
标题: Vaccitech 报告在慢性 HBV 的 1b/2a 期临床研究中进行有希望的中 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2021-12-8 12:59     标题: Vaccitech 报告在慢性 HBV 的 1b/2a 期临床研究中进行有希望的中

Vaccitech 报告在慢性 HBV 的 1b/2a 期临床研究中进行有希望的中期疗效分析
2021 年 12 月 7 日上午 8:00 ETVaccitech plc (VACC)

来自 27 名在慢性乙型肝炎 (CHB) 患者中完成 3 个月的 HBV002 研究的患者的中期数据显示表面抗原 (HBsAg) 水平发生显着变化,特别是在接受低剂量纳武单抗和异源加强 (VTP) 的组中-300)。

HBV002 研究招募了 4 个组来探索初免-加强载体组合,即 MVA-HBV (prime) + MVA-HBV (boost)、ChAdOx1-HBV (prime) + MVA-HBV (boost) (VTP-300)、VTP -300,在加强时给予低剂量 nivolumab,VTP-300,在初始和加强时给予低剂量 nivolumab。

HBV002 研究旨在评估不同的治疗方案,研究人员现在将重点关注第 2 组(涉及 VTP-300 不使用纳武单抗给药)和第 3 组(涉及 VTP-300 与 MVA 加强给药的纳武单抗给药)在这些研究组中测量到的令人鼓舞的表面抗原 (HBsAg) 减少。

英国牛津,2021 年 12 月 7 日 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vaccitech plc (VACC) 是一家从事发现和开发新型免疫疗法和疫苗的临床阶段生物制药公司,今天宣布了一项有希望的安全性和有效性中期分析来自 HBV002 研究的数据,包括对 CHB 患者表面抗原 (HBsAg) 水平的审查。

最近在 2021 AASLD The Liver Meeting® 上报告了第 1 组和第 2 组免疫原性和安全性的中期分析数据,现在已经分析了更广泛的疗效数据集,包括接受 VTP-300 联合低剂量纳武单抗的患者(第 3 组和第 4 组)。

该公司得出的结论是,结果支持协议变更,该变更将导致专注于将患者纳入第 2 组和第 3 组。

对第 3 组(服用抗病毒药物至少 12 个月且 HBV DNA 检测不到且平均起始 HBsAg 水平为 441 IU/ml 的患者)的分析显示:

    在 3 个月时,3/6 患者的 HBsAg 平均下降幅度大于 1 个对数级 (-1.04) 和大于 1 个对数级下降。
    一名患者在开始免疫治疗方案 3 个月后检测不到 HBsAg。
    一名降低的患者在 MVA 增强加纳武单抗后经历了转氨酶发作,并在 3 周内消退。
    尽管患者数量非常少,但第 3 组和其他组之间的平均 HBsAg 差异非常显着(p < 0.01)。

此外,在没有使用纳武单抗的 VTP-300 组(第 2 组)中,一名患者在第 3 个月 (2/6) 的 log 下降了 1.29,一名患者下降了 0.70 log。

HBV002 的注册将持续到 2022 年,预计在 2022 年上半年进行进一步的中期分析,包括更多的 HBsAg 水平数据。

Vaccitech 首席科学官 Thomas Evans 医学博士说:“正在进行的 HBV002 研究的这些中期疗效结果非常有希望,并且建立在今年 AASLD 上公布的第 1 组和第 2 组最近的安全性和 T 细胞免疫原性数据的基础上。 “新的分析表明,一些接受单独接受 VTP-300 以及与低剂量检查点抑制剂联合治疗的慢性抗病毒药物的患者,HBsAg 水平显着降低。”

HBsAg 是慢性 HBV 感染的标志。接受当前标准护理 HBV 治疗的患者中,只有不到 10% 的患者能够实现明显的、持续的 HBsAg 降低或消失,这种状态与疾病的功能性治愈相关。

先前对 HBV002 进行的中期分析数据表明,VTP-300 在 CHB 患者中具有良好的耐受性,并且诱导的 T 细胞显示出对两种主要 HBV 基因型(C 和 D)的交叉反应。


HBV002 是一项开放标签试验,用于确定 ChAdOx1-HBV 和 MVA-HBV (VTP-300) 在有或没有低剂量纳武单抗的情况下,在核苷上 HBV DNA 被抑制的慢性 HBV 患者中的安全性、免疫原性和初步疗效( t) 治疗。

截至 2021 年 12 月 6 日,共有 33 名患者入组,未报告任何有关安全性信号或严重不良反应。

2021 年 10 月在 AASLD The Liver Meeting® 上公布的数据表明,与在 HBV001 中单独服用 ChAdOx1-HBV 的健康对照相比,VTP-300 诱导了对所有抗原的抗原特异性 T 细胞反应,对核心和聚合酶的反应升高,后者对表面抗原表现出更大的反应。与 HBV001 结果一样,在大多数患者中测量到与基因型 D 特定肽交叉反应的 T 细胞反应。
关于 Vaccitech plc。

Vaccitech 是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,致力于发现和开发用于治疗和预防传染病和癌症的新型免疫疗法和疫苗。该公司的专有平台包括专有的改良猴腺病毒载体,称为 ChAdOx1 和 ChAdOx2,以及经过充分验证的改良型安卡拉牛痘(MVA)增强载体,两者均具有可证明的耐受性,且无法在人体中复制。与其他技术和方法相比,ChAdOx 初始治疗与随后的 MVA 增强相结合,一直产生显着更高数量的 CD8+ T 细胞。该公司拥有广泛的实体瘤和病毒感染的临床和临床前阶段治疗计划以及预防性病毒疫苗计划。 Vaccitech 与牛津大学共同发明了一种 COVID-19 疫苗,现已获准在许多地区使用,并通过牛津大学创新 (OUI) 在全球范围内独家授权给阿斯利康 (AstraZeneca)。 Vaccitech 有权从 OUI 从阿斯利康获得里程碑和特许权收入的一部分。
作者: StephenW    时间: 2021-12-8 13:00

Vaccitech reports promising interim efficacy analysis in Phase 1b/2a clinical study in chronic HBV
Dec. 07, 2021 8:00 AM ETVaccitech plc (VACC)

Interim data from 27 patients, who had completed 3 months in the HBV002 study in chronic Hepatitis B (CHB) patients, demonstrated noted changes in surface antigen (HBsAg) levels, especially in the group receiving low-dose nivolumab with the heterologous boost (VTP-300).

The HBV002 study is enrolling 4 groups to explore prime-boost vector combinations, either MVA-HBV (prime) + MVA-HBV (boost), ChAdOx1-HBV (prime) + MVA-HBV (boost) (VTP-300), VTP-300 with low-dose nivolumab given at the boost, and VTP-300 with low-dose nivolumab given at both the prime and the boost.

The HBV002 study is designed to evaluate the different regimens and investigators will now look to focus enrollment on Group 2 which involves dosing of VTP-300 without nivolumab and Group 3, which involves dosing of VTP-300 with nivolumab administered with the MVA boost, due to the encouraging surface antigen (HBsAg) decrease measured in these study groups.

OXFORD, United Kingdom, Dec. 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vaccitech plc (VACC), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of novel immunotherapeutics and vaccines, today announced a promising interim analysis of safety and efficacy data from the HBV002 study, including a review of surface antigen (HBsAg) levels in CHB patients.

Data from an interim analysis of immunogenicity and safety in Groups 1 and 2 were recently reported at the 2021 AASLD The Liver Meeting®, and a broader efficacy data set has now been analyzed, including patients receiving VTP-300 in combination with low-dose nivolumab (Groups 3 and 4).

The company has concluded that the results support a protocol change that will lead to a focus on enrolling patients into Groups 2 and 3.

The analysis of Group 3, patients on antivirals for at least 12 months with undetectable HBV DNA and a mean starting HBsAg level of 441 IU/ml, showed:

    Mean of greater than one log decrease (-1.04) and a greater than one log decrease in HBsAg in 3/6 patients at 3 months.
    HBsAg in one patient was undetectable 3 months after starting the immunotherapy regimen.
    One patient with a decrease experienced a transaminase flare after the MVA boost plus nivolumab that resolved over 3 weeks.
    Despite the very small patient numbers the difference in mean HBsAg between Group 3 and the other groups was highly significant (p < 0.01).

In addition, in the VTP-300 group without nivolumab (Group 2), one patient had a 1.29 log and one patient had a 0.70 log decrease at month 3 (2/6).

Enrollment into HBV002 will continue into 2022 and a further interim analysis, including more HBsAg level data, is anticipated during the first half of 2022.

“These interim efficacy results of the ongoing HBV002 study are very promising and build upon recent safety and T cell immunogenicity data from Groups 1 and 2 that were presented at AASLD this year,” said Thomas Evans, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer of Vaccitech. “The new analysis showed that some patients on chronic antivirals receiving VTP-300 alone, as well as in combination with a low-dose checkpoint inhibitor, experienced meaningful decreases in HBsAg levels.”

HBsAg is a hallmark of chronic HBV infection. Fewer than 10% of patients on current standard of care HBV therapies ever achieve distinct, sustained HBsAg decrease or loss, a state associated with functional cure of the disease.

Data from a previous interim analysis of HBV002 showed that VTP-300 was well-tolerated in CHB patients and that induced T cells were shown to be cross-reactive to two major HBV genotypes (C and D).

About HBV002

HBV002 is an open-label trial to determine the safety, immunogenicity and preliminary efficacy of ChAdOx1-HBV and MVA-HBV (VTP-300), with or without low-dose nivolumab, in patients with chronic HBV with supressed HBV DNA on nucleos(t)ide therapy.

As of December 6th, 2021, 33 patients had been enrolled, and no concerning safety signals or Serious Adverse Reactions have been reported.

Data presented at the AASLD The Liver Meeting® in October 2021 showed that VTP-300 induced antigen specific T cell responses to all antigens, with elevated responses to core and polymerase, as compared to healthy controls dosed with ChAdOx1-HBV alone in HBV001, who exhibited a greater response to surface antigen. As in the HBV001 results, T cell responses cross-reactive to Genotype D specific peptides were measured in the majority of patients.
About Vaccitech plc.

Vaccitech is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of novel immunotherapeutics and vaccines for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases and cancer. The company’s proprietary platform comprises proprietary modified simian adenoviral vectors, known as ChAdOx1 and ChAdOx2, as well as the well-validated Modified Vaccinia Ankara, or MVA, boost vector, both with demonstrable tolerability profiles and without the ability to replicate in humans. The combination of a ChAdOx prime treatment with subsequent MVA boost has consistently generated significantly higher magnitudes of CD8+ T cells compared with other technologies and approaches. The company has a broad pipeline of both clinical and preclinical stage therapeutic programs in solid tumors and viral infections and prophylactic viral vaccine programs. Vaccitech co-invented a COVID-19 vaccine with the University of Oxford, now approved for use in many territories and exclusively licensed worldwide to AstraZeneca through Oxford University Innovation, or OUI. Vaccitech is entitled to receive a share of the milestones and royalty income received by OUI from AstraZeneca.
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