For long-term treatment of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, switching from tenofovir-disoproxil-fumarate (TDF) to tenofovir-alafenamide (TAF) may prevent renal dysfunction and bone loss. However, the precise effects of this switch on the blood lipid profile remain to be clarified. This is an important issue as TDF is known to have effects on both low- and high-density lipids. Therefore, our retrospective multi-center study aimed to evaluate the effects of switching from TDF to TAF on the lipid profile of patients with HBV infection. Samples were obtained prior to the switch from TDF to TAF and at 6-12 months after TAF initiation. In some cases, additional samples obtained pre- and post-TDF administration were available for analysis. Serum cholesterol levels, including oxidized-low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and non-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-c), and the rate of dyslipidemia, according to the NCEP-ATP III lipid risk classification, were analyzed. The data from 69 patients were analyzed, including 33 patients with pre- and post-TDF-initiation serum samples. Total cholesterol (T-chol), HDL-c, LDL-c, non-HDL-c, and oxidized LDL levels increased significantly after switching to TAF. With regard to sequential changes pre- to post-TAF, TDF was associated with significantly lower serum T-chol, HDL-c, and oxidized LDL-c levels, with T-chol, HDL-c, LDL-c, and oxidized LDL-c levels increasing significantly after the switch. The switch from TDF to TAF was also associated with an increase in the rate of dyslipidemia, from 33% to 39%, with an increase in the rate of severe dyslipidemia of 1.4% and 5.8%, based on T-chol and LDL-c levels. Of note, no cases of severe dyslipidemia were detected pre-TAF treatment. As oxidized LDL-c and non-HDL-c are strongly associated with atherosclerosis development, careful monitoring of lipid is needed after switching from TDF to TAF in this clinical population.
Conflict of interest statement
Professor Naoya Sakamoto received lecture fees from Bristol Myers Squibb and Pharmaceutical K.K, grants and endowments from MSD K.K and Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and a research grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc. Dr. Goki Suda received research grants from Bristol Myers Squibb, Pharmaceutical K.K, MSD K.K, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, and Gilead Sciences, Inc. The other authors have nothing to disclose, including any other relevant declarations relating to employment, consultancy, patents, products in development, marketed products, etc. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials. 作者: StephenW 时间: 2022-1-21 14:15