Yang contributed research.
作者: supercat0o0    时间: 2009-8-4 10:43

作者: hi_future    时间: 2009-8-4 10:53     标题: 回复 21# 的帖子

u r our super star!!!!!!

作者: YesWeCan    时间: 2009-8-4 10:54

原帖由 不死鸟-辉 于 2009-8-4 10:51 发表

作者: leon045    时间: 2009-8-4 10:55

原帖由 不死鸟-辉 于 2009-8-4 10:51 发表

建议版主删了他的 ID 看着他就恶心
作者: 特深沉    时间: 2009-8-4 10:55

作者: toolliang    时间: 2009-8-4 10:57

Lu Jun,谢谢您!!!!!

原帖由 不死鸟-辉 于 2009-8-4 10:51 发表


[ 本帖最后由 toolliang 于 2009-8-4 10:58 编辑 ]
作者: 天涯孤棹    时间: 2009-8-4 11:05

作者: miynr88    时间: 2009-8-4 11:06

作者: besti    时间: 2009-8-4 11:06

作者: hmtg2007    时间: 2009-8-4 11:08

原帖由 besti 于 2009-8-4 11:06 发表

作者: suibianqu    时间: 2009-8-4 11:12

作者: 乙人不已    时间: 2009-8-4 11:37     标题: 写得好,感谢外媒的客观报道。

作者: 守望者1987    时间: 2009-8-4 12:10

作者: 阳光鱼儿    时间: 2009-8-4 12:11

作者: 直面    时间: 2009-8-4 12:18

作者: 614    时间: 2009-8-4 12:24

作者: besti    时间: 2009-8-4 12:30


作者: fayejames    时间: 2009-8-4 14:17

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作者: 天涯浪子220    时间: 2009-8-4 14:18     标题: 回复 9# 的帖子

什么大惊小怪的,我们上班也有QQ 啊,内部交流也要用!
作者: 天涯浪子220    时间: 2009-8-4 14:20     标题: 请让自由,民主,公平的阳光照到神州大地吧!

作者: cb0204    时间: 2009-8-4 14:32

毕竟,有些人想维持携带者被歧视的现状。当然,在政府看来,这根本不是歧视,这只是‘误解’ 很同意这个说法 ZF一直打压着我们
作者: cb0204    时间: 2009-8-4 14:34

可恶 我也是被打针感染的 谁负这个责任 我们一村同龄人大把交叉感染!!!!

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