
标题: Ascletis和Roche在中国进行独家Pegasys合作,以治疗病毒性肝炎 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2018-11-21 13:45     标题: Ascletis和Roche在中国进行独家Pegasys合作,以治疗病毒性肝炎

Ascletis and Roche enter exclusive Pegasys partnership in China for viral Hepatitis

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Ascletis Pharma Inc.

05:30 ET

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SHANGHAI, HANGZHOU and SHAOXING, China, Nov. 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Roche) and Ascletis BioScience Co., Ltd. (Ascletis, listed parent company stock code 1672.HK) jointly announce that starting from 1st Dec 2018, Ascletis and Roche will expand their partnership in viral Hepatitis. Following the first successful partnership and promising launch for Ganovo (Danoprevir), Ascletis and Roche have decided to embark on a Pegasys partnership. Roche will grant Ascletis an exclusive sales & marketing promotion right in Mainland China for Pegasys, a leading pegylated interferon treatment for Hepatitis B and C.

It is estimated that over 86 million* patients in China are chronically infected with Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). Pegasys is a well-established pegylated interferon for viral Hepatitis with more than 15 years of branding in China. Leveraging on Ascletis' strong focus in the areas of viral Hepatitis, Ganovo success and strong Pegasys branding, Ascletis and Roche will be well-positioned to provide a complementary and comprehensive product portfolio to serve the high unmet medical needs for Chinese Hepatitis B and C patients.

"We are pleased to enter this strategic collaboration with Ascletis, a trusted partner with strong commitment to the area of viral Hepatitis, a major health concern in China. With this new model of business, we will further enhance the clinical usage of Pegasys in Hepatitis treatment in order to benefit more patients. Hepatitis B continues to be a core area of research and development at Roche. Roche has a long-term commitment to China and our investment in China continues to grow," said Hong Chow, General Manager, Roche Pharma China.

Jinzi J. Wu, PhD, Founder, Chairman and CEO at Ascletis added, "Roche has been an outstanding partner who has always put patients' needs first. Both Ascletis and Roche are committed to developing innovative Hepatitis B medicine. Ascletis has demonstrated strong development capability and solid commercial presence in China in the area of Hepatitis. The structure of this transformative collaboration will better serve China Hepatitis patients and create significant value for our shareholders. This marks a major step forward for Ascletis to address unmet needs of both Hepatitis B and C patients in China, which is in line with our strategy as a fully integrated China biotech leader focused on liver diseases."

About Pegasys

Pegasys (Peginterferon alfa-2a) is a modified form of interferon (IFN), a naturally occurring protein produced by the body to fight viruses, approved to treat HBV and HCV.

About Ganovo (Danoprevir)

Ganovo (Danoprevir) is an innovative Hepatitis C drug in-licensed from Roche in 2013 and fully developed and commercialized by Ascletis in China.

* Polaris Observatory Collaborators, et al. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Mar 26. (1)

SOURCE Ascletis Pharma Inc.

作者: StephenW    时间: 2018-11-21 13:45


Ascletis Pharma Inc.



上海,杭州和绍兴,中国,2018年11月20日/美通社/ - 上海罗氏制药有限公司(罗氏)和Ascletis BioScience有限公司(Ascletis,上市母公司股票代码1672.HK)联合宣布启动从2018年12月1日起,Ascletis和罗氏将扩大他们在病毒性肝炎方面的合作关系。在Ganovo(Danoprevir)首次成功合作并推出有希望的发布之后,Ascletis和Roche决定开始与Pegasys合作。罗氏将授予Ascletis Pegasys在中国大陆的独家销售和营销推广权,Pegasys是乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎的主要聚乙二醇干扰素治疗药物。

据估计,中国有超过8600万*患者慢性感染乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)。 Pegasys是一种成熟的聚乙二醇干扰素,用于治疗病毒性肝炎,在中国拥有超过15年的品牌推广经验。凭借Ascletis在病毒性肝炎,Ganovo成功和强大的Pegasys品牌领域的强烈关注,Ascletis和Roche将有能力提供互补和全面的产品组合,以满足中国乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎患者未满足的医疗需求。

“我们很高兴与Ascletis进行战略合作,Ascletis是一家值得信赖的合作伙伴,致力于中国主要的健康问题 - 病毒性肝炎领域。通过这种新的业务模式,我们将进一步提高Pegasys在肝炎中的临床应用为了使更多的患者受益,乙肝仍然是罗氏研发的核心领域。罗氏对中国的长期承诺,我们在中国的投资继续增长,“罗氏总经理洪周说。中国制药。

Ascletis创始人,董事长兼首席执行官Jinzi J. Wu博士补充说:“罗氏一直是一位优秀的合作伙伴,始终把患者的需求放在第一位.Ascletis和罗氏都致力于开发创新的乙型肝炎药物.Ascletis已经证明了强劲的发展中国在肝炎领域的能力和稳固的商业存在。这种转型合作的结构将更好地服务于中国肝炎患者并为我们的股东创造重要价值。这标志着Ascletis向前迈出了重要一步,以解决乙型肝炎和乙型肝炎的未满足需求。中国的C患者,这符合我们作为一家全面整合的中国生物技术领导者的战略,专注于肝脏疾病。“





* Polaris Observatory Collaborators,et al。柳叶刀Gastroenterol Hepatol。 2018年3月26日。(1)

消息来源Ascletis Pharma Inc.

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