
标题: 2021 年 8 月 23 日Enochian BioSciences 宣布,著名的 Anna Suk-Fong Lok [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2021-9-21 12:09     标题: 2021 年 8 月 23 日Enochian BioSciences 宣布,著名的 Anna Suk-Fong Lok

傑出的科學和臨床領導者加入以諾生物科學的乙型肝炎治療科學顧問委員會2021 年 8 月 23 日美國東部時間 10:18 |資料來源:以諾生物科學公司。    ...洛杉磯,2021 年 8 月 23 日(環球新聞社)--(納斯達克股票代碼:ENOB)- 專注於傳染病和癌症的基因修飾細胞和免疫療法的公司 Enochian BioSciences 宣布,著名的 Anna Suk-Fong Lok 博士, MD, 已加入科學顧問委員會,尋求乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV) 的潛在治療方法,乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV) 每年導致全球約 3.5 億人的肝臟疾病和 100 萬人死亡。樂教授是領先的臨床研究人員。她是密歇根州安娜堡市密歇根醫學院內科內科的 Alice Lohrman Andrews 肝病學研究教授,也是密歇根大學醫學院臨床肝病學主任和臨床研究助理院長。Lok 博士的研究重點是乙型和丙型肝炎的自然病程和治療,以及肝癌的預防。她發表了 550 多篇關於病毒性肝炎和肝臟疾病的論文,並合著了五版美國肝病研究協會 (AASLD) 乙型肝炎指南。她是 AASLD 的前任主席。在 2002 年至 2012 年的十年間,Lok 博士是世界上被引用次數最多的前 1% 的科學家之一。“以諾的發明者兼聯合創始人 Serhat Gumrukçu 博士在 2019 年 12 月的一次重要科學會議上的演講引起了我的興趣,他在會上引用了早期數據和非常創新的潛在治愈 HBV 策略。從那時起,公司取得了重大進展,我很高興現在能夠更加投入並為推動臨床試驗的科學發展做出貢獻,”Lok 博士說。科學顧問委員會主席兼以諾董事會成員 Carol Brosgart 博士說:“我很高興 Anna 加入 Fabien Zoulim 博士和 Peter Revill 博士,成為科學顧問委員會的成員。 Anna 帶來了數十年的臨床研究專業知識。他們都是肝炎領域的頂尖研究人員,創造了一個非常強大的團隊。”“以諾正在進入一個關鍵階段,以加速開發 HBV 的潛在治愈方法,迄今為止取得了可喜的結果,”以諾首席執行官馬克·迪布爾博士說。 “正如之前宣布的那樣,FDA 接受了我們的研究前新藥 (IND) 申請。隨著我們準備推進監管程序,擁有安娜廣泛臨床研究專業知識的人加入我們的科學顧問委員會是及時的。”關於以諾生物科學公司Enochian BioSciences, Inc. 是一家生物製藥公司,專注於為基因修飾細胞和免疫療法開發創新平台,以潛在治愈和治療致命疾病。該公司的基因修飾細胞和免疫治療平台有可能應用於多種適應症,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、乙型肝炎、所有冠狀病毒和流感病毒以及腫瘤學。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 Enochianbio.com
作者: StephenW    时间: 2021-9-21 12:09

Distinguished Scientific and Clinical Leader to Join Enochian BioSciences’ Hepatitis B Cure Scientific Advisory Board

August 23, 2021 10:18 ET | Source: Enochian BioSciences, Inc.


LOS ANGELES, Aug. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (NASDAQ: ENOB) – Enochian BioSciences, a company focused on gene modified cellular and immune therapies for infectious diseases and cancer, announced that the renowned Dr. Anna Suk-Fong Lok, MD, has joined the Scientific Advisory Board for a potential cure for Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), that causes liver disease in approximately 350 million people globally and 1 million deaths every year.

Professor Lok is a leading clinical researcher. She is the Alice Lohrman Andrews Research Professor in Hepatology in the Department of Internal Medicine, at Michigan Medicine in Ann Arbor, Michigan and is the Director of Clinical Hepatology and Assistant Dean for Clinical Research in the University of Michigan Medical School.

Dr. Lok's research focuses on the natural history and treatment of hepatitis B and C, and the prevention of liver cancer. She has published more than 550 papers on viral hepatitis and liver diseases, and has co-authored five editions of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Guidelines on Hepatitis B. She is a former President of the AASLD. Dr. Lok was one of the top 1% of most cited scientists in the world for the decade 2002-2012.

“I was intrigued by Enochian’s Inventor and Co-Founder, Dr. Serhat Gumrukçu’s presentation at an important scientific meeting in December 2019, where he cited the early data and very innovative strategy to potentially cure HBV. Since then, the Company has made significant progress and I am very pleased to now become more engaged and contribute to advancing the science towards clinical trials,” Dr. Lok said.

Dr. Carol Brosgart, the Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board and member of the Enochian Board of Directors, said, “I am very excited that Anna is joining Dr. Fabien Zoulim and Dr. Peter Revill as members of the Scientific Advisory Board. Anna brings decades-long expertise in clinical research. They are all among the top researchers in the field of Hepatitis, creating a remarkably high-powered group.”

“Enochian is entering a key phase to accelerate the development of a potential cure for HBV with promising results thus far,” said Dr. Mark Dybul, Enochian’s CEO. “As announced previously, the FDA accepted our Pre-Investigational New Drug (IND) application. As we prepare to advance through the regulatory process, it is timely for someone with Anna’s extensive clinical research expertise to join our Scientific Advisory Board.”

About Enochian BioSciences, Inc.
Enochian BioSciences, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing innovative platforms for gene-modified cellular and immune therapies to potentially cure and treat deadly diseases. The company’s gene-modified cell and immune therapy platforms can potentially be applied to multiple indications, including HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, all Corona and Influenza viruses, and Oncology. For more information, please visit Enochianbio.com

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